Convoy (The Shelby Logan Chronicles Book 1)

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Convoy (The Shelby Logan Chronicles Book 1) Page 80

by Chris Hechtl

  Thadeus 'Tad' Kale.

  Alexis Hamilton: female

  Zlata Sukan

  Mot: Blue skinned bald chimera barber.

  Fred Muggs: Neochimp male. Head diplomat assigned to the mission from the state department. Former mayor on Antigua.

  Phoebe 'Beebe' Muggs: Wife of Fred. Assistant. Bonobo. Very ambitious, kingmaker.

  Ayumu Muggs: Teenage son of Fred and Phoebe.

  Chauncy: Male Tauren from Antigua. Young, apprentice of Lieutenant Fixer.

  Rachel Trejo reporter/anchor: Knox News

  Nellie 'ole Nellie' Jurgens: Producer

  Oscar Mikula: Neoorangutan male Technician

  Commander Janice Yu: From Carib Queen. Served as helmsman and navigator of Firefly with Shelby Logan. Former captain of Dunatis. Currently Captain of Admiral Zlanka.

  LT Commander Vlad Contenov: Captain of Daimyo, then captain of Knife Dancer an Arboth class destroyer. Lover and later husband to Cynthia. Frisky. Former chief engineer of Descartes. 'Vlad the Impaler'.

  Lieutenant Commander Zeb: Veraxin, former XO of Prometheus. Had been a prize captain briefly. Given command of a frigate. Then transferred to captain Zeng He, a North Hampton class light cruiser.

  Lieutenant Commander Angie Kalua.: Captain of Arboth class destroyer Slash and Tear. Former XO of Caroline.

  Lieutenant Commander V'll'no: Captain of Admiral Sprague CEV. Crusher classmate of Shelby.

  First Lieutenant Silverfish: Male Calico Neocat helmsman and Navigator on Prometheus. Promoted off of Prometheus to Enterprise 1701.

  Doc: Veraxin V'brno female lieutenant.

  In Pyrax:

  Military Commander: Rear Admiral Phil Subert

  G-1 ops Commander Ch'n'x female Veraxin sleeper. Recently promoted.-promoted to captain JG in The Gathering Storm.

  G-2 intelligence Captain JG Irene Teague

  G-3 schools training Commander V'x'n'll Veraxin

  G-4 ships Captain JG I'rll, Veraxin. -Promoted to Captain SG in The Gathering Storm.

  G-5 personnel: Lt Strongbirth (elf) -promoted to Lcmdr.

  G-6 Communications- electronics/AI -Kamia

  G-7 JAG- ensign Jeremy Lavot -promoted to lieutenant J3

  G-8 logistics Ensign Barry- J3

  G-9 medical- LCMDR FOX.(Neofox male) Was to be replaced by JG Taylor -promoted to commander in the gathering storm.

  RM-resource manager- ensign Barry AI

  Admiral's Chief of Staff: Commander Saul Garretaj To be promoted to Captain JG.

  Commodore Samese: Neogorilla commander of the fortresses in Pyrax.

  Commodore X'll'rr: Veraxin sleeper from Lemnos promoted during Retribution. Takes command of the 1st and 2nd battle cruiser squadron. -promoted to rear admiral and given 2nd command of 3rd fleet.

  Commander: Tr'll: tactical department.

  Commander Chi'th: T'clock quartermaster

  Commander Clint Bronson: Neochimp male Commandant of the Crusher. Lemnos sleeper, he had been a 2nd LT when found. He had combat experience and had commanded a frigate in combat against pirates as well as the Xenos.

  Crusher students 12: Vlad, Shelby, Lieutenant Commander Pallow, Commander M'roni, Lieutenant Commander V'll'no, Commander Epsi.

  Rear Admiral V'r'z'll -intended commander of Eastern Front.

  Ensign Amhelia Lately: Staff officer of Admiral V'r'z'll.

  Professor James Filch -Astronomy and astrography/cartography professor, Anvil college

  Miss Louger: Astronomy grad student and assistant to Professor Filch.

  Epsilon Triangula:

  Faith Meikle: Celtic woman, former chief engineer of Io 11. Became captain of Molly before deciding to hang up her captain's hat and start ETMI, a shipyard in ET.

  Mindy: Daughter of doctor on Io 11. Transferred to Molly. Former gothic nurse on Io 11.

  Airea 3:

  Jeremy Taylor: Rep electronics board director, Aierea 3. Black hair, receding hairline, bit of a gut.

  Pierre Brassau: Famous male Neochimp painter.

  Trajin cluster:

  Alpha: Chief Executive: Broken Horn.

  Asterion IX:

  Governor Iapx

  Doctor Shrim

  Boyd: Tauren door guard.


  Vice Admiral Leonidas Ishmael: African Neolion male. Big, fierce, battle scared. Old but took captured regen therapies.

  Captain Kix Baker XO for the admiral. Neochimp. Has butterfly swords in a boot. Father of Lieutenant Thomas Baker tactical officer at Horath academy who trained midshipman De Gaulte before the Neochimp was sent to the gladiator pits.

  Nim Chimpsky: Neochimp

  Titus: Silverback gorilla

  Bruno: Silverback gorilla

  Jumoke: Female gorilla

  Ah Meng: Female Summatran Orangutan.

  Chantek: Male hybrid Orangutan.

  Commander Dolon Lycaon male gray neowolf: XO on a ship. Forced to marry Wilda Dab.

  Captain Wilda Dab female spotted hyena. Engineer who runs the shipyard

  Commander Ayud Bundi: Spotted hyena male. Part of the hyena clan. passive. Shipwright.

  Shenzi, Edi, Banzai, Gnoll: Spotted hyenas (Shenzi is female) in hyena clan.

  Captain Scratch Lupen: Neowolf

  Commander Damarchus Lycan: Neowolf

  Sailor Choctaw Zambika: Chocolate skinned, missing fingers off his left hand. Right leg limp. Scarred on face and body. dandruff, buzzcut haircut. Hat, pirate garb.

  Binti Jua: Male Gorilla

  Commander Eugen Wilhelm: officer and doctor from Horath. Had no idea that the pirate presence was populated by Neos. Purity and Enlightenment department. Human male, white uniform, wears white gloves.

  Lieutenant commander Cambri Goethe: officer and doctor from Horath. Subordinate to Doctor Wilhelm. Human female.

  Captain Fernando Layafette: new captain of Fancy from Horath. Human. Have to adjust to Neos.

  Recommended reading order:

  Time line of the Engineer Universe:

  Chronological reading order

  Founding Series:

  *First Steps

  Stepping Stones Founding Stories 1

  To Touch the Stars

  The Island of Moreau -Short Story Multiverse 2

  Bumper and Boomer -Short Story Multiverse 2

  The First AI War

  Tales of the Founding of the Federation 2 (working title, forthcoming)

  The First Terran Interstellar War (forthcoming)

  The Good Ship UFSP Lollipop-Short Story Multiverse 2

  Higher for Higher -Short Story Multiverse 1

  Siren Call -Short Story Multiverse 1

  Ragnarok series:

  Wandering Engineer:

  *New Dawn

  Fools Gold

  Jethro Goes to War

  Destiny's Choice

  Ghost Station

  Jethro First to Fight

  Plague Planet

  13 Degrees of Separation

  Pirates Bane

  Lewis and Clarke -Short Story Multiverse 2

  Jethro No Place like Home

  Ghosts From the Past

  ---Federation Reborn----

  Bringer of Fire and Light -Short Story Multiverse 1

  Battle Lines

  Jethro Recruiting Drive

  Pirate Rage

  Tales of the Federation Reborn 1


  Horatio Logan Chronicles 1 Enemy of my Enemy

  Jethro 5 Ares God of War

  Shelby Logan Chronicles 1 Convoy


  My blog:

  The Facebook Fan group:

  The Wiki:


  Inspiring artwork:









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