Chance Encounter

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Chance Encounter Page 9

by Alex Tempera

  “No, it was me, but I needed to take care of him. What’s the issue?”

  “There’s an infection and I think his spleen is enlarged. Would you like to observe?”

  “Um, no, I’ll waiting in the OR waiting room,” Evan turned to Chance. “I’ll be right here waiting for you.”

  “Richard Marx,” he laughed.


  “Richard Marx sings Right here waiting,” Chance grinned.

  “You are a wealth of knowledge, aren’t you?” Evan smiled.

  “Yes,” Chance said.

  “We’ll be right back to get you,” the nurse said as she followed the doctor out of the room.

  “Then tell me one thing,” Evan said.

  “What’s that?” Chance smiled weakly.

  “What’s our song?” Evan smiled.

  “Oh, that’s simple,” he sighed.


  “Cool Night by Paul Davis,” he smirked.

  “Seriously? An 80’s song?”

  “It was what was playing on your radio when I pulled you over,” Chance closed his eyes. “I’m sleepy.”

  “You rest and I’ll be here, when you get up,” Evan kissed his cheek.

  “I love you,” Chance whispered, his voice trailing off as he fell asleep.


  Evan stood up and stretched his legs as Fred walked into the waiting room. “Thanks for coming,” he sighed.

  “Of course. What happened? Last I heard, Chance was doing well. The officers are all moping around because they heard he got worse.”

  Evan pointed to the chair as the two men sat down. “I had to be a doctor for a few minutes. More than a few minutes. At the scene and here, at the hospital. That’s why he had to go back into surgery. I found that they missed something. How the hell could they miss something?”

  “Evan, when is the last time you were a doctor?”

  “Ten years, but I keep up with my cert, so it’s not illegal,” he sighed. “Fred, I’m the mayor and a lawyer, not a surgeon anymore.”

  “Does he know?”

  “What? That I got two degrees from Harvard, rather than just one? I doubt it. I didn’t even put it on my résumé when you asked me to submit it for the mayor position.”

  “Why didn’t you tell him? He’ll just think you’re even smarter or whatever,” Fred smiled.

  “I put that behind me,” he said. “I can’t ever be a surgeon again and I like being a lawyer. I do whatever I can to help people who need it. The partners weren’t too happy when I left but they understood that I needed a change.”

  “You should be telling this to Chance,” Fred smiled. “You love him and he loves you. I see a change in him. He’s not so self-conscious anymore and he actually walks with his head high. He was always a good cop, but he’s made a dramatic change since you two have been friends.”

  “I do love him. He’s the first person that I ever loved,” Evan said. “I’m doing my best to show him that I’ll always be here for him.”

  “It wasn’t love at first sight, right?”

  “Nah, attraction, yeah, totally, but I fell in love with him. We built up to love and trust, and I’m afraid now.”

  “Of what?”

  “Losing that because he knows I’m a doctor,” Evan said. “He knows there are things I haven’t told him, about my past, but he seems to understand that I can’t talk about it.”

  “I’m sure you will, in time, the important stuff will come out,” Fred said. “Listen, you’ll figure this out eventually, but I asked you to be the new mayor for a few reasons.”

  “And they are?”

  “Well, one, that you’re good at it. I believe that a good mayor needs to have credentials with some kind of law or law enforcement. Me, being a lawyer and a judge, you being a lawyer. Another reason is that the last time we had lunch together, you seemed unhappy with life in the big city.”

  “And the third reason?”

  “I thought if you and Chance met, you could be friends. I knew he needed a man like you and I know you need one like him,” Fred smiled.

  “You knew?” Evan said.

  “I know you. You were always an over achiever and you only looked for relationships that were simple and casual, but then…”

  “I can’t discuss that and when I do, it will be with Chance,” Evan sighed.

  “I completely understand,” Fred patted his leg. “I won’t say a word.”

  “Good. I know it’s for me to tell him. I just don’t want him to think I’m weak. He needs my strength, now more than ever.”

  “Chance is a very strong man. Todd just did something to his self-esteem. He wasn’t like that before. To be honest, and you didn’t hear this from me, but Todd was his first serious. He had a few boyfriends here and there, but it was to explore his sexuality. He was never ashamed of being gay, but he was ashamed of something or Todd made him that way.”

  “I kind of know what it was, and I helped him and am still helping him figure it out that it’s not wrong. Fred, I can’t lose him.”

  “You won’t,” Fred said as Dr. Westphall walked into the room.

  The two men stood up. “Doctor?” Evan gulped.

  “Um,” he sighed. “He’s in recovery but there were some complications.”

  “What kind of complications?” Evan asked.

  “Near the stab wound, he had an old burn scar,” he explained.

  “Right. It was close to it but not next to it, why?” Evan said.

  “The scar tissue underneath the skin, along with his enlarged spleen and the knife wound, caused an infection. I had to remove his spleen and remove all that scar tissue. His heart rate lowered on the table but we got him stabilized. It must’ve caused him a lot of pain before he was stabbed.”

  “He never said a word. I know he had the scar,” Evan said. “He was branded against his will.”

  “I know. I saw his medical records. He was treated in the emergency department. He will be on high dosages of antibiotics and his recovery will be longer. I don’t want him sitting for at least a week.”

  “Thank you, Doctor,” Evan said. “When can I see him?”

  “He’ll be sent back to his room in about two hours. You can see him then. I’m not sure when he will be conscious. His body really needs to heal. Oh, Mr. Mayor, do I call you Dr. Manetti?”

  “No, just Evan will be fine,” Evan smiled. “I’m sorry that I kind of made his room my office, but I can’t leave him.”

  “It’s all right. If there is anything you need, let me know. I have to go check on him.” Dr. Westphall left the room.

  Fred looked at Evan. “Let me buy you a cup of coffee,” he said.

  “Sounds good,” Evan said. “I’m sorry you keep covering for me at City hall.” The two men walked out of the room.

  “You make the decisions, I just keep Agnes honest,” he laughed.

  “Yeah, right, the woman with the biggest crush on you.”

  “Can’t help it if she loves a sexy guy such as myself.” Fred and Evan laughed as Evan pushed the button for the elevator.


  Chance woke up and looked around the room. He noticed he was in the same room as before, but he couldn’t move. His side was in severe pain, even when he took a deep breath. The room was eerily empty and Evan’s things were gone from the table. Had it been a dream? He wondered but the pain told him that it had been real. He prevented Evan from being stabbed.

  Chance closed his eyes as tears streamed down his face. At that moment, he felt extremely alone. Evan promised he’d be there and he wasn’t. It didn’t feel like he just stepped out of the room for a minute. He wasn’t there. Chance opened his eyes as he heard the door open, but was soon disappointed.

  The nurse walked into the room and smiled lightly. “I’m glad to see you’re awake. You’ve been asleep for quite a while,” she smiled. “I’m Mona. I’m your new nurse. Are you in pain?”

  Chance nodded, not wanting to say a word for fear he wo
uld sob instead.

  “I’ll increase your morphine,” she smiled as she patted his hand. She noticed Chance’s eyes and she lightly dabbed the tears. “Oh, I’m sorry. I have a message from your friend.”

  Chance gulped as he watched her pull a note from her pocket.

  “Now, you’re not supposed to move and this is probably private, but I can either read it to you or wait another few days before you can read it to yourself. Now or wait?” she asked.

  “Now,” he gulped, fearing the words that Evan wrote for him.

  “All right,” she smiled. “Remember, this is from Mayor Manetti, and not me.”

  Chance nodded without speaking. He was terrified that he was now a totally broken man and Evan wouldn’t want him. Evan was strong and powerful. Chance was weak, now, he was truly weak and pathetic.

  Mona smiled. “Baby, if you wake up and I’m not there, it’s because the town called a city meeting and I had to attend. I’m sorry that I’m not there. I love you, Baby, and I’ll be back soon. I promise. Hopefully, you won’t even know I was gone. Love you, Evan.” Mona folded up the paper and set it on the tray beside the bed. “He was afraid you’d be worried when he wasn’t here. He took most of his paperwork because it was confidential.”

  Chance smiled and pressed his head back into the pillow. He was relieved but he now felt bad that he doubted Evan and his love. He had a lot of things to work through completely before Evan thoroughly deserved him, but he didn’t want to lose Evan in the process.

  Mona pressed the button on the automatic medication dispenser that was connected to his IV. “This will help the pain. Now, you aren’t allowed to sit up at all.”

  “How long?” he managed to say through his dry throat.



  “Four days,” she smiled. “Your body really needed to rest. I’ll let Dr. Westphall know that you’re awake and he will explain everything to you. I can raise your head but you can’t sit. You also have a catheter in, so if you have to use the bathroom, just let it flow.”

  “Damn,” he muttered.

  “It will come out later this afternoon, now that you’re awake, but you’ll have to use the urinal cup until you can walk around.”

  “That’s fine. Embarrassing, but fine,” he said, his voice still hoarse.

  She poured him a cup of water and placed a straw in the cup. She placed the straw on his lips. “Sip slowly, Chief.”

  “Chance,” he whispered.

  “Chance,” she said. “You’ll be able to move your arms so you can feed yourself and drink.”

  “Thank you,” he cleared his throat as his voice slowly came back. “Oh, one thing before you leave.”


  “When did he leave the note?”

  “About four hours ago,” she smiled. “He hadn’t left the room until then.”

  “He was here all that time?”

  “Yes, a few people brought him food and clothes, and some paperwork, I think, but yes, he didn’t leave until he got a call. I was here when he got it. It sounded important.”

  “Probably about me,” he muttered. “I’ve been out too long and he’s been here all this time.”

  “I don’t know. He wrote you that note and gave it to me, and then he took his things and left. I’m sure he’ll be here soon. You should rest.”

  “Thank you,” he sighed, as she left the room.

  Chance reached slowly for the remote that was connected to his bed. He turned on the television and flipped through the channels, not even focusing on what was or wasn’t on, but that he missed Evan. He missed his dog, his home, and his albums. He was supposed to have a long weekend with Evan, and here he was, cooped up in the hospital for weeks. And Evan hadn’t come back yet. He eventually closed his eyes as the morphine penetrated his body and his senses.


  “Chance?” Evan whispered as he sat on Chance’s bed and caressed his cheek.

  Chance slowly opened his eyes. “Oh, you’re here.”

  “Yes, I talked to Mona on her way out and she said you were finally awake,” Evan smiled.

  “Yes, but you weren’t here. She had to read me your letter,” Chance said. “Can you raise my head, please?”

  “Of course,” Evan pressed the button as the bed slowly raised. “Better?”

  “Yes,” Chance looked around the room. “What’s all this?”

  “Well, I was at a meeting and I’ll tell you about it later, but then I had Janet let me in your place. I grabbed your portable record player and a few of your favorite albums. I also noticed something about you.”

  “What’s that?” Chance didn’t notice the grin on Evan’s face, so he worried about what he would say next. Damn. I’m doubting myself again. He’s gone for eight hours and I have a breakdown over it.

  Evan walked over to the record player and placed the needle on the record. He turned and smiled. “You have Paul Davis’ album,” he smirked.

  “Yes, I have all his albums,” Chance said. “I happen to like his music. I haven’t really found any music that I didn’t like, you know, except for that gangsta’ rap that raps about killing cops and raping women. Not my thing. Anyway, Paul Davis had several albums and even though I do love that song, our song, Cool Night,” he grinned. “His best and probably most popular song was I go Crazy, which is also a pretty good, sappy love song.”

  “So, you like sappy love songs?”

  “Um, yeah, depends on my mood. I guess that’s why I have a lot of collections,” Chance focused his eyes on the ceiling.

  “I know. I saw your collection. I did notice that your albums were organized not only alphabetical, but also by decade.”

  “Of course, and sometimes, when I get in the mood to … well …”

  “What?” Evan held his hand as the music continued to play softly in the background. “Wait.”


  Evan leaned in and pressed his mouth against Chance’s lips. He slipped his tongue in his mouth and softly allowed their tongues to dance with each other. He pulled away and gazed into his eyes. “I miss you, Baby.”

  “I miss you, too,” Chance said. “I can’t even fucking move right now.”

  “It’s all right,” Evan said. “I want to sit here and talk with you. So, what’s this thing you do?”

  “Sometimes, I kind of … dance,” Chance muttered.

  “Like slow dance by yourself?” Evan chewed on his lip to prevent his smile from changing into a chuckle.

  “No, like rock out, you know, head bang. I really like Mötley Crüe and Poison. Even White Snake. There, now you know my music secret.”

  “Oh, is that all?” Evan chuckled slightly.

  “Yes,” Chance said, adamantly. “Um, no, but we can discuss that later. When you were at my house, where did you go?”

  “Only to the den, you know where you keep your records. Why? Baby, I didn’t invade your space.”

  “I know. I’m sorry I asked. We never go to my place, it’s always yours.”

  “Is that a problem?”

  “No, but I don’t want you to think I’m hiding anything from you, but I kind of am.”

  “When you go home, you can give me a tour of your home. Baby, we both have things that we haven’t shared yet. We just have to promise that when we tell each other these things that we don’t get mad because we didn’t mention it sooner.”

  “You mean like the fact that you’re a doctor?” Chance raised an eyebrow.

  “Yeah, like that,” Evan walked over to the record player and raised the needle from the album. He turned the player off and then turned around. “Yes, there is a long story that goes with that, and I want to tell you. I do. I swear. I just want you to be home and feeling better.”

  “That’s fair,” he smiled. “But you’re a doctor?”

  “I don’t practice. I’m a lawyer. I got both degrees at the same time, at Harvard. Fred said I’m an over achiever.”

  “He’s pretty
smart,” Chance said, patting the bed. “So, tell me about this city council meeting. Are they dismissing me?”

  Evan sat down on the bed and took his hand. “No. They aren’t dismissing you. They have you listed as on paid disability leave pending your release from the hospital and doctor’s orders that you can return to work. The meeting needed to make a few things official, that’s all. That was one of them. They put your Deputy Chief, um, Hank Philips, in charge for now. They also assigned an officer to do your evening beat,” Evan said.

  “Oh, phew,” he sighed with relief. “I thought they were going to get rid of me. It wasn’t an in-the-line-of-duty injury.”

  “Actually, it kind of was,” Evan said.

  “What? I wasn’t on duty.”

  “No, but you saved the mayor, and that is considered on-duty, no matter what. I don’t think it affects anything but your disability pay.”

  “Yeah,” he sighed. “Not sure all the ins and outs of that, but the pay will help. I live off my paychecks.”

  Evan smiled. “Yeah, but you have land that is worth a lot of money.”

  “Yeah, but I can’t spend it,” Chance smiled. “So, I still have my job, but what about you? You’ve been here mostly.”

  “Fred has covered any in-the-office stuff that comes in to City Hall, but he has a courier send me anything I need. The official meeting was also to add me officially to the ballot for the election. I guess I need to start a campaign or something. I’m not usually a politician. Fred said he’d help with that.”

  “Oh, so you weren’t in trouble because of me, wait, is your law firm suffering?”

  “Nope, I hired Elaine as my assistant at the law office. She contacts me if there is something I need to take care of, but so far, it’s just estate stuff and a few other things that are more paperwork and filings than court stuff.”

  “I was worried,” Chance said.

  “About me, Baby?”

  “Yes, Boss,” Chance smiled. “I don’t want your life to be screwed up because you love me.”

  Evan held Chance’s hand to his chest. “My life will never be ruined because I love you. My life is better because you’re in it. Because I love you and you love me. I hope you know that. I hope someday you trust those words. I know you’re still wondering some things about yourself, but you are amazing. Now, I don’t know if I told you this, but you are the only person I have ever loved. I like this love thing and I’m glad that my heart waited to find you to fall in love.”


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