Shadow Wolf (Shinobi Saga)

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Shadow Wolf (Shinobi Saga) Page 41

by Sessha Batto

  “Oh no, you don't. You're not getting rid of me that easily. We can go out to eat if you'd rather not go shopping.”

  “We never go out to eat.” Yoshi pondered the idea. “It could be fun. Do you have any place in particular in mind?”

  “I don't know. Where would you like to go?”

  “There's a new place near the store. I'm not sure what kind of food it is, but it always smells good. I'm willing to try something new, how about you?”

  “I'm always up for a change,” Makoto declared, only to be met by an incredulous look and a snicker. “What?”

  “You are never up for a change,” Yoshi replied with a chuckle. “As I recall it took you twenty-five minutes to break down and try the take-out I got the other day.”

  “It was a really odd color,” the interrogator dissembled. “I never know when someone may try to poison me.”

  “You honestly believe I would poison you?” Yoshi asked as he pushed his lover into the shower, soaping up a cloth and scrubbing the scarred torso as he waited for an answer.

  “Well, no, not you,” Makoto backpedaled. “Enemies.”

  “Enemies who somehow convinced me to share poisonous food with you?” the elite pressed as he maneuvered the taller man under the spray before starting to scrub himself.

  “Are we going to eat or not?” the interrogator asked. “I'm hungry and I don't want to argue.”

  “We're going to eat. I don't want to argue with you either,” Yoshi conceded as he finished rinsing off. “Let's get out of here and go rebuild our energy. I'm looking forward to more 'celebrating' later, and that will never happen if I let you starve to death.”


  The newly engaged couple had just been seated in what turned out to be a sukiyaki restaurant. They ordered before settling back to sip some nice sake and enjoy what was shaping up to be a magnificent sunset.

  “'Shi-kun,” Mayu startled them and tapped on the glass. “I need to talk to you.”

  “Hide me,” the shadow wolf entreated as she disappeared from sight.

  “Nope. Just tell her and get it over with. You're going to have to eventually. The longer you wait the worse she'll take it.”

  “Fine. Lot of help you are.”

  “There you are,” the kunoichi began as she headed toward their table. “I've been looking all over for you.”

  “We're celebrating.” The interrogator smirked gleefully at the predatory look on her face.

  “What's the occasion?” Mayu asked.

  “We're getting married,” the shadow wolf mumbled.

  “What did you say?” she replied in shock.

  “'Shi-san has finally agreed to marry me,” Makoto confirmed with a broad smile.

  “That's wonderful, congratulations.” The kunoichi clapped her hands in delight before swooping in to kiss a rather dazed Yoshi. “Okay you, I need details,” she insisted as she slid into the booth next to him. “When did he ask you?”

  “Three weeks ago,” the elite reluctantly admitted, steeling himself for the explosion he was sure was coming.

  “Then why are you just getting around to celebrating? Were you away, Makoto?”

  “No,” he teased. “He just couldn't make up his mind.”

  “Takahashi Yoshi, what is wrong with you?” the kunoichi cried, smacking her friend on the side of the head as if to drive her point home.

  “Ouch, Mayu, that hurts,” the shadow wolf grumbled. “Why are you hitting me?”

  “I can't believe you made poor Makoto wait for your answer. So, have you two set a date?”

  “As soon as possible.” the interrogator whispered conspiratorially. “I don't want to give him the chance to change his mind.”

  “I'm not going to change my mind,” Yoshi griped. “Stop making assumptions.”

  “Well, it's really pushing it for time, but, six weeks from Saturday,” the kunoichi declared after consulting her calendar. “You two are getting married on May 17th.”

  “I'm not waiting six weeks,” Makoto decided. “I've waited long enough. Two weeks Mayu, take it or leave it.”

  “I can't get anything done in just two weeks. There's invitations, decorations, fittings, music, food.”

  “Two weeks or we elope,” Yoshi insisted. “Do what you can and skip the rest.”

  “I can't skip any of it,” she tried to explain. “I wouldn't know where to start.”

  “I'll come by tomorrow and we can work out the details,” the shadow wolf promised. “But the two weeks are firm.”

  “You are going to be the death of me. I expect to see you first thing tomorrow. You can't slack off if you expect to pull this together in two weeks.”

  “Let's elope,” Yoshi suggested, stroking the interrogator's thigh suggestively under the tablecloth as he gazed into amused onyx eyes.

  “Nope, this is far too entertaining,” Makoto assured him with a snort of repressed laughter. “Just the look on your face alone is worth waiting for.”

  “I can make it worth your while,” Yoshi wheedled, voice dropping to a husky rasp. “After all, the sooner we're married, the sooner you get to have your wicked way with me.”

  “I'd love to stay and watch... I mean talk,” Mayu stammered, jerking her eyes away from the sight. “But I have to get home and make dinner. 'Shi-kun, I expect a full report first thing in the morning.”

  “Yes ma'am,” the elite muttered. “As soon as Makoto leaves for the office.”

  The minute she was out of sight the interrogator broke down into gales of laughter. “I can't believe how well she has you trained.”

  “Hey, not fair. Just because I don't like it when she smacks me around.”

  “You let her smack you around and we both know it,” Makoto insisted through snorts of laughter. “You're probably the strongest shinobi in the entire shuudan, but you'd never guess it to look at you.”

  “So,” Yoshi countered, uncomfortable, as always, with discussing himself. “We should talk about what you want for the wedding. If I don't speak up right away you know I won't get the chance.”

  “I don't know. Simple. I liked Yuu and Shouhei's ceremony, no fuss. Whatever it is, just, please, no hordes of fussy old priests. You know what I like to eat, I'll wear whatever you ask, and tell her I've already got the rings.”

  “Confident, huh?”

  “No, but I was just going to keep on asking until you agreed, so I figured sooner or later rings would be required. I'm awfully glad it was sooner.”

  They were interrupted by the arrival of their meal, and both men eagerly dug in. The conversation moved to other topics and it had grown late by the time they finally made it back home.

  “Where have you two been?” Pi-natsu demanded when they finally walked through the back door. “We're hungry.”

  “Sorry, we were celebrating,” the shadow wolf explained. “We're getting married.”

  “I already told him he couldn't join the pack. He was supposed to drop it.”

  “Since when has your opinion had anything to do with it?” Yoshi retorted. “I'm the alpha, he's my mate, he joins the pack. There will be no discussion.”

  “You can't just make a decision like that unilaterally, sonny,” the stocky wolf argued. “There's eight of us you know. We should have some say in the matter.”

  “There's eight of you who'll be without a focus soon. I'm about ready to sever our agreement and send you all back to hell.”

  At that the room suddenly exploded in a flurry of fur and claws as the rest of the pack sensed the threat and decided to get involved. “What's going on here?” Oushi growled, bringing everything to a momentary halt.

  “Pi-natsu here,” Yoshi explained icily, “believes that he should decide whether or not Makoto joins the pack. I disagree. Since we cannot come to an agreement I merely offered to release you all from what is obviously an onerous agreement, leaving you free to go back to whence you came.”

  “Stop it, whelp,” Oushi scolded. “You'll do no such thing.”
r />   “What were you thinking, idiot?” Onchou hissed at Pi-natsu. “You may want out, but I'm happy with the boss.”

  A loud chorus of “me too's” arose from the milling pack and the shadow wolf smirked in satisfaction.

  “Seems like you're the only one here with a problem, Pi-natsu. What's it going to be?”

  “I just don't trust him boss. Too many people have hurt you. I was trying to help.”

  “I swear I will never hurt him.” Makoto got down on one knee to look the familiar in the eye. “I've only ever wanted to protect him, same as you.”

  “Fine,” the demon grumbled. “You can join the pack, but you need to learn your place. You will never be alpha. Challenge the brat and you're out.”

  “I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself,” Yoshi insisted. “Now get out of here. I've had enough of you for tonight.”


  “I'll put in for my time off today,” Makoto announced over breakfast. “You'll tell Mayu we decided on April 10th?”

  “I'll tell her. She may not agree.”

  “She couldn't possibly have made any arrangements already. We only told her last night.”

  “You don't know Mayu,” Yoshi retorted. “She probably spent the night waking people up to tell them, just wait and see. I bet by the time you get to your office everyone knows.”

  “Well, then get your skinny ass over there and take charge.”

  “Easy for you to say. I forgot to ask, who's standing up for you, Souta?”

  “No, he doesn't approve. I think perhaps Katsutoshi. He watched you while you were in the hospital so I could take a break. He understands how I feel.”

  “I imagine he does. I'm sure he'll be honored that you ask him, but he won't come unless Hideaki does. I'm not sure he's ready to come back here,” the shadow wolf said. “I'll send Shinzui with a note today and tell Mayu it isn't finalized yet.”

  Twenty minutes later Yoshi found himself apologizing to an exhausted Tatsuya the moment he opened the door. “I am so sorry. I didn't want to tell her.”

  “Just get in there and deal with it,” the new father rasped hoarsely. “I'm going to bed.”

  “'Shi-san, is that you?” the kunoichi called from the kitchen. “Hurry up already, we have a lot of things to take care of.”

  “Morning, princess.” Yoshi scooped Ko up out of her highchair and gave her a kiss. “What is that smeared all over your pretty face?”

  “That would be her breakfast.” Mayu wiped a wet cloth over the little girl's face and hands, immediately turning to do the same for her much cleaner brother. “So, ready to get to work?”

  “I'm ready to tell you what we want. Beyond that I'll leave it in your all too capable hands,” Yoshi decided as he bounced his goddaughter on his knee. “I'll just get in your way.”

  “No, no, that won't do at all. This is your special day. If I make all the decisions it won't mean as much to you.”

  “Trust me, I'm sure it will be fine. In any event we settled on the tenth. Makoto wants a simple ceremony. 'No fussy priests' were his exact words.”

  “The tenth... I was thinking the 15th,” she fretted. “You'll need to write vows. Who is Makoto's best man going to be?”

  “Maybe Katsutoshi. I need to write and see if he and Hideaki will come. If not, I have no idea. Apparently Souta doesn't approve of our marriage.”

  “What do you mean he doesn't approve? That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.”

  “He's afraid I'll try to kill Makoto again. Who knows, maybe he's right.” Yoshi sighed heavily. “I tried to get out of it, I know I'm a bad bargain, but Makoto just wouldn't let it go.”

  “Of course he wouldn't,” Mayu scolded. “he loves you. I swear, 'shi-kun, when it comes to relationships you are far from a genius. Can't you see he'd rather be dead than live without you?”

  “There's something else you need to know. Please, please, don't be mad at me. Normally you'd be top on my list but I think I need to ask Jun to stand up for me. If I don't we'll all drown in a flood of manly tears of disappointment.”

  Mayu let out a sparkling peal of laughter. “Of course, if that's what you want.”

  “No, but it's safe. I don't want any problems. Now, what did you have in mind?”


  Makoto strolled into administration, humming idly under his breath. Before he'd gone ten feet he was completely on edge, sure every eye was riveted on him as he passed. You're just being paranoid, the interrogator told himself. Yoshi put the idea in your head. Still, he had never before felt so sure that everyone knew his personal business, and was happily gossiping about it the moment he passed.

  The interrogator finally breathed a sigh of relief when he reached the Shuhan's office. “Hey, Daisuke. I need to talk to you.”

  “Congratulations,” the Shuhan replied with a grin. “When's the big day?”

  “How did you find out?” the interrogator almost whined. “The only person we told was Mayu and that was last night at dinner.”

  “She called about five minutes after she left you then,” Daisuke chuckled. “She told me to leave the 15th open.”

  “The 10th, actually. We just decided this morning. Nothing fancy... I hope. We just wanted a few friends, but I guess that idea is down the tubes. Anyway, I'm here to request some time off. I'd love to be able to take Yoshi away for a while.”

  “Of course you need a honeymoon. How does two weeks sound?”

  “Are you sure you can manage without me for that long?”

  “We'll find a way,” the Shuhan assured him. “Now, I need you to go make up with Sou, please. He's been moping around the apartment for weeks.”


  Yoshi left the Kobayashi house around mid-morning, already exhausted from the frenzy of wedding plans. Mayu gave him strict orders to drag Makoto to the tailors for a fitting the next day. He intended on heading to the bookstore to see if he could track down a few requests before lunch, but his feet automatically detoured along the way and he soon found himself standing in front of his mentor's grave.

  “Hello, shishou, long time no see.” The shadow wolf squatted in front of the headstone, hand reaching out to trace over the familiar kanji. “There's a lot happening in my life. I was in the hospital for awhile. I think it helped. Guess what? I'm getting married to Sasaki Makoto. He says he loves me. I just wish I could say it back.” Yoshi stood and shuffled his feet a bit, lost in thought, before continuing, “I wish I knew what love was, I'd like to be able to mean it—” He lapsed into silence, studying the inscription as if waiting for inspiration to strike. Eventually he said his goodbyes, absently greeting people as he passed without ever noticing the whispers and pointed looks following his progress.

  “My dear friend, Yoshi, aren't you the very picture of health,” Jun boomed from across the street as he hurried to catch up with the shadow wolf. “I believe it is time for me to challenge you to spar.”

  “Sure, Jun, that sounds wonderful. And I challenge you to be my best man. Makoto and I are getting married.”


  “Yes, seriously,” Yoshi assured him. “Unless you don't want to, of course.”

  “My friend... Yoshi... I am honored that you would choose me. I swear that I will do everything in my power to assure your special day is perfect.”

  “I never doubted it for a minute.” The shadow wolf grinned evilly to himself. “So, as best man I'm expecting you to go assist Mayu with the wedding plans. It's way too much for her to handle on her own. I'm sure she'll love having your help.”

  “I will go immediately.” Jun clapped him on the back, sending the shadow wolf staggering. “Thank you again for your trust in me, I swear I will not let you down.”

  “It's my pleasure, really. Now get going, when I left Mayu was hard at work. You wouldn't want her to finish without you.” Before he'd even completed his sentence Jun was off. Yoshi continued on his way, smile growing ever larger as he realized how neatly he'd maneuvered
the pair into keeping each other occupied. Yup, I'm a genius, he decided smugly, knowing Makoto, at least, would appreciate the way he had handled the situation.


  As the big day approached the couple became more and more nervous. Yoshi, in particular, struggled over the vows, discarding hundreds of options in search of the perfect words. With less than a week left to go the pressure was mounting from all sides and they both began to wonder if, perhaps, Mayu had been right and they couldn't manage to arrange everything in just two weeks’ time.

  The one bright spot had been Jun. His ever optimistic approach provided a much needed source of comic relief, and many evenings ended with the couple in tears of laughter over one of his 'suggestions'. “No, sweetheart, I do not think we need Jun to sing us a special love song he wrote for the occasion,” the interrogator almost choked. “Gods, can you just imagine?”

  “I was trying not to.”

  “Then just tell him no. For all our sakes.”

  “No way, it's your turn. I said no to the 'joyful presentation of our youthful lives together' as you recall.”

  “But he's your friend,” Makoto practically whined. “He'll listen to you.”

  “He's your friend, too. He told me all about your 'bonding' while I was with Kazuki.”

  “Oh, kami, don't remind me.” The interrogator groaned, dropping his head into his hands. “I was lucky to survive. How have you managed all these years?”

  “Distraction is a powerful tool for taming Jun,” the shadow wolf decided. “Try it when you tell him about the song.”

  “What are you going to be doing?”

  “Hiding in a tree watching you,” came the playful response. “Seriously, I still have a list as long as my arm. Mayu knows how to crack the whip.”

  “I'll be happy to take care of some of it.”

  “That would be wonderful... after you talk to Jun. You have to let him down now, before he gets too stuck on the idea.”


  Yoshi reached the end of his rope when Kiyoshi suddenly changed his routine. Instead of placid, sleepy indifference, he was caught up in a fierce crying jag, face red and fists clenched. His godfather searched for the source of his distress, even using his ki to examine the squalling infant, both relieved and disappointed when he could find nothing wrong.


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