Math of the Han Dynasty In the Han Dynasty, which lasted from 206 b.c. to a.d. 220, numbers were developed. These numbers were put into a place value decimal system and used with a counting board. Two famous mathematicians of this time, Liu Xin and Zhang Heng, made many advancements in learning, such as the number pi and astronomy. The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art was a book from a.d. 179 that taught how to use math in everyday life, as well as advanced lessons such as linear equations.
Exhalation Inside of the lungs are tiny sacs called alveoli. The inhaled oxygen passes through the alveoli and then diffuses into the arterial blood through the capillaries. As this is happening, the veins send waste-laden blood carrying carbon dioxide into the alveoli and this carbon dioxide comes out as you exhale. Both inhalation and exhalation are made possible by the diaphragm muscle below the lungs, which contracts and relaxes.
Old German Old German was used from 750 to 1050. Old Low German was known as Old Saxon. This was spoken by people of the northwest coast of Germany and in the Netherlands. During the barbarian invasion, or the migration period, the sound of the German language began to change. This is known as the High German consonant shift, and it’s what began to distinguish Old High German from Old Saxon.
The Ottoman Empire Expands From the reign of Muhammad II onward, the Ottoman Empire expanded widely over the land. In 1453, the Ottomans took over Constantinople, the capital of the Byzantine Empire. Expansion of the Ottoman Empire reached its peak in the sixteenth century under Sultan Selim I and Süleyman I. The empire expanded to include Hungary, Transylvania, Persia, Egypt, Syria, and Greece.
Semantics Language assigns a meaning to a sign. The lexicon is the array of signs, which are arbitrary and connected to specific meanings. In other words, the lexicon is the words you know in a language. A lexeme is a single sign that is representative of a particular meaning. For example, dog only means one thing. A dog can never be mistaken for a cat or an elephant.
Math of the Tang Dynasty By the Tang Dynasty, which lasted from 618 to 907, mathematics became standard in the great schools of China. Mathematician Wang Xiaotong wrote a book which included the first cubic equations. The Chinese of the Tang Dynasty excelled in complex algebra, binomial theorems, and geometry; however, early forms of trigonometry sent over from India, which had been translated into Chinese, were not widely appreciated.
The Lungs The surface area of the lung is larger than the surface area of your skin. If you were to line up all of the airways and air sacs inside of the lungs, the distance would cover more than 100 square yards. The lungs are the second line of defense against harmful materials that are inhaled, second to the nose. Mucus is produced inside of the lungs, which traps inhaled agents and provides white blood cells for protection.
Middle German From Old Saxon came Middle Low German. This was the language spoken around the North Sea and Baltic Sea, and it had a heavy influence on the Nordic languages. From Old High German came Middle High German, which was used from 1050 to 1350. The High and Low refer to which part of the country the people lived in. During this time, a written language developed and Middle High German replaced Latin in official writings.
Society of the Ottoman Empire One of the reasons the Ottoman Empire was so successful was its ability to unify a wide variety of people through its tolerance of other religions. This was done by establishing Millets. Millets were religious groups of people that were able to practice and retain their own laws, language, and traditions of their religions. The many different ethnicities, however, led to a weakness in nationalism, one of the contributing factors of the empire’s decline.
Pragmatics Pragmatics studies how the context of an utterance leads to meaning. It is used to explain how humans are able to overcome the ambiguities of language that are so closely related to time, space, manner, etc. An utterance is a concrete example of speech with a specific context, and pragmatics aims to understand how the specific context affects the meaning of the utterance.
Math of the Song and Yuan Dynasties There were many great mathematicians during the twelfth and thirteenth centuries whose work revolved around cubic, quadratic, and root equations. Yang Hui was the first person to have discovered and proved Pascal’s triangle. Qin Jiushao introduced zero to mathematics in China. Li Zhi studied algebraic geometry and revolutionized the process of inscribing triangles in a circle, using the Pythagorean theorem to solve his equations.
The Nose and Nasal Cavity The nose and throat are the first line of defense when it comes to protecting the respiratory system. As air is inhaled through the nose, the dirt is cleaned by the hairs in the nose, and further cleaned by mucus. The nasal cavity is lined with tissue that consists of many blood vessels. These blood vessels provide heat, which warms the air as it is taken in. The nasal cavity also adds moisture to this air, making it suitable for the lungs.
Modern German Modern German began around 1500 and is still being used today. In 1880, the first grammatical rules were established, and in 1901, these were declared the standards for the German language. It is now the official language used in the church, state, education, and the arts.
Decline of the Ottoman Empire From the sixteenth to the eighteenth century, the Ottoman Empire faced many wars, rebellions, and treaties. This took a great toll on the empire economically. The Ottoman Empire would come to lose control of Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Romania, Herzegovina, Greece, and Egypt. The once-flourishing Turkey was now being referred to as “The Sick Man of Europe.”
Phonetics Phonetics is the study of sounds found in human speech. There are three basic areas of study in phonetics: articulatory phonetics, which studies the production of speech from the articulatory and vocal tract of a speaker; acoustic phonetics, which studies the transmission of speech as it goes from speaker to listener; and auditory phonetics, which studies the reception and perception by the one listening.
Precious Mirror of the Four Elements Written by Chu Shi-jie in a.d. 1303, Precious Mirror of the Four Elements was a book that marked the peak of Chinese algebra. In his algebraic equations, Chu Shi-jie says the four elements — man, matter, earth, and heaven — represented four unknown quantities. In his problems, he deals with simultaneous equations, Horner’s method, equations with degrees up to 14, and Pascal’s triangle.
Asthma Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the lungs, in which the airways tighten and narrow. It is the number one reason children chronically miss school, and it affects more than 20 million people. Asthma flares occur when the muscles contract and the lining of the airways starts to swell. This prevents proper airflow, and can result in wheezing, difficulty in breathing, and sometimes death.
German Today Today, German is the most widely spoken language in the European Union, and it is one of the three most learned languages. It is the official language of Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Luxemburg, and Liechtenstein, and parts of Belgium, Romania, France, and Italy. German is spoken by more than 100 million people worldwide.
Collapse of the Ottoman Empire In 1908, a nationalist and reformist group called the Young Turks forced the restoration of the 1876 constitution. In 1909, the sultan was deposed by Parliament, and replaced by Muhammad V. In the two Balkan Wars, Turkey lost nearly all of its European territory. During World War I, Turkey aligned with the Central P
owers, and in 1918, the resistance collapsed, thus ending the Ottoman Empire.
Syntax Syntax is the study of the rules and principles for constructing sentences. There are many theories relating to syntax. One of the most well-known theories is Noam Chomsky’s transformational grammar, which recognizes the relationship between the different elements of a sentence and the variety of sentences in a language, and then uses rules to express the relationship.
From the Ming Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty Starting in the mid-
fourteenth century, the Ming Dynasty turned away from math, which led to a great decline in its studies. At the end of the sixteenth century, however, mathematical principles from the West spread throughout China. By the time of the Opium War of 1840, Western math was all the Chinese focused on and learned until in the nineteenth century, Chinese mathematicians created new developments in algebra. During the Ming Dynasty, use of the abacus became very popular.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Unlike asthma, which can be treated with medications, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a narrowing of the airways that will gradually grow worse over time. It is a co-occurrence of emphysema and chronic bronchitis that is usually caused by an irritation of the lungs. The most common cause of COPD is smoking cigarettes. This can lead to wheezing, shortness of breath, a rapid breathing rate, and a chronic cough. Symptoms usually don’t appear until significant lung damage has occurred.
Useful German Phrases Here are some helpful phrases to know when traveling to a German speaking country:
Good morning. Guten morgen.
Hi. Hallo.
I’m lost. Ich habe mich verlaufen.
Where is the bathroom? Wo ist das Badezimmer?
How much is this? Was kostet das? / Wie teuer ist das? (formal / informal)
Do you speak English? Sprechen Sie Englisch?
What time is it? Wieviel Uhr ist es? / Wie spät ist es? (formal / informal)
One of the reasons the Ottoman Empire was so successful was because:
They won the two Balkan Wars.
It was tolerant of other religions, allowing a wide variety of people to unify.
The Young Turks forced a restoration of the constitution.
Turkey aligned themselves with the
Central Powers in World War I.
At its peak, the Ottoman Empire included:
Canada, United States, Mexico, Egypt, Syria, and France
Spain, Italy, Germany, Romania, Egypt, and Bulgaria
Hungary, Transylvania, Persia, Egypt, Syria, and Greece
Hungary, France, United States, Egypt, and Greece
A word like dog, which can only mean one thing, is an example of:
A lexeme
Noam Chomsky’s transformational
Articulatory phonetics
What is acoustic phonetics?
The study of the speech from the vocal tract of a speaker
The study of speech as it is transmitted from speaker to listener
The study of the perception and reception by the listener
None of the above
Which of the following is NOT one of the four elements described in Precious Mirror of the Four Elements?
Which of the following were advancements made during the Tang Dynasty?
Binomial theorem
All of the above
What is the first defense in protecting the respiratory system?
The lungs
The nose
The nasal cavity
B and C
What is the most common cause of COPD?
The history of the German language can be broken down into:
Old German, Old Saxon, Modern German
Old German, New Old German, Modern German
Old German, Middle German, and Modern German
Old German, New Middle German, Old Middle German
From 1050 to 1350, what replaced Latin in official writings?
Middle High German
Middle Low German
Old Saxon
Modern German
ANSWER KEY: b, c, a, b, b, d, d, b, c, a
Lesson 6
HISTORY: The Magna Carta
King John of England Taxes His People, King John and the Pope, The Creation of the Magna Carta, Clause 61, The Magna Carta Today, Lasting Effects of the Magna Carta
Literacy, Speed Reading, Subvocalized Reading, Lexical and Sub-lexical Reading, Rapid Automatized Naming, Reading
MATH: Scientific Notation
What Is Scientific Notation?, Example of Scientific Notation, Scientific Notation with Negative Integers, Going from Scientific Notation to Decimal Notation, Order of Magnitude, Engineering Notation
Digestive System
The Mouth, The Esophagus,
The Stomach, The Small Intestine, The Large Intestine, Other Organs
The Origins, Dialects, Kashubian, Polish Grammar, Polish Today, Useful Polish Phrases
King John of England Taxes His People King John came to power in 1199 and became one of the most controversial monarchs in the country’s history. Though never liked as a ruler, it was after a failed attack on France that King John set in motion the events leading to the creation of the Magna Carta. The mission against the French proved costly, and King John raised taxes on his people, causing outrage.
Literacy Literacy is the ability to use and understand the symbols of a writing system, be able to interpret what the symbols represent, and then be able to replicate those symbols so that others can understand them and come to the same conclusion. Illiteracy is not having the ability to understand what the symbols represent and derive the meaning.
What Is Scientific Notation? Scientific notation is a method of writing numbers that makes them easier to work with. These numbers can be any value, and this system is typically used because the numbers are too big or too small. By simplifying normal decimal notation, one can then apply them to other equations and formulas with ease. This is a typical example of scientific notation:
x + 10y
x is a real number, and y is an integer representing how far you have to move the decimal point.
The Mouth When a person eats, the saliva in their mouth has enzymes that start to break down the chemicals in the food. As your teeth chew the food, you begin to further break it down into a mushy substance. The tongue then rolls this substance into a ball, and the food is now called bolus, meaning a substance that is broken down to the point that is ready to be swallowed.
The Origins Polish is a West Slavonic language. During the Middle Ages, as the proto-Slavonic tribes settled in Europe, three groups emerged: West, East, and South. The Polish language began to emerge during the tenth century, when the first Polish state was established. As Christianity spread through the land, the Polish adopted the Latin alphabet, which allowed people for the first time to write Polish, a language that until then had only been spoken. Over time, additional letters were added.
King John and the Pope In 1207, King John fought with the pope over who should become Archbishop of Canterbury. As a result, the pope excommunicated the king, leading to increased tensions between the king and his people. Though the king would come to apologize to the p
ope, the pope was wary, and in 1214, the pope proclaimed that should anyone try to overthrow King John, they would be legally allowed to do so. That year, King John lost another battle against the French, resulting in England losing its possessions to France.
Speed Reading Speed reading is the process of increasing the rate at which one reads without significantly reducing comprehension of the material. There are several methods one can use for speed reading, such as skimming, where one scans sentences for clues to figure out the meaning; or meta guiding, where one guides their eyes by using something (typically their finger) to point to the text.
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