Mirror Amour (Circotica Series)

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Mirror Amour (Circotica Series) Page 3

by Jade Hart

  “I think we need to get the formalities out of the way.” Carson grinned, eyes zeroing in on mine. “What’s your name?”

  Should I use a fake name? Then again, Noah had already ruined that by using my real identity. No harm in telling the truth, I suppose. “Linden.”

  He nodded in approval. “And you want a threesome with me and Noah?”

  My eyes shot to Noah, wide with fear. To have it spoken so forthrightly sounded rather crude and frankly selfish of me to want two delectable men.

  Noah froze, hands curling by his side. I didn’t know if he wanted to attack and take me in public or beat me to remove such fantastical ideas.

  Carson’s chest rumbled, as he watched Noah suffer. “I’m taking you two know each other from somewhere and all of this sex talk is new to you?” he asked with a cocky tone.

  Noah’s eyes flickered between both of us. “Something like that.”

  It was my turn to freeze. His voice had lost the preppy-professor tone. It was replaced with gruff and tuff: rather snappy, completely manly, totally horny.

  Carson continued ribbing Noah. “And do you like that idea? The concept of getting naked, hot, heavy—kissing, licking, fucking this woman?” He hugged me closer, running the tip of his tongue along my cheek. Instead of being gross, he made me tremble. What was with the trembling? I was a plate of custard or some other sweet inconsistent dessert. All I wanted was to be eaten. I groaned at the crude thought, then flushed at the image of Noah on his knees before me, and Carson doing things to other parts of my body.

  When I mentioned the threesome it was a sudden example of being reckless; I hadn’t really thought it through, but now, standing here with two men forming a sexually-charged web around me, I wanted it more than anything. I wanted to kiss Noah and touch Carson at the same time. I wanted to see both men naked and see how they reacted when one fucked me and the other watched.

  Noah finally got the strength to answer. “I wouldn’t say no to that.”

  Oh my God, he just agreed. Noah—Mr. No-Libido-and-Germ-Obsessed-Sexy roommate just agreed to have a threesome with me and Mr. Hot-Acrobat-Sex-Circus owner.

  Best. Night. Ever.

  Trudy beamed. “Fantastic. If you want to leave your valuables behind, I can keep them safe for you. And I don’t think we’ve talked about admission. It’s one hundred and fifty dollars.”

  I blinked. Who knew sex could demand a premium? Then again, porn was well over twenty bucks to buy on cable, and the amount of kinky places like this were few and far between. They could charge what they wanted.

  Noah didn’t break eye contact with me as he dug out his wallet from his jeans. “My credit card is in there.”

  Oh my. Who’d of thought? Noah could be damn roguishly sexy when he wanted to be.

  My blood thrilled with what was to come. I copied Noah. Not taking my eyes from his, I handed Trudy my beaded purse. “Mine too.” I forced myself not to think about credit card fraud. She said it was safe with her; I refused to let my mind focus on sex-dampening things like being ripped off.

  Carson tugged me into him and crushed my lips with his. My eyes locked onto Noah as Carson’s tongue plunged into my mouth, turning my body to boiling water. Bubbles formed then turned to steam, electrifying my limbs.

  Noah’s mouth parted as he watched, and he took a step toward us. His arm twitched as if to touch me, but Carson pulled away, leaving me lightheaded.

  “Just to be clear. You’re both over eighteen, willing participants, and wish to spend the next few hours writhing and having mind-blowing sex together.” He pointed to us in a messy triangle. “For the record, we need you to agree.”

  Noah stared at me; my body ached in places it hadn’t before. If I agreed, I’d be allowed to kiss him. Every part of the night-air swelled, urging me into his arms. It was a cushion of lust, a squall of attraction.

  Noah dropped his head, and his face darkened in shadow. “I agree.”

  My voice filled with bated breath. “I agree.”

  Carson nodded, face tightening in anticipation. “In that case. Follow me.”

  Circotica was a carnival, a festival, and circus all splashed into one indulgent venue.

  Along with the games and stalls, there was a small Ferris Wheel with blackened carriages; some swayed gently in the non-existent breeze. Were people getting jiggy up there? The way one swung hinted yes.

  A haunted house loomed to my left, dripping with building-sized shimmery condoms and rivers of glittery lube. It wasn’t the usual haunted house with witches and trolls; this one had a giant phallus with a pierced stud stabbing the night sky. I wasn’t afraid to admit the sheer size terrified me, but I also wanted to go inside all the more. What exactly went on in there?

  I strained my ears as we walked past, but all I could hear was dark, eerie, Phantom of the Opera sort of music.

  A trio of people passed us. A man and woman were led by a collar and a leggy brunette dressed in a black negligee. They disappeared into the haunted house.

  Carson’s hand on me grew heavier with every attraction we passed. Was I ready to do this? I’d never been in such an overstimulated venue before. The only thing I’d attended was the annual practice-safe-sex show where tame dildos and condoms lessons made me blush. How had I handed over my credit card to sleep with a stranger and my flatmate? Even the thought of paying to do this made my blood imitate fireworks, and my legs wobble with need. Shit, I was so turned on.

  I couldn’t look around fast enough. Circotica was sex amped on Viagra, laced with speed, cocaine, and every aphrodisiac known to man. And I loved it. Had I always been secretly into this stuff? Or had it opened my eyes?

  A small flare of panic filled me. Life was draped in decadence and undisputed passion here, how could I go back to my boring life after tonight? I was ruined for my bland apartment, my work with germs, and my shy, uncommunicative flatmate. I wanted to dance and fuck. I wanted to live to the full potential of my body and die shivering with uncontrollable orgasms.

  We passed the food stalls. My mouth watered at the scents of sugar and grease even as my eyes widened.

  Cotton candy was offered, but instead of coming on a stick, it was offered on a man’s penis or a woman’s breasts. Popcorn was threaded on necklaces and wrapped around naked bodies to be eaten with lips. Were they workers of Circotica or willing participants? Did someone pay one hundred and fifty bucks to become an eating utensil? And why was I contemplating it?

  My core clenched as a fully dressed man in a suit leaned over a naked woman wearing a belt of dangling confectionery. He took a sweet into his mouth, grazing her navel. I gasped as his tongue speared and entered her bellybutton, swirling around once before pulling away.

  Carson leaned toward me, jerking me into his chest. He bit my ear, whispering, “You like watching, too. Does it turn you on to voyeur others?” He kissed my neck, licking with a pointed tongue. “I do. It makes me hard. I can’t wait to watch you.”

  My lungs stuck together; my mind tripping over itself with erotic images and anticipation. Never mind the slight chill in the air, the entire atmosphere of Circotica could’ve heated Antarctica with the lust and heat whispering from urgent bodies.

  Chemistry ran rampant. If a naked flame was lit amongst the pheromones in the air it would be the largest explosion the small town had ever seen. And I’d be the epicentre of it. My heart hadn’t stopped its turned-on thrumming since the flyer swatted my car. I didn’t know how much more I could take before I self-combusted.

  Carson gripped my hand as he half-dragged, half-guided me through the maze of bodies. I didn’t focus too much on anyone—everyone deserved their privacy—and I didn’t want to recognize anyone. Seeing Noah was enough.

  I looked to my left where Noah followed a little behind. His jaw was clenched, eyes burning into mine with the force of a Bunsen burner. He wasn’t having second thoughts was he? Disappointment practically crippled me at the thought. I wanted him to touch me. Kiss me… fuck me.

>   Carson came to a stop outside a black and silver building with mirrors hanging on every surface of the midnight walls. My little black dress and flushed skin reflected back in hundreds of grainy, black-washed mirrors. Intricate frames gave an opulent feel promising a fantasy beyond any I’d contemplated.

  Noah stopped beside me, his breathing deep and irregular. I was glad he was uptight; my own breathing matched his—even more so when his little pinkie on his right hand grazed the flesh of my palm. I jolted at the small contact as it shot right between my legs.

  I stole a look at him, biting my lip.

  Noah’s eyes were a vibrant green. No more hazel, and nothing but need shone in them. I linked my own pinkie with his and thrilled with pleasure as his lids snapped closed and he swayed into me.

  Carson broke our bubble, grinning at both of us. “This is for Noah’s fantasy, Linden.” He opened a black door I hadn’t seen and beckoned us inside. I didn’t understand what he meant as the door closed behind us, entombing us in low-lighting sconces and eclipse drapery.

  We were in a corridor.

  Noah sucked in a breath, and his hand touched the small of my back. It seemed the moment the door closed he gave up trying to pretend he wasn’t into the idea. Carson muttered something as Noah grabbed my wrist and spun me to face him.

  Shock plastered over my face as I stared up into his green eyes, lit only by fake candlelight.

  “If we do this we don’t talk about it ever again. It stays here. In this place. Agreed?”

  My head bobbled. I’d agree to anything the way he held me. His fingertips bit into my wrist, turning the small burn of a bruise into a call of need.


  Noah bent his head, licking his lips. I licked my own in synchronization, all too ready to feel his mouth on mine.

  Carson coughed. “We haven’t even arrived, and you can’t control yourself.” His tone was full of mirth though, and Noah growled.

  The feral sound erupted through me, and everything went warm and liquid.

  Noah pushed me suddenly. My back crushed against the soft draped wall. Black velvet cushioned.

  “We don’t talk about this. Ever,” Noah repeated just as his lips connected with mine. I’d never talk about it, but it wouldn’t stop me from reliving that movement over and over again.

  Noah’s lips were warm and slippery. His tongue possessive as he pierced my closemouthed peck and demanded I kiss him deeper than I’d ever kissed anyone—including Carson.

  I moaned as Noah’s right hand unlatched from my arm and caressed my breast. Not that it was caressing—more like a massage of lust. Hard, firm strokes that sent my mind into hibernation and my body into hyper alert.

  I was owned by him in that moment.

  Noah groaned as my arms wrapped around his waist. I intended to drown in him, and he wasn’t close enough. How had we lived together for so long and never had an inkling of what the other was like? How did we sit in awkward silence watching some documentary on germs and disease and not attack each other on the couch? How would I go back to that existence after tonight? After I’d tasted him. Sampled him? Known how passionate he was under the carefully kept façade?

  Noah’s lips wrenched from mine, and the cold draft after his warm, sweet flavour disappeared.

  Carson held Noah’s shoulder, obviously having jerked him off me. “Down boy. It’s not just you two in this for fun. I intend to participate, and there isn’t enough room in this fucking corridor.” He pushed Noah further into the dark den and grabbed my hand to tug me along.

  Every part of this evening had been a surprise; turning me from bookish scientist to wanton, weak-kneed slut. I had no control over my transformation, and I hoped tonight would change me forever. I wished the outside world wasn’t so uptight. That everywhere was as honest as Circotica. Being sexy, and blatantly obvious how horny we were, was refreshing. Our needs weren’t hidden behind falseness. I had a feeling this experience would teach me what I’d never let myself contemplate. I liked sex. I liked the thrill… the chase… the catch… the temptation.

  My eyes shot wide as the realization slammed into me.

  I liked Noah.

  Every time we circled each other in awkwardness made me aware of him, and yet, I convinced myself I barely tolerated him, when in reality, I’d been waiting for him to jump me. Had he been waiting for the same thing? Subconsciously aware of each other, but so conditioned by society that raw, animalistic need wasn’t proper.

  Never again. My inner minx was free and no way would I chain her up—unless a sexy man was doing it, of course. Noah was wrong. We would talk about this again. And again. And again.

  Shit, I wanted to scrapbook tonight. Steal a mirror as a memento and dress myself in candy floss.

  We exited the corridor, and my entire body revved into red-hot chills. This is—wow! Carson let my hand go as I drifted forward, blinking at the splendour.

  “Pretty. Isn’t it?” His voice was guttural, reacting to the room. The place where he’d fuck me and make me spend the best one hundred and fifty dollars in my life.

  “I don’t think pretty is the right word.” My heart jumped. Was that my voice? That sex-kitten, low tenor that urged men to attack me.

  Noah’s body pressed against mine from behind and my stomach somersaulted. “I’d call it carnal. Mind-blowing. The best room I’ve ever seen.” He bit the side of my neck sending shockwaves down my spine.

  I had to agree. Noah’s fantasy had truly come life. If he wanted to watch, he’d have a hard time looking away with this many reflective surfaces.

  Every inch was covered in mirrors. Each panel was about a metre wide and soared to the ceiling giving the illusion we stood in the centre of a many faceted polygon.

  The ceiling was mirrored. The floor was mirrored. Even the chandelier hanging from the ceiling with its fake candles was mirror and crystal.

  And in the centre of the room was a king-size bed with snowy satin sheets.

  Carson prowled to the bedside cabinet and flicked a switch. Instantly, music rained from speakers all around us. Coaxing, whispering, making love to me with strands of notes.

  “What is that?” I asked, trying to pinpoint the sultry, heady music.

  Carson’s lips tugged into a half smile. “The soundtrack that will get you off better than you ever have before.” He held out a hand, and I placed mine in it. He tugged sharply; I tumbled against him.

  That was a good enough answer for me.

  Noah came forward, his presence electrifying me from behind. I looked in front to the mirrors capturing our every move. Noah’s swirling green and slightly hazel eyes locked on mine as he reached forward and cupped the back of my neck.

  Wait… was there no lead in? Did we just jump straight to it? What am I on about? I wanted to jump straight to it. I couldn’t have handled small talk. Not now. Not with my blood pounding and my inner thighs burning.

  Carson’s amethyst eyes scorched me as he leaned in to capture my mouth. We kissed staring deep into each other. I felt as if he could read my every dark wish the way he drank me.

  Noah reached around and cupped my breast again, squeezing with dexterous fingers. He murmured, “I’ve wanted to touch you since you dropped spaghetti sauce all over the kitchen and cleaned it up in your bra.”

  I blinked. He’d seen that? I didn’t think he was home. I’d been splattered with sauce, so I removed my blouse. How often had he watched me when I wasn’t aware?

  Then again, I’d watched him.

  I sighed as Carson nibbled his way down my throat.

  “I’ve wanted you since you stepped out of the shower and didn’t wrap your towel around yourself to go to your room.” The memory of his cock roared to mind. I remember thinking how strange it was to room with a man with no interest in me, and yet he shaved his pubic hair.

  Noah sucked in a breath, twisting my nipple. “I knew you’d seen. I had to wank the moment I got into my room, knowing you’d watched me.”

nbsp; Oh God. Somehow Noah was making love to me with words. Everything he said turned my blood-furnace of a body into a battering ram of need.

  Loving the reaction his words did to me, I amped up my boldness. “Did you do that often? Wank over me?”

  I cried out as Carson reached to my side and found the zipper to my dress. “Linden, if he didn’t wank over you nightly, then I don’t know how he stopped from fucking you.” I trembled as his fingers kissed my side as he lowered the zip. “You’re the perfect conundrum of a woman. You want sex. I can see your need blazing, but you’ve hidden that part of yourself, till now. You drive men wild with that sort of innocence.”

  What did he mean? Did he call me a cock-tease in a roundabout way?

  Noah brushed aside my curls, dipping his head to breathe hot in my ear. “I could sense you were kinky, even across the apartment—with doors between us—I could sense how much you needed a good fuck.” He suddenly thrust against my butt, grinding his erection into me. “Do you know how many times I woke up in the middle of the night desperate for you? I caught myself half way across the lounge before I came to my senses.”

  How did I not know that? He kept his passion so well-hidden.

  Noah tugged my throat so my neck bent, giving him access to kiss me from behind. As Noah’s lips descended and turned all my thoughts to nothingness, Carson pealed my dress off my shoulders.

  My body went into pleasure overload. I was being kissed by one man and touched by another. Sandwiched between two delicious males, and one of them had wanted me for months. Shit, I was lucky.

  “Don’t stop yourself next time. Just come.” I invited as Noah pulled away, breathless.

  His eyes narrowed, and he shook his head. “No. One time only. Tonight and then we go back to ignoring each other.”

  Oh, hell no. If he thought I could go back to living with him after this he was an idiot. But I wasn’t going to ruin tonight. I’d bide my time for that argument. I shivered in anticipation, hoping there would be temper and angry makeup sex.


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