A Perilous Marriage

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A Perilous Marriage Page 14

by Kelly, Isobel

  “My, that is an enormous bridge and no mistake,” said Lucie, rather awestruck with the unexpected sight. “Did the Normans build it?”

  “A local earl had it built about five or six hundred years ago, so the saying goes, as he was fed up with crossing the ford when the river flooded. He built it to last, and it undoubtedly has. We just have to cross and soon, we are home. See yonder on the bend of the river upstream? That’s where we are heading.”

  “Oh, how marvellous, is that Amberley Hall?” she breathed. “It looks very imposing.”

  “Don’t look at the ruins behind on the mound. That’s Clun Castle. Unfortunately, only a total ruin now, all that is left from the damage of war and the elements. You can see just the topmost part of the roof because it stands high on a mound. The house we call Amberley is lower down in front of the castle. They tend to blend together as the same kind of stone was used to build the manor house. In fact, the castle was robbed of some of its stone.” As he spoke, he led the rest of his group over the bridge and through the village until he reached the gates of Amberley Hall.

  Surprisingly, there were a number of men to greet him, and one he recognised straight away. “Walter, you found your way successfully, not only to book the inn which was comfortable—though by that time I could have slept on a board—but here to Amberley. Good man! It is not the easiest of places to find. Off the beaten track unless you’ve lived here a while and know the district. I gather the people here were warned we were coming?”

  “Yes, milord. They are extremely troubled, though. The task of making your apartments ready and finding rooms for servants is a bit beyond them, though I resolved some of it. Hicks and the grooms will have the area over the stables. You said you had a team of stone masons coming which presented a real problem, but the Dower house is empty, and though it hasn’t been used for a long time, it will likely suit. The men will be used to making their own comfort. The present butler is aged and unwell so cannot greet you. Most of the others are old, too, as they were in service to the last earl, but they said they will do their best for now. At least the cook is not past working, and she is rounding up her staff to help though she has no idea how many to cook for. I haven’t had time to do more—”

  “You have done more than I thought possible already, Walter.” He clapped the groom on his shoulder, already thinking he was an excellent man to train for a position of trust. “We rest well tonight, and tomorrow, we start in earnest.”

  “Unfortunately, milord, that’s also the problem. There’s not really a place indoors for you to rest. The house is more than messed up inside. It’s in an appalling state.”

  Lucie, meanwhile, was gazing at the view of the manor which she could see through the trees between the wide open frontage which lay before the house and the tall gates that were opening up to their access. It was an imposing residence of coursed and squared, rendered limestone, a slate roof with crenulated stone ridge stacks, two gables, a central link parapet capped with coarse fleur-de-lys, and a wide Tudor Arch with stout oak doors set between long-paned windows gracing three floors over raised cellars. They were tightly shuttered, giving the frontage a defensive look to repel strangers. Once they were opened and it had fresh curtains, thought Lucie, it would have the look of a grand gentleman’s residence.

  Contrariwise, the inside was a different story. The large entrance hall showed not only age but neglect. The stone flags were broken and filthy. Damp patches and efflorescence covered plaster walls, and the furniture was covered in dust and bird and mouse droppings. A greyish light from a circular glass dome built into the roof lit the area from above, showing the dilapidation and ruin the house had fallen into.

  “Damnation! It’s worse than I thought.” Richard groaned. Standing alongside his wife and Walter as they viewed the rooms, he wondered why he hadn’t seen how bad the place looked when he had arrived straight off the boa, and then recalled it had been late evening. He'd not only peered round with a candle, he had not moved far from a front room. Deep shadows had hidden the overall devastation.

  Standing in the house for the second time since his return to England, he recalled his feelings of that first visit to his childhood home after so many years. He had dreaded the return beforehand even though he knew he could not evade it. The reality was worse. He felt the bitter acid curdling his stomach as memories crowded into his mind. The things he had cared about were few and gone into oblivion. His brothers he’d looked up to, more because they were older and were not overly punishing in their superiority. Not like his father who wielded punishment for the love of it. He remembered a few retainers who had treated him with kindness—his nanny, a butler, and a cook who saved him her special iced buns.

  Were these the only scraps of pleasure he could recall from a childhood that should have been filled with love and laughter? Apart from a distant memory of the sweetness of a loving mother before she died, he thought it was as he looked back to his youth. The other side of the coin was different. Rows, beatings, and escapes into the hills to get relief from a family that he realised now he had hated with every beat of his heart. No wonder he had made the final flight and sought freedom. And no wonder he wanted to flee at that moment.

  He had put up at the local inn and left early the next morning after a hurried visit to let the ancient butler know he was back in England and would make an extended visit once he had visited his father’s solicitor in London and been fully accepted to assume the earldom and the estate. The visit to his godmother, her accident, and later, his marriage, had intervened. He recognised the dreadful disarray and shambles of his house had slipped by without him registering just how awful it was.

  He glanced down at Lucie to see how she was taking it but couldn’t tell from her expression what she was thinking. Any minute, though, he expected her to cry, even break into hysterics. All the way over on the ship, he had thought about coming home and how he was going to feel knowing it was his residence, part of his family heritage to improve and make his own. Conversely, this disaster, this appalling ruin, was the absolute end. The place needed pulling down and rebuilding. For a woman who was used to the grace and comfort of Ashbury Mead, the thought of living in these awful surroundings would be horrific. His spirits sank to a deep despair as he felt the futility of his dreams vanish into the dust and decay which was all he could see as they ventured further inside.

  Chapter Eleven

  “It has good proportions, hasn’t it, Richard? It needs cleaning, of course, but let’s see what else we have. Walter, show me where the drawing room is. If you could find a servant or two, we shall see what they have managed to do so far...”

  He heard her speak but, totally disillusioned, it took him a moment to deduce her words before, quite aghast, he cried, “Dammit, Lucie, no! You don’t really mean to stay—we’ll get the place pulled down—demolished... We can’t live here...it’s too-too...”

  “We certainly won’t pull it down, not if I have any say in the matter," she interrupted. "It is your house, I know, but to pull it down would be a crime. It just needs cleaning and putting in order. It has history, your history. You were born here. You can’t lose that, it is too important, especially for those who come after you.” She blushed, “Well...you know...what you said you wanted...your family?”

  He stared at her, amazed at her courage and tenacity. She hadn’t made the expected fuss. Instead, her eyes were aglow with the prospects of making his house a home. With great reluctance on his part, they investigated further, and she finally agreed that the rest of the place was equally disheartening once they had seen the unpleasant bedrooms.

  “This place needs more than a thorough cleaning, Lucie. I have stayed in pretty rough surroundings a time or two, but I draw the line at you having to suffer such conditions. The whole place needs such a massive refurbishment; we simply cannot stay here while it takes place. At least, if we stay at the inn in the village, we shall be near enough to make decisions but away from the chaos that will en
sue. Tomorrow, we will decide what to do, but meanwhile, it is back to the village and book in at the inn to sleep.” It was the closest to a decision he felt able to make at that moment. It would have to suffice until he came to terms with deciding to stay and not run away from a place that filled him with revulsion.

  Unfortunately, their arrival there caused another setback as the inn only had two rooms available. Weary enough to sleep on the floor after the long journey, Lucie had an answer for that problem which at least would provide a bed for them and their closest servants.

  “Mary and I will have one room, for naturally, she cannot sleep with your valet. You and Edgar shall have the other one. It will do until we can make other arrangements, or until the other guests vacate their rooms and we can hire those.”

  Hastily closing his mouth, which had dropped open in surprise and annoyance as he heard her reply to the innkeeper, he glared at her, irritated beyond measure. Without so much as a by-your-leave, she had taken command and practically turned him out of his rightful place beside her in their conjugal bed—which, however practical in resolving the present dilemma, was definitely not to his liking. So much for keeping her on her toes, subject to his lustful desires.

  His long abstinence from sexual encounters had changed dramatically after his marriage, and he was looking forward to indulging once again, not only in the coming night but every night thereafter. He needed the comfort of her, especially after today and how he was feeling now. The thought struck him…perhaps she was tired of his attentions and wanted free of him? Would she forbid him her bed?

  “Milord?” The landlord was at his elbow, having guessed by the Earl’s frown there might be a reason for dissent. He was determined not to lose such eminent clients. “I can find accommodation for your servants in the village. ’Tis but just a short walk away, and they can attend you as you wish. The two rooms are next to each other, so you can have them as a suite. Whatever else you want, my wife and I will supply at all times if that will suit?”

  “Lucie, it appears we have the answer to the first problem of accommodation before we settle the problem of renovation. Shall we agree? The bedrooms at the castle might not take too long to refurbish if we decide to tackle the house. We can make them a priority. If the kitchen servants are competent, we can make do with dining arrangements. The cook's most important job will be keeping the men fed. Have I your approval?”

  He stared at her intently, trying to read her face, trying to see if she wanted to object. Would she? If she disagreed, could he interpret that to mean she did not want him in her bed? Yet she’d always responded before. There had never been a denial. Adrift on a wave of indecision, he felt a knot of pain at the thought it might all be pretence. She had married him through coercion, and though she conceded her body, she had never spoken of love.

  She gazed back serenely, her long lashes concealing most of her jade eyes. “It is your decision, my lord. I’m sure you know what is best.” She waited for his reply.

  He paused and stared at her. He was none the wiser at knowing her true thoughts. She was merely acting compliant as an obedient wife would. Well, so be it. He would find out later whether she truly wanted him or whether it was simply submission to his will.

  He turned back to the landlord. “Yes, I agree to the temporary arrangement and will take the rooms. As soon as more rooms are free, we will have those unless we decide otherwise, depending on the state of our house. Our servants will deal with our baggage and provide what we need for our comfort except food. We will dine as soon as a meal can be readied and will retire afterwards.” He looked at Lucie. “I think that will suit for this evening, my dear. You must be very tired and need to rest.”

  “Indeed I am. A light repast and bed is all I need now.”

  Sometime later, after dining in a small parlour downstairs, Lucie retired. Having finished with disrobing and washing and now having her hair brushed before going to bed, she thought to inquire about the comfort of her maid.

  “Are you happy with your sleeping arrangements, Mary?”

  “Yes milady. It is a small cottage, but we have good rooms for Edgar and I, and my bed is comfortable. It is only a short walk away, so I will be on hand for anything you may require. We shall stay at the inn during the day and await your orders.”

  “You must make sure you walk with Edgar when you return each night and in the morning, too. I have a regard for your safety as we are in strange surroundings, but I know Edgar will take care of you. Mind you heed my words.”

  “Yes, ma’am, and I thank you for your care. But you are always kind with us at Ashbury Mead. Everyone loves working for you, and I wish you well in your marriage.”

  “I think it will take time to get used to it, but I am not unhappy—” A firm knock on the dividing door into the next room brought their conversation to a halt as it opened.

  Richard stood in the open doorway, clad in his dressing robe, and Lucie could see Edgar in the background, tidying away his clothes. “Are you ready for bed? It is late, and we shall be busy tomorrow.”

  “Of course Mary, you can leave. I shall see you in the morning. Richard, I’ve told Mary she is to be always escorted by Edgar. Is he ready to leave as well?”

  “We are of one mind, my dear. I, too, have said the same thing.” He nodded to Mary as she curtsied and left the room and turned back to his wife. “We are safe for now, but it is as well if we start as we mean to go on. I believe in being careful, and though I don’t know Tasker well, from what I have seen and suspect so far, the game is far from over. Your safety is equally paramount, so you will always have an escort too and will go nowhere on your own. I have your promise on that, milady?”

  “Yes, I will take care.” She yawned and turned to the bed, slipping off her outer gown and sliding between the sheets. “I think I could sleep for a week after that ride, but then I’m not used to travelling like you. I’ll let you blow out the candles, Richard. I can scarcely keep my eyes open.” She sighed once and closed her eyes, and within seconds, as he stood by the bed watching, she was sound asleep.

  He grinned wryly to himself as he threw off his robe and climbed naked into the bed. She had a point, he thought. He was exhausted too, although he would have kept awake long enough to enjoy the pleasure of her body. He curled his arm about her waist and felt her snuggle back against him, closed his eyes, and fell asleep.

  He roused an hour or so later, wondering what had disturbed him, and heard her murmur in her sleep as though she was dreaming. She moved restlessly, and her bottom rubbed against his rampant sex. Heat slammed into him, and he bent his head and pressed his lips to her throat, feeling the beat of her pulse and breathing in the fragrance of her skin. Suddenly, he could not wait to bury himself in her.

  “Richard?” Her surprised murmur fed his heat as his hands pulled her round.

  “It had better be,” he growled. “I want you now, my love.”

  His kiss was hard and fierce and desperate, with no time for subtle seduction. This was as basic as it came. Hot and thick, the stark need ran through his body like lava. He ground his mouth over hers and felt her surrender when she lifted her arms to wrap them around his neck. He yanked up her gown, uncaring that he tore it, and flung it aside as his tongue delved deep, determined to taste all of her after waiting all day to claim her.

  After enduring the dismay he had felt on entering his home again after so long, he needed to wipe away the memories of his youth and concentrate on the future. Fire roared through his veins, and the aching throb in his groin let him know he dare not wait any longer. Moving down to her breast, he took a nipple into his mouth and felt her arch up and gasp with pleasure.

  As he nudged her legs apart, she opened up to him. His fingertips felt the wetness of her arousal, and he pushed his body into hers in one swift, sure stroke then waited a moment for her to get used to his size. Strangely, he could almost feel this was as new as his first time with her, and the pleasure of owning her body thrilled him more t
han he had ever experienced before with a woman. She lifted her hips and clenched her muscles, taking him in deeper. It was all the provocation he needed as he began a rhythm she matched with ease, setting him on fire with every twist of her body.

  Her silken sheath welcomed him, and her hands roaming over his body left a blaze of heat wherever she touched. As the first tremors heralded the approach of her climax, he took her mouth again, swallowing the cries that he knew she could not help and did not want anyone else in the inn to hear. He paused to let her feel the ecstasy, and with a further thrust, joined her with his own release until he was lost in a physical rapture so utterly blissful it seemed impossible to understand why things should be so different with this woman.

  He didn’t know how long he had lain slumped over her until a soft mewl made him realise she was taking all his considerable weight. He instantly rolled over, keeping her on top of him, and found, to his joy, they were still bound together. She lay supine, her head on his chest and her hair spread over his shoulder, clearly still feeling the effects of their loving union. With one arm keeping her in place, he ran the other hand tenderly down over her shoulder and across her bottom, pressing her closer to him. Despite the energy he had expended, he wanted her again and felt himself harden at the thought. Gently, he encouraged her to sit up, and like him, she drew in a gasp of air as she settled more firmly over his rising desire and understood the meaning of his intentional thrust.

  “I thought you were finished,” she said in surprise. “You want more?”

  “If you are offering, my love, I say yes. You are irresistible, especially where you are now. If you are not too tired, let me show you another way of gaining pleasure. Ride me as you would a horse and see how you like it.” His hands grasped her thighs and showed her what he meant. Then, as she quickly grasped the idea, he helped her move until they were both caught up in a second tumultuous explosion of feeling until she finally collapsed on his chest, unable to find the strength to go further. Tenderly, he eased her down on the mattress and slid out of bed to fetch a wash cloth. She bore his cleansing without protest, turned over, and was asleep before he was done washing himself. He had a happy grin on his face as he climbed back into bed. Who would have thought that his young bride would prove so cooperative and passionate? Perhaps the future here at Amberley Hall had more to offer than he had previously supposed.


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