Shadow Wolf (Shinobi Saga)

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Shadow Wolf (Shinobi Saga) Page 13

by Sessha Batto

  “Really? You didn’t sleep with him?”

  “I didn’t say that,” Makoto admitted. “Yoshi was just grateful because I brought him back from Kanegawa. It didn’t mean anything.”

  “Are you sure about that?” the Shuhan pressed. “Because I doubt Takahashi-san ever willingly had sex. Don’t tell him how unimportant it was, he might never have the courage to get close to anyone again. Do him a favor and let him down slowly.”

  “There's nothing to let him down from,” the torture master grumbled. “I told you, he seemed happy where he was.”

  “Did he even see you?” Daisuke prodded. “I can’t believe he’d willingly turn his back on you.”

  “He didn’t see me, thankfully. I don’t think I could stand it if he had. But they were…” The interrogator turned hurt, confused eyes on the Shuhan.

  “It will be alright, Makoto.” Daisuke pulled him into a gentle embrace. “I’ll take care of everything. Please trust me.”

  “Of course I trust you, Shuhan-sama.”

  “Good.” Chocolate eyes sparkled with mischief. “Then you won’t fight me when I do this.” Daisuke leaned in and kissed him, wrapping an arm around his waist to hold him close until he was finished.

  “There, that's better.” The Shuhan smirked when he released the dumbstruck interrogator. “We’ll pick this up after our meeting. Trust me, it will all work out.”

  “If you say so,” the torture master rumbled, even as he doubted anything would be alright.


  It was nearing midnight by the time the meeting finally broke up and Daisuke strode gratefully into his private apartment, throwing off his robes and hustling Makoto out of his coat before the torture master had time to protest. “That's better,” the Shuhan declared before leaning in and capturing scarred lips. “Get undressed, we need to get some sleep.”

  “I’m supposed to be guarding you, Shuhan-sama,” the interrogator demurred. “I can’t sleep on duty.”

  “There's a dozen black ops outside the doors, I doubt I’m in any danger,” the Shuhan retorted. “The position is a formality, as you well know.”

  “The position is Souta's,” Makoto protested. “I don’t want to come between you.”

  “That's nice to know,” Daisuke chuckled. “But you couldn’t even if you tried. Do you trust me, Sasaki-san?”

  “Of course. That doesn’t mean I need to have sex with you.”

  “That's true,” he conceded. “But I think you should.” The Shuhan studied the interrogator's face. “Right now you’re feeling hurt and betrayed because of what you saw. I’d like to help you try to see it in a different light.” He pulled the tie out of his hair before placing a hand on Makoto's broad chest. “If not me, who would you prefer?”

  “Yoshi. I want him back in my house, in my bed, in my arms. That's all I want.”

  “Be honest, Makoto,” the Shuhan warned. “Will you hold it against him?”

  “No,” the interrogator insisted.

  “Are you sure? Betrayal is the hardest thing for a shinobi to forgive. I’m not sure I could so easily push aside my doubts. If nothing else, I think you need to balance the situation so you both have equal shares of guilt and blame. It will make it easier for you to get past this.”

  “I don’t know. I wouldn’t want him to feel I cast him aside.”

  “Isn’t that how you feel right now?” Daisuke pressed. “You believe he’d rather stay with Kazuki than come back to you. Don’t you feel abandoned?”

  “I admit it hurts, I’d be lying if I said it didn’t,” the interrogator replied. “But if I hurt him it would make me feel even worse.”

  “So it's love then,” the Shuhan decided. “That makes everything easier. But I still think you need to equalize things. Give Yoshi something to forgive you for, then maybe he won’t beat himself up too badly.”

  “You honestly expect me to believe that my sleeping with you will make him feel better?” Makoto demanded, hands on his hips.

  “He’ll feel less guilty, and you’ll feel less hurt by his actions when you’ve done the same thing without it affecting your feelings,” Daisuke reasoned.

  “What if it does affect my feelings?” the interrogator asked. “Then what do I do?”

  “If it affects the way you feel about Yoshi, then you never loved him in the first place,” came the confident reply. “You need to know one way or the other before you see him again.” The Shuhan slowly unbuttoned his shirt and slid it off broad shoulders, then thumbed the button on his pants and slid them down long legs. “Come to bed Makoto,” he whispered as he wrapped his arms around the interrogator's neck and captured his lips in a deep, wet kiss.

  Makoto finally gave into the temptation before him, returning Daisuke's kiss with equal passion as he lowered them onto the bed. “You’re still wearing too many clothes,” the Shuhan grumbled as he deftly began to strip the older man, only to be cut short before he even had the interrogator's shirt all the way off.

  “Are you sure about this? Because if you aren’t you’d best stop right there.”

  “I wouldn’t have started if I wasn’t sure,” Daisuke purred. “I’ve been watching you for years, and I’m not the only one. Souta's going to be so jealous that I got to you first. Now, can I get back to what I was doing please?”

  “No, you’re taking way too long.” The interrogator quickly shed his clothes before rejoining Daisuke on the bed, pinning the slighter man down and kissing him senseless while his hands roamed over all the smooth bronze flesh they could reach. He licked and nipped his way down the lithe form before swallowing the younger man's erection to the root.

  “Kami, Makoto.” The Shuhan moaned as wet heat surrounded his throbbing length, groaning and arching when the interrogator's tongue dipped into the sensitive slit. Daisuke could only pant when the hot mouth moved to suckle his balls before flicking over his entrance. The interrogator found himself captivated by the way the puckered muscle fluttered under his tongue's probing, as if it were torn between accepting or rejecting the intrusion.

  Daisuke gasped when two thick fingers worked their way inside him, scissoring and stretching before being joined by a third. “Hurry up,” the Shuhan panted as he thrust back hard against the intrusion.

  “I don’t want to hurt you,” Makoto rumbled as he continued to tease.

  “You won’t, I’ve done this before,” Daisuke managed to stammer, only to be met by a wicked smirk.

  “I imagine I’m a lot bigger than Souta. Better safe than sorry.”

  “Please,” the Shuhan begged. “I want to feel you. I’m ready, please.” The interrogator slid his fingers out and began pushing the head of his erection against the softened muscle until it slid inside, continuing the measured pace until his considerable length was buried balls deep in the smaller man.

  “How's that, Shuhan-sama, can you feel me now?” Makoto husked as he paused to give him time to recover.

  “So full,” he moaned. “Please, I need you to move.”

  The interrogator pulled back until just the head of his swollen cock remained inside before beginning a series of shallow thrusts and gentle swirls that left Daisuke struggling for more contact.

  “Fuck me like you mean it,” the Shuhan demanded. “I’m not made of glass.”

  “Fine.” Makoto slammed forward and robbed him of the ability to speak as his prostate was pummeled with each forceful thrust. When a hand grasped his bobbing erection and began to stroke, Daisuke keened his approval, thrashing his head from side to side as he shuddered under the dual assault. All his muscles tightened as he shrieked Makoto's name, coating them both with his come.

  The interrogator lifted the now lax form, tilting bronze hips to deepen his penetration as he sped up his pace.

  “Kami, so good,” Daisuke moaned, already hardening again from the intense stimulation. “You’re going to make me come again if you keep that up.”

  “I live to serve, Shuhan-sama,” the interrogator teased, deliverin
g a series of short rapid thrusts directly to his prostate. Makoto smiled as lust hazed eyes fluttered open and locked with his. “Back with us?”

  “Mmmhmm,” Daisuke hummed in response as he began to thrust his hips up to meet the strokes, smiling in delight when Makoto's eyes fluttered closed and he let out a shuddering groan.

  The interrogator knew he wouldn’t last much longer, so he wrapped his hand around the Shuhan's erection, thumb rubbing across the sensitive slit with every pump until Daisuke threw his head back and screamed his release. Makoto thrust once more as deeply as he could and came hard, spraying his seed deep inside the clenching passage.

  “I think I can taste that,” Daisuke muttered. “Yoshi is a very lucky man.”

  “Are you alright?” The torture master peered into unfocused eyes as he searched for any damage he might have inadvertently caused.

  “Definitely more than alright. I can’t wait to do that again.”

  “We need to sleep. It will be morning before you know it.” Makoto pulled out, rolling to his side and curling around the dazed Shuhan protectively. He stroked soft chocolate strands and placed a kiss on the top of Daisuke's head as his breathing slowed and he drifted into sleep.

  The interrogator lay awake, reflecting on the events of the last few days, before abandoning any attempt to make sense of it all and shutting his eyes. Eventually he fell into a light doze, his troubled mind refusing to allow itself the respite of true sleep.


  Clean, dressed, and his belly full, the shadow wolf ambled alongside his new lover as they moved deeper into the underground complex. “Are you ready? I need to make the ki transfer soon.” Kazuki trailed off at the lost look in Yoshi's eyes.

  “Why does it matter what I think?” the elite asked. “You’re the one that has to live with your choice.”

  “I want you to still desire me,” the spell-caster answered honestly. “I don’t think I could bear to be alone again.” He stopped outside a door, swinging it open and urging the shadow wolf inside before entering himself.

  “They’re all young and strong,” Kazuki explained. “Any one of them would serve me well.”

  “This man is dead,” Yoshi announced with distaste as he bent to examine the first candidate.

  “What? They were all fine yesterday.” The spell-caster moved to the second bed, frustration rising when he realized that man was dead also.

  “I think someone's trying to tell you something,” the shadow wolf declared as he searched for a non-existent pulse on the third body.

  “Princess.” Kazuki reached out with his ki to locate the kunoichi before leaving the room at a run. Yoshi followed at a slightly slower pace, stretching out his senses to pinpoint any hidden danger as he followed through the maze of hallways.

  “Rin,” the legendary hissed when they located the trio in the depths of the complex. “What did you do?”

  “Forced you to come to your senses,” she replied. “You wanted to drain Takahashi's ki, remember? He's standing not three feet away from you, so would you please just do it for Kami's sake so we can move on to more interesting matters.”

  “There's always Kenta,” Kazuki whispered to Yoshi. “We’ll figure something out.”

  “Not Kenta,” the shadow wolf replied with a shudder. “If you were to become like him, there's no way I could stay with you.”

  “Well, there's not a lot of options. You can take a look at everyone here, most of them are rather old and weak though.”

  “Why can’t you just stay as you are? I like you just like this.” Yoshi nipped at the long column of the legendary's neck.

  “I would love nothing more. But I’m afraid the technique has its limits. I must renew my ki every two to three years, if not I die.”

  “Kazuki-sama.” The door flew open, and an exhausted messenger stumbled in. “A spy from Kobayashi shuudan was snooping around outside. He's being brought in for questioning.”

  “Do we know who it is?” the spell-caster asked.

  “We've identified him as one Fukazawa Souta, an elite assassin.”

  “Ah, the Kobayashi no Shuhan's lover,” Kazuki said with a wicked smile. “What absolutely perfect timing.”

  “Souta's not the Shuhan's lover,” Yoshi said. “I may be out of circulation, but even I know he's been living with Daisuke forever.”

  “That's true,” Rin agreed. “I’ve watched them interact. Daisuke's just a weapons instructor, not even on the elite duty roster, you must be mistaken.”

  “Sato Daisuke is the new Kobayashi no Shuhan,” Kenta insisted. “I saw him in the robes of office myself. Shows how low the shuudan has fallen if he's the best they could come up with.”

  “Well, whoever this assassin is, he's just in time to solve my little problem,” Kazuki decided. “Bring him here,” he told the runner.

  “Is this Souta more to your taste pretty? I’m running out of choices.”

  Yoshi merely shrugged, even as his mind desperately tried to figure a way out. The last thing he wanted was for harm to come to someone he knew. “I never looked at him that way,” he mumbled. “Are you sure you want me to choose? You aren’t going to let me go in any event.”

  “That is not the point,” Kazuki insisted. “I want you to desire me. That will never happen if I'm not attractive to you.”

  “I don’t worry much about things like that. Sometimes the prettiest packages hold the worst surprises. What I want,” Yoshi husked into a blushing ear, “is for you to stop worrying and take me back to bed.”

  Kazuki groaned, gathering the elite into his arms and kissing him senseless. “That is a wonderful idea, Yoshi. Rin, prepare this Souta for the ki transfer … and make sure nothing happens to him. I’d hate to have to renege on my promise.”

  The pair swept out of the room, leaving the frustrated woman to her task. As they were exiting a pair of guards appeared dragging a semi-conscious and heavily bound Souta between them. “Yoshi, am I glad to see you. I promised Makoto I’d bring you back. I’m gonna get a foursome.” He started to sing, oblivious to the appalled look on the shadow wolf's expressive face.

  “Well?” Kazuki queried as he pulled the elite close. “Will he do or not?”

  “Let's see, shall we.” Yoshi pulled a startled Souta into his arms and kissed him thoroughly. He nipped at a sensitive ear, using the gesture to cover his nearly inaudible whisper. “I’ll find some way to get you out of here, just cooperate for now.”

  The shadow wolf pulled back and turned to his lover. “He’ll do,” he told the legendary huskily. “Right now I’m more interested in you.” He drew Kazuki in for a long, deep kiss, reveling in the way the feared ninja melted in his embrace.

  “Bed, now,” Yoshi urged as he dove back in, pinning his powerful lover's head while he ravished his mouth, only relenting when they were both breathless and panting.

  As soon as they parted Kazuki quickly made the gestures to move them to his quarters, already tearing at their clothes before they reached their destination.

  “I believe it's high time you return the favor and take me, Kazu-sama,” the shadow wolf declared. He sprawled out enticingly and beckoned the spell-caster into his arms.

  “I’ve never…”

  “Do what feels good when I do it to you,” Yoshi suggested. “I trust you not to hurt me. Now kiss me.” He smiled when the legendary dipped his head to nuzzle the pale column of the shadow wolf's neck, worrying a morsel of flesh even as he hummed his enjoyment.

  Kazuki slicked his fingers and slid one into the hot furnace of Yoshi's body. “So hot, so needy,” he murmured. The muscles twisted and contracted around the digit, and he added a second finger and thrust them in and out as his lover groaned and pushed back against the intrusion.

  “Hurry,” the shadow wolf husked as Kazuki squirted lube on his leaking erection. Time seemed to stop as he began to ease his way inside. Yoshi finally ran out of patience and snaked a long leg around his lover's waist, using it as leverage to crush their bodie
s together.

  Kazuki froze, buried to the hilt, and struggled to regain his composure. “So beautiful, so sad. How can I make you smile, pretty?”

  Let me go home. The shadow wolf forced such ideas to the back of his mind. Summoning memories of his night with Makoto he smiled beatifically, eyes fluttering shut in pleasure. “Move.”

  The spell-caster was eager to comply, setting a brisk, erratic pace as he strove to massage the shadow wolf's prostate with every stroke. All too soon the elite was keening his pleasure as he shot ropey streams of come between their straining torsos, shattering Kazuki's restraint. He thrust frantically into Yoshi's suddenly too-tight passage, throwing his head back with a groan as he shot his seed deep inside his lover's body.

  “Thank you, pretty,” the legendary whispered. “You have no idea how much I appreciate this.”

  “Yes, I do,” the shadow wolf replied in a tight voice. “Thank you for giving me pleasure.”

  “That's my one desire,” Kazuki mumbled sleepily. “To please you enough that you never want to leave me.”

  “Rest.” Yoshi combed his fingers through long inky strands. “I’ll be right here when you wake up.” As soon as the older man fell asleep the elite slipped out of bed, heading into the relative privacy of the bathroom.

  “Boss, where are we?” his wolf familiar asked as soon as he appeared.

  “Kazuki's headquarters. I need you to take a message to the Shuhan right away. Tell him they’ve captured Souta and I’m working on a plan to help him escape.”

  “And what about you?” Pi-natsu whined. “You need to get out of here.”

  “Souta first. I’m okay where I am for now,” Yoshi insisted. “But Kazuki's going to use Souta's body to renew his ki if I don’t stop it. Now get going.” The stocky wolf gave him a look that clearly mirrored his disbelief, even as he reluctantly obeyed and set off for home.


  Just after dawn Makoto's eyes popped open and he abandoned the pretense of sleep, rolling over and studying the man next to him. Last night was enjoyable, certainly. It was a heady feeling having someone share himself so generously. Still, fun as it was, it couldn’t compare with the few brief hours he’d spent with Yoshi. Maybe today. The interrogator concentrated, willing the idea into reality. Maybe today he’ll come home to me.


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