The Leira Chronicles- The Complete Austin Series

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The Leira Chronicles- The Complete Austin Series Page 148

by Martha Carr

  Leira saw Louie run into the open She’s too calm. Leira assessed the Witch with the same calculations she had been using as Hagan’s partner. The bitch is up to something. Her breathing stayed even. No point in freaking out till I have to… if I have to. Another Hagan rule.

  Juliana had the smallest of smiles as she raised both arms, her wand extended. “Tenebris infinitum!”

  Leira felt the hairs along her arms stand up straight and a cold chill go down her back. She recognized all the signs easily by now. The dark mist was approaching. This was their plan all along. “Takes the idea of shit storm to a whole new level.”

  “What?” Louie ran back to defend Leira from behind, putting himself back by the door to the storage as the last of the shifters lumbered up the stairs, looking around for a moment, teeth bared, growling. Only the intermittent howl of the newly established alpha got them to reluctantly keep moving. “There’s always a few who don’t fit in as well as the others. I ought to know…”

  Leira felt the tug of the dark magic as the light energy responded in kind, springing to life inside of her, barely being held in check by the artifact on her arm.

  The blue flames from the main house were reaching the roof line and smoke was billowing out of upstairs windows.

  “The library!” Some of the Witches and Wizards ran toward the house but Juliana refused to move, her mouth twitching with anger. It was too late. She had made her choice.

  Leira slowly turned, her jaw set as her muscles tensed and her eyes glowed in the growing darkness as she watched a black mist curl out across acres of vineyard. Sweat trickled down the side of her face. She put one hand across the bracelet, ready to rip it off but at the last moment whispered fervently, “Grandmother, join me.”

  Louie looked back over his shoulder in the direction of Leira’s gaze and took a step back, nudging the last of the shifters running by, earning a deep scratch down his thigh for his troubles. He screamed out in pain and raised his sword, stopping himself at the last moment as the beast kept running, answering the howl of the alpha somewhere in the distance.

  “Fuck! Son of a bitch! It’s easier when I can kill something, ask questions later.” He sheathed his sword long enough to pull out the clean rags he kept with him at all times. It wasn’t his first wound. He tied the bandage, counting the seconds as the mist slowly rolled toward them, licking his dry lips. One last good yank to pull it tight and stave off the bleeding, wincing from the pain as he pulled the sword out, the muscles along his back and arms tensing. “Is there a plan here?”

  Leira ignored his question, planting her feet, determined not to go easily, if at all. She looked back and forth between Agnes, the fallen Sirius, Juliana, the few younger Witches and Wizards still standing and the dark mist. It was a lot to stave off and was coming at her from every side. Juliana looked pleased as she braced her arms in the doorway, sure of what was going to come next.

  Leira scowled, itching to toss a fireball at Juliana just to wipe the look off her face but she knew better than to split her focus. Let the Witch think she has the upper hand, for now. Need to come out of this one alive and in this reality. “Hold them off,” she yelled to Lois.

  Lois pushed her glasses back up as she whipped her wand back and forth in long sweeping gestures, sending out a continuous stream of small fireballs meant to wound or at least inflict pain. Agnes and Juliana were easily able to fend them off, but it kept them busy. The younger ones among them weren’t so lucky and ran howling into the recesses of the building as Lois edged closer.

  The mist edged up to the road just yards from Leira giving off a stench that was hard to place as it piled up on itself into a growing tower that billowed out from the sides.

  Leira and Louie watched it grow taller till it was at the roofline of the building. Yumfuck let out a growl, pushing out a sound wave but it bounced off the smoke and dispersed to the sides.

  “This is new.” Leira swallowed and raised her arms. “Time to trust this magic shit like I never have before.” She couldn’t feel the presence of Mara joining her but pushed the thin worry out of her mind. Later… There will be a later to ask what happened.

  She opened her arms waiting till the last possible moment to pull off the bracelet. Rather become light than darkness if that’s my choice. At least I will save Louie and Yumfuck. That may have to be enough for me. Let’s see how far I can push it before that happens. “Come on baby, fill me up and let er rip. I can take it.” She gently bit her bottom lip, hesitating for just a moment. I’m sorry Correk.

  She set her shoulders and held out her arms even wider, fingers spread and walked forward. Better to meet the enemy than cower here, waiting…

  Yumfuck moved with her, staying by her side. She looked up at him, the green hair on his head standing up straight and the fur along his arms bristling. She gave him a nod and a crooked smile. “Thank you, my friend.” She looked back at Louie. The noise emanating from the mist was growing louder sounding like a freight train that was gaining speed. “Finish the mission,” she yelled to him over the noise.

  He opened his mouth to say something but at the last moment, shut it and gave her a sharp nod.

  There was nothing left to do but fight. “You’ve chased me long enough.” The glow of the fire threw a blue cast across Leira’s face.

  The roar from the dark mist grew louder. Leira slipped the bracelet off her wrist and held it in her hand just as the dense black mist ripped down the middle with a sound like nails down a blackboard, setting Leira’s teeth on edge.

  Lucius emerged out of the mist, craning his head and beating his chest, letting out an angry howl. He had shifted into the beast easily towering over any of the remaining shifters. A female yipped and quickly ran off through the vines, tearing them as she ran.

  Lucius tilted his head back and let out a howl. Leira gripped the bracelet tighter in her hands as she glanced down at her arms. The symbols flashing by on her arm startled her. They went back and forth, torn between warning her of an ally or a foe.

  Leira looked up, narrowing her eyes and set an intention even as she still squeezed the artifact, making contact with it. Set an intention like you never have before. “Do whatever you have to… I turn it all over to your care.” The magic swept up into her legs and surged out from her belly lifting her inches off the ground. The artifact was still making contact with her skin and the light was gathering, circling her even as it pushed out in every direction, surrounding her in light.

  Lucius stepped forward, slowly dropping to all fours, the muscles along his back rolling with his movement and the ground shuddering underneath him.

  He looked at Leira, tilting his head to the side as she held his gaze.

  I will not die gripped by fear and I will make sure you know I was here. Leira stepped closer, sending out the magic in front of her, seeing her own brilliant, glowing trail encircling the beast, stirring the fur along the sides. Lucius shook his head, annoyed and swiped at the trail of energy.

  Juliana stepped from the doorway, pleased with how well her plan was working even if the house behind her was slowly becoming engulfed in flames. Sirius was an unintended casualty, but his wounds still might heal and his death might prove to be an even better outcome for her. The reins of power over the old families were so close.

  The sound of lightning crackling split the air and there was the smell of ozone burning as a portal opened to the far side of Lucius near the vines. Mara stepped through, leaping to the ground, her long dark hair falling around her shoulders and her eyes already glowing from the magic coursing through her veins. She was in thigh high leather boots and a long suede tunic. A bow resting in one hand and a quiver of arrows on her back. It was her old clothes from her days on Oriceran.

  “I got your distress call, granddaughter. Something about it was different. I came prepared.”

  “Nana…” Leira arched her back as the energy continued to build within her.

  “Sorry it took me so long. I had shoved al
l the old gear to the back of a closet. Who knew I would need to play fucking warrior again in this lifetime.” She was shouting over the noise.

  Mara stood up tall and pulled an arrow out of the quiver, the head a glowing fireball. She pulled back her arm and took stock of the beast. “You…” she hissed. “The fucking beast that tormented the world in between. I should have known you were behind the dark mist. Payback’s gonna be a real problem for you. I’ll make sure of it. Four years of duck and cover.” Mara moved closer to Leira, still aiming the arrow.

  The beast let out an angry growl and stood up on his hind legs, ready to pounce.

  Yumfuck flexed his arms and let out a howl, determined to get in front of Leira and Mara. But Lucius had other plans.

  He turned and ran laterally to the side, toward Juliana in the doorway.

  “No, you stupid…” The color drained from Juliana’s face as she took a step back and weakly raised her wand, unsure what to do. Lois looked on in horror, wondering if she was about to see her sister in law torn to shreds.

  Lucius leapt through the air, easily covering the ground between them, landing neatly just feet from her. “Mine!” he roared, loud enough to be heard. He stood back up on his hind legs and beat his chest. “Vengeance is mine!”

  Juliana’s eyes grew wide and she turned and fled into the house. Agnes swallowed hard and hovered next to Sirius as Toby pressed himself against a wall. Nothing was turning out the way the clan said it would go. He wanted to run but he couldn’t convince his legs to move.

  The other Witches and Wizards took off at a run in every direction, deserting Agnes. Juliana reappeared at the doorway, a determined look on her face, her eyes dark with fear and anger as she ran toward Agnes and Sirius, barely edging by Lucius. She waved her wand as she ran, creating a portal low enough to the ground to lift Sirius and push him through as Lucius lumbered toward them.

  “Hurry!” yelled Agnes, tugging at Sirius’ arm. Leira wanted to follow them. She could see the estate from her vision through the portal, but Lucius blocked the way and was closing in on Juliana.

  Mara grabbed Leira by the arm and yelled to Louie. “This is our cue, come on,” even as the mist swirled around their ankles. Lois made her way around, joining them. “You too, Yumfuck.” Mara hastily opened a portal as Lucius lunged for Juliana.

  She had a leg into freedom as his claws gouged her back, catching on the fabric of her cape as he lifted her into the air and slammed her onto the ground. Agnes reached through the portal, pulling her hand back as the beast swiped at her. She watched in horror as Lucius tore at Juliana’s flesh and she cried out in pain, lifting her wand to defend herself only to watch her hand rip off at the wrist and fall to the ground, still gripping the wand.

  Leira held out her hand to Yumfuck as he shrank down and jumped into her palm while Lois and Mara went through the portal. “The portal’s not holding, Louie. There’s nothing you can do for her. Not now.”

  Louie was still standing in the same spot, his sword drawn, unsure what to do. Leira peppered him with pea-sized fireballs shaking him out of his stupor. “Now or never,” she growled through clenched teeth. He turned away as the beast finally ripped out Juliana’s throat ending her suffering just as Agnes’ portal closed, a look of horror frozen on her face.

  “Karma is a fucking bitch,” said Louie as he sheathed his sword and ran for the portal, leaping through. Leira followed closely behind him as Lucius turned and lumbered toward her, picking up speed.

  “Come on, come on, come on, close.” Leira stayed by the opening, Yumfuck on her shoulder, ready to defend the opening if necessary, as the portal shrunk down and finally closed, snapping and sparking. She could feel Lucius’ hot breath just as it shut. “Too close.” She stood perfectly still, not willing to move yet. It took a moment till she realized she was in the middle of the sanctuary in Texas. She fell to her knees, her arms shaking, the bracelet digging into the palm of her hand.

  Back at the vineyard, Toby slid down the wall still tucked into the shadows of the building as he watched Lucius roar, blood dripping from his claws. The shifters answered with howls that echoed from the fields.

  Toby shook as he peered around the edge of the building. He wanted to see if the end was coming. He held his wand feebly in his hand and watched the mist gather around Lucius, enveloping him in a swirl of darkness and wind till he vanished into it. The loud roar of trains immediately stopped and there was a silence. Even the birds were quiet.

  Toby could hear the pounding of his heart. The main house was quickly turning to ashes as the blue flame burned itself out, contained by the spell to the one building. He looked over at the scattered remains of his aunt and turned his head, throwing up the contents of his breakfast. He steadied himself, leaning against the large open doorway to the building, his entire body convulsing as he sank to his knees. “I’m outta here and I’m never coming back. Never…”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Leira stayed on her knees as Yumfuck sat down on her shoulder, patiently waiting, not saying a word. Mara came over and offered her granddaughter a hand, helping her up. Louie carefully balanced on one leg, the wound pulsing and the bandage he tied soaking through with blood. He gingerly untied it, wincing as the blood trickled down his leg. “Man, that smarts.” He felt lightheaded and shut his eyes, willing himself to stay upright. He reached behind to his pouch and pulled out a clean rag, letting the bloody one drop to the ground.

  Lois bent over, pushing her glasses up her nose, peering at the wound. “You need to get that looked at. I can take you to someone local who can stitch you up. Fewer questions about deep gashes made by five-inch claws. Here, give me that.” Lois wrapped the bandage tight around his leg, whispering a spell the entire time. Louie felt himself relax and even put his hand on her shoulder to balance himself. “Wow… what is that spell? That’s better than Oriceran weed. Still hurts but I suddenly don’t care anymore.” Louie gave a loopy smile.

  Leira rubbed her face with her hands. “Nana, what was that beast? He was twice the size of the other shifters. What did I hear you yell? He created the dark mist and was trapped in the world in between with you… That’s fucked up.”

  “It’s a guess but a pretty good one. He ruled the world in between. He was in there for as long as anyone could remember and was known for sucking the essence out of the darker beings that were trapped there.” Mara shuddered at the memory. “Awful business. Worse than death. A real life version of zombies but even those things aren’t tied to a dark being, doing his bidding.”

  Leira shut her eyes and made herself listen to the sounds around her. Birds singing, the rustling of the Texas wind through the leaves. Safe and sound. She opened her eyes and looked around, consciously noting the ground underneath her feet.

  “I’m gonna get going and take Louie with me before his wound gets much worse.” Lois was holding him up as he hopped on one foot. “I’ll let Hagan know we’re all okay. In the heat of things, I forgot to tell him much of anything. We’ll have to work on that one, I suppose. New system, bound to have a few bugs.”

  “Thank you for coming. I suppose I should be annoyed you put a tracker on me but…”

  “I’ve been doing this sort of thing for a long time. Your grandmother can tell you. We’ve crossed paths before.” Lois nodded to Mara. “Wondered what happened to you. Should have known you were related to this one. I see the resemblance now. She fights just like you do, running at things instead of away from them. Have to admire that.”

  Lois opened a portal to the inside of a clinic on the East side of Austin. A nurse looked up, unconcerned and turned around to yell to the back. “Looks like we have an injured Wizard. Betty, you’re up.” An orderly came and helped Louie through the opening as Lois followed him, giving a wave to Leira as the opening snapped shut, sparks falling to the forest floor.

  Leira bent over for a moment, putting her hands on her knees as the troll stood up, balancing on her back, still waiting. She breathed in and out
and stood back up. “That was a battle.”

  Mara let out a laugh and patted Leira gently on the back. “That was a good one, but you’ve already seen worse.”

  “Not with a possible ending like that one. Usually it’s just death.” She took a longer look at her grandmother. “Warrior, huh? Don’t remember you ever mentioning that one before. How long is your resume?”

  “Long enough. I may be a little older than you realize. Don’t ask. What’s a few hundred years between friends? I was a warrior a very long time ago and hung that up when I had your mother. It was supposed to be my past but then you came along and the world decided to pull itself apart…”

  “And here you are. I kind of dig it.”

  “We should get going. Might be a good idea for me to change before your mother turns up. Her wedding is right around the corner. How about we don’t scare her about what didn’t happen till after the honeymoon.”

  Leira walked toward a clearing. “Deal. I’m telling Correk, though. We promised something about no secrets.”

  “He’s a good one. I see the way he looks at you.”

  Leira felt her face grow warm and changed the subject. “You ever need to talk about those four years in the world in between, I’ll listen. Don’t think I ever got what a hell it was till today.”

  Mara took Leira’s hand and opened a portal to the apartment she shared with Eireka, peering through the opening. “No one home, coast is clear. Come on.” She stepped through, still holding on to Leira’s hand, letting go as the portal closed behind them. Perrom stepped out from the shadows of the forest, the scales along his skin flipping back to honey brown as he watched the last of the portal close. The Gardener emerged from the front of the trees where he had been standing, changing color from the grey of the bark to a deep brown. The vines in his hair coiled around, weaving in and out of his long hair. He could still smell the odor of the beast lingering in the air. “Lucius found them.” He shook his head. “He was headstrong when he was a mere Light Elf. The world is pulling itself apart and Lucius may be the tipping point.”


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