Permanent Marker (The Kinky Truth)

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Permanent Marker (The Kinky Truth) Page 11

by Angel Payne

  He dipped both hands between her thighs and parted them with one shove. Rose gasped, her tongue slipping along her bottom lip. In an instant he envisioned the length of his cock sliding into her sweet, berry-colored mouth. It turned his next words from a firm command into a raw growl.

  “I’m not taking my time with this, honey. Listen close. The safe word is worth. Use it if you need to, but only if you need to. You’ve turned your will over to me. I won’t abuse that, but I will push it. You need to be willing. And if you’re willing, then you’ll be obedient. Do you understand?”

  He watched how that affected her. And was mesmerized. The increased surges of her breath. The slight tilt of her head, leaning toward him, as if hungering for him. The fervent dart of her tongue, moistening her upper lip this time. “Yes,” she finally blurted. “Yes, Sir, I understand.”

  He pushed forward and kissed her again. “Good girl.”

  A smile curved her lips. He took one second to bask in that adoring look before he swung off the bed, moving across the room with military efficiency.

  “Sir? Wh-where—”

  “Questions will be kept to a minimum, Rose.”

  He kept his voice at a firm directive. A glance back showed him Rose’s reaction…her hips writhing, her gaze darkening, her nipples at erect attention. Quickly he moved to the gift basket GRI sent him when he’d gotten here, which could’ve carried Moses and a dozen cousins up the Nile. There was an equally large raffia bow on top of the package. He pulled the decoration apart until he’d unraveled the strong ribbon into two long lengths. A plan began unfurling in his mind, filled with ruthless sensual intent.

  He tilted a calculating grin at her. “You asked me to make you choose. Now trust that’s what I’m going to do and don’t doubt the process.”

  He scooped his necktie off the floor as he returned to the bed, then slid back to the mattress as he had last night. He balanced high on his knees, staring down at her flushed beauty. Her skin was cream and softness against the sheets. Her hair, rich and russet, tumbled against the headboard and around her shoulders. Her fathomless, long-lashed gaze never left him. Still he asked her, “Do you trust me, pet?”

  Rose nodded slowly. “Y-yes.”

  “It pleases me to hear that.” He let her see his approving nod. “In that case, spread your legs wider for me.”

  She was a little shaky in her compliance. He clenched his jaw, struggling to forget the fresh rush of blood to his cock.

  “Now move your wrists to the outsides of your knees.” Hell. His erection jutted in front of him, prominent as Pinocchio’s nose. “Perfect, honey. That’s so damn perfect.”

  Without another word, he came forward to fasten her forearms to her lower thighs, twisting the raffia in a modified gauntlet pattern, the work as gorgeous as it was practical. The knots were lined up in two neat rows but could be unraveled with one pull at the bows he secured at her wrists. As he created the bonds, Mark’s mind stepped into a place it hadn’t been in years: a sacred corridor traversed only by Dom and sub together, tying up more than just body parts. A place where their breathing aligned and their awareness tunneled, where their heartbeats sought each other, and the rest of the world got bound away as tightly as they were bound in. He truly never thought he’d know this precious silence again. Never thought he’d be using his strongest self-control techniques to keep an erection in check as he checked knots, or be so focused on the answering signals from his submissive’s body in return, tuning his senses so completely to her that he could take her pulse almost by looking at her.

  And look he did. Hot and intent, over every inch.

  “So beautiful,” he murmured at last. Rose returned a soft smile and a hooded gaze, her muscles taut but not strained, her desire showing in every shiny drop that glistened along her open, sweet cunt. He bent to taste that delicious dew, lapping her tangy essence over every inch of his tongue. She gasped, and he rose again to steal the sound with his open mouth.

  Once he pulled away, he took the pinstriped tie and stretched it out in front of her face. As he expected, that keen mind of hers instantly understood his intent. Her breasts rose and fell in triple time now. She blinked at the tie, frightened but transfixed by it. Mark lightly scratched the back of her hand, forcing her to refocus on him.

  “This is necessary, pet. Bondage and blindness. It means I get all of your surrender now, in every way. I need it, and so do you.”

  Her face tightened as she processed that. Finally she seemed to accept his decision, no matter how many visceral alarms it set off. He already had her splayed wide open, but now he was ordering her to stay that vulnerable to him as he plunged her into complete darkness. Total reliance on him.

  Fuck, he needed this.

  And whether she realized it fully yet or not, it was what she craved too.

  He reached and wrapped the tie over her eyes.

  He doubled the silk length back on itself, congratulating himself for picking the deep burgundy color. Maybe even back home, destiny had known how the hue would augment the classic coloring of the woman who’d open his world again. He didn’t have a camera, so he indulged himself in a greedy gaze over every inch of her bound glory. After looking his fill, he brushed kisses to her forehead, the tip of her nose, and the planes of both cheeks. At last he took her lush mouth in a dominating kiss.

  She opened for him with equal need, whimpering deeply, offering her tongue. His blood roared. His balls bellowed. They didn’t waste time broadcasting their demand to his sex either. It was a riot from his sac to his helmet, seeped now with the heat of his precum. He groaned hard against her lips, needing to be inside her. Buried. Consumed.

  Soon. Soon. After she was desperate too. After she begged for it.

  “Let it go.” He rasped it, letting Rose hear every note of her effect on him. “I’m right here, honey. You have nothing to worry about, nothing to control anymore. It’s all mine, and it’s safe. Your only task now is to feel.”

  He showed her what he meant by targeting the most sensitive parts of her body first. He dipped two moist kisses to the crevices behind her ears. He suckled two more to the skin just inside her armpits and another to the hollow of her neck. He moved lower, fingering her delicate navel, grazing his nails along her inner thighs, kissing the insides of her knees. He worshipped her toes, licking the nails with their rebellious gemstones, sucking on them with tender, taunting care. By the time he slid back up to capture her dark raspberry nipples with his mouth, she struggled against her bondage and emitted bone-melting little cries. They escalated into miniature screams when he moved to the flesh of her breasts, tasting the skin in huge bites, even as his face dipped into the valley between the gorgeous globes.

  “Ohhh, Sir!” She moaned as he kneaded both sides of her labia, using tiny circles that helped milk her clit, rushing the blood to her pussy and turning it into a rose of a hundred gorgeous hues. Mark hungrily looked his fill, adding light swats to the area with his fingertips. Her answering gasps, coupled with the beautiful wince on her face, sucked the air from his lungs. He shook his head in wonderment. How had this glorious woman ever thought she wasn’t created for the magic of submission?

  He moved his hand down into the tight channel of her sex. He went in with one finger, soon two, biting back his growl as her muscles clamped him in delicious welcome. He stretched a third finger into her, reveling in the moisture that glistened in her folds. She threw herself back against the headboard, little sobs spilling up her throat, twisting their way up the pounding length of his cock.

  “Perfect, honey. So damn perfect.”

  He was transported as he gazed at her. The blindfold was a slash of sin across her face. Every curve of her body was flushed, wet, and ready for him. He slipped his fingers in and out, fucking her faster and faster with them, thrusting and twisting, now making her shake and gasp.

  “Sir!” she pleaded. “Please!”

  “Please what? Tell me what you’re feeling, pet. Tell me what I ca
n do for you.”

  “More! Please, just more!”

  “More of what? Focus your thoughts. Tell me how it feels, honey.”


  Her shriek came as he shifted his thumb, pressing it to the most sensitive ridge of her sex. He gritted his teeth, an action of his triumph and his struggle. He was soaring, high on being the one to make her feel this way, to open her up in this exquisite adventure of her sexuality and her soul—but doing it resulted in the most agonizing erection of his life. He glanced down at the angry red length with a silent promise.

  Soon. Very soon.

  “Talk to me, Rose.” His efforts at control turned his syllables into bites. “Tell me what I do to you. I’m not asking. I’m commanding. Tell. Me.”

  She pounded her head back again, as if giving herself grounding for the task. He watched her brow furrow over the top of the blindfold.

  “Heat,” she finally blurted. “And…pressure. Wonderful pressure. And aching. Oh God, I ache.”

  “Yes.” Damn, she was so exquisite. So breathtaking in every moment she freed herself a little more. “Ache for what? Say it, honey.”

  “You. Please. Inside me. Please!”

  It was all the invitation he needed.

  Though he pulled his fingers free, Mark kept that hand braced at her soaking folds, keeping her entrance spread and ready for him. He reached for the nightstand drawer, hoping it was as well stocked as the cabinet by the pool. Pay dirt. A neat stack of foil squares waited. He tore the condom wrapper with his teeth and sheathed up in seconds, clenching his jaw against the raw torture of it before pressing his whole body into her, locking his lips to her ear.

  “I’m going to fuck you now, little subbie. Take me deep. Take me hard.”

  He dragged his lips to her mouth, muffling her scream of pleasure as she did exactly that.

  His balls slammed her body as soon as he was in. The feeling was beyond mesmerizing. He slid out, shuddering with her, to the point where only the mushroom of his head was still encased in her. Then he plunged in again, gripped in the glove of her channel. His senses went to fire. His cock was searing steel, threatening to melt everything in its path. And she was telling him how she needed this?

  “Christ.” He growled it between thrusts. “You’re so tight, so velvety.” He grabbed both sides of her ass and positioned her for his deeper possession. “So mine.”

  “Yes,” she cried back. “Yes, Sir!”

  “Say it.” He drilled into her searing softness, pounding hard as he could. “Tell me who you belong to. Say it!”

  “You.” She was an image of pure submissive glory, her wrists coiling against the raffia, her thighs bunching, her neck strained. “You, Sir! I belong only to— Oh! Ohhhh!”

  “One more second, honey.” He controlled her completely now, using her body like a cylinder to his piston, pushing them both to the edge of combustion. “It’ll be so good, I promise. Hold it back. One more second.”

  “I can’t! I need to—”

  “To what? Say it, Rose. What do you need?”

  “Can’t…speak. So hard to even think.”

  “Focus. Using your mind will help you restrain your pussy. What do you need?”

  “Oh…oh please, Sir. I need to come. I need to come!”

  “Perfect.” He bit off his reply through clenched teeth, his eyes rolling back into his head from the effort. He was balls-to-ass inside her, her walls coiled around him like relentless bondage rope. Yet he kept up his pace, knowing exactly where he’d rub her, inside and out. He loved what shock waves it would set off in every precious inch of her vagina, pussy, hips, and thighs. “Do it for me. Come hard around me, pet. Now.”

  She keened and gasped, then slammed her head back as every muscle in her body tensed. A scream erupted from her lips. Her tunnel convulsed around him. Mark groaned and gripped her hips, his hands brutal claws. The undulations were like a million fingers around his cock, twisting the cum from him. The world became a billion fuses, his body now a nuclear bomb of pleasure. Through every second of it, he focused on every sound, every tremor, and every breath she gave, joined to her, absorbed in her…

  God help him, consumed by her.

  How was this possible? How could she have been a stranger four days ago, and now the person on earth to whom he felt most connected? It had only taken a spark or two, and now they were a forest fire, raging through the thick forests they’d both grown in their hearts.

  But fire was fragile. Especially when half the kindling of one began to shudder, sob, and writhe against her restraints.

  With quick tugs on the raffia, he unraveled the gauntlets that kept Rose’s arms bound to her thighs. He gently lifted the tie off her eyes as well. As he expected, she reached and clung to his neck while he stroked the circulation back into her legs. He stayed inside her, taking their rhythm into long, slow strokes. “It’s okay,” he soothed. “Let it go. This is part of giving it to me too.”

  “Damn it,” she muttered after several long minutes. “I’m sorry. I’m not always like this after sex.”

  “You’re also not used to having sex like this.”

  “Do people really…get used to it?”

  “Why would you want to?” He brushed her lips with his. “I hope I make you break down every time. I love your tears, honey. All of them. Your submission moves me.”

  He let his gaze roam her face. His words had drawn a definite question mark there. But he smiled, realizing he already knew what the question was. So they’d only known each other a little over a hundred hours. Big fucking deal. He knew her. And he saw she longed to believe it too—that she yearned to know a hundred hours was just the beginning of thousands, millions more.

  “Yes,” he told her, stroking both her temples. “I said every time. And I mean it. Listen…Rose…we’ll talk about this. We’ll figure it out.”

  A thunderous growl from her stomach eclipsed any answer she had for his declaration.

  He laughed, and she matched it with a giggle. “What?” she quipped. “Somebody kept me from having dinner last night!”

  Mark shot her his version of the evil eye. “I didn’t hear any complaining.”

  “No, Sir. No complaining.”

  He reveled in her punctuation to that: a soft, content smile. For an instant, he caught something else on her features. Something that looked very much like…confidence. The stare of a woman who’d discovered something incredible in herself and was not only recognizing it, but embracing it.

  “I like this,” he murmured with his own grin.

  Her brows scrunched. “You like what?”

  “Looking at you, without an inch of guilt or hesitation sneaking across your face.” He gave fast kisses to both her blushing cheeks before rolling off the bed and grabbing a pair of shorts from his suitcase. “Yet at the moment, I’m off to get something to satisfy that tiger in your stomach.”

  She laughed as he pulled on a formfitting black T-shirt. “Easy there, Tarzan. Chasing down a wildebeest won’t be necessary. I just need some tea and fruit.” She curled to her side, one thigh hooked atop the sheet, tempting him with her half-exposed backside. “Can’t we just order something in?”

  “Not a bad idea.” He lowered his lips to her mouth again. “But I’m introducing you all to the Baghdad site leader via web conference today, and I want to be sure the equipment’s ready to go. I’ll swing by the kitchens on my way back. You like fruity teas, right? With some lemon?”

  Her eyes widened. “You don’t miss much.”

  “No.” He got quiet with the reply. “I don’t.”

  “Hmmm. Why do I think I should be worried?”

  “Because you’re dying to give me something to flog out of you?” As her mouth popped open, he snickered. “Okay, here’s the agreement, then. No floggings today if there isn’t any worrying today. You’re forbidden to worry about anything for the next twenty-four hours. That includes all the self-doubts and all the internal back talk. Got it?

  “Is that a direct order?”

  “Yeah.” He grabbed her hand, compelling her to look up into his newly serious gaze. “Actually, it is.”

  She kissed his knuckles. “Very well, then. Anything else on that list, Sir?”

  “Hm.” He trailed his hungry gaze over the curve of her thigh. “I can think of a few, but here’s the first. Don’t move. Be waiting for me, exactly like that, when I return.”

  She broke into a giggle at that. The sound was kittenish, sexy, and adorable. She compounded the effect by rolling over to expose one breast. “Yes, Sir!”

  He chuckled and groaned, then adjusted his hardness through his shorts. He remembered the first time she’d called him Sir, and all the different ways he’d fantasized about hearing the word trip off her lips. This reality beat every one of those dreams.

  This reality was so fucking right.

  As he left the villa and headed for the resort’s main building, that resolve grew stronger. It was the reason he decided to take the beach route. But the sand wasn’t his destination because he wanted to hide his head in it. He needed to dig his feet into the earth as he delved his thoughts into the perplexity of Rose Fabian.

  He couldn’t delude himself about the bullet train upon which they’d jumped. He knew damn well this wasn’t a conventional way to court a woman, that humans were complex creatures, with women the most dazzling examples. Knowing someone after four days was supposed to be impossible. But he’d also declared that he’d never be this fulfilled again. Alone was something he’d gotten used to, even content with. Alone had always felt the better choice over the silly come-ons and flirtations on the Hill—even during the times it became loneliness. Lonely was better than empty. He knew at least that much.

  Rose filled the emptiness. Overflowed it. And damn it, he was good for her too.


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