harvesting user data on the internet, The Internet: Built to Fail
data layer, new and powerful, in blockchains, The Big Flip and “Super Platforms”
data layersblockchains as public data layers, The Blockchains Themselves Are Public Data Layers
potential of new, powerful data layers, The Potential of New, Powerful Data Layers
data marketplace, The Vision of the Data Marketplace, Ocean: Unlocking More Data
data sciencebeing behind competitors in, You are behind in data science
boosting data culture in advance of blockchains, Boost your data culture in advance of blockchains
quality of, becoming more important, Data Science Quality Could Be More Important Than Ever
unearthing insights about data while preserving privacy, Securing and Protecting the Data
data scientists, Data Science Quality Could Be More Important Than Ever
database (in blockchains), Beth Is Correct
DAV Foundation, Machines Working Together to Serve Us
deadcoins.com, Hit Me Again, Please: What the Heck Are Tokens?
Decent, affordable health insurance for all, Decent: Affordable Health Insurance for All
decentralizationas dominant feature of blockchains, Enter Blockchains
at center of blockchains, At the Center: Decentralization
bitcoin as decentralized currency, What Does Bitcoin Have to Do with Blockchains?
democratization built into blockchain technologies, The First Technology with Democratization Baked In?
forms of value best delivered by centralized oganization, Put a Spotlight on Hidden Value
idea of, still evolving in blockchain technologies, How Far Along Are We?
of entrepreneurship, The Decentralization of Entrepreneurship
decentralization movement, KINDLING, MEET MATCHinterest in technologies other than blockchains, KINDLING, MEET MATCH
missing signs of and opportunities it brings, Opportunity Hidden by Complexity
Decentralized Identity Foundation, uPort: Take Back Control of Identity
Deloitte, survey of blockchain-savvy executives, KINDLING, MEET MATCH
design as cornerstone of technology adoption, The Best Technology May Not Win
digital currency, Opportunity Hidden by Complexity
digital foundation, forging of, Opportunity Hidden by Complexity
digital transformationadvantages and changes in, KINDLING, MEET MATCH
blockchains as must-have, Business-First View: Yet Another Digital Transformation Must-Have?
dark underbelly, KINDLING, MEET MATCH
most globally dispersed, in age of open innovation, Breaking Away from Silicon Valley
to transparency, trust, and accountability, KINDLING, MEET MATCH
direct-to-consumer retailers, When Cost Is Uncovered
discontent over present state of things, KINDLING, MEET MATCH
disruption from blockchains and related technologies, CATCHING FIREdealing with approaching flood of disruption, In the Blockchain Era, This Is Not Good Enough
investing in disruptive capability, Investing in Disruptive Capability
organization models birthed from, Organization Models Birthed from Disruption
ecosystem-based business model, The Value of an Ecosystemintegrating insurance into, Insurance: atomization of time and space
Mobivity, aligning ecosystem of brands and consumers, Mobivity: Aligning an Ecosystem of Brands and Consumers
understanding how community, ecosystem, and mission intersect, Understand how your community, ecosystem, and mission intersect
educationatomizing credentials, Education: atomizing credentials
blockchain applications to, Blockchains Across Industries
energy, blockchain applications in, Blockchains Across Industries
engagementcompensation for, Blockchains Promise Direct and Feature-rich Compensation
customers wanting different levels of, Driving Escalating Commitment
understanding meaning of quality engagement, Understand what quality engagement and content means to you
Enterprise Ethereum Alliance, Investing in Disruptive Capability
entrepreneurship, decentralization of, The Decentralization of Entrepreneurship
Ethereum, There Will Be Blood
European Uniondata protection and privacy regulation, Fighting the Idea of Ownership
investment in blockchain technologies, How Far Along Are We?
Evernym, uPort: Take Back Control of Identity
evolution, hyper-speed, propelled by open innovation, The Age of Open Innovation
executivesblockchain-savvy, Deloitte survey of, KINDLING, MEET MATCH
not taking responsibility for the customer, Executives don’t think they have responsibility for the customer
Facebookmisuse of data by Cambridge Analytica, But Now, We are Poised for a Shift
personal data gathered by, Fighting the Idea of Ownership
failure rates of startups, There Will Be Blood
failure, building on, Building on The Backs of Failure
fake news, Fake News Fuels Skepticismblockchains combatting, Tracking the Intangibles: Can Blockchains Kill Fake News?
fat protocol, thin apps, The Big Flip and “Super Platforms”
Fidelity Investments, raising blockchain literacy, Time to Rethink Innovation
financial services industrycomplete transformation by blockchains, Death by Blockchains?
discontent with centralized financial institutions, Enter Blockchains
expectation of having a blockchain strategy, How Far Along Are We?
upending of, Atomize—and liquify—assets
FireChat (free messaging service), Open Garden: Disintermediating the Internet Service Provider
food supply, fraudulent or contaminated ingredients in, A Business Case for Urgency
gamerspotential early consumer adopters, Where It Could All Begin
retail brand rewarding, Using Tokens to Shape Individual Behavior
gamification, The Potency of Tokens + Gamificationflip side of token-fueled, gamified technology, The Dangers of a Coin-Operated World
Gartner, hype cycle, Bite While the Apple Is Raw
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Fighting the Idea of Ownership
#GenerationBlockchain, A Huge and Disillusioned Generation
genesis block (Bitcoin blockchain), What Does Bitcoin Have to Do with Blockchains?
GiveTrack, GiveTrack: Holding Charities Accountable for Use of Donations
govern-by-crowd technology, Death by Blockchains?
governance, We’re Still Figuring out Governance
governmentblockchain applications in, Blockchains Across Industries
centralized control and blockchain technologies, The First Technology with Democratization Baked In?
transformation by blockchains, Death by Blockchains?
Gutenberg, Johannes, Enter Blockchains
hacking blockchains, difficulty of, Why is it Called a Blockchain?
hashes linking and identifying blocks, Why is it Called a Blockchain?
health careaffordable health insurance for all, Decent: Affordable Health Insurance for All
blockchain applications to, Blockchains Across Industries
pharmaceuticals, prone to corruption, A Business Case for Urgency
regulation of data protection and privacy, Fighting the Idea of Ownership
responsible decentralization over time, How Far Along Are We?
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), Fighting the Idea of Ownership
hierarchy in networks, How Far Along Are We?
Human Trust Protocol (Hub), The Big Flip and “Super Platforms”
humanity, programming into technology, THE OPPORTUNITY AND THE HOPE ARE HUMAN
hype cycle, Bite While the Apple Is Raw
/> Hyperledger, Investing in Disruptive Capability
ICOs (initial coin offerings), Unlocking the New Tools of Open Innovationfailures and successes of startups funded with, There Will Be Blood
identityblack box of identity data on blockchains, Your Very Own Black Box
blockchains using verifiable identities, Machines Working Together to Serve Us
consumer adoption of blockchain-based identities, At the Starting Line
no complete answer to, Identity Hasn’t Been Solved
self-sovereign identity, Consumer at the Controls
tapping into state of blockchain identity work, Tap into the state of blockchain identity work
uPort, taking control of identity, uPort: Take Back Control of Identity
verification, in blockchains, At the Center: Decentralization
identity, proof of, Blockcerts: Trustworthy Digital Records
IEOs (initial exchange offerings), Unlocking the New Tools of Open Innovation
impactincenting, Incenting Not Just Action, but Impact
incentives, aligned, The Six Forces of an Unblocked Era, The Many Roles of Cryptoassets, Summarybeauty of system-wide alignment, The Beauty of System-Wide Alignment
cautions and considerations with new incentive models, Cautions and Considerations-Use someone else’s application or platform to run test campaignsexplaining too much or too little, Trying to explain too much or too little
finding and collaborating with crypto-savvy customers, Find your crypto-savvy customers and collaborate with them
intersection of community, ecosystem, and mission, Understand how your community, ecosystem, and mission intersect
running test campaigns on someone else's application, Use someone else’s application or platform to run test campaigns
treating customers like a social experiment, Treating customers like a social experiment
understanding meaning of quality engagement and content, Understand what quality engagement and content means to you
failure of loyalty programs, Loyalty Programs Are Broken
Mobivity, aligining interests of brands and consumers, Mobivity: Aligning an Ecosystem of Brands and Consumers
new marketing tools not always driving ROI, New Tools Haven’t Always Driven ROI
programming incentives and programming behavior, Implications: Program the Incentives, Program the Behavior-The Power of Partnershipagile strategies and smarter marketing, Agile Strategies, Smarter Marketing
deciding where to start, But Where Do You Start?
driving escalating commitment, Driving Escalating Commitment
incenting not just action, but impact, Incenting Not Just Action, but Impact
next generation influencer strategies, The Next-Gen Influencer Strategy
power of partnership, The Power of Partnership
reinvigorating the loyalty program, Reinvigorate the Loyalty Program
stoking community through tokens, Stoking Community through Tokens
using blockchains to ensure quality, Using Blockchains to Ensure Quality
using tokens to influence individual behavior, Using Tokens to Shape Individual Behavior
steady extinction of the loyal customer, The Steady Extinction of the Loyal Customer
Swytch, incenting global adoption of renewable energy, Swytch: Incenting Global-Scale Adoption of Renewable Energy
what blockchains and tokens make possible, Powerful Incentives at Scale-Blurring the Lines between Business Owners and Participantsblurring lines between business owners and participants, Blurring the Lines between Business Owners and Participants
fine-tuned calibration and impact of tokens, Fine-Tuned Calibration—and Impact
more powerful, aligned communities, More Powerful, Aligned Communities
potency of tokens and gamification, The Potency of Tokens + Gamification
tokens, Hit Me Again, Please: What the Heck Are Tokens?
tokens' foundation in behavioral psychology, Tokens Build on a Foundation of Behavioral Psychology
influencer strategies, The Next-Gen Influencer Strategy
influencers, The Next-Gen Influencer Strategy
information technologies, recurring cycle of development, The First Technology with Democratization Baked In?
initial coin offerings (ICOs), Unlocking the New Tools of Open Innovationfailures and successes of startups funded with, There Will Be Blood
initial exchange offerings (IEOs), Unlocking the New Tools of Open Innovation
innovationage of open innovation, The Age of Open Innovation
decentralization of entrepreneurship, The Decentralization of Entrepreneurship
heterogeneous collaboration required for, Heterogeneous Collaboration Required
higher rates of failure in accelerated cycle, There Will Be Blood
HSBC team focused on digital innovation, Diana Biggs: From Cypherpunk to Enterprise Innovation Leader
rethinking, Time to Rethink Innovation
second mover advantage, Building on The Backs of Failure
shared knowledge driving, Lydia Krefta: Shared Knowledge Drives Innovation-Lydia Krefta: Shared Knowledge Drives Innovation
State of Innovation report, Organization Models Birthed from Disruption
unlocking new tools of open innovation, Unlocking the New Tools of Open Innovation
innovation programs, Organization Models Birthed from Disruption
innovationsdata-driven, Enabling a New Wave of Innovation?
insurance, atomization of time and space, Insurance: atomization of time and space
intermediaries, Wired for Middlemen(see also middlemen)
centralized, A Huge and Disillusioned Generation
traditional, A Broad Range of Industries Are Vulnerable
international money transfer, Value Is Not One-Size-Fits-All
internetblockchains vs., Death by Blockchains?
boosting consumer demand for transparency, Seeking Assurance in a Complex World
breaking down foundations of loyalty, A New Spin on Spin?
built to fail, The Internet: Built to Fail
challenges triggered for brands, How Did We Get Here?
companies missing importance of, Bite While the Apple Is Raw
consumers as product, not customers, Imbalance is Baked into our Digital Norms
creating new internet for decentralized apps, The Big Flip and “Super Platforms”
early days of internet investing, The Challenge and Opportunity in Early Moves
failings in original design, addressed by blockchains, Enter Blockchains
intermediaries to facilitate interactions, Wired for Middlemen
making shopping around habitual, The Steady Extinction of the Loyal Customer
Internet of Things (IoT), KINDLING, MEET MATCHblockchain applications in, Blockchains Across Industries
blockchains and data from IoT, changing insurance, Insurance: atomization of time and space
contributions of data or content from, Contribution Doesn’t Always Mean Human
data collected by, IoT Fuels the Fire
ecosystem-based business model for, The Value of an Ecosystem
machine-to-machine applications, Machines Working Together to Serve Us
keys (cryptographic) for blockchain participants, At the Center: Decentralization
knowledge of new technologies, importance of, Bite While the Apple Is Rawextreme gap between insiders and others, Opportunity Hidden by Complexity
Krefta, Lydia, Lydia Krefta: Shared Knowledge Drives Innovation-Lydia Krefta: Shared Knowledge Drives Innovation
land registry, streamlining, Lantmäteriet: Streamlining Land Registry
Lantmäteriet, streamlining land registry, Lantmäteriet: Streamlining Land Registry
La`Zooz, peer-to-peer ride sharing, Peer-to-peer ride sharing
Learning Machine, B
lockcerts: Trustworthy Digital Records, Education: atomizing credentials
learning organizations, Organization Models Birthed from Disruption
loyaltyloyalty programs for consumers, Loyalty Programs Are Broken
reinvigorating the loyalty program, Reinvigorate the Loyalty Program
steady extinction of the loyal customer, The Steady Extinction of the Loyal Customer
Lyft, A Broad Range of Industries Are Vulnerable
machine learning, KINDLING, MEET MATCH
machine to machine blockchain models, Machines Working Together to Serve Us
manufacturing, blockchain applications in, Blockchains Across Industries
marketingcornerstone of technology adoption, The Best Technology May Not Win
difficulty of earning attention and engagement of consumers, Being Heard Is Harder Than Ever
honing granularity of campaigns, using new incentive model, Using Tokens to Shape Individual Behavior
new spin on spin, A New Spin on Spin?
noise in results of digital marketing, Using Blockchains to Ensure Quality
smarter, with use of tokens, Agile Strategies, Smarter Marketing
stunningly complex and ever-changing options, New Tools Haven’t Always Driven ROI
The Master Switch: The Rise and Fall of Information Empires (Wu), The First Technology with Democratization Baked In?
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