Diamonds & Disguises

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Diamonds & Disguises Page 7

by Laina Turner

  “Hi, I’m Presley,” I said in my best defuse a mad customer voice, assuming until proven otherwise that was who she was.

  “Pres, this is Stacey Milford. Susan Milford’s daughter,” Amy spoke up. I instantly realized why Molly and Amy looked on edge. Especially Molly since she knew who Stacey was.

  “Is there something I can help you with, Stacey? And condolences for your loss. I didn’t know your mother, but I am very sorry.”

  “If you were so sorry, you wouldn’t have her working here,” she spat out with a hard emphasis on the her. Clearly meaning Molly, but Amy looked confused, like she was afraid Stacey meant her and having no idea why.

  “I’m not sure what you’re getting at, Stacy. Molly had nothing to do with your mother’s death,” I said, keeping my voice calm.

  Poor Molly looked horrified and embarrassed. I couldn’t help but be angry this girl showed up and was throwing around accusations but showing it would do no good.

  “Maybe you don’t know Molly has it in for my family. Especially my mother, because she exposed her brother for the scum he was. She took her opportunity to get back at our family,”

  If looks could kill I’d be afraid for Molly.

  “He is not,” Molly finally came alive and yelled back. “Your family just didn’t want to believe Alan was anything but an angel.”

  “You take that back.” Stacy took another step closer to Molly, which made me a little nervous. The last thing I needed was a catfight in the store.

  “It’s the truth and you know it!” Molly shouted.

  “Admit you killed my mother as revenge!” Stacy screamed.

  I inched my finger a little closer to the call button in case this went any further.

  But something made Molly lower her voice. “Stacey, I do not harbor a grudge against your family. Your mom was just looking out for your brother. I get that. I didn’t kill her.”

  All the anger seemed to leave Stacy’s body at Molly’s words as I could visibly see her soften. Then she started crying. I moved my finger away from the call button. I could feel some of the tension and anger dissipate and could tell Stacey was no longer a threat, but rather sad and angry. I watched Molly take a couple steps toward Stacy and tentatively reach out and touch her shoulder.

  Stacy didn’t pull away as Molly said, “I’m really sorry about your mother.”

  Stacy sniffed. “I’m sorry I came here.” And she whirled around and ran out the door.

  We all looked at each other in disbelief.

  “What the heck was that all about?” Amy asked, bewildered.

  I didn’t want to tell Molly’s business. “She must be distraught and not thinking clearly,” I said. “We’re all tired. Let’s leave the rest of this for tomorrow and get out of here.

  Chapter 14

  The rest of the weekend was uneventful, which I appreciated. Cooper worked most of it, but we did get to have a relaxing evening Sunday. I was lucky I was rested as Monday started off busy and got even busier. The news had spread from the customers who attended our Saturday sale that we had great fall merchandise. At least that’s what the customers were telling us. My fears of all our business disappearing because of the murder were clearly unfounded. I was happy to be busy but stressed because Leigh was coming in to look at some mask options I’d found before I spent a fortune rush ordering them. I’d been pleasantly surprised there were more to choose from than I’d thought with only a week turnaround time. If only I had more time, there would have been even more options, but there were only a few vendors that could work with our time frame. The selection looked pretty good. I felt confident Leigh would like a few of the options. And if she didn’t? Well, I’d have a problem. But I’d worry about that if it came to it.

  I expected Leigh in about fifteen minutes. I wanted to have printouts of my favorite ones, but the printer decided to quit working and one of the salespeople called in sick, so it had been a crazy day already and it wasn’t even noon.

  “Leigh is here,” Molly came up behind me and whispered. “Want me to take over for you?”

  I was helping one of our best customers look for resort wear to wear on an upcoming vacation, and she wasn’t someone I wanted to leave alone. Money she had, taste she didn’t. Letting her pick out her owns clothes would be a disaster for Silk.

  “That would be great,” I whispered back. “Mrs. Holland, Molly is going to take over for me. Molly, I was just about to show her the navy pant and vest set.”

  I heard Molly exclaim at how great Mrs. Holland looked as I walked away and tried to calm the butterflies in my stomach. All my hopes were pinned on Leigh liking the selection. I couldn’t afford for her not to like them. I didn’t have a plan B.

  “Hi, Leigh. Do you want to follow me to the back?” I didn’t wait for an answer and just headed in that direction.

  “Can I get you a water or coffee?” I asked when we reached my office.

  “Water would be great.”

  I pulled one out of the mini-fridge I kept in my office and handed it to her as she sat down on the loveseat across from my desk. “We have a few options, although they were a little limited due to the time frame, but I think you’ll be happy with what we have to choose from. Here are printouts and I’ve starred the ones I best feel align with your vision. You can see the styles come in a wide variety of colors which gives us several more options.” I sat there, tense with my hands folded in my lap to stop the nervous tapping I tended to do when I got anxious while she looked through the options. She must be a heck of a poker player because there wasn’t an ounce of expression on her face. Which meant I couldn’t tell if she liked them or hated them.

  Finally, after what was an agonizingly long time, she looked up and smiled. “I love them! They’re exactly what I’d envisioned.”

  I smiled with her. “I’m so glad!”

  “They’re all so beautiful it’s going to be hard to decide which to order.”

  I was excited. I had a great idea, at least I thought it was great, that I was waiting to share until I found out if she even liked the designs.

  “How many seats at this event?”

  “It’s very exclusive. Only a hundred.”

  “What if we ordered a hundred different masks so no one can have the same one. They would be different styles, but several colors of several styles. That would build a buzz and help you sell tickets faster. Say they have to show their ticket to see the masks. Make a big deal about it.”

  “Which would get your store a lot of buzz as well.”

  I squirmed a little at that. “Yes, but…”

  Leigh burst out laughing. “It’s a great idea and will make people line up fast to buy a ticket and get their mask. Last year’s ball didn’t sell out and I’m determined that won’t be the case this year. Not when I’m in charge. This idea will give it more of an exclusive flair.”

  Crap. I didn’t even think about that. What if I ordered a hundred masks and then didn’t sell them all? They weren’t returnable and I doubted they’d sell to our regular customers. I could be on the hook for a lot of money.

  Leigh must have read my mind because she said, “Don’t worry. I’ll make sure all the tickets sell out. The board is going to love this idea.”

  A board meeting? This might be my perfect opportunity. “When’s your next meeting?”

  Leigh looked at me questioningly. “Why?”

  “I was thinking I could help you get them excited about the plan by pitching it to them. Explain the concept, show the masks.” I could tell she was thinking it over and I was mentally crossing my fingers she’d agree to it. It’d be a great chance to talk to Kitty and Theresa as they were both on the committee.

  “That’s not a bad idea. It’s Thursday at two p.m. At the Bridgestone Country Club. I’ll leave your name at the gate.”

  Yes! I wanted to yell, but I controlled my excitement. Wouldn’t do to give her any indication my reasons for wanting to come to the meeting had nothing to do with presenting
my idea, but everything to do with meeting Theresa and Kitty.

  At that moment I heard someone walk through the door and I looked up, surprised to see it was Andrea. What was she doing at Silk? And why did she feel it OK to waltz back here?

  “Hi, Presley. I knew you had to be back here when I didn’t see you out front. The other girls were busy with customers and I didn’t want to bother them. Sorry to barge in but I wanted to stop in and say hi.”

  Who just walked into the back of someone’s store without being invited, I couldn’t help but wonder even if the employees were busy. As annoyed as I was, I put on a smile and pretended it was fine. The last thing I needed was a scene in front of Leigh.

  “Hi, Andrea. This is Leigh Winters. We were just going over some plans for an upcoming event. Leigh this is Andrea Rollins. Her husband works with my boyfriend.”

  “What kind of event are you planning?” Andrea asked before I could get Leigh out of the office.

  “It’s a fundraiser for the zoo,” I jumped in, then looked nervously over to Leigh but she didn’t seem to care I answered for her.

  “Oh, are you head of the planning committee?” Andrea said to Leigh.

  “I’m the chairman of the board of directors and head of the committee. I’m very hands-on with all our events,” Leigh said, businesslike.

  “Do you have time for coffee? I’ve just recently moved here and I’d love to volunteer. I belonged on a few boards where I used to live and I’m just dying to get involved again. Maybe I could share some of the things I’ve done in the past.”

  Leigh looked at her watch. “I have a few minutes. Presley, I’ll talk to you later?”

  “Sure. I’ll call you.” I watched them walk out together chatting and I was a little annoyed at how Andrea hijacked my meeting and ended by taking Leigh out for coffee. It brought up the feeling that something was just off about her, but I didn’t have any concrete evidence. It’s not like she did anything wrong. Besides having bad manners.

  “Who’s that leaving with Leigh?” Molly asked as I walked back on the floor, following Leigh and Andrea. “More importantly, did she like the masks you picked out?”

  “She did. Actually, she loved them. So, operation gala is a huge win. And that’s the wife of Cooper’s new employee.”

  Molly looked confused. “Does she know Leigh?”

  “Not until a few minutes ago.” My comment didn’t help clear up Molly’s confusion and I didn’t want to complain about Andrea. I really did want to like her. Luckily a customer came up to ask a question, which saved me from answering any further.

  I couldn’t shake the nagging feeling Andrea wasn’t what she pretended to be. If only I could pinpoint why.

  Chapter 15

  “You’re home early,” I said to Cooper as he walked in the kitchen where I was cooking, or rather microwaving dinner.

  He kissed me on the cheek and took the beer I got out of the refrigerator for him. “The joys of having a VP who is making my life easier already. I can do things like come home early. He’s amazing. It’s like he can read my mind. He does things before I tell him and the way I would have done it. I feel like I’ve worked with him for years. He’s had some great ideas on how to fix this client issue. I’m lucky to have found him.”

  Cooper did look happier than I’d seen him in a long time. Like a huge weight had been lifted. I’d planned on talking to him about my experience with Andrea at the store today, but I didn’t want to put a damper on his mood. He seemed enamored of Bill. And really, what did it matter what feeling I had about her? It had nothing to do with Bill’s ability to be a good employee.

  “So, what’s for dinner?”

  “Lobster mac and cheese.”

  “Since that’s seafood would you like white wine?”

  “Yes, please.”

  He turned to the wine rack on the wall he’d made me. It was so cool. We’d found two old they’d drilled holes in old boards to stick wine bottles through the holes to use as a wine rack. When Cooper said he could make it and that same weekend we’d found the perfect boards I knew it was fate. I loved my wine rack.

  “This is really good,” Cooper said as he took his first few bites.

  “Stouffer’s. And you’re right. Plus, you paired it with the perfect wine which makes it all the better,” I teased.

  “I have to make a trip out of town in a couple days.”

  “Oh? I thought you weren’t going to have to travel now?”

  “I still have to travel,” he clarified. “Just not as much. In fact, this trip is with Bill to introduce him to some of our clients. We’ll be gone a week and in a different city each day.”

  “That sounds tiring.”

  “It will be but worth it. It’s a necessary step to my scaling back. I want to make sure clients are comfortable with him taking over their accounts.”

  “Fine. I guess I can live without you for a week,” I said, pretending to pout.

  “Thanks. Hey, maybe you could spend some time with Andrea. Get to know her better. She seemed nice and I’m sure she doesn’t have many friends here yet.”

  “Yeah. She does seem nice.”

  Something in my tone must have tipped him off because he cocked his head and looked at me. “You don’t like her?”

  I sighed. “I do. It’s just…I don’t know. I met her for coffee this morning and then she came to the shop.”

  “OK. Why do I get the feeling that wasn’t a good thing? It sounds like a good thing.”

  I didn’t say anything at first, because what could I say? It’s not like she’d done anything wrong. Maybe a little in poor taste, but then she was new in the area so I could understand her wanting to make new friends.

  “It’s nothing really. I wasn’t even going to bring it up. She came in the store today, walked right into the back, and interrupted a conversation I was having with a customer about a special event. The masked gala for the zoo I told you about.”

  “Was she rude about it?” He set down his fork and looked at me concerned.

  I shook my head. “No. It was just weird. She acted like she owned the place, barging into my office and inviting my customer for coffee. I don’t even have that kind of relationship with that customer.”

  As I said it, it sounded juvenile, but I was momentarily saved from sticking my foot in it any further as Cooper’s phone started vibrating and he looked down and grabbed it. “It’s the office. Hello?”

  I took a sip of my wine and watched his face go from happy to dark. Something happened and it wasn’t good. I knew that meant he would probably be leaving as soon as he got off the phone and prepared myself for the disappointment of a ruined evening. Good thing I had microwave mug cake for dessert. I could comfort myself with chocolate and wine when he left.

  Copper finished his phone call and then said the words I expected. “I need to leave. I’m sorry I ruined dinner.”

  “Don’t be silly, it’s fine. Is everything OK?”

  “No. It’s not. Someone tried to break into my office,” he slammed his hand down.


  “I’m not sure when I’ll be back, but I’ll call when I can.” He dropped a kiss on my forehead before he walked out the door.

  I leaned back in my chair and drained my glass of wine. This was the second problem he’d had at work in so many weeks. Just like I had. While I knew it was a coincidence it made me wonder what was going on.

  It was only seven and I was left with a hole in my evening. Not that I was one of those who felt they had to be doing something every night, but I was feeling antsy. Not in the mood to just sit and veg, knowing my mind would keep obsessing over everything, I wondered what Jared was doing. He was one of my good friends and I hadn’t seen him much lately because he had a new love interest. He was one of those who tended to fall in love quickly and be solely focused on his new love, professing this was the one until two weeks later it fell apart and they broke up. At which time the cycle started all over again. I dialed h
is number and he answered on the first ring, which was a good sign for me but a sure signal he was either already single again or on his way.

  “Hey, girl, I was just thinking about you.”

  I laughed. “Why? No hot date tonight?”

  “Taking a night off. Unless you want to get together and catch up? Meet me at Muldoon’s in fifteen?”

  I laughed again. I knew I could count on Jared to keep me from being bored and lonely at home because he was one of those guys who always wanted to be out on the town. He had endless energy. “Sounds like a plan.”

  I hung up and looked at my outfit, wondering if I should bother to change. I had on skinny jeans with a flowy turquoise colored sleeveless top and silver chunky sandals which was fine for Muldoon's. Plus, I didn’t feel like changing. I could wear my pajamas there and no one would care. I did grab a sweater from my closet in case they had the air cranked, got my purse from the hook by the door, and headed out.

  Muldoon's was a short walk for me. Just a few blocks down and it was the favorite meeting spot with all my friends. As luck would have it, it was pretty central for all of us, so it made a convenient place to hang out. It didn’t hurt that they had the best pumpkin pie martinis, which they wouldn’t have this time of year but their pink lemonade margaritas were a close second.

  I walked in and saw Jared waving from a table in the back and threaded my way through the busy crowd until I reached him.

  I gave him a hug before I sat down. “Thanks for ordering,” I said when I saw he had a margarita waiting for me.

  “They’re busy so I didn’t know how long it would take. Plus, I know what you like.”

  “So, what have you been up to? How’s Greg? Or was it Craig?”

  Jared rolled his eyes. “It’s Greg, and he’s on his way out. Too much drama.”


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