Blood Oath

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Blood Oath Page 12

by Kit Tunstall

  She parted her thighs wider to allow his hand to cover her pussy. He rotated his palm in a slow, circular motion as he brought his other hand up to part her folds. Her breath hissed through her teeth as he thrust a finger inside her pussy. His thumb circled her clit, pressing gently in time with the rhythm of his finger thrusting in and out of her.

  Anca lifted her head to look at him. He knelt between her parted thighs, intent on pleasing her. She stretched her arm to run her fingers down his forearm. “You’re too far away,” she complained with a smile.

  Demi looked up and a grin curved across his mouth. “I can be much closer, dragostia, if that is your wish.”

  She nodded, expecting him to lie beside her. Instead, he sprawled on his stomach and put his mouth on her stomach. His hot breath on her navel caused her pussy to clench, and a liquid rush of arousal accompanied it. She instinctively arched her hips as his mouth slid lower.

  Demi rubbed his cheek against her smooth pussy lips. “Do you always keep your pussy bare?”

  “I try to.” She bit her lip as his tongue snaked out to trace her swollen lips. “Oh, God, Demi,” she said with a moan.

  “Does this please you?” His voice was a whisper against her sensitive skin, causing her nerve endings to tingle with awareness.

  “Yes.” Anca managed to concentrate long enough to provide a simple answer. “More.”

  Demi complied with her request. One of his hands slipped from her pussy to squeeze her thigh, but the other pushed her lips farther apart. Seconds later, the warm caress of his breath against her clit caused her whole body to spasm with pleasure. Anca pushed up her hips, silently demanding he touch her pussy with his mouth.

  He nipped her clit gently, but didn’t linger. Instead, his tongue swept a path below her clit and down the cleft of her pussy to probe her opening. His nose brushed against her clit, and he inhaled. His indrawn breath made her tremble with need.

  Anca squirmed as his moist tongue darted inside her. She groaned aloud when he flicked his tongue quickly, shallowly sweeping the inner walls of her pussy. She tangled her hands in his hair. “Where did you learn this?” Her voice was husky with passion, and she was panting.

  He didn’t answer. Instead, Demi pushed the thigh he held wider and burrowed deeper into her pussy. His tongue went deep inside and stroked her slowly. The hand keeping her lips parted shifted, and his thumb circled around her clit, but didn’t actually touch the sensitive bud.

  She whimpered at the delicious torture he inflicted. Her breathing was ragged, and she could feel her lower body tightening, preparing for release. She tried to thrust against him, but found herself anchored by his firm hold on her thigh. “Please.”

  He chuckled, and the vibrations swept through her pussy, triggering small convulsions. Anca could feel the walls of her pussy spasming around his tongue as he applied more pressure and surged even deeper. She moaned as he slid his thumb across her clit as he circled it. He pressed lightly and flicked his tongue inside her, causing her arousal to flood his mouth and her pussy to contract with her orgasm.

  She tightened her hold on his hair as her body shook with waves of satisfaction. His tongue continued to caress her as she spasmed around him, and she cried out as the pleasure intensified, causing her pussy to contract more violently. Her nipples ached, and her stomach quivered. She arched her hips frantically against him as she reached a crescendo.

  Slowly, her orgasm dissipated, leaving her weak and breathing heavily. She became aware of clutching his hair and loosened her hold. He lifted his head, and his mouth glistened with proof of her pleasure. Her hand shook as she reached for him. He settled his body gently over hers and rested his head between her breasts.

  “Your heart’s racing.”

  “Uh huh,” she managed to say. When he shifted slightly, his hard cock brushed against her thigh, and she parted her legs wider. “Let’s get your heart rate raised,” she said in a teasing tone.

  He hesitated. “I have no protection.”

  Anca did a quick mental calculation. “Well, it should be a safe time of the month, and obviously you’re in good health since, well, you know… So was I at my last physical, a few months ago. I haven’t had a lover for a few years, until you. It’s okay to make love.”

  Again, Demi hesitated, and then shook his head. “No. We can’t risk making you pregnant.”

  An image of holding his child flashed through her mind, and it had the substance of a vision, not the illusions of her imagination. A wave of maternal sentiment surprised her. “Our baby—“

  “It isn’t time,” he interrupted as he pressed his forehead against hers. “Someday, yes, but right now it’s too risky, with the—” Demi broke off abruptly.

  She bit her lip, considering the suggestion hovering on the tip of her tongue. She had always been curious about it. Would he want to…?

  Demi’s eyes widened with surprise, and he lifted his head to stare into her eyes. “You would be willing to try such a thing?”

  Anca shrugged and avoided answering by asking, “Are you always going to be poking in my mind?”

  He laughed. “No. It’s a reaction to our intimacy and the experiences we’ve shared tonight. Your telepathic powers have increased in the last few hours. Can’t you feel it?”

  She closed her eyes and concentrated. Soon, she felt a surge of power and knew he was right. She had gained mental strength since her transformation to wolf-form. She wondered if her visions would be more reliable and sharper in the future. Demi interrupted her speculation.

  Do you want me to make love to you in such a fashion?

  Somehow, it was easier to discuss the idea with thoughts, rather than words. Anca squeezed her eyes shut more tightly and focused on her thoughts. I’m curious, but frightened. It might hurt.

  I’m sure it will, at first. We don’t have to do anything if you aren’t ready. We can return to the castle if you prefer. I have protection in my chambers.

  She hesitated, torn between curiosity and caution. His mind brushed against hers, and his excitement and wonder transferred to her as he pictured them joined. She felt his cock spasm against her thigh when he imagined entering her, and his desire was an echo of hers. “I want you to make love to me.” Verbalizing the request gave it more impact. She swallowed back her fear as Demi leaned back to kneel between her legs.

  “Thank you for trusting me.” His tone was almost reverent. “I’ll be gentle. If you want to stop…”

  She nodded and forced a smile, reminding herself that millions of couples practiced anal sex. It must be enjoyable to have gained such a following, for surely there weren’t that many masochists in the world.

  “I’ve studied the technique.” He grasped her thighs and pulled her higher onto his lap.

  “I’ve thought about it, but I’ve never done it before,” she said in a wobbly voice. Her smile felt a little jittery, but she clung to it as Demi parted her pussy and covered his fingers with her natural lubrication. She held her breath as he trailed his finger down to her anus and rubbed gently against the opening.

  His caresses were soft and slow, and he paused frequently to wet his fingers. Anca relaxed under the gentle massage and barely felt anything when his finger entered her anus. He wiggled his finger gently, and she stiffened when she felt a flash of pain, accompanied by a stir of pleasure.

  He must have sensed when her muscles relaxed again, because he eased a second finger inside her after sliding it in her pussy to moisten it. He thrust his fingers carefully, and Anca squirmed. There was a twinge of discomfort, but enjoyment of the sensation outweighed it. Was it pleasure from the physical sensation, or more from the implied taboo of doing such a thing? She didn’t care to analyze it.

  When Demi withdrew his fingers as his other hand probed her pussy, she knew he was about to enter her. She struggled to relax, knowing it would make the process easier. He teased her clit for too brief a moment, causing her to writhe upwards against his hand.

  A few seconds p
assed when he didn’t touch her, and she resisted the urge to lift her head to watch him prepare. She focused on her breathing and recapturing the thrill of experimentation. Despite her resolve, she stiffened when he adjusted their position and his cock head rested against her anus.

  “It isn’t too late to change your mind.” His tone was soothing, and he stopped moving.

  “No, I want to.”

  “Relax then, meu dragostia.” Demi’s finger slid over her clit in soothing circles as his cock pressed into her back passage. His other hand guided his cock into her, and he continued to stroke her clit as he moved past her resistance and entered her a few inches.

  His cock was definitely different from his fingers, she thought with a pained grimace. There was more pain and a sense of almost uncomfortable fullness. If her pussy hadn’t started spasming from his tender ministrations, she might have told him to stop right then.

  “Tell me when to move,” Demi whispered. “You’re in complete control. If you want me to withdraw, I will immediately.”

  She nodded, squeezing her lids tightly closed. Anca waited for the pain to pass, and it did a short time later. The sense of fullness remained, but it was starting to feel good. Coupled with the way he rubbed her clit, the sensation intensified her arousal. “You could try thrusting.”

  His movements were slow and careful, and he continued to massage her pussy. The first thrust hurt worse than his initial penetration, but each subsequent thrust brought more pleasure than pain. As he maintained his slow pace and rubbed her clit, he spoke soothing words to her in Corsovan.

  Anca was soon squirming with pleasure, thrusting upward against his fingers as she clenched her buttocks. Each time she did so, she heard him grunt. When she opened her eyes, she saw sweat beaded his forehead, and his face appeared flushed in the moonlight. It was obvious his control was tenuous, as was hers.

  She cupped her neglected breasts and rubbed the aching nipples. He seemed to sense her urgency, because his thrusts got deeper and faster, and he applied a hint of pressure to her clitoris as he rolled it between his thumb and forefinger.

  His orgasm came scant seconds before hers, causing his body to stiffen as his cock spasmed. When he cried out, his voiced pleasure intensified hers. Anca arched her hips up at a sharp angle as she came. He followed the movements of her body, burying his cock inside her and spurting the last traces of his satisfaction. He continued to stroke her clit, but his pace had slowed as her juices made his fingers slick again.

  The spasms racking her lower body faded, and she felt his cock soften inside her anus. She winced as he withdrew carefully, surprised by a bit of pain after all the pleasure. “I never expected that,” she confessed. “I didn’t think it would feel so good.”

  Demi nodded as he rolled onto his side and settled beside her. He put his arm across her waist. “Neither did I. I’ve heard unpleasant things about making love like this. Yet, now I wonder how one can’t find pleasure in doing this. You were so tight around my cock. I never imagined…” He trailed off with a sigh. “I find myself needing to rest before we return to the castle. You have exhausted me with your wanton ways.”

  Her grin disappeared behind a yawn. When it passed, Anca bit her lip. “If I’m dreaming, none of this happened.”

  “If you aren’t, it all happened,” he countered in a sleepy tone.

  Anca sighed. “I don’t know how I feel about that.” She laid her head on his chest and curved her body against his. “I don’t want to undo anything between us, but if this happened, that means it all did. It’s all real.”

  “Yes.” His voice was fuzzy and distant, indicating he was almost asleep. “All real,” he repeated.

  Anca swallowed a lump in her throat. It must all be a dream, she decided. After all, she had never had the courage to admit to her secret curiosity before. No doubt, she would awaken tomorrow morning in the castle and discover none of this had happened. “No doubt,” she said softly, struggling to keep her whispered tone firm. She ignored the dart of doubt accompanying the thought and allowed sleep to claim her.

  Chapter 10

  “It’s not a dream.” Anca groaned as she sat up, noticing the sky had lightened, though the sun had yet to rise. She was still beside Demi on the ground, completely nude, and aching as though she had been thoroughly made love to after running a marathon—which was pretty much what had happened to her last night.

  Demi propped his chin on his hand and gave her a small smile. “No, not a dream.”

  She shook her head, refusing to believe everything that had happened yesterday. Her shock deepened when Demi transformed to a large, silvery-white wolf.

  Hurry and change so we can make it back to the castle. Ylenia has much to discuss with you.

  Last night, she hadn’t paid much attention to the mechanics of Demi speaking inside her mind, but this morning she was aware of the low buzzing in her head. It was more of a vibration than a sound.

  How could it be? Demi was a werewolf? She was a werewolf? Anca shook her head again, attempting to dismiss the fantastical notion. She must still be dreaming.

  His chuckle emerged as a pleasant growl. We aren’t werewolves. We’ve formed an alliance with their kind. Don’t you remember what I told you last night?

  A wave of nausea accompanied Anca’s reluctant nod as their conversation came back to her. “What are we then?” she asked the question mechanically, still not able to believe what had happened. She must still be feeling the effects of the wolf biting her. Right now, she was probably raving in a fevered state. Wasn’t she? How could it be otherwise?

  Demi shook his massive, furry head. It falls to your father or Ylenia to explain.

  Please tell me! she responded with thought as naturally as she would have spoken to anyone else. The realization brought her up short, making her question her assumption that she was still dreaming

  He shook his head again. Transform, dragostia. Time is short.

  Anca closed her eyes and concentrated on becoming a wolf. Last night’s transformation was a hazy recollection, and she couldn’t remember how she had done it. How could she even attempt to do it, unless she believed even a smidgeon of what her eyes had shown her and Demi told her. With a sense of discomfort at the attempt, she struggled to complete the process, more than half-convinced she would never be able to.

  Her skin felt stretched thin, and every nerve in her body ached, but that was the only side effect she noticed of her attempt to transform. It was nothing like the pain she had experienced last night. She sighed at the futility of the attempt and opened her eyes to tell Demi she couldn’t do it.

  She looked down and saw her muzzle. Anca blinked, closed her eyes, waited a few seconds, and opened them again. She craned her neck and saw she had transformed. The reality of the situation crashed on her, and she knew she couldn’t deny what was happening to her—what had happened. Somehow, she had the ability to become a wolf. If that was real, then everything was real. If she accepted this, she had to accept it was all true. Could she do that?

  Her mind shied away from her heavy thoughts to concentrate on something more mundane. Why didn’t it hurt like last night?

  Your body has accepted the change. You’ll never experience more than mild discomfort again. In time, that too will fade, as transforming becomes second nature.

  How long will that take?

  Years, maybe.

  He padded away from her, leaving Anca little choice but to follow. She didn’t want to be lost again. He set an easy pace, and her tight muscles loosened as they ran through the trees and fields.

  As she ran beside Demi, she couldn’t deny what had happened any longer. Her life had taken an unexpected turn, and that was putting it mildly. Believing everything Demi had told her was one thing. Accepting it was quite another.

  * * * * *

  When they arrived back at the castle, Anca was surprised when Demi didn’t slip back into his human form. She stopped abruptly, cocking her head. Shouldn’t we go back


  What if someone sees us like this?

  Demi’s ears flickered in the early morning breeze. They will think nothing of it. However, the future queen and her lifemate strolling nude into Castle Draganescu might raise a few eyebrows.

  One advantage to being a wolf was her blush didn’t show. Anca settled for nodding her head, disconcerted by the way her skin rolled when she did so. Her tongue emerged to pant, and she drew it back in her mouth quickly. As she did so, she raked it across her fangs, a vivid reminder of the physical changes accompanying her new ability.

  She followed Demi in through the kitchen. No one gave them a second look. She found herself sniffing as she walked past the oven, and was again disconcerted by the way her tail started wagging as if on autopilot. Anca hoped she wouldn’t retain any wolf traits when she returned to her true form.

  Demi escorted her to her chambers and followed her inside. As soon as the door closed behind them, he slipped back into his human form. Anca did the same, once again taking a moment to concentrate on the act.

  He leaned forward and kissed her quickly. “Dress and be prepared for Ylenia’s summons. She’ll send someone to escort you to her. It will probably be soon, as she rises early.”

  Anca nodded, resisting the urge to wind her arms around Demi’s neck and hold him close to her. She longed for a means of escaping her fear, but didn’t think she would find it with him. The only way to reject the changes was to return to New York and not look back. A pang in her chest dismissed the notion. She couldn’t stand the thought of leaving Demi without things resolved between them. Moreover, she still hadn’t gotten to know her father.

  He stroked her cheek. “I love you. If it was possible, I would be there for your meeting with Ylenia.”


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