Jake: The Hottest Guys You'll Love to Love (Best of the Bad Boys Book 1)

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Jake: The Hottest Guys You'll Love to Love (Best of the Bad Boys Book 1) Page 8

by Jessie Cooke


  “I know this because Brock threw a party for him at Planet Hollywood and I was there. I stayed at the hotel all night…with Lance…”


  “Yeah, oh. I can’t tell him I got pregnant Cassie. Lance Fields is a player, but he’s cautious about sex. He was all over me all night but when we got upstairs he just wanted to have oral because he didn’t have a condom. It was like three a.m. and we were both pretty wasted…I told him not to worry, I’m on the pill…it will be fine I said. I goaded him into having unprotected sex…”


  “Yeah. I’m a slut. What am I going to do, Cass?”

  “I don’t know honey, but we’ll figure it out. First things first, you need to go to the doctor.”



  I just stepped out of the shower on Tuesday morning when my phone started ringing. I had a smile plastered on my face since I woke up. Even when I looked at the phone and saw that it was dear, old Dad I wasn’t giving it up.

  “Good morning, Dad!”

  “What do you sound so happy about?”

  “I’m just a happy guy, Dad.”

  He made his grumping noise and said, “Have you talked to your brother?”

  “Not today.”


  “Sunday. He was here for a bit.”

  “What the hell is wrong with him?”

  “Jeez Dad, I don’t know. I’ve been trying to figure that out for years…”

  “Can you stop with the smart mouth for two minutes?”

  “Yeah, sorry. I’m just not sure what you mean.”

  “He didn’t tell you that he broke up with Tammy?”

  I was still smiling. Maybe wider now. “Nope.”

  “Well he did.”

  “Good for him,” I said. I knew my father wasn’t smiling. No matter what I did, he was going to be pissed at me…I figure I may as well have fun.

  “Damn it, Jacob! It is not good for him and you know it! Tammy’s father has invested heavily in our company…”

  “Is that all you care about, really? Tammy’s a bitch, Dad, straight up. Why on earth would you want your son married to a miserable bitch?”

  “I should have known better than to call you. I was hoping to talk to someone with good sense.”

  “Oh yeah then, you definitely called the wrong number.” He hung up on me. It took me about two minutes to pussy out and call him back.


  “I’m sorry, Dad. I was just being disrespectful. But seriously, E deserves better than her.”

  “Jacob, your brother’s entire future is wrapped up in this company. You are quite fond of telling me you have your own money. He doesn’t.” He’s trying to get me in a roundabout way. I’m wise to his moves. It doesn’t matter. He always gets what he wants one way or the other.

  “What do you want me to do, Dad?”

  “Just talk to him. I tried to tell him how important this was to his future. He’s being strangely defiant. You haven’t been coaching him, have you?”

  I laughed. “Nope. This time I’m innocent. I’ll talk to him and see if I can find out what’s going on. But Dad, if he’s unhappy with her, I’m not encouraging him to go back.”

  He sighed and said, “I’ll see you at dinner Friday night.”


  “Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Are you so important now that you can’t remember your family obligations? It’s my engagement dinner.”

  Oh shit! He was right, I’d completely forgotten. “Yeah, no…I remember. I just didn’t realize it was this Friday. Can I bring a date?”



  “I’ve seen your dates. Besides, we have reservations for five.”

  “That’s perfect if Tammy doesn’t show up.”

  “I’ll see you Friday at seven…alone.” He hung up. He is the biggest asshole of all time. I was still smiling. I get to spend the day with Cassie and he can go…Anyways, I don’t really give a rat’s ass if he’s pissed at me or not. I’m not talking my brother into marrying that skank Tammy.

  I finished dressing and like some nerdy kid on his way to the prom, I excitedly left the house. I’d just climbed into my truck when my phone rang again. If it’s Dad, I’m ignoring it. It was Ian. “Hey E, what’s up?”

  “Hey Jake, have you talked to Dad?”

  I laughed. “You two are a lot alike, you know that?”

  “Why do you want to insult me so early on a Tuesday?”

  Laughing again I said, “I just hung up with him. He wants me to talk you into taking Tammy back.”

  “It won’t do any good, Jake. I’m living a lie. I can’t do it anymore.”

  “That’s cool, E. Really. I can’t stand that chick. You’re so much better off. Maybe we can go out this weekend. I’ll hook you up with some of the finest pussy in Vegas.”

  “Um…I really need to talk, Jake.”


  “Not on the phone.”

  “Oh, yeah right. Where are you staying?”

  “At the Flamingo for now.”

  “Why the hell are you in a hotel?”

  “I’m not going to make her leave. The lease is in both our names.”

  “I’m the world’s biggest ass and even I know that. Why didn’t you call me? I have a freaking eight-thousand square foot home. I’m a little insulted that you’d rather stay at the Flamingo.”

  “I wouldn’t rather I guess I just didn’t think about it. You know I’m not great at asking for things.”

  “I’m leaving now for the car show at the Circus-Circus. I’ll probably be there late, but come by when you get off and I’ll give you the key. We can talk tomorrow.”

  “Thanks, Jake.”

  “That’s what brothers are for.”

  “Is that it? I’ve been wondering…”

  “I’m your landlord now. Show a little respect.”

  “I’ll see you later bro. Thanks.”


  Family. You can’t live with them…but then sometimes you have to. I’m not going to have my brother in a hotel on the old strip when I’ve got four extra bedrooms. Dad’s going to hit the roof when he finds out, but screw him. Maybe when his new wife takes him for all he’s got and kicks him out of his own house, I’ll do the same for him.

  The car show was being held on the side of the resort where the big ass clown was. I’d never admit this to anyone, but I hate that fucking clown. Clowns freak me out. I mean seriously, Stephen King had the right idea when he made the clown the bad guy in “It”. Clowns are just freaky. I see no excuse for them.

  I grabbed my bag with my shorts and gloves and all of that shit out of the car and made my way through the fancy cars and hordes of people until I found our booth. Micah was there…I hate that guy…but I didn’t see Cassie.

  “Jacob! My favorite fighter. I’m so glad you decided to do this.”

  I gave him a chin nod and hoped that would be enough. I seriously hate the guy. I couldn’t even tell you why. There’s just something not right about him. Truthfully, there’s a lot not right about him, but the thing that makes me just outright hate him eludes me. I slipped past him and went inside the tent behind the booth. It was set up like a mini cage and I guess I was supposed to take pictures in there for what I’m sure would amount to a hefty price for the fan. They’d drop the tent when this thing got started and Cassie and I would do our thing. Where the hell is she anyways? I poked my head back out and Micah was talking some poo guy’s head off about the power of advertising.

  “Where’s my octagon girl?” I asked him.

  “She’s here. She’s in the make-up tent.”

  I raised an eyebrow. I saw her yesterday morning in all her fine naturalness. Make-up, she does not need. I was glad to know she was here though. I don’t even need the clown. I’m freaking myself out. “Where do I change?”

  “You can change in there i
f you want. I won’t peek.”

  “Alright.” That’s good because then I’d have to break your little girlie neck.

  I got ready just before hearing female voices outside. I stepped out and saw Cassie talking to some lady with a lot of camera equipment. She must be our photographer. Cassie looked…God, I’m a fucking mess. I don’t even have words for how good she looked. Let’s just say hot didn’t even cover it. She looked up after about half a minute and saw me. She smiled. I melted. Fuck!

  “Paula, this is Jacob Wright. Jacob, this is Paula Torres. She’s our photographer today.”

  “I am so pleased to meet you,” the lady said in a southern accent. “My son is going to be so jealous.”

  I smiled and shook her hand and all that polite stuff. Then I turned my attentions back on Cassie. Damn! She is so fine. She looked nervous. “Have you ever done one of these shows?”

  “No. I’m a little nervous.”

  “I can tell.”

  “Really? Do I look freaked out?”

  “No. You look gorgeous. Just be yourself, smile pretty for the pictures, call me if anyone gives you any trouble and watch the teenage boys because they’ll try to grab that fine ass of yours.”

  She laughed, “Thanks. Those are definitely the most interesting job instructions I’ve ever gotten.”

  “I’m an interesting guy.”

  “Yes, you are Jacob Wright.”

  Micah approached us, clapping his hands like the sissy-boy freak that he is and said, “Okay my lovelies…they’re about ready. If you’ll stand back a minute we’re going to get rid of this tent and we’ll get started.”

  I do not know what I was thinking…but I grabbed Cassie’s hand and we moved away together. It just so happened that Brock and Lance walked up at that exact time. They each had some groupie on their arm and the first thing both the son of a bitches did, was look down at my hand. Cassie didn’t let go and I’ll be damned if I was going to embarrass her by dropping it, so I glared at them both and they recovered quickly.

  “How’s it going Jacob? You are Callie?”


  “Well it is a pleasure, Callie. Maybe you can work in my ring on Saturday night.” I felt the vein in the side of my head exploding. I know he’s doing it to get a rise out of me…damn if it isn’t working. I took a few deep breaths and I was just about to let it go when he said, “Oh, you know what? I have an exhibition fight coming up out at Whiskey Pete’s on the state line in a few weeks. You could request that. It’ll be fun.” I looked at the girl hanging on his arm and I wondered why the hell any woman had anything to do with him. She was just a groupie…probably one that I would fuck and send packing…but there was no reason for him to be so disrespectful while she’s standing right there. Not to mention that he sees me standing here holding her hand.

  “Brock, can I talk to you for a second?”

  “What’s up, bro?”

  “Over here,” I said. I let go of Cassie’s hand reluctantly and said, “I’ll be right back.” Lance was making out with his chick, oblivious to us all. For some reason, Cassie was giving him the evil eye. I’d have to look into that one later. I followed Brock over behind a ’65 Caddy.

  “Look at those sleek lines,” he was looking over the car and towards Cassie’s ass. I’ll be the first to admit that my impulse control can get a little bit out of hand sometimes. I pushed his chest and shoved him against the wall. He hadn’t been expecting it, and on a day he was, that wouldn’t have been so easy. “What the fuck, man?”

  “Knock that shit off about Cassie, okay?”

  He grinned and I pictured my fist knocking out every single one of his too-white teeth. “She your girlfriend?”

  “No! Just knock it off.”

  “Did you tap that?” I grabbed the front of his shirt and raised my fist. I had poor impulse control, but I’m not an idiot. I couldn’t do this here.

  “Don’t talk about her like that again…ever!”

  He put his hands up with his palms facing me. “I’m sorry man. I was kidding, seriously. I’ll stop.” I let go of his shirt and he said, “You’ve got it bad.”

  “Shut the fuck up! And be nice to that girl. Don’t hit on other girls while she’s hanging off your arm, man.”

  He was laughing again. “Man…where the hell did the lion go?”

  “He’s about to bite your fucking head off.” He walked away, still laughing.



  When Micah had them drop the tent and we stepped back, I was surprised that Jacob grabbed my hand…pleasantly, but definitely surprised. I was really surprised when he didn’t drop it when his friends showed up. I could see by the looks on their faces that they were as shocked as I was. I could also see by the look on Jacob’s face that he didn’t like the way his friend Brock was talking to me. I’ve lived in Vegas my whole life. I was used to guys hitting on me. It barely fazed me anymore…but Jacob looked really pissed. It was flattering and unnerving at the same time. He took Brock off to the side and left his girl standing there looking me up and down like I was the one that came on to him. I ignored her and turned slightly so that she was out of my line of vision. I had to look at Lance then. I can’t believe him; hanging all over that ugly girl when poor Lizzie is going through what she is all alone. Okay, the girl is not ugly, but Lizzie is a lot prettier.

  I suppose I shouldn’t really be mad at him, since he doesn’t even know that she’s pregnant, but I hate seeing her so upset. I want to be mad at someone. The poor thing is just so alone. Her parents aren’t the most loving people in the world either. She practically raised herself and she spent a lot of time at our house. I guess it’s a miracle that this didn’t happen before now. I know most people would judge her for being so irresponsible at twenty-three, but accidents happen and no matter what Lizzie says now while she’s upset, I know that she’ll step up and do whatever is best for the baby. I looked over at Lance again. The busty brunette on his arm was licking his neck. Ew! It was gross and kind of funny at the same time, because while she was doing that, the look on his face was like he was a million miles away. I have this romantic idea in my head that if I tell him, he’ll go to her and they’ll embrace, he’ll propose and they’ll live happily ever after. I won’t do it though because I promised Lizzie…and it probably wouldn’t happen that way anyways. I read too many trashy romance novels.

  “Okay pretty girl, it’s show time!” Micah was calling me over. I looked and saw Jacob’s friend Brock walking away from him laughing. He and Lance took their women and headed into the casino. Jacob still looked pissed but when he saw me looking at him, he smiled. When he did that, it made me feel like I was the only other one in the room…or the casino parking lot, wherever we happened to be. Once again, I melted. If he keeps looking at me like that I might just turn into a puddle on the floor one day.

  I went over to where Micah and a young girl in red boxing shorts and a black tank top stood near the fake octagon. She was pretty but with her hair in pigtails and her slender build, she only looked about sixteen. “This is Sammie. She’ll be taking the money and sending them over to you and Jacob for their photos. Paula and her partner are the best; if you have any questions ask her. I’m going to leave you kids to it. Have fun! Smile!” I smiled. Jacob grimaced. I get the feeling that Micah is not his favorite person. I can’t say that I blame him.

  When Micah was gone, Paula’s partner, a guy named Travis called Jacob over for his first photos. They put a little girl who was maybe only twelve or thirteen in a pair of boxing gloves and let her go in the ring. She was a tiny little thing and when Jacob stepped in next to her, she was completely dwarfed. I didn’t have a customer yet, so I watched them. He was really cute with her. He showed her where to put her fist so it would look like she was knocking him out and he answered all her questions. She looked completely infatuated by the time they were finished and I can’t say as I blame her.

  “Cassie, this one’s for you!” Paula called m
e over where there were two middle-aged men who looked like salesmen in their polyester suits. Maybe that was a stereo-type, but again…I’ve lived in Vegas my whole life. It was usually easy to spot the company convention goers.

  “Hi guys.”

  One of the guys who looked to be about my dad’s age let out a breathy, “Hello.” The other one stood mute but he blushed. It was amazing what a bikini top and a pair of shorts can do to a man. I took my place between them and realized that if I kept this job for very long that I was going to have to get used to strangers touching me. They weren’t inappropriate at all, but it was still just a little weird.

  My next customers were teenage boys…a group of four of them. None of them tried anything inappropriate but one of them didn’t take his eyes off my boobs… the whole time. While Paula was printing their photos for them I went over and watched Jacob. When he saw me, he winked. I melted.

  A few seconds later I felt someone walk up behind me. “Hi…Cassie, right?”

  “Hi, yeah. You’re Ian, right?”

  “That’s me, the big brother of the giant in there.”

  I smiled. Ian wasn’t a small guy. He was at least six-foot-tall and even in his suit it was easy to see he had some muscle on him. Nothing like the Goliath in the cage in front of us though. “How did he get so big anyways?” I asked him.

  “We had another brother. He ate him.”

  Laughing I said, “Lucky for you then.”

  “Yeah, I was always too sweet for his taste.”

  Jacob finished with his customer and stepped out of the octagon. “Hey little brother. Are you hitting on my girl?” I don’t know if my face looked as surprised by his words as Ian’s…but I was feeling it.

  When Ian recovered he said, “I’m the big brother and don’t you forget it. You got the brawn, I got the brain.”

  “Cassie! You got one.”

  “Duty calls. It was good to see you, Ian.”

  “You too, Cassie.”

  I started to walk away and Jacob put his glove out. I smiled and bumped it with my fist. He gave me that look that he’d given me the first day I met him in the dressing room. It was the look that set my panties on fire. Damn, he’s just way too hot for my own good.


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