Barrage (SAI Book 5)

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Barrage (SAI Book 5) Page 8

by Lea Hart

  When he felt her soften, he slid his tongue across the seam of her lips and teased until she opened her mouth, granting him entry.

  Soft hair against his hands, soft woman resting against his chest, and a mind-blowing kiss he would never forget made this Sunday better than any he could remember.

  So lost in the moment, he didn’t immediately register the sound of small footsteps until the sound of Lucky’s niece Cristina's voice broke the moment.

  “Daddy, Aunt Lucky is kissing a man in her room!”

  Pulling away, Lucky groaned. “Cristina, that isn’t something that needs to be announced.”

  “Come down here and leave your aunt alone,” Allesandro called out loudly.

  “Okay,” she replied before turning toward the door.

  Sam watched the little girl skip out of the room and turned to Lucky. “At least they know I’m serious since we’ve adopted a dog together.”

  “It’s mostly my dog,” Lucky replied as she fell back on her bed.

  Sam let out a laugh and fell back into the bed as well and glanced over at Lucky. “This weekend turned out a lot better than I imagined.” When she picked up a pillow and dropped it on his face, he decided not to say more.

  After all, she kissed him back and, by all accounts, it was just the beginning.


  Tuesday, September 12th

  Lucky sat in her office and looked down at her dog and grinned. They’d been together less than twenty-four hours and she was in love. Had she known that having one would make her so happy, she would’ve done it a long time ago.

  Running her hand over Judit’s head, she felt her push against it. “I hope you like it here because I spend a lot of time in this office. We’ll pick up another bed this week, so you’ll have your own spot.”

  Grif walked in and crossed his arms. “Do you have a new assistant?”

  “This is Queen Judit and she’s a retired police dog. I adopted her on Saturday and picked her up yesterday from the vet.”

  Grif bent down and laid his hand flat so she could sniff him. “I thought police dogs were males. I didn’t know they let girls on the force.” He petted Judit after she lowered her head, and then grabbed a chair.

  “They don’t have that many, according to the woman who was in charge of the adoption event. Female dogs are used for rescue, tracking and locating bombs, and drugs. Judit has received several awards during her distinguished career and is a star.” Lucky watched the dog look up as though she knew she was bragging about her and approved. “I’m very proud of you and all you have to do is enjoy retirement.”

  “I had no idea you wanted a dog.”

  “It was always in the back of my mind, but I never did anything about it until Sam and I ended up at the adoption event at the park on Saturday. Turns out, Judit and I are a perfect match.”

  Leaning back, Grif crossed his arms. “You and the fed went to the park and adopted a dog?”

  “She’s mostly my dog and don’t say it like I just committed a crime.” Running her hand over the dog’s head again, she frowned. “Sam Barton is coming after me and, and so far, I’m not resisting him very well.”

  Grif let out a snort and picked up a keyboard. “I’d say that’s a fair assessment, considering you’re sharing a dog with him.”

  “Let’s not worry about what Sam and I are sharing and see if the hack I discovered yesterday originating in the global offshore payment processor of the company was the original entry point.

  “I think it’s got to be, so all we need to figure out now is what their goal was,” Grif replied as he started typing commands into his keyboard.

  “If we find evidence of an administrator account, then that means they’re capable of pushing software into millions of computers.” Lucky looked at the data scrolling across her screen and shook her head. “Botnet. I said it earlier and, if I’m right, then this is the biggest breach I’ve ever seen.”

  “Entering through the payment processor is sort of brilliant because it means they used a legitimate backdoor.” Leaning forward, he looked at the screen. “Holy shit, Lucky. Come here and see what I’ve found.”

  Standing, she walked over and sucked in a deep breath. “Whoever wrote that is a freaking genius. I’ve never seen a piece of customized software with the call-back dropper like that.

  “Look.” He pointed to a line of the script. “They left a Trojan horse that can be loaded with malware modules, too.”

  “That’s how they gained access to move laterally through the company’s network.” Lucky sat back down and groaned. “This is huge.”

  “Let’s see if there are any more callback Trojans and then we’ll know if your suspicions are correct and the intent of the hack was to lay the groundwork for rapid construction of a botnet.”

  Hearing her dog bark, Lucky looked up and realized she had been so lost in work that she didn’t hear Hank come in. Assuming her dog was completely brilliant, she must’ve sensed it and wanted to warn her. “Hey, Hank.”

  “Heard we had a new member of the team, so I came by to meet her.”

  Lucky stood and rolled her neck. “I sent pictures last night to Stazi; did she show them to you?”

  “Yes, and I’ve got to say the red-jeweled collar and leash was a good choice. Did you or Sam pick out the color?”

  “I did.” She watched Hank bend down, put out his hand, and wait to get the signal. Lowering her head like the queen she was, she granted approval to be petted. “She’s in charge of security for the Intelligence Division now.”

  Hank stood and nodded. “Looks like a good choice for the position.” Tilting his head toward Grif, whose face was next to the screen as his hands flew over the keyboard, he asked, “How’s it going with the client?”

  “We’re close. We think the intent was to create a botnet.”

  “And that means what?”

  “Essentially, a botnet is a number of internet-connected devices, each of which is running one or more bots. Botnets can be used to perform distributed denial-of-service-attacks and steal data, send spam, or allow the attacker to access the device and its connection.”

  “How does someone run the bot?” Hank asked as he took a seat.

  “They use a command and control software, that will almost anything to be achieved. The potential is almost limitless, and it can be used for identity theft, credit-card fraud, bank fraud, intelligence gathering, high-speed code cracking, corporate espionage, commercial sabotage, and attacks on national infrastructure.”

  “You mean a cyber-attack that causes physical damage?”

  “Possible, but very rare,” Lucky replied. “In 2015, using phishing emails to gain login credentials, hackers wreaked havoc on a German steel mill by disrupting the control system and shutting down parts of the plant, resulting in millions of dollars of damage to the blast furnace.”

  “Found it,” Grif said as he leaned back and rubbed his face with his hands. “Sons of bitches.”

  “Botnet?” Lucky asked.

  “Yeah, and its lack of use is the key.”

  “I need to make a call and let our friends at the NSA know,” Lucky said as she leaned over Grif’s shoulder and saw where the sleeper cell was sitting on the client’s network. “I never would’ve found that without you.”

  Hank stood and walked over to the screen and shook his head. “How in the hell you found that is a damn miracle.”

  “No miracle,” Lucky responded.

  “I knew you were good when I hired you, Lucky, but I had no idea you were this good.”

  “It was a team effort, and working with Grif made it possible.”

  Handing her a phone, Grif grinned. “Call Mr. V. and let him know because they’re going to want to monitor it.”

  “I have gamma clearance and I have no idea who you’re talking about,” Hank responded.

  “No reason you would,” Lucky said as she dialed a number she knew by heart. “Only geeks know him.”

to know.” Hank walked toward the door and then stopped. “Good work, guys.”

  Giving Hank a grin, she then heard her call connected. “Have something you might be interested in…”


  Sam walked into SAI and saw Lucky and Judit coming down the staircase. “Hi, sweetie.”

  “What are you doing here?”

  “Came by to see my women.” He noticed the dog looked up at Lucky like, ‘Duh, Mom, what else would he be doing here?’ and felt satisfied that things were progressing nicely. When she got close enough, he wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her cheek. “How was your day?”

  “Sam, don’t kiss me at work.”

  “Why not?”

  Looking from side to side, she shrugged. “Because.”

  “We’ve been doing a lot of it since yesterday afternoon and you seemed to like it, so I’m going to assume this has to do with your professional reputation.”

  “Exactly. I would never come into your office and kiss you.”

  “You could if you wanted to.”

  Pushing his shoulder, she clucked her tongue. “Behave.”

  “For now.” He felt the dog sit next to him and knew she was on his side. “Do you want me to take her home and give her a walk or are you almost done for the day?”

  “I’m done, but Hank told me to come to the kitchen before I left.”

  Taking her hand, he led her down the hall. “What do you think is going on?”

  “Celebration. Grif and I figured out who hacked into our client’s network and why.”

  Stopping in the hallway, he moved his hand to her face. “Congratulations, that’s amazing, Lucky. I’m betting there are less than a dozen people in the world who could figure that out and you should be really proud of yourself.”

  “It’s no big deal and it was a team effort.”

  Leaning forward, he brushed his mouth across her lips and kissed her gently. “Yes, it is, and we’re going to have our own celebration when we get home.”

  “Quit kissing in the office,” Jason said as he walked up. “I better take the dog with me because she doesn’t need to see you two sucking face.” He let out a short whistle and called Judit and she followed him down the hall.

  “Great,” Lucky groaned.

  Taking her hand, he walked toward the kitchen. “Why is our dog following Jason so easily?”

  “He spent a bunch of time with her today and kept giving her treats, so she’s fallen for him like so many other women in Chicago.”

  Before he could voice his opinion, they walked into the kitchen and he saw Hank ready to pop a bottle of champagne. He also saw Griffin and felt his muscles tense. Realizing he couldn’t say or do anything without coming off like an asshole, he made himself relax.

  “Are we missing anyone?” Hank called out.

  “No,” Jason responded. “Ed and Brandon are out on an assignment.”

  Hank held up the bottle of champagne and said, “I want to congratulate Lucky and Grif for their big success today on securing our client’s network and possibly heading off cyber warfare.”

  “That’s only our guess,” Lucky responded as Judit lay at her feet.

  Hank popped the cork and filled a bunch of glasses and grinned. “Based on what you told me earlier, it’s a damn good one.”

  Kaye and Maddox passed out the glasses and Hank lifted his. “Here’s to a good day at SAI, courtesy of Lucky and Griffin.”

  Sam raised his glass and noticed that Griffin was staring at him. Deciding it was time to introduce himself, he nodded as moved toward him with his hand out. “We haven’t formally met; I’m Sam Barton.”

  “Griffin Myers,” he responded as he shook hands. “So, you’re the fed that’s interested in Lucky?”

  “Yes, that’s me.”

  “I’m assuming you know how special she is and how her hard-outer shell covers a soft center.”

  “I’m well aware of those facts.”

  “Don’t fuck around with her if you’re not serious. When and if she opens her heart, you better treat it like the gift it is because if all you’re after is a conquest, then stay the hell away.”

  “You’ve not said anything I’m not aware of and she’s fortunate to have such a good friend.”

  “Don’t screw it up.”

  Sam nodded and watched Griffin walk toward Lucky. Seeing how easy they were with one another sent a streak of jealousy through his gut because they had nothing close, yet. They were still in the infancy stage of their relationship and he wasn’t sure if she was all that interested. He’d been a brash son of a bitch for the last week, pushing his way into her life, and he had no idea if it was working or not.

  “You’re standing there with a big heart hanging over your head as you stare at Lucky,” Maddox commented as he came up. “Didn’t think you had the guts to go for her.” He slapped him on the back. “Good to see you found your balls and are finally doing something.”

  “Fuck you, Maddox.” Hearing the retired SEALs booming laugh in response made him realize he needed to lighten up.

  “I think you two would actually be good for one another.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “You’re both stubborn as shit and if you two get together, then you’re saving two innocent people from having to deal with it.”

  “That’s some backward logic,” Sam replied with a laugh.

  “Maybe, but it totally makes sense.” Maddox crossed his arms over his chest. “Hell of a thing she and Griffin did today. If they hadn’t discovered the botnet in play, who knows what would’ve happened.”

  “Cyber-warfare is the new battleground,” Sam commented. “Cyber-attacks constitute an active component of nearly every conventional military battle, and there are a whole lot of people in power who are saying the global cyber-war is already underway.”

  “That’s what Lucky alluded to when she was briefing the team. According to her, most major governments are actively preparing for something much larger to come.”

  “I know they are,” Sam replied as he saw Griffin walk away from Lucky. “I’m going to go check on Lucky.” Maddox laughed as he walked away, and he didn’t care if all his feeling were on display because he was done hiding from himself, Lucky, and anyone else who cared to look. “Are you getting hungry for dinner?” he asked the moment he was at her side.

  “I guess so.”

  “Where do you want to go?”

  “Sam, you don’t have to feed me every day.”

  “What if I want to?” He took her hand and laced their fingers together. “I want to take care of you and our dog.”

  “It’s mostly my dog and all I want to do is go home and walk her, then order a pizza and have a bath. I have my contact from Fort Meade showing up early tomorrow.”

  “Why is someone coming from the NSA coming?”

  “I have to explain what we discovered and then they’ll tell me what they want to do next.”

  “Let me take care of Judit while you have a bath, and I’ll pick up a pizza after I’m done walking her.”

  Looking up, she gave him a smile. “All right, that actually sounds really good.”

  Squeezing her hand, he winked. “That was almost too easy. Makes me a little nervous.”

  “Take the win, Barton.”

  “Yes, dear.”

  Judit pushed her head into his hand. “She’s ready.”

  “Let’s go upstairs and get her leash, then we can go.”

  “Sounds good.” He followed her out of the kitchen and was happier than a pig in mud because he was getting to go home with his girls, and as far as he was concerned, that was no small miracle.


  Tuesday Evening

  Lucky stepped out of her tub and wrapped a towel around her body and then wiped the steam off the mirror. Looking into it, she noticed her color was high and her eyes were bright.

  Recognizing it was happiness that was making her look that way, she wondered if it was the win at wo
rk or the company she’d been keeping.

  She dropped the towel, squirted lotion into her hand, and as she rubbed it along her legs, she knew it was Sam who was giving her the giddy feeling. The thing at work was satisfying, but she’d done it before and the thrill had never made her feel like she was floating outside her body.

  Ever since they’d had dinner at the Athletic Club and he admitted why he’d behaved the way he had, she’d been mentally giving him another chance.

  Not that she was going to be telling him that anytime soon. Because with his tactician’s mind, he’d consider it a small victory and then build a battle plan that would have her surrendering before she even knew what happened.

  And she hated surrender.

  The very idea made her nauseous and she knew invariably that made her a pretty bad candidate for love since that’s exactly what is required. Which is why she’d avoided it since she started dating at seventeen. Even her relationship with Grif had never required her to play around with the concept because, essentially, they were peers who respected one another and had amazing physical chemistry. Nothing more.

  But Sam wasn’t a man who would be satisfied with anything less than owning her very soul. Some people were built to want everything when they were in a relationship and she guessed Sam was one of them. Everything in his life he’d done with a hundred and fifty percent of his mind, body, and soul and the way he looked at her told her she wasn’t going to be the exception to the rule.

  Almost made her miss his indifference.

  The chime alerting her to the front door opening told her they were back from the walk, so she grabbed her robe and slid it on. Twisting her hair, she clipped it on top of her head and walked out of her bathroom to see Sam walking in. “I was just coming down.”

  “Jeeze, Lucky. Could you be any more desirable?”

  Looking down at her pink fuzzy robe that was decorated with polka dots made her snort. “Sam, this is the least sexy thing I own.” His light green eyes grew a bit darker as he stalked toward her. “Really, nothing sexy about it.”


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