Fake Bride

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Fake Bride Page 54

by Willow Cravings

  My jaw dropped to the car floor. Was he just going to ignore these feelings between us? I'd never felt like that with a kiss before. No kiss had ever come close. And Mason just wanted to run away.

  “Are we not going to talk about this?” I asked. “This seems like a pretty big deal.”

  “Nothing happened and we should just keep it at that. Our parents can never find out.”

  I wanted to punch him straight in the face. I wanted to tear off his balls and make him double over in pain. There was no way this problem was just going to go away.

  We drove back to my mom's house without saying another word. Mason got out of the car first and I sat there trying to figure out what to do next. Mason didn't bother waiting for me and went into the house.

  I walked in to find him talking with my parents. My mom came over with a smile and put her arm around me. “Sounds like you two had a good time.”

  One thing that Mason was right about. Our parents could never find out. I could just imagine my mom's disgusted face when she found out. It would destroy her and it would forever change how she saw me.

  I couldn't do that to her.

  I put on my best smile. “Yeah we had fun. I took him to downtown and we got coffee at Joe's.”

  “That place has really changed hasn't it?

  I nodded. “It's really nice in there.”

  My mom guided me into the kitchen to join Mason and Bobby. “Did you guys go to the library?”

  I did my best to ignore Mason. “No, we kind of ran out of time.”

  The kiss cycled through my head again. Mason's hand on my boob felt too good. My finger traced the top of my cleavage. I wanted his mouth on my nipples, sucking hard until I cried out. I had to stop thinking this way. If Mason didn't want to pursue this further then I needed to cut my losses. There were plenty of men out there that would die to have me for the first time.

  But Mason was the perfect one.

  My mom interrupted my train of thought. “Bobby and I were thinking of having pizza delivered. What do you two think?”

  “Fine with me,” Mason replied. “I'll take pepperoni on mine.” He walked away and went upstairs. I could finally breath without him around.

  “Can you get sausage and peppers on one?” I asked.

  My mom wrote down on a pad of paper. “What do you want, Bobby?”

  “I'm not very picky. They both sound good to me,” he replied.

  “And that's why I love you.” My mom stopped writing and jumped into Bobby's arms, laying down kisses all over him.

  The feeling of bile creeping up my throat made me leave the kitchen. I didn't want to go upstairs but there was nowhere else to go.

  Chapter Eight

  I sneaked into my room and breathed a sigh of relief when I saw that my door to the bathroom was closed. I wouldn't have to see Mason until the pizza came.

  I plopped down on my bed and focused on the white ceiling above. How could I survive the rest of Christmas with Mason around? I wished that I could run back to my dorm and forget about the whole thing.

  But there was no way that was going to happen.

  I knew and Mason knew it too.

  This romance was too big to leave behind.

  The doorbell rang, announcing the pizza guy. My mom and Bobby bumbled around downstairs for cash. I walked outside of my room and Mason came out of his at the same moment.

  I cursed inside my head a million times over. Why didn't I just wait a minute longer!

  We both stood frozen in place. “Is the pizza here?” he asked.

  The smell of sausage and pepperoni filled the air. The question was moot but I answered yes anyways.

  Mason walked by me and I got a whiff of his cologne. I'd never be able to forget that smell as long as I lived.

  I joined everyone in the kitchen and Bobby already had his plate full with three slices. We all sat around the dinner table for four. I had to sit across from Mason which made it hard not to look at him the entire time. I wanted to hate his face so much but he was too cute.

  “Is everyone done with their Christmas shopping?” my mom asked.

  I nodded while filling up on a slice of sausage and peppers. I only had to shop for my mom every year and I usually got it out of the way a month before Christmas.

  Mason ignored the question and continued to eat.

  Bobby was already finished with his three slices. “I finished yesterday but I have a lot to wrap still.”

  “Should we all watch a movie tonight? I'm sure It's a Wonderful Life will be playing.”

  Bobby nodded. “Sounds like a good idea to me.”

  I hoped Mason would decline first so I didn't have to but he didn't say a word. There was no way I could watch an entire movie sitting close to Mason.

  I fake yawned. “It's been a really long day. I think I just want to get an early head start on sleep. Will you take a rain check on the movie?”

  My mom made a pouty face. “Well maybe Bobby and I will just go out by ourselves.”

  Bobby smiled and blew a kiss to my mom across the table.

  I finished my meal and asked if I could be excused. I needed to leave before it got even more awkward.

  I retired to my room and closed all the doors. I heard my mom's car leave the garage and then I realized that Mason and I were all alone in the house together.

  I shook my head. It's going to be fine, I thought to myself. I just need to go to bed and forget about the whole thing.

  I took off my clothes and put on a pair of pink panties. I climbed into bed and turned the lights off. I could see light coming from the bathroom door. Mason was in there right now. I turned on my side to face away and closed my eyes.

  My eyes shot open a moment later. I wasn't even close to being tired. I tossed and turned and gave up after ten minutes. My mind was racing at a mile a minute. There was no way I was going to sleep any time soon.

  I turned on my light at my nightstand and sat up in bed. I grabbed my brush and combed my long brown hair. Why were guys so frustrating?

  There were too many thoughts in my head and I needed to get them out. I used to write in a diary all the time but I kind of forgot about when I went to college.

  I opened up the drawer in my nightstand and the notebook that said: “Diary” in cursive font sat there all by itself. I took it out and examined the cover. There was a tiny lock on the side that had broken a long time ago. It didn't matter because those locks were easy to break anyways. I always made it a point to never say specifics in case my mom ever read it.

  There was no such thing as privacy with an overprotective mother.

  I flipped through the pages that were written during different parts of my life. There were so many crushes and not enough kisses. Most of the pages were taken up with Tyler's name written over and over again. I thought we were going to be married some day. My name would've been Anna Watson. It had a nice ring to it.

  But that was all so long ago. Tyler and I never became an item.

  I turned to a fresh page and began pouring out my thoughts on Mason without ever saying his name. I couldn't stop writing about how furious he made me feel. And how much I wanted him to be my first. The conflicting emotions were fuel to my brain. A pain in my wrist made me stop suddenly and I realized that I'd written four pages already.

  I reread the pages and felt embarrassed. This wasn't the writings of a mature woman but more ramblings of an obsessed stalker. I closed the diary and put it back in my nightstand.

  A knock at the bathroom door made me sit up alert. “Yes?”

  Mason opened the door and walked in. His face was full of determination. I knew exactly what he wanted.

  “I can't resist these feelings anymore, Anna,” he said.

  Chapter Nine

  I was in total shock. I didn't expect him to give in so soon.

  My cheeks flushed and I pulled the covers up to conceal my nakedness underneath. I didn't know what to say but Mason stood near the bathroom awaiting my approval

  I gulped. “I was hoping you'd come here tonight.”

  Mason took a step further into my room. “I can't get you out of my fucking head. Believe me I tried. It's only been hours since our kiss and it's completely got a hold of me.”

  I pulled down the covers until my tits were exposed. “There's more of me for you to discover.”

  Mason didn't need to be asked twice. He did a swan dive into bed and right on top of me. We kissed and I held his warm body close. I fumbled around his t-shirt until he stopped kissing me and focused on pulling it over his head.

  My fingers ran over his hard pecs. I could press into them with my fingers and they would barely give way.

  Mason returned to kissing me and moved to the softness of my neck. “That feels really good,” I said. He sucked on my neck like a vacuum and I knew I'd have a mark there tomorrow. Good thing it was cold out and I could wear a scarf and not be questioned for it.

  Mason layered kiss after kiss down my bare shoulder and to my big breasts. His tongue lightly flicked my nipples until they became erect. He put his mouth over each one and bit down. I cried out each time from the pain and pleasure.

  How could something like that feel so damn good?

  Mason tore his belt off and slid off his jeans. His gray boxer briefs could barely contain his massive cock. There was a perfect outline and it made excited. I'd never actually seen one in person before. I've touched men over their pants before but this was going to be a brand new experience.

  “Are you ready for me?” Mason asked with a devilish grin.

  “Come here and unwrap your present,” I replied. Mason pulled down the rest of the covers all the way until I was completely out in the open. He bit his bottom lip and drank in the view.

  I didn't know how to tell him that it was my first time. I was afraid he'd laugh at me or worse, just leave.

  The better idea was to not tell him yet. He didn't need to know. It wasn't essential. It was my business anyways.

  “Be gentle,” I said. And I meant it.

  I slipped my fingers under the waistband of his boxer briefs and pulled down until his large manliness flung out. It pulsed for me and I knew I had to have him inside me. But it was so gigantic. Would he even fit?

  “Spread your legs for me,” Mason said.

  I could feel the wetness collecting between my thighs. I complied and spread my legs wide. Mason mounted me and his cock was just inches away from my opening. Mason kissed me deeply and I lost myself in it.

  With one sudden thrust, Mason forced his way inside me. I screamed from the injection of sharp pain but it soon gave way to ecstasy. My fingernails dug into Mason's back as he rocked his hips back and forth. His cock drilled deeper and deeper, stretching me to unimaginable lengths.

  I couldn't believe the sensations I was experiencing. This was nothing like touching myself in the middle of the night. The feeling of a large cock pounding into me was like crack. I'd never get enough now.

  I was completely addicted.

  “Fuck me harder, Mason,” I moaned.

  Mason grabbed my hips and used them as leverage to slam into me over and over. My tits bounced back and forth and the pleasure began to rise to a peak.

  “I'm close, Anna,” Mason groaned. His face strained. He wouldn't be able to last much longer.

  “Come with me,” I replied.

  Mason relaxed, closed his eyes, and opened his mouth wide. A torrent of come burst inside me as my own orgasm detonated.

  The bed shook and the entire room spun as every synapse in my brain fired off. My legs flexed and my body spasmed. I couldn't stop it. As the orgasm began to fade, another would take its place in an instant.

  I turned my head and stuffed it in a pillow to muffle my moans. Mason continued to fuck me as he unloaded his seed deep inside me. His rhythm began to slow down and so did my orgasms.

  I was finally able to get a breath in before Mason kissed me again. He stayed within me as we made out furiously. I couldn't get enough of him but I knew he'd have to leave me soon.

  Mason rolled over and his come flooded out of my pussy. It was going to be hard to sleep in these sheets tonight.

  “That was beyond good,” Mason announced into my hair.

  “I don't even know how to describe this feeling,” I replied, trying to catch my breath.

  “Was this you're first time?” Mason asked.

  I cringed. How did he know? Was I that bad?

  I nodded. “I'm sorry I didn't tell you before.”

  He grinned. “Don't be sorry. I like that I'm the only man you've ever been with.”

  I relaxed a little. “Merry Christmas then.”

  Mason kissed me again. “That was the best Christmas present ever.”


  “Anna and Mason! Are you coming downstairs to open presents?” my mom called from downstairs.

  I opened my eyes and saw Mason sleeping soundly next to me. For the past couple days, we haven't been able to keep our hands off each other. I couldn't even count on my fingers how many times we had sex. It was so exhausting but so rewarding.

  And the connected bathroom helped so much.

  Every time my mom or Bobby would knock on my door, Mason would sneak through the bathroom and return to his room. The only thing we had to do was to keep quiet. Which could be hard when Mason fucked me so hard my body exploded with multiple orgasms.

  I rocked Mason until he woke up. He yawned and smiled at me. “Good morning, beautiful.”

  “Good morning, yourself. Our parents are downstairs and ready to open gifts.”

  Mason's hands explored under the covers until they reach my tits. He grabbed and squeezed hard. “I think they can wait a little while longer,” he replied with a knowing wink.

  I rolled my eyes and just accepted the fact that we were never going to leave this bed ever again.

  The End

  Story Thirty Two

  Copyright 2018

  All Rights Reserved.

  Disclaimer: This ebook is a work of fiction. Any resemblance characters in this story may have to real people is coincidental.

  No section of this book may be copied or reproduced without the author's permission.


  Penelope has always felt out of place in life. She doesn't know who she wants to be or where she wants to go. She's finally back home for spring break and there's a surprise waiting for her.

  Michael's the new man of the house and he wasn't expecting someone like Penelope to land in his lap. Everything is about to change.

  Warning! Prepare yourself for some insta-love and steamy scenes.

  Chapter One

  I wasn't ready for this.

  Spring break was supposed to be full of partying, alcohol, and wrong decisions.

  But my stupid mom was making me spend it back at home. And now I had to meet her new boyfriend too.

  Not my idea of a fun week.

  I carried my duffel bag on my shoulder as I walked to the beige front door of the house I grew up in. The door was unlocked and I strolled right in. The smell of pasta and tomatoes hung in the air.

  I plopped my bag onto the ground and yelled, “I'm home!”

  My mom rushed out of the kitchen and into the entryway. A blue apron with a flowery print was tied around her waist. “Penelope!” She wiped her hands on the apron before giving me a big hug. “I've missed you so much.”

  “Mom, it hasn't been that long. I was home two months ago for Christmas vacation.”

  She squeezed me over and over again. I let my arms drop to my sides and just let it happen. “But it feels like its been forever.”

  My mom released me from her death grip and I was finally able to take a breath. “I'm in college now so you need to get used to the fact that I'm not going to be around all the time.”

  “I know you wanted to go to Mexico for spring break but we're going to have a lot of fun right here.”

  There was a fat chance of that happening. I
couldn't argue too much about it though. The only way I was going to be able to go to Mexico was if my mom paid for it.

  I had a job during my first semester working at the food court. Shoveling Chinese food on plates for students didn't work for me so I quit. It helped that my grades were slipping so my mom agreed with the decision. I didn't tell her that work wasn't affecting school at all. It was really the all-night partying.


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