Dallas Fire & Rescue: Fire Devil (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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Dallas Fire & Rescue: Fire Devil (Kindle Worlds Novella) Page 2

by Aliyah Burke

  Carter cleared his throat, breaking the sexual tension stretched taut between them.

  Riya narrowed her eyes and walked away without another word.

  Cameron reached for his drink and finished half of it without speaking either.

  “So,” Carter spoke after a bit. “What was that all about?”


  She gets to him. That woman gets to my brother. And from the way they look at each other, I’d say they’ve already been in the sack together. “Sure thing,” he said, letting him off for the moment. He would find out later. Right now, he was just hungry and wanting to get home, then make a plan to deal with Gina.

  Chapter Two

  Gina yawned and stared at her computer, the words had long since blurred together. Rubbing the back of her neck, she pushed away and strode to her kitchen. A break, she just needed a break was all.

  “There were five separate oils that had been used as accelerants in the fire,” she said as she pulled out a K-cup to make a mug of coffee. “Patchouli, cedar, ginger, sandalwood, and amber. Haven’t found anything so far that uses that specific combination but I’ll keep looking.”

  She put the mug under the Keurig and closed the top pressing the brew button when it was ready to go. As the rich scent of her coffee wafted to her nose, she gripped the edge of the counter and sighed heavily. It hadn’t been an easy day yesterday. Running into Carter had thrown her for a loop.

  Her ex-husband still so handsome, sexy, and knew how to get her motor revving. All things she didn’t need to focus on currently.

  “This was your decision to come back here,” she told herself, going for the cinnamon vanilla crème creamer and the sugar. “Seemed like a good idea at the time.”

  She wasn’t going to lie, part of her reasoning for returning to this town was to show him she’d moved on, that she didn’t need him in her life. To prove that the very second he’d shoved those papers at her and said, “If you don’t trust me, then divorce me,” her entire world hadn’t crumbled. Even if he were a couple with that bitch, Rochelle, she would walk around with her head held high. She’d earned the Arson Investigator title, she was damn good at it and for some reason, the crime scenes talked to her, helping her get through to the crux of it all. Helping her to solve it. Young and newer to it, sure but she was moving up fast and was damn good at her job.

  So when the opportunity came to return here and take this position, she jumped at it. However, now in the comfort of her apartment, she doubted the wisdom of that decision. She’d forgotten how intense and potent her ex was.

  She added a liberal dose of creamer and sugar before carrying the mug to the couch with her and sitting. Legs curved under her, she took a sip and sighed as the warmth flowed through her. “I can do this. He’s the one who tossed me aside, not the other way around. I won’t let him derail my plans.”

  She closed her eyes and allowed her senses to fill with the rich scent of her coffee. Outside, the weather slammed into the side of the apartment building, slanting rain beat against the windows and siding.

  Earlier in the day, the storm had swept in off the coast in a blink. She hadn’t been aware one approached. It had caught her unawares, soaking her as she strolled out of the grocery store carrying her purchases.

  Now, she had showered, warmed up, and dressed in some old comfortable clothing. Wriggling her toes inside her wool socks, she fought another yawn. She opened her eyes and glanced at her watch. Past midnight.

  “I need to get some sleep.”

  A snort of laughter escaped as she realized she had just started drinking a cup of coffee, sleep wasn’t going to be high on her list. She ran on the stuff, fully expecting at her next doctor’s appointment for them to go for blood and come away with coffee in the vial.

  Accepting sleep was out of her prospects. She finished up the coffee, rinsed the mug and put it in her dishwasher then headed back to her computer. While she’d been taking her break, her computer had been running some scenarios and compiling assessments.

  Elbows on her desk, Gina rubbed her tired eyes. “Let me recap.”

  Her doorbell chimed followed by a pounding, seconds later on the wood. “Christ, Carter. One day and you feel like you have the right to show up at my place whenever you like.” She rose from her chair and padded to the door. Unhooking the safety chain, she yanked the door open. “What the fuck are you doing here?”

  Carter stared back at her, his gray eyes creating heat in places it didn’t need to be.

  “Do you ever check to see who is on the other side? Or ask who it is?”

  “No need. Only one ass would come to my place at this hour in the morning.”

  His gaze narrowed on her face and he stepped toward her.

  She held her ground, refusing to give an inch. “Can I help you with something?”

  “We need to talk.”

  “No, we don’t.”

  “I told you we did, right before you raced away.”

  Suddenly, the mug she had wasn’t nearly enough. Stepping back, she waved him in, then slammed the door behind him.

  Carter strode in, took three steps then pivoted back to face her. He took a leisurely perusal of her attire.

  Beneath his intense stare, her nipples pebbled, drawing tight. Her core clenched and she struggled not to give into the lust slamming into her. “Yes?”

  “How long have you been back in town?” His nostrils flared as his gaze deepened.

  “Does it really matter, Carter? I mean in the grand scheme of things, does it? You divorced me. You didn’t want me as part of your life any longer. What the hell gives you the right to come to my place, especially at this time of night to demand how long I’ve been back? My life and what I do with it, isn’t any of your fucking concern.”

  “You’re entitled to your opinion.”

  “You think you have a right?” She glanced around, grateful nothing was within reach for her to chuck at his head.

  “Do you know why I gave you the papers?”

  I can’t believe he wants to talk about this. “I didn’t ask then, why do you think I give a damn why now?” So what, if I was curious as to why you didn’t think I was good enough to be Mrs. Liaci. “I figured it was something to do with you and your whore.”

  A muscle flexed in his jaw. “Rochelle is just a friend.”

  “So is Davidson.”

  He raked a hand through his hair and she was mesmerized by the play of muscle in his biceps. Her heart thudded in her chest and she struggled to appear calm and in control. Therapy had helped. Learning martial arts had helped more.

  “This isn’t about a man you know isn’t right for you, but about us.”

  “I didn’t think it was possible but now I have to say, I’m floored. I honestly didn’t think you could be more arrogant than you used to be. Consider me schooled. Your arrogance is unending. Newsflash, Carter Liaci. The world doesn’t revolve around you. You’re not the center of the universe. People have lives. We actually manage to live and function without the great and powerful Liaci, ass that you are, in our daily business.”

  “You’re being unreasonable.”

  Gina bit the inside of her cheek hard enough she drew blood. “Last time you said that…you served me with divorce papers. Since no papers need to be delivered, how about you take your swelled belief of importance and get out of my puny life.”

  He had her in his arms in the blink of an eye. Strong fingers gripped her upper arms as he lowered his face to hers. “I’ve never forgotten you, Gina,” he mumbled, the breath from his words fanning over her lips.

  The devil dangled temptation before her, that lure of unending pleasure, the touch that ran over her like chocolate silk along her skin. His rich taste she’d never been able to forget, no matter how many years passed her by. All she had to do was lean forward and touch her lips to his.

  Then you go back into the same cycle you were in before? Where he doubts you and thinks he is the ruler in the relationship? />
  Her thoughts while a splash of cold water, couldn’t quite pull her from the enticement this man still held over her. She swayed closer, her lips less than a hairsbreadth from his. “Get out.”

  The heat in his eyes morphed to a challenge as he slowly backed away from her, never once releasing her gaze. “This is far from over.” Carter touched his lips before wheeling around and vanishing through her front door.

  Her legs collapsed beneath her, taking her to the floor in an ungraceful flop. She shook as her emotions warred with one another. Some yelling for her to go after him, others for her to never see him again. Through it all, however, was the pulse he lit to her blood. During their marriage and prior, he had gotten so deep under her skin, she inhaled and swore it was his heartbeat, his lungs within her.

  Seems things hadn’t changed.

  Gina touched her face, frowning when her fingertips came away wet with tears. How the hell was she going to survive this?


  The glide of her silken skin over his, combined with the satin of her hair, had his cock hard. Carter gripped the shaft and lined his dick up to push with one thrust into the woman lying beneath him in his king-sized bed.

  Gina bucked, taking all of him. “Carter,” she moaned.

  This was his heaven. Being balls deep inside the woman he loved, more than life. He closed his eyes to try and rein himself in, so he didn’t come too soon. It had been so long since he’d been surrounded by her heat, her slickness. “Gina…”

  “Fuck me,” she begged.

  He pulled back and pushed ahead once more, being rewarded with a sexy breathy moan.

  “That’s right. Just like that.” She dug her nails into his shoulders, anchoring him closer. Gina undulated beneath him, rolling her hips, taking as much as she could get from him. “Carter?”


  In and out, he stroked, praying it wouldn’t end.


  Not willing to make her beg, not now anyway when he needed this as well, he picked up his pace. Back and forth. Harder. Deeper. Sweat dotted his skin and hers as she rode with him, keeping up without hesitation.

  She was his. Everything about her…perfect. Her back arched as she called out to the room, her pussy walls contracting tight around his cock. She dug her heels unceremoniously into his flesh as she came with a rush.

  So close. His balls drew tight. One. Two. Three. And a final thrust as he shot his release…

  Into his hand.

  Carter swore as he came fully awake, his seed on his hand and sheets. “The fuck this had to be a dream for?” He whipped back the sheets and climbed out. His cock still stiff and hard reminded him that the dream, while good, wasn’t what he wanted.

  He wanted Gina.

  Yanking the sheets off his bed, he wadded them up in a corner and headed for his shower. He turned the water on as hot as he could handle and stepped beneath the pounding spray. As it sluiced down his skin, he berated himself one more time for ever having allowed her to get away from him.

  More like kicked her away from me. Goddammit, I am a fucking ass. She was the best thing in my life and I tossed her away like yesterday’s garbage.

  He soaped up and began washing. Why had she come back in his life at this time? Hell, he still didn’t know when she’d gotten back into town. At least his shit of a brother hadn’t had any issues with him knowing where Gina lived.

  Carter ran his hand over the bruise on his side. Okay, so maybe it took a bit of persuading. And to be fair he didn’t win, he just ended up looking her up online. She wasn’t hiding. Of course, he had to check a few times since he still considered her his wife and was using her married name as opposed to her maiden name.

  She is supposed to be Mrs. Carter Liaci, not Gina Moyer.

  He rinsed off and stepped out onto the rug where he reached for a towel and wrapped it around his waist. Dripping, he moved along the hardwood floors to the kitchen where he made a protein shake. After finishing that, he got dressed for the day, swiped his keys and headed to his truck.

  Traffic was light and he made it with very little trouble. He sat in his truck for a moment before hopping out and swiping his bag from the back. Inside the station, he nodded to the men he saw there.

  “Sup, Carter?” Jason Pettman asked as he walked in the room, an apron around his waist.

  “Knew you were cooking this morning and came in for some food.”

  “What I have for you is below this apron.” He grabbed his crotch.

  “I’m hungrier for more than a tiny sausage.”

  The men there burst out laughing and the ribbing began.

  Carter went to his locker and tossed his bag in. God willing, there wouldn’t be any major calls and his day here could be enjoyed.

  Jason whipped them up a feast and as they ate, the ribbing continued among the crew. Right now, they only had five in the station. Jason, their newest firefighter. Charlie, a black man who joined after he returned from two tours in Afghanistan and Iraq and his best friend. Mack, their captain and shift leader. And finally, Kyle who could only be considered new, given he had been put to this shift because the other leader wasn’t a fan of his behavior and had hoped that under the captain, he’d straighten up and fly right.

  They were all skeptical about his improvements, but it was a shot. One the man wouldn’t have if Carter had been in charge.

  Explains why I’m not a captain. I don’t have the ability to be sympathetic like that. But if Mack sees potential in him, who am I to complain or argue?

  Besides, the fact a man could lose his life because of a show off who doesn’t give a damn about anyone but himself. Carter shoved his thoughts about Kyle away and dug in to the plate of eggs before him.

  After breakfast, he and Charlie cleaned up. As he scraped off the last dish and put it in the dishwasher, he looked over at his friend. “How’s it going, Charlie? You were quiet this morning.”

  “I’ve got to go meet the arson investigator in a bit. She has some questions and I’ve been trying to make sure I have clear recollection on the fire since I was first on the scene.”

  Gina. Carter’s cock went crazy and thickened inside his jeans. He faced the sink and messed with the dishcloth until he could wrest his wayward hormones under some form of control. “What do you think of her?”

  Charlie flashed a grin and shook his head. “Don’t even try it man. Everyone here knows she’s your ex-wife. I’m not saying a word about her.” He snapped the lid on the final few pancakes and put them in the refrigerator.

  “Everyone knows?”

  “Everyone,” Charlie concurred. “Just because you divorced three years ago, doesn’t mean those of us who knew the two of you before, didn’t pick up on it when she showed back up in town.”

  Of course not. This new Gina took life by the horns. Or balls, he wasn’t sure yet.

  Carter grunted. He didn’t know what else to say, without looking like he was prying into more than he had a right to.

  Charlie exited the room, leaving him alone.

  With a sigh, Carter left and went to his room at the station. He needed to work out now, after all the food he just ate. Instead, he sat on the edge of his bed and stared at his phone. Pulling up his contact list, he found Donovan’s listing. His thumb hovered over the call button. It would connect him to Gina now.

  He craved her voice. Ain’t all I crave from her. Having seen her again, pushed every woman he’d been with since she’d left to the furthest corner of his mind. No one but Gina mattered.

  Flopping back on the bed with a frustrated groan, he stared up at the ceiling. This wasn’t fair.


  He bounced up and dashed out his door. “Captain?”

  “I’ve got you and Kyle on the trucks, make them sparkle boys. I’ll be back later. I’m going with Charlie to see Ms. Moyer.” Mack speared him with his gaze with this statement.

  Carter maintained a calm expression. “You got it, boss.”

p; Across the room, Kyle huffed and stretched out his legs.

  With a resigned sigh, Carter walked over to him. “Go pull Engine Two out of the bay and I’ll move One.”

  The young firefighter, snapped his gaze up and defiance swirled in the depths of his eyes.

  Leaning in toward him, Carter warned, “Get your ass up. I sure as hell ain’t coddling you. Mack says do something, you jump on it and get it done.”

  “I’m going, I’m going.” Kyle left his chair and headed to the bay.

  Carter glanced back to Mack and cocked an eyebrow.

  Mack shook his head, motioned to Charlie and the two of them departed the firehouse.

  “Babysitting duty has to be against the rules or something,” he muttered as he turned to walk out and help Kyle.

  They got the trucks clean and as they were outside drying off in the sun, Carter checked his watch. Nearing noon. Jason was back inside cooking something else for them and Kyle was wrapping up hoses.

  At least, I don’t have to constantly stay on him about taking care of some things.

  Kyle had the ability and he excelled as a firefighter. His issue didn’t have anything to do with ability but everything to do with his lack of being a team player. The thought of being a hero played too strong for him as he took unnecessary risks and had put another teammate in danger with his quest for glory.

  His phone rang and he answered without checking the caller id screen, “Liaci.”

  “We need to talk.”

  Heart speeding up then slowing way down, Carter cleared his throat and replied, “Sure thing, Gina. Where and when?”

  Chapter Three

  Gina rolled the stem of the wine glass in her fingers as she waited for Carter. Her nerves were a complete and utter wreck. She would be perfectly happy if this “talk” could be avoided but given her lack of attention span at work, it needed to be addressed. Their jobs had them on the same side and they would be seeing each other.

  She’d picked casual and waited at the table for him, having gotten here early.


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