Jake: The Hottest Guys You'll Love to Love (Best of the Bad Boys Book 1)

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Jake: The Hottest Guys You'll Love to Love (Best of the Bad Boys Book 1) Page 2

by Jessie Cooke

  “Um…I guess…”

  “Okay Doll, I tell you what. I have some time between four and six pm tomorrow. Come and see me. Wear a bikini. The sexier the better.”


  “See you then!” He hung up and I sat looking at the phone. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.


  “Yeah, Dad?”

  “Dinner’s ready, honey.” I put the phone down and closed my laptop. Whatever Dad was making smelled great. I guess if I would be prancing around in a bikini soon, I should probably not eat too much of it. I went out to the dining room and he already had the table set and my plate heaped with pot roast, mashed potatoes and gravy and asparagus with lots of butter.

  “Wow, it looks good, Dad. What’s the occasion?” Since I started school and I was gone so much in the evenings, Dad’s cooking had gone by the wayside. We did a lot of eating out…or in my case, eating on the run. I sat down in my place and he said,

  “No occasion. I just wanted to make dinner for my daughter.”

  “Thank you,” I told him. As I cut up my roast I said, “I might have a job soon.”

  He put his fork down and looked at me with his forehead wrinkled. “Cassie, you don’t have to do that, honey. You have enough on your plate with school.”

  “I know that I don’t have to,” I said. “I want to help, pull my own weight.”

  “You do plenty around here. If it weren’t for you, this place would have fallen down around my ears a long time ago.” Lizzie had been bugging me since we graduated high school to get an apartment with her. I couldn’t bear the thought of leaving Dad alone yet though. I kept hoping he would meet a nice lady. He hadn’t had much luck there, but I think it’s because he doesn’t try. My mother hurt him a lot when she left…I think she’d messed him up pretty good before that. I took a bit of my roast and said,

  “This is amazing.”

  “Thank you, honey. What kind of job?”

  I took a deep breath and about a second since he put a bite into his own mouth I said, “A ring card girl for the UFC.” He dropped his fork, meat and all.

  “One of those girls that prances around the ring half-naked?”

  “I’d kind of prefer you didn’t put it that way, Dad.”

  “How else should I put it? Isn’t that what they do?”

  “No Daddy. Lizzie has been doing it for two years. It’s a respectable job. The bikini is no different than…say…working at Gilley’s and wearing a leather bra and chaps. It’s a uniform.”

  “Those fighters are all hopped up on steroids…”

  I laughed, “I doubt that, Daddy. They’re regulated pretty closely. Again, Lizzie has never had a problem.”

  “You know I love Lizzie…”

  “Okay, here we go.”

  “If you know what I’m going to say then you know it’s true. Lizzie is a fast, wild girl. She has been since the two of you were kids.”

  “I’m not a kid anymore, Daddy. And, I’m not Lizzie. This will be only a job to me. I need to make some money before I start law school.” As soon as I said that, his face fell and I felt bad.

  “The business will pick back up soon….” Dad is a contractor. He contracts out the staff to build office buildings and apartment buildings…one year he won a contract to hire out an entire complex of time share condos. That was a good year for us. The problem with his business was that any change in the economy or weather could affect it.

  “It’s not about that, Daddy. I have everything that I need. I always have. You’ve done a great job…better than most people who have two parents doing it. I want to help. I want to pull my own weight around here for a change. Please trust me, Daddy. It’s not like I got a job at one of the strip clubs.” He shuddered and looked sick.

  “That’ll be the day you have to walk over my dead body,” he said.

  I laughed, “It would never happen. I’m just trying to prove a point.”

  “Which is?” he asked with a cocked eyebrow.

  “Things could always be worse.”



  I walked into my father’s formal dining room, half an hour late for dinner and dressed in my jeans and muscle t-shirt. That was two strikes against a guy who always started out a few beats behind. Dad and Ian were already seated at the table, both of them in suit and tie of course.

  “Hi, I’m sorry I’m late. I had practice…”

  Dad raised an eyebrow and gestured at my seat. Ian wouldn’t even look at me. He was so spineless sometimes I couldn’t stand it. I sat down and there was nothing but silence as my father’s maid rushed to start serving the meal. She brought out a silver cart with bowls of lobster bisque soup and then Sylvie, one of the kitchen helpers came out with a pitcher of iced tea and water. She made eye contact with me for about five seconds before letting her eyes fall to the floor. It was never a good idea to have wild sex in the pantry with the help. It made for uncomfortable dinners for a long time to come.

  After Sylvie and Heather were gone, Dad looked at me and said, “I need you to go to Texas on Wednesday.”

  I was about to take a bite of my soup. I put the spoon down and said, “For what?”

  “Wright Home Corp. is opening its first store in the state of Texas in Abilene.”


  “You are a part of this family, Jacob. Contrary to what you would like to believe. You will be in charge of all of this someday and you need to start learning something about it. You’re twenty-six years old. You have to grow up sometime.”

  I glanced at Ian. He was sipping his soup, still not looking at me. “Are you dying?” That got a reaction from my dear brother. He choked on his soup.

  Dad was glaring at me. “As happy as I’m sure that would make you, no. But, I am planning on retiring in the next couple of years. You’ve held out this long, Jacob. Unless you’d like me to completely write you out of my will and leave everything to your brother, you need to start taking an interest in this family.”

  I sighed. I had my own money…lots of it. My first trainer was a financial genius. He’d been guiding me on how to invest my money since I’d won my first big fight five years ago. But my father knew as well as I did that the money wasn’t what would get to me. Being cut out of the will in this family meant being cut out of the family. For whatever reason, no matter how many times or how many different ways the old man pissed me off, I couldn’t walk away. I still wanted him to like me. I still wanted him to be proud of me. The problem was that I refused to conform in order to achieve that. I kept hoping that one day he’d wake up and say, “Wow! Look at all Jacob has accomplished for himself.” It was not going to happen no matter how much I wanted it to, unless I followed Ian’s lead. I looked at my brother again. Ian did everything that I didn’t. He finished school. He got a business degree. He took over one of Dad’s companies. He was engaged to a socialite. Dad was proud.

  “I’ll be there,” I said, “But I’ll have to fly right back on Friday. I have a fight Saturday night and I’ll need to be here for all the pre-fight interviews.”

  Dad snorted. He had no respect at all for what I did. He acted like I was brawling in some back alley somewhere instead of fighting for a national organization and getting paid millions of dollars a year to do so. I was on television. I was in magazines. I was on billboards and posters and girls like Betty recognized my face. Why was that so fucking bad?

  He simply said, “The plane leaves at six a.m. Wear something nice and don’t be late.”

  By “the plane” he meant the private jet that he owned. My dad started out as a landscaper. He didn’t have a college education. He was educated by his father who was also a landscaper and on the job. When Dad was twenty-four, he invented and marketed a computer program where you could design your own yard or a city could design a park…or a zoo. By the time he was thirty, he used the profits from that business and began opening a chain of specialty home improvement stores across the U.S. similar
to Home Depot or Lowe’s only at Wright Home Corporation people could use Dad’s programs for their designs. His programs were geared specifically for the do-it-yourselfer and the stores sell whatever materials would be needed to complete any of the projects on Dad’s now over two thousand different programs. He’d branched out from landscaping into home decorating, home additions and even building your own home from scratch. He’d decided a few years ago in order to attract those that had no interest in the DIY approach, to hire a full staff of people that could be rented out to complete any of the things found within any of Dad’s programs. That was his main business. He’d also invested a lot in real estate and if I recall, he got into the fracking business a few years back as well. I’m the first to admit that Dad is a brilliant guy. But with it also came a sort of “God complex.” He thought he knew better than everyone else how people should live their lives, especially his sons. Trying desperately to change the subject I said,

  “So Ian how is Tammy?” Tammy is his socialite girlfriend. I can’t stand her. Her father owns three resorts in Vegas and a few more in New York and California. She’s a spoiled little rich girl who thinks that she is better than most everyone…my brother included. If it wasn’t for Dad’s money I guarantee that she would have never given him the time of day.

  He finally looked at me. His blue eyes looked tired…and sad. I suddenly felt bad for calling him a coward. I know that he does what he can to stay on Dad’s good side for the same reasons I’m going to freaking Texas next week…he wants his approval. He smiled, but it looked forced as he said,

  “She’s good. She had a charity event this evening or she would have been here.”

  I’ll bet. “Good. When are you going to come to another fight?” Dad snorted again and I ignored him. Heather and Sylvie came out and switched out our soup for the main entrée and Ian said,

  “As soon as I get a chance Jake, I’ve just been so busy traveling and getting these new stores opened up…”

  “I understand,” I told him. I understood that my brother was miserable and he hated his life. I hated my relationship with my father…but I was pretty damned content with my life for the most part. “There’s a big one this weekend. I still have a few tickets…for you too, Dad, if you’d like to come.”

  “I have no desire to see my son snorting and sweating in a cage. If I want that kind of entertainment, I’ll go to the zoo.”

  I dropped my fork and pushed my chair back from the table and stood up. My father rolled his eyes as if I was having a temper tantrum. “Jacob, don’t go. Let’s try and have a quiet dinner…”

  “I’m sorry, Ian. If you want to sit around and let him insult you, that’s fine, I guess. I have better things to do. I’ll be there Wednesday Dad, but not because I’m worried about losing out on all the money you’re going to leave me someday…because being there for family is the right thing to do. I just wish you felt the same way.” I stormed out. It was how I ended up leaving most of our family get-togethers. I had to wonder if things would be different if my mother had lived. She died when I was five, so I hardly remember her…but Ian said that Dad was a lot different back then, softer. When Ian was twelve and I was seven, he sent him to boarding school. I stayed in my room and cried for a week. It didn’t matter to my father…he wasn’t there. The nannies had to deal with me. When I was twelve, I was sent to the same school. I grew to resent him there…and by the time I got into college the resentment bordered on hate.

  I was pulling into the circular drive in front of the Mirage before I even thought about what I was doing. My head was still pounding, going from pain to an almost unbearable agony. I should probably be home in bed, but my hormones were driving me elsewhere. I handed the truck off to the valet and went to the phone at the desk and called room 302.

  “Hello?” the sleepy voice answered.

  “Hey baby, it’s Jacob. Are you still alone?”

  Suddenly she sounded wide awake. “Yes!”

  “I’ll be right up.”

  When I got off the elevator, she was waiting for me in the doorway again. I didn’t waste any time on words. I grabbed two handfuls of the blonde hair and assaulted her mouth with mine. I kicked the door closed again and walked her backwards, throwing her down on the bed. “Take off your clothes,” she did, hurriedly as I stripped off mine I grabbed her hair again and pulled her forward so that my cock was pressing against her lips. It was only at half-mast right now, but I was confident that as soon as I got it into her hot, moist mouth that would change. She opened those full lips and I sucked in my breath as she covered my cock with her mouth. She licked the length of the shaft and I felt it swell and harden. She took her lips off my cock and held it in her hand while she gave my balls a few soft licks. Then she put her lips back on the head of my cock and sucked it in. I wrapped my hands back up in her hair and held on tight as she bobbed her head up and down on me, sliding her tongue along the bottom of the shaft and swirling across the head each time she reached the tip. I was moving my hips, thrusting myself into her mouth, loving the way it felt when she took it into the back of her throat. The more I thrust, the more intense her sucks became.

  “Look at me.” Her blue eyes came up to meet my brown ones. I liked to watch the look in a woman’s eyes as I fucked her mouth. “Faster,” I told her. She increased her speed and reached back and held onto my ass while she took it in and out of her mouth. I was on the verge of cumming and as much as I wanted to cum in this girl’s mouth and go home, I couldn’t be that much of a dick. I pulled back. She was still looking up at me. She smiled and I reached down and grabbed hold of her nipples with my fingers and played with them for a few seconds before telling her, “Turn over.” Once again, she did as I asked. I reached underneath her belly and pulled her up so her ass was in the air and I slid two fingers into her pussy. She was soaking wet and already moaning. I reached down for my jeans with the other hand and grabbed the condom from earlier. I pulled my fingers out of her and she whimpered as I slipped it on. I reached around and grabbed those giant boobs and held onto them as I slid in between her wet pussy lips and I felt her push back against me. I let go of her nipples and put my hands on either side of her waist and held her in place as I drove my cock into her. I would pull it half-way out and then shove it back in roughly. She was moaning and groaning and saying,

  “Yes, Jacob! Oh yes!”

  Her pussy was tight and it felt good wrapped around my cock. She was gripping the sheets and I could see her giant boobs jiggling as I pounded into her over and over. I felt her muscles spasm and clench down tightly around my cock and I knew she was ready. I reached around and found her clit with my fingers and just put pressure on it while I continued to drive into her harder and faster and suddenly she screamed…I mean she literally screamed. Thank God we’re in Sin City.

  She collapsed forward, dropping her face down into the pillow in front of her while my thrusts continued to be hard and more erratic as I got close to releasing. Heat pulsed through my veins and I pulled that heart-shaped ass up against me as I came. When I was finally done, I collapsed down on top of her…headache, gone.



  I passed Micah’s interview on Monday and then I spent the rest of the week being oriented to the job by Lizzie and another girl named Sarah. I use the air quotes because the orientation mostly consisted of lessons on how to make your cleavage look prettier and where in Vegas to get the best spray tan. I mean, honestly…it was all about looking good and holding up a big card that says which round they’re in. Either I’m there to get ogled, or to help the inebriated fans keep up. Either way, they’re paying me close to four thousand dollars a month to do it…so whatever. I went shopping on Friday and Saturday night I was ready in my red bikini top that tied in front and the red boy shorts with the black belt on bottom. My hair was loose and curled and hung down my back in ringlets and because this was a televised fight, I got my make-up professionally done. I slipped on my black heels and looked at mys
elf in the full-length mirror in the dressing room. I looked like a high-class hooker. I suddenly didn’t know if I was going to be able to do this.

  “Lizzie, I feel sick.”

  Lizzie put her hand on my shoulder. “You look gorgeous. Look at yourself.” I looked again. This time I saw pole dancer.

  “I don’t think I can do this.”

  “Take a deep breath honey. You can do this.”

  “No, you’re so good at this…you do it. I can’t.”

  “Honey there are three octagons tonight. Three fights going on. Micah has you, me and Sarah. He would be livid if you backed out now.”

  “Is he mafia?”

  She laughed. “What? No!”

  “Then I don’t care. What’s he going to do, fire me?”

  “Deep breaths, Cassie. Forget about the people, forget about the cameras, pretend you’re a spectator. Sarah, what octagon do you have?”

  “I’m in one,” she said. “I’ve got Brock tonight…if he’s lucky I’ll have him all night.”

  Lizzie laughed and said, “Okay, I’m in two with Lance Fields. That puts you in three with Jacob Wright. I know that you don’t want to pass up an opportunity to be in an octagon with Jacob Wright. Just focus on him. It’ll be hard to do anything else anyways.”

  “Who is Jacob Wright?”

  “Oh my God do you live under a rock?”

  “Seriously!” Sarah said with a snort.

  “Sometimes, yeah,” I admitted. I didn’t know anything about fighting, or fighters. I did have a few wet dreams this week about that one guy with the tattoos….

  “Well, you’re in his ring tonight and trust me, once you get a look at him, you’ll never again ask, who is Jacob Wright.” You can do this, Cass.”

  I swallowed hard and nodded. Sweat was rolling down the sides of my face and suddenly one of the make-up girls was there, patting it away. I could hear a sudden roar from down the hall and Lizzie said, “We should get out there, the announcer is gearing up. Are you okay?”


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