The Science Of Love: A Billionaire BWWM Romance

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The Science Of Love: A Billionaire BWWM Romance Page 11

by Mia Newberry

  “To that end, my husband and I are financing a non-profit foundation to place a human colony in solar orbit. It will be the first of many stations to orbit the sun just as our own planet orbits it. When the first station becomes habitable, we will build more. Eventually, we want to see the majority of humanity leave this planet and move into interplanetary space. And we hope someday a way will be found to cross the void of space between stars. There is too much out there to see and do. We pledge to use all the money we personally derive from the Tokamak reactor to this end.”

  “I thank everyone for being here, it’s an important day in history, but I can’t take questions right now. My daughter needs me and I have to go.”

  Jada stepped off the platform to the waiting arms of her husband who handed their daughter to her. They walked out of the building, ignoring the questions and protected by security guards. Then they climbed into their SUV, where David drove his family home, followed in front and back by an escort. He realized they would need to move to a more secure location, but he’d think about it later.

  The end.

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  More Books By Mia Newberry

  If you like this story, you should definitely pick up 6 BWWM romance stories in 1 bundle here:

  Here's what it's about:

  Like black woman white man romance stories? Well you're in luck. In this book you get 6 classic BWWM stories in 1 - that's 828 pages of interracial goodness!

  All of the books in this bundle can be enjoyed as stand alone stories. That said, all have further parts in the series, so if you like one more than the rest you can pick up more books with the same characters when you're ready.

  Books in this collection are:

  1. My Russian Dream:

  When she woke that morning, the last thing Sophie expected was to not only meet the man of her dreams, but to enter into a fast moving whirlwind romance with a mysterious Russian billionaire. Will it all be too much for Sophie? Or will this be her dream playing out like she's always felt she deserved?

  2. Passion Abroad:

  Have you ever felt like you just need to get away from it all? Well that's exactly how Erica feels, and she's going to do something about it!

  The tale of a holiday romance which turns into a round the world trip with a passionate and loving new partner.

  3. Home Is Where The Heart Is:

  When a handsome English billionaire is looking for homes to add to his portfolio, Julie is assigned the job of helping him out. But will this billionaire have another reason for his interest in her?

  4. Find Me Online:

  After filtering through a ton of pervs on a popular interracial dating site, Cherelle finally finds someone who catches her eye. But is there more to her catch Michael than she originally realizes? And will he be the man she is looking for?

  5. Is Mr White Mr Right:

  One of the original BWWM books, and largely held as a classic in the genre.

  Natasha Black is a strong African American woman, who has always been career focused and level headed. Nothing has ever been able to knock her off her game... until now! Enter 'McDreamy', the hunk of a boss at her new dream job. Will she be able to stay career focused while getting advances from possibly the man of her dreams?

  6. My Billionaire Cowboy:

  What does a fashion stylist and a fashionably challenged cowboy have in common?! You're about to find out...

  Kate is the proud owner of her own fashion boutique. Bruce is a successful business man who now spends his time on his passion: working his ranch.

  When fate brings these two opposites together, there's no denying there's something there. But is Kate at a point in her life where she is willing to throw caution to the wind and allow herself to be swept off of her feet by an unexpected love?

  Authors of these books: J A Fielding, Esther Banks and Cher Etan; all authors from Saucy Romance Books.

  To see more great stories by us, simply search BWWM Club on Amazon Kindle.

  Suitable for over 18s only due to all stories having scenes of a sexual nature.

  You won't ever get a better collection of BWWM romance stories again, be sure to pick up your copy today.

  My Russian Dream Preview

  Here's a preview of My Russian Dream, the first book in the series:

  The wave seemed to be thirty feet high; she watched it from the shore, rooted to the spot. It was coming for her and there was nothing she could do about it. Her whole body was frozen. She opened her mouth to scream, but her vocal cords were not working either. The huge black wave came closer and closer; but just before it engulfed her in silently screaming agony, she woke up.

  Sophie Devereaux had this dream a lot, especially when she was stressed. Ever since Hurricane Katrina had forced her ejection from her home and the loss of her family. She shrugged inwardly trying to shake the dream. Her grandfather Elijah was still with her – that was something at least. But her little brother Joseph was in the wind and her grandmother had been too weak to run. They had tried to save her, but the waves had engulfed the house before they could get the wheelchair out. Sophie and her grandfather had moved to Boston after searching in vain for her brother. There was no news of him that they could find – not in the refugee camps, the message boards, nowhere. Grandpa Elijah had gone back to work as a watchmaker. He had been well known in New Orleans as a master craftsman; here in Boston, he worked in anonymity in the back room of a jeweler’s while Sophie interned at an accounting firm. She was trying to earn her qualifications as an accountant. It might not be a happy life, but it was theirs at least.

  Sophie got out of bed and wrapped a robe around her full figure. She padded down the hall to her grandfather’s room to check that he was still breathing. It was a habit she couldn’t quite kick. The smell of coffee wafting down the hall from the kitchen told her that he was not only breathing, he was up and making breakfast. She changed direction to the bathroom to take a shower. Unlike her grandfather who still had until 10am to get to work, she had the office keys so she was supposed to be in by at least 7am.

  “Good morning my dear.” Her grandfather smiled at her as she walked into the kitchen fully dressed, twenty minutes later.

  “Mornin’ G. How’s tricks?” she asked in turn. Her grandfather glared at her from behind the plate of pancakes he was making. He hated ‘young people slang’ as he called the funky abbreviations of her generation and so Sophie had taken to calling him ‘G-Money’ when she was feeling playful. He pretended to hate it, but she saw the way he bit back a smile every time she said it. Anything that made her grandfather smile was just about alright with Sophie.

  “Is that how you greet your boss at work? You won’t last long at those white people firms if you do,” her grandfather said.

  “Nah, I save that just for you G-Money. Speaking of, are you good for lunch or do you need me to...” Sophie began before he cut her off.

  “I’m fine Sophie”, he said very gently, “now eat up quick so you’re not late for work.”

  Sophie smiled at her grandfather and finished her breakfast.


  It was a cold day in Boston and Anton “Tony” Romanov was pensive as he strolled slowly down the street. Seven o’clock in the morning and downtown was already bustling with hurrying commuters. Tony’s mind wasn’t on the traffic though; he was deep in thought about what to do with his current accountant; he was pretty sure the man was stealing from him.

  ‘I should get an audit done.’ He thought as he watched his feet move in the shiny black shoes he’d treated himself to on his birthday. He didn’t think he’d ever get used to paying $1000 for a pair of shoes no matter how well he was doing. That thought reminded him of his father and he smiled grimly imagining him in this situation. Roman Petrov was not a man to tolerate thieves. But this was America and times and situations were different here.

  The sound of a startled squeak caused him to lift his head, just in time to see a rotund young woman almost fall on the slippery sidewalk. He hurried forward to see if he could help her, but she had righted herself and hurried away before he could. He stopped for a minute to contemplate a backside so lush and luscious that it rendered her waist tiny in comparison. Her hips swayed from side to side as she walked up to a door and let herself in a building. Without even thinking about it, Anton followed her.


  Sophie checked her watch as she came up to the offices of Rodham, Clarence and Haggerty; Certified Public Accountants. She was five minutes late and Rodham was already at the door, tapping his foot impatiently.

  “Good morning, sir,” she said as she put the key in the lock and opened up the office.

  “You’re late,” he replied with a frown.

  Sophie opened her mouth to apologize, then closed it again. ‘What the hell’ she thought, ‘it’s not like he ever really sees me anyway. An apology probably wouldn’t even register.’ She swept into the office in his wake, unbuttoning her coat even as she turned to close the door. The man standing in the doorway gave her a turn and she made a startled sound, hand to her heart.

  “Oh! Err, can I help you?” she asked a bit breathlessly. His eyes were very blue she thought, especially with that blonde hair. Piercing too; and he was staring at her in a way that was a shade under polite.

  “Yes, I am looking for an accountant,” he was saying, “Have I come to the right place?”

  Sophie’s eyes slid to the prominently displayed sign on the door, but refrained from saying anything untoward. Clearly he was a client.

  “Well, yes, you have. Come in,” she said instead.

  “Thank you. And your name is…?” he asked, still staring at her with those piercing ice blue eyes. ‘Could you possibly look elsewhere?’ she thought at him, hoping it would somehow register.

  “Sophie. Why don’t you come into the waiting room while I see if Mr. Rodham is available?” she said, ushering him in and hoping that would avert his attention. No such luck, he continued to stare at her like he had found the mother lode in a gold mine and he was afraid to take his eyes off it lest it disappear.

  “Err; can I get you a coffee or tea, maybe?” Sophie asked.

  “No thank you,” he said, sitting down.

  Sophie hurried away before anything else strange could happen. If she didn’t know better, she would think that guy was checking her out. But she’d taken a look at his shoes as soon as he walked in; that brand did not come cheap – he was definitely out of her league. Perhaps he had never seen a black woman working in an accountant’s office before? Sophie shrugged inwardly and went to announce him to Mr. Rodham. It was only as she stepped into her boss’ office that she realized she did not know the client’s name.

  She hesitated, wanting to go back out and find out the name before she got another blot on her name before ten o’clock in the morning on a Monday in February but Rodham had already looked up.

  “Yes Sophie?” he said.

  Sophie frowned, wondering if he’d ever used her name before – just her luck he would choose today to remember it.

  “There’s…a man in the waiting room wanting to see an accountant,” she said.

  Mr. Rodham contemplated her for a moment eyebrow raised.

  “Send him in,” was all he said at last.

  Sophie breathed again and went to tell the man with the piercing blue eyes that the boss would see him now.

  The office was quickly filling up and Sophie put the strange happenings of the morning behind her in favor of getting to work. Mr. Rodham and the client were in his office a long time and Sophie wondered if he had come for help declaring bankruptcy, or maybe it was a mortgage gone badly. So many people came with money management issues these days. ‘Mr. Blue Eyes could start by buying cheaper shoes’ she thought.


  “My accountant is stealing from me,” Tony began bluntly, “and I need an independent audit.”

  “Is that so?” Rodham leaned back in his chair contemplating the client. His suit said expensive, but bourgeoisie with it. His shoes were clearly very new. Not Old Money then; and Russian to boot. Mafia, perhaps? But he doubted the Russian Mafia asked for audits.

  “Yes. Can you help me or not?” Tony asked.

  “Of course. I’ll get someone who is skilled in this area to get right on it,” Rodham said, picking up the phone and summoning one of the associates.

  “This is Curtis Jackson; he is one of our brightest associates with a talent for spotting fraud. He is at your disposal,” Rodham said as Jackson came in.

  Tony nodded at Jackson, who smiled at him and ushered him into the conference room so as to get the details of his case.


  Sophie was typing up some financial reports for clients while simultaneously studying for her CPA exam when a shadow fell over her desk. She looked up to see Jackson grinning down at her.

  “Hey Sophie,” he said.

  “Hi. Can I help you with something?” she asked, narrowing her eyes suspiciously. Jackson smiling never boded well for anyone.

  “Au contraire, it’s what I have done for you,” he said confirming all her worst suspicions.

  “And what is that Jackson? Will I need to kill you now or later?” she asked fist curling involuntarily.

  “Definitely later. I got you a date,” he said grin widening.

  “You…what?” she asked, almost choking in her disbelief.

  “That Ruski dude that was here this morning? Remember him? Took quite a shine to you,” Jackson said, propping himself on the edge of her desk.

  Sophie’s hand reached out and she grabbed the calendar staring at it, “Nope. It’s not April 1st; so what the hell are you trying to do to me?” she was whispering, but the menace in her voice was unmistakable.

  “C’mon Sophie, you have no life. You come to work; you go home to your grand pops. You’re a beautiful woman. The man likes you. Give him a chance,” Jackson wheedled.

  “Are you pimping me out to your clients Jackson?” Sophie asked him pseudo-politely.

  “No!” Jackson said and sighed, “Look, just hear him out okay? If you don’t like him, say no.”

  There was a small silence.

  “Besides, he’s way out of my league,” Sophie said, and then could have bitten her tongue. Giving Jackson a reason he could argue away was as good as acquiescing to his demands.


  “G-Money! You home?” Sophie called as she got in that night. Her feet were killing her! She flung her heels off her feet with more violence than strictly necessary. Being a size sixteen meant that there was quite a bit of weight pressing on her toes. She would have preferred wearing flats, but the office had an unspoken policy on how its female employees should present themselves. Heels were part of the uniform. She walked to her room still calling out for her grandfather, but there was no reply. Then she remembered that Monday nights was poker night for him and his workmates at the jeweler’s. He wouldn’t be home until later. Changing into a comfortable pair of black sweats she went to cont
emplate the contents of the fridge. There was some leftover gumbo which she warmed up and ate at the table while Jay Z blasted from her beats headphones, telling her about his 99 problems. This was followed by her guilty pleasure, Justin Bieber, singing about Beauty and a Beat.

  Did Mr. Blue Eyes really want to date her? Did she want to date him? She’d never been with a white guy before. They usually weren’t into the bigger girls like her; not that she minded. Her voluptuous figure was quite popular enough, thank you; she had no complaints. But Jackson was right. What with money so tight and everything that had happened, she had to admit she was living the life of a recluse. Hell, even her grandfather had more of a social life than her! Maybe if he asked her, she might say yes…just to see what dating was like these days.

  Sophie snorted, “Someone would think you’re like some middle aged hag instead of a twenty five year old babe the way you talk,” she said to herself. She leaned forward, glancing at her blemish free heart shaped features in the mirror. Her short curly hair framed her face in a way that flattered her prominent cheek bones and round brown eyes. Her rosebud shaped mouth smiled a little smugly. She lifted her index finger and touched her full lips with it and then touched the mirror.

  “Sssmmokin,” she whispered.

  Then she went off to bed.


  “Good morning,” a deep voice said to her as a shadow fell on her desk. She knew it was him before she looked up. She wouldn’t be forgetting that voice in a hurry. Her head lifted slowly, as she felt her face glow.

  “Down girl,” she whispered to her rapidly increasing pulse, “no need to get excited or nothin’”


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