His to Conquer (Alien Masters Book 3)

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His to Conquer (Alien Masters Book 3) Page 11

by Kallista Dane

  “It wasn’t a game. I was sleeping.”

  “Even better. Go back to sleep and you’ll wake yourself when you begin screaming in pleasure.”

  She could feel the heat of his breath, scorching all the tiny nerve endings on her clitoris, setting it ablaze. Choking back a sob of need, she tried to squirm away.

  “Please. Don’t. I can’t achieve gratification again, not for days and days. And you’ll just leave me aching with desire.”

  “Must I continue proving you wrong? Lie back and relax.” This time he didn’t wait for her to obey. He slid his body over hers, pinning her in place.

  With a jolt of surprise she realized he was naked. His body sleek and hot. She felt his manhood, pressing up against her mound, sliding back and forth, stoking the fire inside her even higher. He entwined his fingers with hers, pulling her hands down to pin them at her sides, and slid his body lower. She made a little noise, half-moan, half-sob, wanting to feel that hard length rocking back and forth against her wet slit again.

  Instead, she felt his mouth. Licking. Nibbling. Sucking. He nudged her legs further apart and dipped his tongue into her molten core.

  She screamed then. Screamed again when he let go of her hands and replaced his tongue with his finger. So different from her probe. Hard and insistent. Slipping it inside her, stroking her, moving in and out. Ever so slowly at first. Then faster. Harder. Deeper. She felt the wave building again.

  “No no no! I can’t,” she wailed.

  He shifted, coming back to capture her lips in a kiss. “This is what your body is meant for,” he murmured. “Pleasure so wild, so savage, that you think you’ll explode if you go any higher.” He rammed his finger in, thrusting deep. “Yet you do.”

  She shuddered, digging her heels into the mattress and bucking up against his hand. The wave broke, flooding her entire body. She sagged back on the mattress.

  He pulled his finger out. But instead of stopping, he slid two fingers back in. So long. So thick. Filling her, ramming into her. She gave up all resistance, threw her head back, and let her body take over. Grinding her hips, taking him in. Feeling the next wave build. Higher. Even more powerful.

  The second climax rocked her to the core, vicious and intense. He held her close until her body stopped quivering. Then, after one more sizzling kiss, he slipped out of bed and disappeared in the darkness.

  * * *

  Kylar sat in front of the fire in his room, balls aching. He hadn’t planned on doing that. He’d been haunting the halls, sleepless, when he heard a soft cry coming from the room he’d assigned to the Gadolinean ambassador. He told himself he’d just pop his head in, assure himself that she wasn’t suffering from nightmares after her ordeal in the palace.

  Irna had told him what went on there in great detail. The whippings, the embarrassing physical examinations. The carved wooden plugs they’d all been forced to wear. The trainers had been especially hard on Talia, leaving the plug in her ass for hours at a time, using it to discipline her.

  It was no wonder she shied away from physical contact. Last night, when she described her life back on Earth, where any sexual feelings had practically been outlawed, he marveled that she’d been able to summon enough will to defy her captors after they tormented and humiliated her so completely.

  He’d slipped into her room soundlessly and found her tossing and turning on the bed. In the moonlight streaming through the narrow window, he could see she was still wearing that alluring dress. He’d hardly been able to keep his eyes off her during dinner and he’d only gotten a glimpse of those lush breasts when she stood on the auction block. His attention—and the attention of every male in the room—had been drawn elsewhere when Sori had ripped off the leather and gold belt covering her pussy. Later, she’d been wearing his shirt, so he could only imagine how her breasts looked as he ran his hands over them.

  Tonight at dinner, the laces in the bodice of her gown had barely restrained them. It was cut so low he couldn’t help glancing down the long table every now and then to see if the nipples had finally broken free of their confinement.

  Now one had. A red bud, tight and hard from the cool night air pouring in through the window. Her long legs were bare too, the skirt of her gown hiked up around her thighs.

  When she’d moaned again, stroking her nipple with one hand in her sleep, his iron-hard control had snapped. Maybe her nipple hadn’t grown hard from the cold. Maybe the cause was a naughty dream. One he could turn into reality.

  He’d slipped off his clothes and joined her on the bed. Rubbing her hard nipple with the soft pad of his thumb, watching her twist and moan. He shoved her skirt out of the way and nestled his head between her legs, breathing in her scent, damning his bad luck and his self-imposed code of honor. Last night she’d been horny but drunk. Tonight she was so deeply asleep even his touch hadn’t wakened her. At this rate, his balls would shrivel from old age before he fucked this woman.

  He’d flicked his tongue across her pleasure pearl. Talia gasped. Her eyes popped open.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “I’m doing what I said I would. Rewarding you for your service to my country.”

  He’d kept his voice low and warm. She’d been traumatized, used cruelly. He wanted her to know sex could be the source of exquisite pleasure as well as crippling shame. But he needed to proceed gently, so he brought in a touch of humor.

  “Now pretend you’re sleeping again. I like this game.”

  She’d protested but his playful tone had penetrated her defenses better than any argument. She’d said she made herself climax with a small probe back home so he used a different tactic tonight. Fucking her with his finger, taking her in a way that was familiar to her. He worked it in, just to the first joint. God, she was tight! So responsive, so ripe. Writhing in his arms, giving those little moans of pleasure.

  He slid it in deeper, seeking that special spot where his touch would send her crashing over the edge. She dug her nails into his back and thrust her hips up, wordlessly asking for more.

  He gave it.

  She was almost there when her years of training kicked in. She began protesting, insisting she couldn’t possibly be sexually satisfied two nights in a row. He slid up over her body. Silencing her with a savage kiss, he drove her to a shuddering climax in his arms. Then, just to assert his manhood, he took her even higher, ramming two fingers inside that hot wet passage over and over until she screamed out loud again.

  He slipped away then, wanting her badly but knowing he couldn’t take her yet. He didn’t want to fuck this woman until she asked him for it. Begged him to take her. Knowing the pleasure she’d feel. Desperate for it. Not fearful of it.

  Besides, it wouldn’t be fair to either of them. If he were honest with himself, he knew his hunger for her was fueled as much by the need to escape for at least a little while from the crushing burden of worry over his father’s plight. If he’d taken her tonight, he’d have been no better than the disgusting aliens who’d stood in line to bid on her body. Talia deserved better for her first time than a man who was only using her to meet his own needs.

  He threw himself down on his bed. But the first rays of dawn were breaking on the horizon before he finally found solace in sleep.

  Chapter Nine

  “That’s their plan?” Talia realized she was almost shouting and lowered her voice. “They’ve already stormed the palace once. Balam will be expecting them. They need to do something to keep him occupied. If their leader is out of the picture, his men will have no one in charge. They’ll make stupid mistakes in the heat of battle.” She strode back and forth in Astrid’s room, waving her arms as she ranted. “Get me in to see him. I’ve got to be in that strategy session before they ride out.”

  “I’m not sure that’s wise. My brother won’t be inclined to take advice from one of the womenfolk.” Astrid’s voice took on a placating tone. “After all, what do mere females know of battle?”

  “What do we know of ba
ttle? I spent fifteen years at the academy, studying the greatest conflicts ever fought in the universe. Listening to me can mean the difference between life and death for your brother—and your husband.”

  * * *

  The doors to the Great Hall flew open. A servant rushed in, bowing and trembling.

  “I’m sorry, my lord. I know you said you weren’t to be disturbed, but her excellency was insistent.”

  Talia strode in after him. She’d found a scarlet cloak somewhere, fastening it in front to cover those magnificent tits. It flowed behind her as she came toward the head of the long table.

  He waved the anxious attendant away. “It’s all right, Ivar. I know how persuasive the lady can be.”

  She stopped and inclined her head slightly. Annoyed as he was, he couldn’t help feeling a touch of amusement. That was probably as good an acknowledgement of his royal status as he’d ever get from her.

  “I beg your pardon, your highness, but I must speak with you on a matter of grave importance.” She waved a hand at the startled assembly of warriors. “To all of you—if I have your leave.” She made a half-bow, but he thought it was only to placate the others. Gunnar’s face looked thunderous at the intrusion of a female on these proceedings.

  “Can it not wait? We are in the midst of preparations for battle.”

  “That’s why I’m here. You cannot proceed with your plan.”

  His voice grew cold. “May I remind you, your position as ambassador is merely a symbolic post. The InterStellar Federation has no business meddling in affairs of state on Gadolinium. And even if it did, we would never take counsel from a female. You know nothing of warfare.”

  “I know your plan will fail.”

  A rumble broke out, the assembled Vikings all shouting at once.

  Kylar stood, his anger fully aroused, and raised his voice to be heard over the din. “Enough,” he bellowed. “Leave us now, before my patience with you is fully exhausted. Or by all the gods, I’ll put you over my knee here and now, in front of everyone.”

  “Balam will be expecting a full-on attack. You need to employ the Kyrillian subterfuge.” She saw that she had his attention and hurried on. “Do you know the story of the Trojan horse? Unable to breach the city walls of Troy and rescue their kidnapped queen, the ancient Greeks pretended to accept defeat and sail away. They gave a parting gift to their enemies, the Trojans. A giant wooden horse. The Trojans took the gift into the city, celebrating their victory. But hidden inside was a team of soldiers. Once the Trojans were asleep, they came out and opened the gates. Their comrades stormed the city, slaughtering every last man.”

  Haldor nodded. “She speaks the truth on this. I have heard the tale.”

  “On Earth, men and women alike who aspire to the diplomatic corps study the greatest battles ever fought. Learning to think like history’s most famous generals, kings, and conquerors. Diplomacy is important. But when peace talks fail, you’ll be at war, whether you want to or not.” She paused dramatically, knowing she had their full attention now. “And if you go to war, you’d better know every way to win.”

  “Let her have her say, brother. If she makes no sense, I’ll drag her to you and hold her over your knee myself.” Haldor’s voice was stern, but Kylar saw him give Talia a little wink. He wondered how much of what had gone on in the caverns under the palace Irna had shared with Haldor. It wasn’t like the man to defer to a female for any reason.

  “Speak then. But be quick about it. We ride at dawn.”

  “I’ve overheard Balam speaking with his warriors. Before I left Earth, scientists put a device inside my head that allows me to understand other languages. Faultlessly. Without years of study. Balam is very intelligent. But he chooses the men around him for their brawn, not their brains. He alone makes all the decisions. They follow. Cut off the head of the snake and the body will writhe helplessly on the ground.”

  Kylar saw heads nodding here and there around the table.

  “What is this Kyrillian subterfuge of which you spoke?”

  “Balam is seething right now, furious with me because I made him look the fool in front of half the galaxy. He’d love nothing more than to bring me to my knees, this time forever. The Kyrillians sent a lone female behind enemy lines. She literally cut the head off the snake that threatened her people.”

  “Are you suggesting that you go alone to do battle with Balam?” Kylar’s tone was incredulous.

  “Not battle. I’m going to allow him to capture me again.”

  Kylar began shaking his head. “I cannot allow it. Besides, this is not your affair.”

  Talia met his eyes squarely, her voice equally cold. “I beg your pardon, my lord, but it certainly is my affair. I have as big or bigger a score to settle with Balam as any man in this room. No one has the right to treat other living creatures, human or alien, with cruelty and disdain.”

  He nodded once. She had a point. If anyone had reason to seek revenge on Balam, it was this woman. “How would you do it?”

  “Get me back to the city. I’ll let his men find me trying to sneak back into the Portal chamber. When they take me to Balam, I’ll weep and wail, swearing all I want is to be allowed to go back home to Earth. I’ll offer to tell him your plan of attack in exchange for my freedom. He’ll send his men north to hide in the foothills, ready for an ambush—and you’ll storm the palace from the south when they’re gone.”

  She went on, striding back and forth as she laid out her plan, the scarlet cloak flowing behind her. Kylar couldn’t help feeling a stab of pride. She was like an avenging goddess, coming down from Valhalla to right the wrongs done by mankind. And by all the gods, when this was over, he meant to have her at last.

  * * *

  She fell to her knees, cowering in fear. Balam stood over her, his deep-set eyes smoldering with anger.

  “I hoped you were dead.”

  “I nearly was, Lord Balam.” She pitched her voice high, put a tremor in it. “The Gadolineans—they pretend to be fair and just, claim they’ve set aside their savage ways. But they treat their dogs better than they treat their women. They rescued me, rescued all of us—only to take us back to that cold stone fortress, force us to service their menfolk day and night.”

  She glanced up at him, a tear trickling down her cheek. “I’m not from this planet. I was sent here through the Star Portal from Earth, part of the entourage of the new ambassador from the InterStellar Federation.” Talia knew Balam would never believe that a woman would be named as ambassador. “I hid when the invasion began and saw him slaughtered before my eyes. That night, I was captured anyway. Your men found me today, trying to make my way to the Portal. I only want to go back home. To Earth. And be done with this cursed planet forever.”

  “You’ll be done with it. I can’t sell you now. You have a reputation as a troublemaker. None of the other worlds want anything to do with you. They fear you’ll incite rebellion in their midst.”

  He began pacing back and forth in front of her. “I’m going to take you back to Tabun, give you to my soldiers. The treatment you get there will make Gadolinium seem like the heaven your people persist in believing exists.”

  “But first…” He drew near, running a rough hand down the side of her face, lifting her chin so she was forced to meet his eyes. “First, I’m going to have my fill of you. Take you in every hole.” Today he was nearly naked, wearing only a loincloth. He stroked the bulge in it. “Your screams will only make my cock grow harder.”

  “What if I offered you something of more value than my body? After all, thanks to those pigs I’m no longer a virgin.”

  He snorted. “What could you possibly have that would interest me?”

  “Information.” She saw the flicker of curiosity in his eyes and hurried on. “I was in their stronghold, lay with them when their brains were in their little heads and their tongues were loosened from drink. I know their plan to rescue King Sigrun.”

  His eyes flashed with fury and he grabbed her around
the neck. “Tell me!”

  She wrapped her fingers around his hands, trying to pry them away. “Kill me… and you’ll never know,” she croaked.

  He loosened his grip a fraction.

  She bent forward, gasping and retching. It was no act. The man had nearly strangled her. “Take me back to the Portal.” She managed to utter the words in a hoarse whisper. “Let me go home. Before I step through, I’ll tell you their plans.”

  He gave her a vicious kick that sent her sprawling across the floor. “You think I’m a fool? You’ll tell me their plan. Here and now. Then I’ll lock you in my chambers. The king’s old quarters. If you speak the truth, and we are able to defeat them, I’ll let you go. If you lie to me, I swear I’ll come back and kill you with my bare hands.”

  She took her time weaving the tale. Fabricating details, even making him take her to the balcony of the highest tower so she could point out the route they’d take. All of it meant to give Kylar and his warriors time to gather south of the city.

  “They’ll be in place by dusk,” she assured him. “Hiding up there tonight, behind that ridge. Waiting for dawn. Haldor, the big one you saw at the auction—he bragged about their plans. I poured wine down his throat even as I took his prick willingly down mine. Then, when he passed out, I managed to get away. I stole his horse, knowing he’d never admit to the others that a mere woman had gotten the best of him. If your men assemble there now, they can attack in the middle of the night, slaughter them all.”

  True to his word, Balam locked her away in the king’s suite, telling the two guards outside the door that he’d give them to the high priest and let him carve the still-beating hearts from their bodies if they let her escape. She watched out the narrow window as Balam’s men marched out of the palace while the sun was still high in the sky, heading for the foothills.


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