by Fleet, Ricky
Thank you
Thank you for reading my debut novel Hellspawn, I sincerely hope that you enjoyed it. Please support this emerging author by leaving a review wherever you purchased this novel. If you liked the story, please consider shouting it from the rooftops! The next book in the series, Hellspawn 2 has been written and is currently in the editing process. Keep an eye out as the continuing action packed saga of the Taylor family will be published soon in spring 2016
Author Bio
Ricky Fleet has been a lifelong horror fan ever since he was (almost) old enough to watch the original Romero trilogy. Those shambling horrors gave birth to an insatiable appetite that has yet to be sated. After spending years in the plumbing trade, he then decided to start teaching, passing on his knowledge to the next generation of engineers.
Born and raised in the UK, cups of tea are a non-negotiable staple of the English life and serve as brain fuel for his first love, writing.
Today he shares his time between his real life students and the students of the zombie apocalypse in his first series: Hellspawn. At least the fictional students do as they’re told. Most of the time anyway.