by Hilary Storm
I feel his hand in front of my face as he rubs himself more erect than he already was. He uses the side of my mouth to apply pressure as he pops his cock out of my mouth a couple of times, leaving moisture behind.
Then he plunges into my throat again showing no mercy. He fucks my mouth without any care and I do everything possible to keep from gagging. He fucks and he fucks until I'm positive he's about to blow. Then he stops. His cock is setting in my mouth twitching and I swear I can feel his pulse against my tongue.
I slowly move my tongue over the base of the tip trying to draw him back in only to have him remain still. The only thing moving between us, is my tongue and the twitch of his cock.
He pulls out and tugs on my beaded chain, so I begin to crawl. Crawling on all fours can be sexy if you let it. You have to know how to position your ass and crawl with dignity. I know this. I've done it many times.
I swear he's parading me around the room because it takes a while before he gives me the signal to rise to my feet. Standing at full attention, with my butt plug still in place, I wait for my next silent command.
He pulls both of my hands into his before kissing each wrist as if apologizing for being rough. Little does he know rough doesn't bother me one bit. In fact I want it, I need it. It’s why I’m here.
He moves me back until I’m against a hard surface. I know this surface. A person doesn't forget a Saint Andrew's cross. Lifting my hands over my head he attaches each one to the bar above me. The sensation of his fingers sliding down my skin as he makes his way to the ankle straps awakens every nerve in me. He cuffs each ankle, just before he uses his tongue on the inside of my thigh to trace a path straight to my clit, circling with just the tip to tease me. Of course he replays his movement on the other leg, this time leaving my clit out. This screws with my head. I need him to keep it even. Everything about him up until this point showed he did too.
Chapter Two
I close my eyes under the blindfold as he walks away, trying to mask the disappointment that I’ll most likely have to wait again. This guys is definitely into patience and on a normal day that would be great, but tonight I want things to happen fast. I need to specify that in my contract next time.
My attention shifts quickly when I hear the sound of something hitting flesh. It's clear what it was when I feel the sting of many pieces of leather across my chest. In this position with my breasts extended and the clamps in place the sensation is intense. I arch my back welcoming the next strike and he doesn't disappoint. He rains leather bites and kisses all over the front of my torso. After my blood is flowing to the surface, he strikes my clit. Holy shitttttt.
This is the first time I cry out. I'm not sure if that was a pleasure scream or one of pain, but I love it. He starts to trace the leather pieces over my skin, only striking a few more times. Each time he hits a nipple or my clit, and I have to moan. He must be able to tell what this does to me.
I feel him between my legs again. He runs his tongue over my sensitive, begging clit and I lose it. There's no stopping this orgasm. He leaves me to do it all alone and my body quivers through the entire thing. I pull against the straps with the strength and intensity making it seem as though I've been electrically shocked. My cries fill the room and I don't even try to muffle them.
When I finish, he resumes his position between my legs licking up all the evidence of the violent ride I just had. My clit is delicate and even the slightest touch from him leaves me trying to pull away. He dives in close, practically motor boating my pussy until I'm past the hypersensitive state.
He leaves me again. This time I don't realize he's returned until I feel his breath on my face. I know I dozed off for a few minutes, I'm just glad the restraints kept me in place. I feel the pressure of something between my legs before I hear the sound of the vibrations.
It feels so good. Shit, if he doesn't know how to undo a woman. He lets me build the orgasm chaos for a few minutes before he pulls it away. My clit is so thirsty for more. My body is begging for him to continue, which means he probably wont.
He begins to suck on my nipples again, switching my focus. He grabs the chain with his teeth, then starts the vibrator again. He pulls on the clamps the entire time he's sending my clit into a tailspin. I don't know what to focus on. Oh my God.
The pressure from the vibrator increases and he uses one hand to remove one of the clamps. I can't comprehend even breathing in this moment. The disarray in my head is out of control as I scream through another orgasm. This time my body convulsing through the fury while he never removes the instrument.
When my mind starts to grasp reality again, I notice he's gone. As I shift slightly, I feel the dangle of both chains brushing against my body. I imagine how fucked I look. I'm sure it's anything but sexy. That's the nice part about being blindfolded, it's like you have a small curtain to hide behind.
The cross begins to move. He rubs my ass as he moves the stand a few feet out from the wall. It sounded as if it were sliding through a track of some sort.
He pushes on the plug before he removes it, replacing it with a longer and wider one. I'm not sure why this one seems easier to take than the last one did. Maybe I'm past the point of having feeling in that part of my body.
The cross begins to move again, this time back into the original position. He walks away and I let my body relax and prepare for another long wait.
The surprise of the vibration in my ass, jerks me to life. It stops just as I lift my head. The anticipation of it going off again seriously has my ass clenched tight. He waits until I lower my head before sending it off again. I rush to attention, not sure how to handle that kind of crazy in my ass.
It is a very long time before he returns. My body hurts from being in this position. I don't dare relax, knowing what's waiting for me if I do.
I hear him breathing before he reaches me this time. He sucks on the nipple that's free from the clamp, just as he starts the vibrator on my clit again. His hand moves to loosen the other clamp, but he doesn't remove it.
The build is quicker this time as the insanity rushes through my body. The start of the vibrator in my ass, just as he pulls off the clamp sends my mind into a whirlwind. I can't grasp both vibrators at the same time. I thought the last orgasm was intense. I had no idea how irrational an orgasm could be.
He doesn't let up until I'm totally lifeless from the storm he just put me through. Even the feel of his tongue over my aching nipple is too much, and luckily he leaves me alone again.
I'm asleep when he touches my face. He removes the ankle straps, massaging my legs as he does. He stands to free my wrists and I don't miss him smelling my hair again. He lowers my hands, rubbing each wrist to return the blood flow. My hand brushes over his cock and I know in this moment that we aren't anywhere close to being done.
He lets my hand linger near him, so I move my fingers just enough to make contact. His slight turn toward me is an invitation to continue. I love when the guy lets me explore on my terms too.
I let my fingers move over his cock, then lower to his balls. A small squeeze and he guides my hand away, so I start to trail my fingers up his stomach, taking note of the veins and ridges in his body. He's hard. Not just in his cock. He stops me before I make it very far.
He moves to stand behind me, letting his hands roam over my body as he does. I notice how tender and sore everything is as he glides over my skin.
He's running his cock up and down the crack of my ass as he continues to explore every part of me. His mouth is covering my neck and shoulders and it's odd how loving this feels. I just enjoy the feeling of not being alone for a moment and let him make me feel loved, even though I know this isn't real. It never truly is with a Dom. This will all end soon enough anyway.
I move my hand behind him and grab his ass as he shifts forward against me again. The flex in his muscles ripple under my touch. I know he's prepared me for anal sex and as we stand here like this, I can't help but crave it from him.
; I begin to sway with him as he continues to absorb every bit of me with his hands. It's as if he's as starved for this as I am. I wait for him to do the deed. I know it's coming, but he isn't moving us to it yet. My urge to turn around and actually spend time kissing this man is pissing me off. That's off limits. That's emotion.
Standing still is difficult, but necessary. I need him to make the next move. That's the rule. Subs don't lead.
With one last thrust, he pulls on the chain leading my head down and into a perfect position for him to take me from behind. I grab my ankles and prepare for him to do exactly that.
The feel of his hands on my sore skin is oddly welcoming. He fills both hands with my ass cheeks and squeezes. Spanking my ass with his dick and then rubbing the tip of it over my slit makes me want him even more. Fuck. I love that. How the hell did he know. Take me already.
He opens the condom, then enters me slowly. I expected him to go for the ass, but he doesn't. Grabbing my hips, he fucks me hard and fast. There is no shame in his game as he drives into me as hard and as fast as possible. If he wasn't holding on to me, I know he would've fucked me clear across the room with every thrust.
The tug on my chain, has me standing while he continues to fuck me with strength and power, sending me quickly to the edge of greatness. He pauses only to move us a few feet forward. I feel coldness against my chest and I assume it's a full length glass window. The possibility of what's on the outside of that window flashes through my mind, but I don't even care as he begins to drive even harder than before.
My breasts are smashed against the glass, my hands are out to help block some of the banging against the glass. He continues until all of a sudden he freezes. Balls deep into me, he stops moving. This time I can feel the twitch of his dick down there. Fuck. Why does he keep stopping?
He pulls out of me, putting pressure on my hands which tells me to stay put.
Quickly returning, he edges my legs further apart and inserts a cold hardness into my pussy. Pulling my hips out from the wall, he finally enters my ass. He moves slowly with control this time, in and out.
The vibrations begin and he pushes in balls deep, the force driving us both forward against the glass. His thrusts rub my body up and down the glass and I welcome it along with every sensation. The breath in my ear, the burning in my ass, the vibrations, the cold on my tits... Everything is working together to bring me to peak very fast.
He grabs both nipples, pinching them until I start to moan through the beginning of my frenzy. When I do, he grips my hips and doesn't let up until we're both moaning through ecstasy.
I still don't know what he sounds like. The volume of my own cries kept me from hearing him.
He collapses against me, pulling out first. His breaths, rapid against my face are faster than my own.
This is what I'm here for. The feeling of complete and utter exhaustion, where I can barely stand, let alone walk.
Removing the vibrator first, he carries me to a bed, urging me to lay on my stomach.
His hands spread over my skin as he applies lotion to my entire body, I leave the blindfold in place, because that's how the scene is set. I knew when I walked in here, that was a rule. 'Don't remove the blindfold until you feel rose petals.' My only rule was my safe word, which I'd hoped wouldn't be needed.
"Thank you." I need to say something to him. Surely he knows how much I appreciate what he did for me today. He doesn't respond.
He lays on his side, pulling my back against his chest. The strength in his arms makes me feel safe. I miss the feel of safety. I can't keep my eyes open any longer.
I wake with the slight vision of light coming in from under my blindfold. Moving my hand across the bed, I search for him. He's gone. I do feel rose petals on the bed and the sad feeling of what that means hits me. I'm alone again.
I knew going into this that it would be a one time thing, I just didn't expect to love it that much. He gave me a night I will never forget. I'm not even sure how anyone will ever compare to that.
Sliding the blindfold up my forehead, I wait for my eyes to adjust to the light before I move from the bed. This room is gorgeous. Deep reds and black accent the entire room. All the wood is a deep cherry stain and it just adds to the rich feeling.
I go to each piece of equipment that we used last night and notice how similar it all is to what I'd imagined. It's as if someone bought the best of the best and put it into this room.
The window. The curtain is drawn, but I can't keep from my curiosity. I slide open the material, only to find the most captivating scenery of the city. I can only imagine the view of the lights last night as he took me against the window.
There's a note on the dresser.
Brie ~
Thank you for a great night. You can see yourself out. Here's a dress for you. Maybe when you wear it, you'll think of me and the way I made you feel last night. I expect it will fit perfectly, after all... I now know every inch of your body.
PS... Your new shoes are by the door.
My eyes pull to the heels on the floor by the door, so perfectly placed. Blue. My favorite color. Just like the dress.
I put on my new dress and I may as well have painted it on. It's very fitted and I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror to appreciate how it makes me look. I hardly recognize myself. Of course the fucked look isn't normal, but I'm talking about how this dress fits. It's absolutely gorgeous.
Placing the heels on, I take one more appreciative look at myself in the mirror before I turn to walk out the door.
There's a second door in the room. I struggle with the urge to try to open it, but I don't. Something tells me that whatever is behind that door is complicated.
The air from the hall enters as I open the door. Knowing that when I walk out this door I will never come back, is an eerie feeling. Why is this bothering me so much?
I make my way down the hall and toward the exit. There aren't any doors in the hall and the elevator is small. I take two flights down to the bottom floor. There's a car waiting for me just as arrive. This doesn't surprise me.
"Excuse me ma'am. Do you know if Mr. Bryant lives here?" Chills scrape over my body.
“Mr. Bryant? As in Mr. Tristen Bryant?”
Full Body Check
S.E. Hall
©2017, S.E. Hall
All rights are reserved to the author. No part of this ebook may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission.
This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.
This is a work of fiction. Names, character, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.
Chapter One
“Jesus, Nik! You said it’d be cold, not the damn Tundra!” I’m able to complain, despite my chattering teeth and numb lips.
My beloved best friend Nikki, who I’m gonna kill as soon as I can feel my extremities again, laughs. “You’ve really got that whole Southern belle thing down pat, don’t you? It’s not that cold, princess. And you’re wearing what, five layers? Quit whining and come on.” She grabs my gloved hand and drags me through the crowd, up a few steps and down an aisle, until we reach our seats, pointing to what I can assume is mine. “Park it.”
I glare at her while getting situated. “Oh,” pops out in surprise, “we’re right in the thick of it, huh?”
“You really think I’d have shitty seats?” She clicks her tongue, shaking her head. “You know better, G. I-,
never mind, here we go!” She bounces in her chair and squeals just as ear-splitting music starts blaring in time with the neon light show.
“Ladies and gentlemen, On. Your. Feet. For. Your. Lakeeee Cityyyy Freeeezeee!” a deep-voiced announcer drawls, everyone jumping up as directed, while I slowly rise, trying to take it all in at once.
Everything around me—the raucous crowd, flashing lights, chill in the air—has an electricity to it… and it’s contagious. Adrenaline suddenly riots through me like liquid fire. My hands clap themselves to the thunderous beat of “Light ‘Em Up” while I watch, in absolute awe, as the biggest bunch of men I’ve ever seen skate out onto the ice. Not big, as in numerous; there’s only twenty, give or take a few, of them. I mean big as in behemoths.
I sense Nikki’s stare and turn my head, meeting her dancing eyes with my, what have to be bulging, own. “Get it now?” she yells over the music.
“Yup.” I nod. I’m so finally starting to understand her fascination with hockey.
Life and geography separated us long ago; leaving me to attend college in the South while my best friend’s scholarship took her north, our visits to each other since then sorely lacking in frequency. She’s been begging me to come up, go to one of her coveted hockey games, and have some much-needed girl time for a while. So last week, I finally said ‘fuck it,’ … and here I am. Freezing my ass off in all my fascinated glory. Although, I’m not quite as cold as before; because, so far… Hockey. Is. Hot.
“Woohoo, getting some groove back over there, cat lady?” Nikki whoops, nudging my shoulder.