Fake Bride

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by Willow Cravings

  Fake Bride

  Copyright 2018

  All Rights Reserved.

  Disclaimer: This ebook is a work of fiction. Any resemblance characters in this story may have to real people is coincidental.

  No section of this book may be copied or reproduced without the author's permission.


  I'd never fallen in love before.

  I couldn't believe it happened after I was already married to a man. It just so happens that he's a billionaire.

  This fake marriage story is very steamy.

  Fake Bride

  Chapter One

  My fingers trembled as I opened up the envelope that had my mortgage company's name on it. A big red stamp on the front said: Past Due. This was the fourth or fifth past due notice I had received from them.

  I pulled out the piece of paper and immediately began to cry when I saw the words Foreclosure at the top.

  I could barely read the thing through the tears. I had ninety days to pay them twenty grand or else they would take my home away from me.

  My mother's home.

  She left it to me after she passed away from cancer. The medical bills had drained her life savings and mine in the process. When the house moved to my name, we were already behind by a few months.

  I had quit my full-time job to take care of my mother. When the money got tight, I had to get a part-time job at a grocery store to make ends meet. There just weren't enough hours in the day.

  I thought that I would be able to get my old job back at the law firm but they eliminated my position after I left. With my resume it shouldn't have been that hard to find another job that paid well enough but there wasn't anything out there.

  I had to take another part-time job at a gas station to just make enough to pay the mortgage. I had nothing left to pay the debt off. I barely had enough to feed myself.

  Now I was at risk of losing the house I lived in.

  Life couldn't get any worse.

  After my shift at the gas station, I stopped by the Goat Tavern for a quick drink. It was the only thing that I looked forward to during both of my long shifts. The one time I got to unwind a little before the chaos of my life started again the next day.

  I spent a lot of time here while my mom was battling cancer. I even had a favorite spot at the bar.

  “What can I get for you, Avery?”

  I unfolded the foreclosure notice on the bar. “Give me your strongest drink, Hans. This might be my last time here.”

  The bartender with short blond hair took out a glass and began mixing. “What's wrong, Avery. Why is it going to be your last time?”

  I passed the notice to him. “There's no way I can come up with that type of money. I'm going to lose the house and I'm going to have to move somewhere with more job opportunities.”

  “I'm sorry to hear that. I wish there was some way I could help.”

  “Don't worry about it, Hans. There's nothing anybody could do about it.”

  He slid a glass of brown liquid in front of me. I didn't even wait for him to tell me what it was before I took a sip. The liquor burned a hole through my mouth on the way down my throat. I'd never tasted something so strong before. Hans had thrown together a bunch of different alcohol to make this and the only one I could pinpoint was gin.

  A buzz was already hitting my head. I could feel myself relaxing already. “This is perfect, Hans. Exactly what I needed.” I pulled out my purse and the wallet inside. I didn't have much cash left but it would be enough. “How much do I owe you?” I asked.

  Hans shook his head. “It's on the house, Avery. You've been a regular here for a long time and I'm going to miss our little chats.”

  “You're the best, Hans. I'm really going to miss you and this place too.”

  A man sat down on the stool next to mine. “I couldn't help but overhear you.”

  I was about to tell the guy to mind his own business until I turned and saw him. He was not what I expected at all at the Goat Tavern.

  This place wasn't what you would call a classy bar. It was known for cheap drinks and rough men. I was used to brushing off bikers and ex-convicts but this man was neither.

  Dressed in a slim black suit with a black tie, this man didn't fit in here at all. A five o' clock shadow hugged his jawline and his dark short hair was combed perfectly without a strand of hair out of place.

  It didn't matter how attractive he was though. I wasn't in the mood for being hit on. “I'd like to drink alone,” I replied.

  The man put his hands up in surrender but didn't go away. The cuff of his jacket slid down a little and exposed an expensive silver watch. “It's just I think I know a way to solve both of our problems.”

  I laughed. “You going to write me a check for twenty thousand dollars?”

  His expression didn't change. “Not right now but later if you agree to my terms.”

  “Whoa buddy. I ain't no prostitute. I'm desperate for money but not that desperate.” The more I thought about, the more I realized that I might have to resort to that just to survive.

  The man took a sip from the drink in front of him. By the smell, I knew it was only whiskey. “It's a simple business transaction. You marry me and I'll pay your mortgage off.”

  I spit my drink all over his face. “Oh shit, I'm so sorry.”

  “It's fine,” he said, taking a small napkin and wiping his cheeks.

  “You're not fucking serious,” I said, a little embarrassed for what just happened.

  “Dead serious,” he replied.

  Chapter Two

  “So you're telling me that I have to marry you and you'll not only pay the debt I owe but the rest of the mortgage.”

  “Exactly. Simple isn't it?”

  I took another drink and rubbed my eyes. Was this mysterious man for real? Maybe it was the alcohol that was playing tricks on my mind.

  “You don't even know my name. Why would you want to marry a stranger?”

  “I'm Cameron,” he replied with an outstretched hand.

  I took his hand reluctantly. “I'm Adrian. Now I know what I get out of this but what do you possibly get out of this. If you think you're going to own me, you're wrong.”

  “My father isn't going to retire and pass his business to me unless I settle down.”

  “I'm sorry. This just sounds all a little too crazy. You just so happened to be in this bar and heard me talk about my money woes?”

  “I've been to a few bars looking for a woman who could use the help. If you're not interested, I can go somewhere else.”

  Cameron went to stand up and I stopped him. “Whoa, not so fast! I didn't say I was going to go through with it. I just need to know more information. How long do we have to be married for?”

  “Not very long. Just enough time for my father to retire and complete the transition. A year at the most,” Cameron replied.

  “And what do I have to do. Do I have to...?”

  Cameron shook his head. “Of course not. I only need you for family functions and for the wedding. You can live at your own place or at the mansion. We just need to put on a show for my family. A convincing show.”

  My eyes lit up at that. My mom's two bedroom house wasn't exactly luxurious. Taking a small vacation from all the stress might be good for me.

  I leaned closer to Cameron. “When would I get paid?”

  “The day after the wedding.”

  “And what stops me from annulling it a day later and running away with money?”

  Cameron smiled. “You're a smart one too. We'll have a prenuptial in place that locks you in for a year or else you lose that money.”

  He really had thought of everything. This was the miracle I was hoping for. The only negative I could see was that I would have to
pretend to be married for a little while. It would be a funny story to tell future boyfriends.

  But it would be worth it to have the house paid off. “I'll do it.”

  We shook hands and sealed the deal.

  “I'll set the engagement party for a week from Sunday at my place.” Cameron took out his phone. “What's your number?”

  I blushed. “I had to sell my cellphone to save money.”

  Cameron shrugged. “No problem. Take mine. I'll text you the address and time. I'll provide your dress and everything else. Just make sure you're not late.”

  I held his expensive smartphone and Cameron winked at me. Then he was gone.

  “What the hell was that?” I asked Hans.

  He shrugged and continued to wipe down the counter. “Looks like your miracle just fell into your lap.”


  I spent the week wondering if any of it was real. Cameron's phone was real enough. I scanned through his contacts and looked up many of the names to make sure they were actual people.

  As crazy as the whole idea sounded, it felt exciting. My life had been going downhill fast and this was the one thing I needed.

  A week and a half later, his text came and I knew this was happening.

  I showed up to a gigantic white mansion that could double for a European castle. I couldn't believe this was where Cameron lived.

  A servant came out of the front door and took my car keys from me. A butler-looking old man with a stiff neck and upturned nose came out. “You must be, Avery. Will you please follow me.”

  My mouth was open in awe as he took me through the winding halls and into a large bedroom. There was a king-sized bed and a glass chandelier above. A giant fireplace stood on one end. Just this one room was almost bigger than my entire house.

  “You'll find the dress on the bed and anything else you need in the bathroom.”

  I turned to thank the butler but he had already closed the door and left. I was all alone now. I walked to the edge of the bed and picked up the dress that still had the clear plastic sheet over it.

  It was a simple black dress that looked like something Audrey Hepburn wore in a movie. I put the dress up to me and looked in the full-length mirror on the wall.

  “This can't be happening.”

  Chapter Three

  The dress fit perfectly. The fabric conformed to my large curves and enhanced them. How Cameron knew my size was beyond me.

  “I knew I picked right.”

  I spun around to find Cameron standing in the doorway, his eyes examining me up and down. “I guess this all real,” I replied.

  Cameron sauntered into the room straight towards me. “You look great but I have the icing on the cake.” He produced a silver necklace of huge diamonds. “Turn around.”

  I faced the mirror and brushed the hair from my neck. Cameron came up behind me and put the necklace around my neck. He clasped it and stared at me in the mirror. “Now you're perfect.”

  My pulse was pounding in my ears. I was doing this solely for the money but why did Cameron have to be so handsome?

  “So what's our story?” I asked.

  “We met six months ago while I was in Spain on a business. You were a tourist...”

  “I've never been to Spain.”

  “Doesn't matter,” Cameron said. “We met at a cafe and have been madly in love ever since.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I guess that will pass for a love story. Sounds a little ridiculous to me.”

  “My parents will love it,” he said.

  “How big is this party? I didn't see many people on the way in.”

  “Just us and my parents,” Cameron replied.

  “Oh. For some reason I thought this was going to be a huge bash with extended family and friends.”

  “That's the wedding. This is just so my parents can get to know you.”

  I gulped. “No pressure.”

  Cameron laughed. “Don't worry. You'll be fine.”

  We came to a large library with bookshelves that stretched to the ceiling. The long windows let in a lot of sunlight.

  An older gentleman and woman stood behind a couch. The man had a big white mustache and a smoking cigar in his mouth. The woman was absolutely beautiful in a white shimmering dress. She had to of been a supermodel back in the day.

  Cameron presented me. “Mother and father...this is Avery.”

  I did a slight bow before them. Then I realized that they weren't royalty and stood straight up. “Nice to meet you.”

  “Avery this is my mother, Sarah, and my father, George Steinman.”

  We all sat down on two couches with a coffee table between us. Servants arrived with tea and cookies.

  Mrs. Steinman started to pour the tea for each of us. “So what do you do Avery?”

  I froze. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to be truthful or not. Cameron and I hadn't gone over every possible question. But if the whole thing was a lie, then it didn't matter much. “I'm a junior partner at a law firm.”

  Mrs. Steinman looked pleased. “That's very impressive, Avery. How did the two of you meet?”

  Cameron took my hand in his and I felt a spark between us. “I already told you, Mother. We met in Spain while I was doing the Guinevere deal.”

  Mrs. Steinman sipped her tea. “Oh of course. I forgot. What were you doing in Spain, Avery?”

  “Just a little vacation. I didn't know it would turn out to be this,” I said, holding up our hands bound together.

  “I've always wanted to go to Spain,” she replied. “What was your favorite part?”

  I knew this story was going to bite me in the ass. I'd never been and didn't know much about the country. I looked to Cameron for help but he didn't save me.

  “Madrid was beautiful. Everyday there was heaven,” I replied.

  Mrs. Steinman seemed satisfied with my non-specific answer.”

  Mr. Steinman puffed on his cigar. “And when are you both planning on tying the knot?”

  “Before ninety days,” I said.

  Cameron nudged me hard with his elbow. “What Avery means is hopefully in the next month or so. We don't think we can wait much longer.”

  Mrs. Steinman smiled. “Well isn't this exciting. A Steinman wedding. I'll get the staff working on everything. There might not be as many guests with such short notice but I think we can pull it off.”

  After an hour of chit chat, Cameron and I returned to the bedroom where I got dressed. “You did pretty good, Avery.”

  “I'm sweating bullets over here. I thought they might figure us out at any moment. What do we do next?”

  Cameron laughed. “You have the option to stay here while we plan for the wedding.”

  “In this room?” I asked.

  Cameron nodded. “I'll be pretty busy but the servants can get you whatever you want.”

  “I'm not going to pass up an opportunity like this.”

  Chapter Four

  Cameron was right about him being gone all the time. He was always working and in two weeks I only saw him three times. Most of it was just to say hi.

  I spent most of my time still working my two jobs but when I was at the mansion, life couldn't be more perfect.

  The butlers got me whatever I desired: clothing, meals, and makeup. I was kind of sad that I would have to give it all up after wedding.

  Cameron found me late at night in the library enjoying a coffee and a book. “Everything is set for the wedding this weekend. Have you got cold feet?”

  “You still going to pay me?”

  Cameron nodded with a grin.

  “Then I'm not backing out.”

  Cameron walked to a globe and spun the Earth around. “The only thing left is your wedding dress.”

  My eyes went big. It had been a dream of mine to go shopping for the perfect dress. Even if the wedding wasn't real, I still wanted to live that fantasy. And with Cameron's budget, I'd be able to get whatever I wanted.

  He stopped me before I could keep fantasiz
ing. “This might be a little awkward but my mom wants you to wear her dress.”

  Everything in my head came crashing down. “I don't know about that. Isn't this going a little too far.”


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