Jake: The Hottest Guys You'll Love to Love (Best of the Bad Boys Book 1)

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Jake: The Hottest Guys You'll Love to Love (Best of the Bad Boys Book 1) Page 14

by Jessie Cooke

  I felt her hands on my chest and she pulled out of the kiss and breathlessly said, “Jacob…”


  “Aren’t we…supposed to be….at dinner…soon?”

  “Fuck dinner…”

  She giggled. “As much as I…” I found her nipples pressing against the soft fabric of the dress, “Oh Jacob…as much as I love this…I don’t think you should miss your father’s dinner…”

  I grabbed her hips and ground myself against her. My pants were tented in front and it seriously hurt. I covered her lips with mine again and she tipped her head back to deepen it…that’s my girl. I started walking her backwards again…I bumped her into a wall! Fuck! She was giggling against my mouth.

  “I’m sorry, baby. Are you okay?”

  She rubbed her head and nodded. Giggling again, she said, “I’m fine for a girl who just got slammed into a wall by Jacob the Lion. We have to go baby…”


  She laughed. “After dinner baby.”


  She giggled again and said, “I was worried about the dress. Now I’m glad I wore it.”

  “We could take it off you and put it right back on…I can be quick…”

  “Come on baby,” she said, taking my hand and taking a step away. “It’ll be that much better since we waited for it.”

  I snarled, but I followed her, trying to adjust myself in my pants. They were a size too small now. I’d have to remember this the next time I took her out…bigger pants, less pain. She opened the front door, pulling me behind like a spoiled child that didn’t want to go to school. She stopped suddenly and I bumped into her. “Oh wow! Is that yours?”

  My brain was so soaked with visions of her naked that it took me several seconds to process that she was talking about the car. I had to clear the lump from my throat as I said, “Yeah…it’s mine.”

  “That’s a Jaguar F-type R!”

  I laughed. “Yeah, it is. You know cars, baby?”

  “Just the best ones,” she said. “My dad used to have a ’72 E type when I was growing up. It was red and I felt like a princess when he took me for a ride in it.” She was so damned cute.

  I held the door open for her as she looked it over with awe in her eyes. Mine is a deep burgundy with black leather interior. I had the top down on the ride over, but I’ll probably put it up now because I know how girls are about their hair. I closed the door and went around to my side. She was running her hand lovingly across the seat. Lucky fucking seat. I slid in and said, “So what happened to your dad’s car?”

  I regretted asking as soon as the words were out of my mouth. Her eyes looked sad and she said, “My mother got it in the divorce…with pretty much everything else…except her daughter.”

  My chest ached for her. Losing my mother was horrible. It wasn’t her choice to die yet for a long time, I held it against her. I couldn’t imagine knowing she was alive and that she just didn’t want me. I couldn’t imagine anyone not wanting her…she’s amazing. I reached over and ran my hand down the back of her hair. Then I leaned over and kissed her softly. I wanted more, but if we were going to get to this fucking dinner, I had to stop there.

  “You ready for this, baby?”

  She looked over at me with wide eyes and said, “I hope so.”

  “Just remember, he’s an asshole to everyone. It’s not about you at all. If he gives you a hard time…we leave, no questions asked.” She smiled,

  “That won’t be necessary. I have a pretty tough skin”

  I ran my hand along her smooth thigh underneath the dress and said, “It doesn’t feel tough to me.” When I got to the top of her thigh, she caught her breath in her throat, and she caught my hand. Taking it and laying it next to her on the seat she said, “Drive.” God she was sexy when she was bossy too.

  The drive from Cassie’s house to the strip took less than five minutes. Dinner was at the Paris hotel inside the Eiffel tower on the 11th floor. It has a great view of the city and my dad is in love with their Dover sole. We left the car with a valet who nearly got his head bashed in because of the way his eyes lingered on Cassie’s ass…but she saved him. She pulled me along until we were inside of the casino and then let her body relax into mine on the elevator ride up.

  “We could go back down and get a room,” I whispered into her ear.

  She giggled and said, “Don’t tempt me.”

  “Baby, don’t tell me I’m tempting you or I won’t stop.” I had my arms wrapped around her from behind and I heard her sigh…which made my pants tighten up again and she said,

  “Just the sound of your name tempts me, Jacob.” The fire smoldering in my belly ignited and felt like it was burning me from the inside out. The thing about Cassie was that you knew if she said something, it wasn’t just to flatter or appease. She meant it…I loved hearing it. Jesus, what has she done to me? I was about to kiss her when the doors slid open on the eleventh floor. She stood up straight and took my hand. I saw my brother talking to the maître’s. I guess it was too late to turn back now. Fuck.

  “Hi Ian,” E turned at the sound of Cassie’s voice and smiled at her.

  “Hi Cassie. You look amazing.”

  “Thank you,” she said, “You look really nice too.”

  “I just saw you at home,” E said to me. “You still look okay.”

  “Yeah, you too. Is he here?”

  “Yeah, I was being a wuss and waiting for you.” I saw Cassie try and suppress a smile. I guess it might seem funny for two overgrown men to be so afraid of their father…but she hasn’t met him yet.

  E led the way and Cassie and I followed. I saw him, dressed in a four-thousand-dollar suit and seated next to a pretty, middle aged woman with big, fake tits. We were about a foot from the table when Cassie suddenly came to an abrupt halt. I turned to look back at her and she was staring at my dad’s fiancé. The woman was staring back at her with a horrified expression on her face.

  “Baby, what’s wrong?” She didn’t take her eyes off the woman’s face as she said,

  “That’s my mother.”



  It’s been two years since the last time I ran into her. That time it was my twenty-first birthday and Lizzie and some of our other friends had taken me out to celebrate at Senor Frogs. I was dancing and the hot guy on stage was pouring shots of Tequila in my mouth and I turned towards the tables…and there she was. She was looking at me. She had to know it was my birthday. I froze to my spot as I watched her lean into the man she was with…obviously a rich businessman. She whispered something into his ear. He brightened up and took her by the arm. She didn’t give me a second glance as they walked out. I suppose that was too much to ask from the person who gave you your life on your birthday. I thought I hated her before that night…but it was only at that moment my heart knew true hate. Now here I was with the most amazing guy in the world…and the woman with the blackest heart on earth was staring me down…ready to ruin it for me the very second she gets a chance. She was so good that her face showed not the slightest trace that she recognized me…just in case I wasn’t going to blow it for her.

  “Jacob? What are you doing? Come over here and say hello.” Jacob’s dad looked annoyed already. He was a nice-looking man. He looked a lot like Ian to me, only older. It was easy to see that he had money too…a lot of it. I would have known that anyways because that is all that my mother is about. Poor Jacob looked confused and distraught. He didn’t know what to do. I took a deep breath and started towards his Dad, pulling him along behind me. It was like dragging a tank.

  “Hello Mr. Wright, I’m Cassandra.” I put my hand out and he took it. He looked at his son and raised an eyebrow but when his eyes landed back on mine he smiled warmly and said,

  “Well hello, Cassandra. I’m pleased to meet you.” I wonder if he noticed how much I look like his date? He reached out and took Jacob’s hand then and said, “Son.”

  In a strangle
d voice Jacob said, “Dad.” Ian was looking at all of us like we were crazy and mother…the bitch that she was, just sat there.

  “Colette, these are my sons…Jacob and Ian. And this is, Cassandra.” Ian took the hand she offered and I was nearly blinded from the glint of the five-carat engagement ring that adorned it. Jacob looked at me and I tried to smile. He took her hand then and mumbled a “Hello” before he let it drop. Then, it was my turn. I didn’t have a clue what I was going to do until I looked into her defiant eyes. She was daring me not to say anything. I took her hand, smiled my sweetest smile and said,

  “Hello…Mother.” She literally turned green and the first thing she did was look at Jacob’s father. He was looking at me.

  “Mother?” he asked, questioningly.

  “Yes. Didn’t she tell you that she had a daughter? Oh maybe she forgot. Did you forget…again Mother?”

  Colette reached for her drink and took a long pull from it before sitting it down and looking up at her very wealthy, very confused future husband. “Cassie is my daughter.” That was all she said. Then she picked up her purse, stood up and with her back straight and her eyes forward, she walked away. Jacob’s dad glared at me and then at him and said,

  “Did you know about this?”

  “Me? No way! Cassie didn’t even know. I didn’t remember her name…”

  His dad pushed by him, pushing him into me. Jacob surged forward and Ian stopped him with a hand to his chest. “Let it go for now Jake.” Jacob looked back down at me.

  “He’s right,” I said, suddenly losing the bravado I had been feeling. My eyes filled with tears, and I had to get out of there. “I’m so sorry!” I started for the door. Jacob followed me. I bypassed the elevator and headed for the stairs. I threw open the door and started down. I could hear his footfalls behind me and I could hear him calling my name. I was too ashamed…I’d ruined the night for them all and he was already on shaky ground with his dad. I couldn’t stop. I couldn’t look at him. When I hit the ground floor I kicked off my shoes and just left them there. I ran for the front door of the casino. I went through the automatic doors and in my pretty new dress I started jogging down the strip…like a complete idiot, with tears streaming down my face. Thank God it was Las Vegas…no one even noticed.

  “Cassie! Damn it! Stop!” I felt a pair of massive arms go around my waist and literally pick me up off my feet. I wasn’t going to fight him, so I just went limp in his arms. He put his face against the side of mine and said, “It’s okay, baby. Calm down. It’s okay.” That made me cry harder. He sat me down and turned me around and suddenly I was wrapped up in his strong embrace with a pair of shoes dangling from his hands and for a few seconds, Colette and the rest of the world disappeared. “It’s okay baby. It’s going to be okay. Breathe baby…just breathe, okay?” I was soaking the front of his expensive suit with make-up and tears. Jesus what a mess I’ve made out of everything.

  I finally pulled back and looked up at him. He looked so sad and distraught. I felt horrible. “I’m so sorry, Jacob. I just lost it. Oh God, I’ve messed everything up.”

  He smiled at me softly and pulled my head back into his chest. “Just don’t ever run away from me, baby. I’m always on your side. The only way things can ever be messed up again is if you leave me.” I melted into him and we stood there in the middle of Las Vegas Blvd. as people walked around us…some of them curious enough to stop and look, some of them whispering, “That’s Jacob Wright,” and some of them walking past us, filled with their own kind of angst and oblivious to any other pain in the world. “Hey,” he said, kissing the top of my head, “Let’s go home.” I nodded and he said, “Here baby.” I realized that he was carrying my shoes and I burst out laughing like a maniac. He looked at me like I had completely lost my mind and when I was able to stop laughing I said,

  “I was feeling like a Disney Princess earlier with her Prince…and here you are with my shoes.”

  He laughed too then with a wink he said, “They better fit.” He put his arm around me and we walked back to the hotel. When we got there, Ian was standing out front near the valets. He looked at me and then questioningly at his brother. Jacob just nodded his head subtly and Ian looked back at me and offered a small smile. I smiled back at him, and said, “I’m really sorry, Ian. I didn’t intend to ruin the night for everyone. I just lost my head…” Ian came over and hugged me. He was warm and he smelled a lot like his brother. It was nice. When he pulled back he said,

  “You can be there when we tell him I’m gay…it’ll be my payback.” Jacob tried to look shocked and his brother said, “Oh stop it! I know you told her. I don’t care. It’s okay, Cassie. I already like you more than I do either one of them.” I started crying and hugged him again. When the valet got there with his keys, Jacob hugged him and said,

  “Thank you, E.”

  Ian gave him a chin nod and said, “I’ll see you at home. Goodnight, Cassie.”

  “Goodnight, Ian. Thank you.”

  Jacob gave our ticket to the valet and we stood there quietly while we waited for the car. He kept a protective arm around me the whole time and in spite of the crappy night, I felt safe. When we got into the Jaguar I had a sudden realization…I needed my dad. “Jacob, can you take me home?”

  “To your house, baby?” He looked sad and hurt. I felt like crap. But, I needed my dad.

  I nodded. “I’m sorry. I need to see my dad.”

  “It’s okay. Of course I’ll take you home.” We drove the five minutes to my house and I was relieved to see Dad’s car in the driveway. Jacob got out and before I could, or he could make it around to my side of the car, Dad opened the front door. He must have heard the car. When he saw my face the night went from very bad to a whole lot worse.

  “What the fuck did you do to her?” Jacob was caught off guard and suddenly my dad was charging at him like a crazy person. I got out as fast as I could and tried to step between them, but Dad brushed me out of the way with his left arm and threw a right at Jacob’s face. Jacob caught it and held Dad’s fist in mid-air.

  “Daddy stop it! He didn’t do anything! Stop!” Jacob just stood there, holding onto Daddy’s fist. His breathing was even and unlabored and the look on his face neutral. Dad finally looked from Jacob’s face to mine and then jerked his fist out of Jacob’s massive hand.

  “What happened baby? Why are you crying? Look at you! You’re shaking. What’s wrong?”

  “Maybe we can get her inside,” Jacob said. My dad glared at him, but he put his arm around me and led me into the house. Jacob followed us. If I wasn’t such a mess, I may have laughed. It was comical. “Do you want some water or anything, baby?” he asked as Dad led me to the couch. I felt my dad’s arm stiffen at the sound of Jacob calling me baby. He sat me down.

  “No. I’m okay, thanks.” I looked at my dad and said, “Dad, this is Jacob Wright.” Dad looked back up at him and said,

  “I know who it is.”

  “Please don’t be rude to him, Daddy. I’ve already messed up his whole night.”

  Jacob came around and sat down on the other side of me. “No you didn’t, Cassie. Stop it.” He looked at my dad then and said, “I took her to my father’s engagement dinner. His fiancé turned out to be Cassie’s mom.”

  “Fuck!” I don’t remember ever hearing my father use that word and so far tonight, I’ve heard it twice. “I’m sorry baby.” He put his arm around me and pulled me into his shoulder and held me there. I felt Jacob’s warm hand on my back and I realized that this was all for nothing. I didn’t need her. I was fine without her. I had these two amazing men in my life. After a few minutes Jacob said,

  “If you’re okay now baby…I’ll leave you two alone.” I pulled up from Daddy’s shoulder and turned around to hug him. He kissed the side of my face and once again, I felt my dad’s arm stiffen next to me.

  “I’m okay. I’m just really, terribly sorry. I’ll apologize to your father.” Jacob took my face in his hand and tipped it up towards hi
s and said,

  “You don’t owe anyone an apology, baby. You just feel better and please call me if you need anything, okay?” I nodded and he kissed my lips. Dad’s head must be exploding behind me. I’m glad I can’t see his face.

  “Okay. Thank you.” He smiled and then exchanged a look with my father. He got up and let himself out. I expected my dad to want to talk about him and what he and I had going on, but instead he just wrapped me back up in his embrace and that was how I fell asleep, in my father’s arms.



  I woke up Saturday morning with a throbbing headache. I was fighting tonight for the title. It was huge…the pay per view event of the year. All I could think was that Cassie should have been lying beside me when I woke up. I swear if I didn’t know better, I’d say my father did it on purpose just because he hates to see me happy. I reached over onto the nightstand and got my phone. It was just after eight o’clock. I wasn’t sure if Cassie would be up yet so I text her:

  “Good morning baby. How are you?”

  I lay there in bed and waited and several minutes later my phone vibrated. “I’m embarrassed and ashamed, but I’m okay.” Shit! I text her back:

  “Please don’t feel that way, baby. Can I see you today before the fight?” I waited, not patiently for more than several minutes this time before she text back. This one said,

  “You need to concentrate on tonight. We’ll talk after. Good luck!” Shit!


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