Ms Virtue Super Heroine Girls' Night
Page 2
"And she'll tell you after we have some fun," Candy said.
Mystique claimed Ms Virtue's lips. The beautiful super heroine groaned into her mouth. Her insides were a hot mess now, with four horny strippers touching, licking, sucking on her body.
"She doesn't seem very virtuous," Belle said.
"Do you want to judge her or fuck her?" Angel said.
"Good point," Belle said. "I'll go get the toys."
Toys? Ms Virtue thought. Oh my. It's bad enough I have no defense against horny guys, but horny girls too?
Candy intensified her efforts on Ms Virtue's clit. Her sensitive little nub was singing, and when Candy's rubbing became even more vigorous, her insides turned to hot jelly. The sexy super heroine's breath caught, and she felt her body rising quickly towards ultimate release.
"Oh no," she whispered, and then her body erupted. "Aaggh."
Candy reclaimed her lips, continuing to rub her so well, while Charisma ate her out and Angel nibbled and fondled her butt cheeks. Wave upon wave of climatic pleasure washed through the super heroine. Her knees became so weak, so rubbery.
"Oooooh," she sighed as the strippers gently lowered Ms Virtue to her knees. Belle returned wearing a huge purple strap-on. The horny heroine's eyes widened when the size of it registered, and then she noticed all of the ridges and bumps on it. "Holy Moses!"
"Yes, she's a beauty," Belle said, wagging her brows.
"No, no, I get her first," Candy cried. "I found her."
"She's right," Mystique said.
"Fine," Belle said, clearly miffed. Then she caught Ms Virtue's eyes and smirked, "I have a better idea anyway."
"What does that mean?" Ms Virtue asked. Her head was spinning, and her body was super aroused. She knew it was wrong. She knew she had to get out of there fast before they did wicked things to her body. "I'm not a lesbian."
"Shame," Candy said. "We're a lot of fun."
Ms Virtue thought that meant they would let her go. Nope. While Belle passed the strap-on to Candy, Mystique, Angel, and Charisma stripped away the super heroine's bustier. The blonde heroine was pushed to her back, and held down by Angel and Mystique. Charisma surrendered her place between Ms Virtue's legs to Candy.
"Oh my!" Ms Virtue cried. "You're not really going to stick that monster inside me, are you?"
"That's not a no," Belle said and laughed.
"It's practically begging for it," Charisma said. "Fuck her, Candy."
"I put up more of a fight before sex than her," Angel said. "And I'm a raging slut."
"Hey!" Ms Virtue cried. Before she could say any more, Candy dropped to her knees and leaned over her. That ginormous ribbed and knobbed strap-on dildo pressed against her quivering, wet folds. Her skin goose-fleshed and visions of that scary thing plowing into her filled her mind. "Ooooooh."
"Are you into felching?" Belle asked as she moved to stand over the super heroine's head.
"I don't know," Ms Virtue said. "I never heard of it."
"Perfect," Belle said, and dropped to her knees, straddling Ms Virtue's face. "Eat me."
The beautiful blonde heroine's olfactory senses were overwhelmed by the musty scent of Belle's groin area. Her pussy reeked of sweat and cum. Then she remembered that the redhead had just fucked Doctor Death.
"Wait, didn't you just screw Doctor Death?"
"He doesn't like being called that anymore," Belle said. "But yes. This is felching."
"You're going to eat his cum out of her pussy," Angel said, and giggled.
"Ack!" she cried, but Belle forced her sloppy wet pussy against her mouth.
Ms Virtue tensed. They had her totally discombobulated. There was no way she'd eat the cum of that notorious murderer. But then Candy thrust that monster strap-on deep into her pussy.
"Uggh!" Ms Virtue cried, back bowing and long thigh-booted legs wrapping around the pretty stripper. Candy thrust over and over, making her feel every inch of that hard rubber dildo. Making her feel every one of those ridges and knobs. And that thing stretched her pussy out to the point of pain. "Uggh. Uggh."
Every deep thrust forced another grunt out. Ms Virtue felt it in her bones. And then Belle really ground her pussy into the heroine's mouth, and she started licking and sucking. What else was she going to do? It just felt right, felt natural.
"Suck it all down, baby," Belle said. "Suck his nasty cum out of me."
Angel, Mystique, and Charisma squealed with wicked delight. Ms Virtue felt her face heating up. Hell, her whole body was heating up super fast. Doctor Death's dribbling cum was the least of her concerns. Candy was rocking her world. She'd never believed another woman could do that.
"Mmmmgggh," she groaned into Belle's pussy. She licked and nibbled at the stripper's hot, wet folds, and then pushed her tongue in deep. Cum oozed down her tongue and into her mouth. Ms Virtue swallowed, lapping hungrily at Belle's leaking pussy. "Mmmmm."
"Look at her go," Angel said. "Who knew Ms Virtue was such a wanton slut?"
"The Jags," Charisma said.
Mystique, and then Angel leaned in to suck on Ms Virtue's erect, sensitive nipples. The sexy super heroine writhed under the four strippers. She moaned and groaned.
I'm being gangbanged by strippers! she thought. Why can't I say no?
"Eat cum," Belle cried, and squeezed her vagina hard.
"Mmm!" Ms Virtue cried, copious amounts of hot, viscous cum suddenly flowing into her mouth.
"Yes!" Candy cried, and really started thrusting hard and fast into the beautiful vigilante.
The harder Candy pounded into her, the harder Ms Virtue sucked on Belle's pussy. Every thrust sent the most amazing sensations rippling through her. Soon, the costumed heroine was bucking like crazy.
Candy cried in joy, thrusting harder and faster. Mystique and Angel sucked harder on her nipples, and Belle ground her pussy in harder. Ms Virtue's mind clouded over, almost all thought coming to a stop. Nothing there but the pleasure those women were giving her, driving her crazy, making her body sing, pushing her closer and closer.
"Huuggghh!" she cried into Belle's pussy when her body erupted again. Euphoric pleasure washed through her, while her body pulsed with the intensity of it.
"Whew!" Candy said. "Wow. That was awesome. Did you see how hard she came?"
Ms Virtue relaxed, her entire body quivering. She felt so hot and sweaty. Her insides were quivering jelly, and felt divine. The strippers slowly, one by one, moved away.
"Hey, you want us to invite a couple bouncers in to fuck you?" Charisma said.
"No," Ms Virtue whispered. "I'm good. I'm good."
She rolled to her knees, pressing one hand to her belly while rubbing her temple with the other. It wasn't easy regaining control over her wits. But she hadn't felt that wonderful since the last gang bang.
What the heck am I thinking? Ms Virtue thought. Must not think like that. Virtue is good. Chastity is good.
"How are you feeling, Ms Kinda Virtuous?" Belle asked, wagging her brows.
"Good, but I'm still virtuous," she said. "Just occasionally promiscuous."
"Ms Promiscuous would be such a cool super heroine name," Candy said. "Dibs."
While the strippers all started calling out sexy super heroine names they could use on stage, and claiming them for themselves, Ms Virtue crawled over to her shorts and pulled them back on. And then she got back into her bustier.
"This is all very interesting, girls, and I hope your 'super heroine night' works out splendidly, but I have to go," Ms Virtue said, striking a classic pose by the door. The pose was to remind them she was a serious super heroine, and she stood by the door in case they tried to seduce her again. "I need to know where to find Doctor Death – "
"Um – " Belle started to say.
"Fine. Where is Big D?" the super heroine said.
"He's staying at the Highway 69 Motel," Belle said. "Room 15."
"Thank you, Belle," she said. "It would've been so much easier if you'd just told me that right off."
nbsp; "But not as much fun."
"Really?" several strippers said in unison, perking up.
"Uhhh, never mind," Ms Virtue said, and headed for the kitchen and out of the strip club.
She strode fast and purposefully so no one would challenge her. The heroine heard strippers hurrying after her, their sky high stilettos clattering loudly on the hard tiles as they called out for her to come back. Any time.
The back door was open, so she took off flying before she reached it. Ms Virtue zipped out of the strip club like a bullet, just a blur as she whipped straight up once outside. After a couple hundred feet, she veered off towards the Highway 69 Motel, at the intersection of Highway 69 and Humphries Road.
It only took her a few minutes to reach the seedy motel. In previous years, it was a hooker hangout, but the police cleaned the area up. Now it was just a dirty little motel that she couldn't believe any traveler would choose. Yet, there were a dozen cars parked at the motel.
The motel was U-shaped, with the office at the entrance. The cars were all parked inside the U. It was two-stories, and Doctor Death's room was on the ground level. There was a car parked in front of Room 15, and the lights were still on.
"Gotcha," she said, and flew at the door hard and fast. At the last second, Ms Virtue turned in midair to hit the door feet-first. The door shattered, and she flew inside. "Halt in the name of justice!"
"Ms Virtue!"
"Your powers of observation are truly impressive, Doctor Death," she said, striking a classic pose. "Didn't I warn you before? You can run, but you cannot escape Ms Virtue."
He lifted two Uzi submachine guns and pulled the triggers. Hot lead spat at her at an alarming rate. Thanks to her power belt, the shapely super heroine was immune to his bullets, but those bullets bounced off her invisible shield and ripped through the surrounding walls. Innocent people could be hurt or killed.
"You monster!" she cried, and plowed into him with the full power of her flight.
"Oooff!" he cried, bouncing off the wall and falling to his knees.
"Surrender," she commanded. "Or suffer the consequences!"
"Someone's going to suffer, but it won't be me," he said, and surged to his feet with a long knife in hand. Ms Virtue focused on the knife. Her mistake. The blood-thirsty maniac kicked her between the legs. He was wearing steel-toed boots, too. "I can't shoot you, but I can cut you up into bite-sized chunks!"
Doctor Death swung the blade at her head. She blocked it with the bracer on her arm, and then followed with an uppercut to his chin. He grunted and fell back on the bed. She charged him, but the bastard kicked both feet into her chest. That sent her stumbling back across the small room.
"You can't win," Ms Virtue said. "I'm stronger and faster. Besides, justice always prevails."
He was still sprawled on the bed, glaring murderously at her. The busty blonde sucked in a deep, steadying breath. She shook her head woefully. The more dangerous the criminal, the harder they fought her. They always lost, but by fighting, they ensured they received a sound and thorough ass-whipping by her.
She was getting into an ass-kicking mood, too.
"Kneel, hands behind your head, or else," she said through clenched teeth as she approached him again.
"Okay. Okay," he said, starting to rise. "I'll – choose or else!"
He threw the knife at her. Ms Virtue easily knocked it aside with a bracer, but then he surged off the bed with a sheet in hand. Before she could process that, and figure out what he intended, Doctor Death flung it around her head. For a split second, the super heroine was effectively blindfolded.
"Uggh!" she grunted when he punched her in the belly.
Doctor Death swept her up his arms. Ms Virtue was seized by a sense of vertigo. She felt him lift her high, and then drop her as he fell to one knee.
"Back breaker!"
"Aaagh!" she cried when she slammed into his raised knee, striking her in the small of the back. The pain was exquisite. "Aaaggh."
He dropped her on the floor, pulled off her power belt, and stomped on her belly, doubling her up. Without the power belt, Ms Virtue was no stronger than any other woman her size. His powerful blows were soul-numbing. After a couple more stomps to her belly, chest, and head, she laid moaning and groaning at his feet.
Her eyes fluttered open, burning and filling with tears. Ms Virtue hurt all over. Doctor Death stood straddling her. He held her all-important power belt in one hand and an Uzi in the other.
"After I kill you, bitch," he sneered. "I'm going to go kill that fucking stripper that blew me in."
"Stripper?" she gasped out, fear gripping her heart.
"Belle," he said. His eyes narrowed as he pointed the Uzi at her head. "She's the only person I told where I was staying. I'm going to beat her bloody, and then blow off her head."
"Leave her alone!" Ms Virtue cried, fear and rage filling her heart.
The super heroine kicked straight up, driving her sharp stiletto heel straight into his balls. His eyes widened, and then he started to shake as his eyes rolled up. So she drove her other heel into his groin, too.
A sick rattle bubbled out from his throat, and he slowly fell over on his side. She quickly kicked the Uzi across the room, and pulled her power belt out of his weakened hand. He just lay there, shaking, looking extremely sick.
Ms Virtue leaned over him, giving him a fierce gaze. "Don't threaten my friends!"
After binding his wrists with a cord, she called the police to pick him up. Reporters showed up even before the police. Ms Virtue showed them the escaped murderer, and told a super-censored story of how she'd found him. No need to involve her stripper friends.
It was pretty late by the time Ms Virtue gave her interview to all of the local TV stations and newspapers, and managed to give the police the report they needed. She flew up into the dark night sky and turned toward Babydolls Gentlemen's Club. The parking lot was almost empty, but she noticed a small group of women in front of some cars.
"Hey, ladies," Ms Virtue called down from twenty feet in the air.
"She's back!" Candy cried.
"I just came by to thank you for your help," she said. "Doctor Death, or Big D, if you prefer, is in jail. Thanks for the assist."
"Our pleasure," Charisma said.
"We're going to Ricky's Bar and Grill to relax over some beers," Angel said. "You want to join us?"
"Kind of a girls' night out," Mystique said, wagging her brows. "No telling what could happen."
"I bet," Ms Virtue said, shaking her head with a big smile. "I've had a girls' night already. Besides, I can't really go to a bar in costume, now can I?"
"I guess not," Candy said, sounding dejected.
"Now, Saturday night is another matter," Ms Virtue said. "That's my night off this week. Shall we meet at Ricky's at ten for another girls' night?"
Ms Virtue wagged her brows, and the strippers below cried out with joy. She was already planning her outfit. She couldn't very well go in costume.
* * * * *
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Check out these other authors and stories from Smokin' Hot Press:
Cat Wilder (Author)
Space Sluts: Tentacle Strip Search
Space Sluts: Pleasure-bot Trouble
Vampire Slayer Fangbang
Vampire Slayer Werewolf Gangbang
Vampire Slayer Gangbang
Vampire Slayer Vamp Candy
Getting Witchy
The Dragon's Virgin Bride
The Dragon's Stolen Bride
Wild Impulse (Paranormal Erotic Stories - Fantasy Collection)
Ms Virtue's Super Heroine Setback
Ms Virtue's Gangsta Setback
Virtue Girl's Sidekick Surprise
Ms Virtue and Sad Santa
Taken by the Wild Pack
n's Surprise
Dragon's Beautiful Treasure
Magic Carpet Ride
Taken by the Dragon
Ms Virtue Super Heroine Girls' Night
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About the Author:
Cat Wilder has been writing SF and Fantasy under another pen name for years. For all of those years she wanted to really let it rip and tell some truly wild and wicked stories. The e-book revolution has given her the opportunity to tell her sexy stories. Cat is a lifelong Texan, from down around Houston, kind of Space Central for NASA. She's married with dogs.
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