Barrage (SAI Book 5)

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Barrage (SAI Book 5) Page 12

by Lea Hart

  He was watching everything.

  Biting her lip, she thought of how he’d teased her last night with the head of his cock and felt her body shudder.

  “I’ve got you, keep going.”

  “Sam…” Feeling her legs tremble, she looked up. “I want you inside me.”

  Holding tight, he walked backward and sat down on the leather chair in the corner of the room. “Come sit on my lap.”


  “Try it, Lucky.”

  Hearing his commanding tone made her give in as he picked her up slightly from his lap and positioned himself at her opening from behind. Seeing the erotic image in the mirror spiked her desire as he slid her slowly onto his cock. Air rushed from her body as he cradled her in his arms and she felt him deep inside her body. “Oh, my.”

  “Yeah?” he asked quietly as he lifted her hips, making the penetration that much deeper. “Better?”

  “Perfection,” she muttered as she held onto his legs. The angle put pressure on her g-spot that was totally new and unexpected. “I love this.” Being cradled in his big arms with him inside her made her tremble. “I could stay here all night.”

  “That’s the idea, you and me inside each other until the sun comes up. Rocking slightly, he grinned. “You don’t have to come; just let me see you like this.”

  Moving her hands between her legs, she touched his balls gently and heard him growl. “Feel good?”

  “You have no fucking idea,” he said against her head as he rocked his hips slowly. “Let go, if you want…” Leaning forward, he took her mouth possessively as he braced her head with his hand and took the kiss deeper.


  She was completely gone as she came. His lips never left hers as he ate at her mouth, her body trembling and shaking as he eased into her further, heightening the orgasm even more.

  Before she could recover, he picked her up and set her on her knees in the chair, with her ass in the air. Pressing her forward so her chest draped over the back of the chair, he drove into her from behind.

  Slowly at first.

  “Fuck, yes,” he ground out. “Just like that.” He took hold of her hips and began taking her hard.

  It was ruthless, brutal, and primal. Exactly the thing she’d always wanted. Nothing had come into focus yet, except Sam and his need to mark her.

  “You can’t squeeze me after you come.”

  “Really?” Looking over her shoulder, she saw his determination.

  He shook his head, so satisfied with himself. “Nope.”

  “Let’s see about that,” she said quietly as she bore down on his cock, using her whole body.

  “Knock it off, Lucky.” He drove into her harder and gripped her hips, digging his fingers into her thighs. “Let me fuck you how I want to.”

  Why that was turning her on wasn’t evident and she wondered what she should do about it.

  “Give in to me.” Thrusting deeper, he groaned.

  “I don’t know how,” she said quietly. She’d never given in to anything in her life; she’d always been in control and knew how things were going to turn out.

  “Just do it and hand yourself over,” he said as he drove harder. “Give in and let me take you.”

  Never in her life had she trusted enough to let go, and she wanted to with him but didn’t know how. Rioting emotions filled her chest, making it hard to breathe. Could she with him?

  “I’ve got you; let me have you.”

  She wanted to know what it was like to be someone else’s completely. Not to fight, worry or negotiate, but to simply be because he asked. To be open and let go.

  “That’s it, honey.”

  She softened and he drove into her harder, making the chair rock back and forth. Time to find out how brave she could be.

  “Are you mine?”

  “Yes,” she said as she whimpered.

  “Have you let go?”

  Focusing on him, she did the impossible and gave everything over to him as she bowed her back slightly. Her arms went slack, and he tightened his hold, supporting her just as she needed. “I’m yours.”

  Plunging into her so roughly that she gasped for air, he came first with a shout and then a primal roar. He powered into her again and again until there was nothing left.

  She rested her cheek against the cool leather of the chair and tangled their fingers together. Breathing hard, he collapsed against her back and ran his mouth over her shoulder.

  “I will protect every soft thing in you for the rest of my life,” he said quietly against her skin.

  Fearing she’d start blubbering, she just nodded her head and moved her face to his shoulder. Too many emotions, too close to the surface that didn’t make sense made it impossible to do anything as he pulled her up and led her to the bed.

  They both crawled in and he unlatched his prosthetic and dropped it to the floor. “We’re together now irrevocably,” he said against her skin as he pulled the comforter over them.

  Nodding as he held her against his chest, she closed her eyes and let exhaustion pull her into sleep. It was the only thing she could manage after Sam had claimed her as his very own.


  Sunday, September 17th

  Lucky stood next to Stazi on the sidewalk in front of The Bristol Restaurant while Hank and Sam were inside getting them a table for a late brunch. Feeling her best friend’s steady gaze, she wondered how long it would take before the inquisition began. “So, what did you and Hank do last night?”

  “Nothing as interesting as you and Sam by the looks of the hickeys on your neck.”

  She moved her hand to her scarf and readjusted it. “I’m pleading the fifth.”

  “You can plead whatever you want, but the evidence is clear and you…like him. Sam Barton Secret Agent Man is your loooover.”

  Moving her eyes from side to side, Lucky tried to determine how many people had heard Stazi’s loud voice as she made the pronouncement. When no one seemed all that interested, she let out a breath. “Sam and I have managed a detente and are getting along.”

  “How many times did you scream his name?”

  “Stazi, what has gotten into you?”

  Swirling her hand around, she let out a snort. “Please, don’t pretend that Sam Barton did not rock your world. I figured all that control he’s got was either going to make him an incredible lover or a complete dud and since you have little hearts floating in your eyes, I’m guessing incredible.”

  “Mind blowing and incredible.”

  Stazi wrapped her arm around Lucky and squeezed. “I’m so happy because I haven’t seen you this happy in a while.”

  Lucky hugged Stazi back. “I don’t want to talk about it too much because I’m afraid it will disappear too quickly if I do. This might just be a short-lived thing and nothing more, so I don’t want to get ahead of myself.”

  “I understand, the relationship is in its infancy stage and nothing could kill it faster than to weigh it down with all kinds of expectations.”

  A warm breeze blew across the street and lifted Lucky’s hair off her shoulder and, as she twirled it into a knot, she caught sight of Sam inside the restaurant and knew Stazi was right. The intimacy that she and Sam shared last night broke something loose in her being and she wasn’t ready to see what it meant. Because, as far as she knew, falling in love was easy and having sex even easier, but bumping into someone that sparked your soul…well, that was a rare and miraculous event. And she wasn’t necessarily ready for any miracles.

  “Here they come,” Stazi said as the men walked in their direction.

  “It’s only going to be fifteen minutes,” Sam said as he stepped next to Lucky. “We should be able to survive.”

  “Speak for yourself,” Hank said as he wrapped his arm around Stazi. “We only had coffee and toast this morning and I’m starved.”

  “I offered to make you eggs and you declined,” Stazi said as she moved away from his embrace.

like the other thing you offered more, so it was worth it.”

  Lucky let out a laugh as she watched Stazi’s face color and elbowed Hank. “You could’ve kept your mouth shut and saved yourself a lot of grief.”

  “What fun would that be?” Hank replied as he embraced Stazi and kissed her cheek.

  “Living on the edge, my friend,” Sam added as he slung his arm over Lucky’s shoulder.

  The hostess waved to them and the group moved into the restaurant and were soon seated. “I heard this is the best place for brunch in the city,” Lucky commented as she picked up the menu.

  Sam leaned over and raised an eyebrow. “What are we having?”

  “Everything,” she replied with a smile.

  His mouth was close to her ear and he whispered, “Good idea because we’re going to need our energy for later.” Kissing her cheek, he then sat up and took her hand. “It all looks good.”

  Lucky studied the exposed brick wall for a moment and wondered if she should say anything; when no clear answer revealed itself, she returned her attention to the menu. “I’ll pick the sweet and you pick the salty.”

  “Okay, sounds good,” he replied. “Chicken and biscuits look good.”

  “So, do you two share food?” Hank asked as he set down his menu.

  “We seem to the few times we’ve been out to eat,” Lucky replied.

  “Staz and I have it down to almost an art form now and I have to say I can’t ever imagine going back to having just one choice as a meal.”

  Sam pointed at him and grinned. “I couldn’t agree more. We’ve only just started to get our rhythm, but I’m betting in another year, we’ll be able to do it without much more than a shared glance.”

  Lucky felt Stazi kick her shin and she looked up and almost lost it when she saw her friend’s expression of satisfaction. Rolling her eyes, she picked up her water and drank more than half of it down. Sam and his planning were more than she was ready for without a sufficient amount of caffeine and she’d had nowhere near enough.

  The waitress approached and she decided to focus on choosing something to eat and not Sam and his wild plans. One night did not change a person’s life, no matter how spectacular.


  Sam sat on Lucky’s front stoop and watched Judit snuffle around the grass and wondered how the new intimacy he and Lucky had created was going to play out in their everyday lives. Hearing the door open, he looked over his shoulder and saw Lucky come out with two glasses of wine. She handed him one and then sat down.


  “Lasagna is always better the second day, and I’m happy to share any meal with you, no matter what we eat.”


  “I have a lot to make up for, honey.”

  “What are you doing this week at work?”

  “Digging through intel and trying to come up with a way to go after Yolkin’s group. I don’t want to waste time by going after the low-level guys in his organization because I’m tired of picking up the small rats. I’m going to be patient and see if we can find a way into the heart of the beast.”

  “If you need any help, let me know because I’d be happy to see you slay those dragons.”

  “Thanks.” Judit wandered over and lay across their feet and he felt like, for the first time in forever, that all the pieces of his life were falling into place. “What do you have going on at work?”

  “Catching up. I have a bunch of projects that have been languishing since I took on the hack, and now that it’s taken care of I can get back to them.”

  “Is the day-to-day stuff you have to take care of going to seem boring after you and Grif headed off the cyber attack?”

  “No, I actually like the day-to-day challenges of trying to meet the intelligence needs of the company. Being with SAI has offered me the opportunity to have a varied work day and I never had that before joining the company. When I was a gun for hire and doing pen tests, it was the same thing week in and week out, and it wasn’t very challenging after a while.”

  “When you say pen tests, you mean a penetration test, right?”

  “Yes, sorry. Sometimes I forget that not everyone is fluent in geek-speak. I used to do a couple a month and while I loved the eighty-thousand I got paid per job, it wasn’t that challenging.”

  “Jeeeez, Lucky, that’s a hell of a paycheck.”

  “I know, but money isn’t everything and working alone all the time wasn’t appealing anymore. I actually spent one full week in my house and never left because I had so many jobs to complete. Didn’t speak with any friends or family and just ran authorized simulated attacks on computer systems one after another until I reached the heart of every system I was authorized to hack. When I finally walked out of my house and looked around at the world, I knew I needed to get a new gig or at least work in an office part time so I would be forced to engage in human interaction.”

  “I take it when Hank offered you the job, it came at exactly the right time.”

  “You would be correct. It took me a while to get used to going into an office every day and dealing with retired SEALs, but I eventually got the hang of it and I couldn’t imagine working anywhere else.”

  “I think you found the perfect fit.”

  “I agree.” Lifting his hand, she checked his watch. “I should pull the lasagna out of the oven.”

  Running his hand over Judit’s head, he waited until she looked up. “Time to go in, girl; Mom says it’s time for dinner.”

  Rising slowly, she gave them both a doggy nod. “Sammy, I can’t tell you how much I love this dog; thank you for making it possible.”

  He stood and held out his hand and helped her up. “It’s only the beginning. You want something, Lucky, then I’m going to find a way to get it for you. Make no mistake about it.”

  Watching her face soften and a smile tug at her mouth let him know that what they had started over the weekend was only the beginning.


  Tuesday, September 17TH

  Lucky twisted her hands as she walked toward Hank’s office and prayed he was going to grant her request. Knocking on the frame of the door, she stuck her head in. “Do you have a couple of minutes?”

  Looking up from his desk, he gave her a smile. “Sure, I’m just going through an after-action report from the assignment Brandon and Ed just completed.”

  Sliding into a chair that faced the desk, she sat up and cleared her throat. “Hank, I need a couple of weeks off, starting tomorrow.”

  “Everything okay?”

  “Yes, it’s just that…”

  “You’re making me nervous and that’s not an emotion I’m familiar with, so tell me what’s going on, so we can work it out.”

  “You know that I’ve not been able to let go of this Vazov thing since I discovered what kind of scum sucking human being he is and there’s a chance that I can unlock the puzzle if I go to Brussels.”

  “Start from the beginning, Lucky, so I know what we’re dealing with.”

  Taking a deep breath, she nodded. “I’ve been digging into Vazov’s activities on and off since Belikov was taken down back in June by the FBI. The human trafficking he controls is abhorrent and knowing about it and not doing anything to stop him is not acceptable.”

  “Understood, Lucky, but we’re not the FBI, CIA, or NSA, and our ability to take down a Russian pakhan is limited at best.”

  “I know, Hank, but I figured if I uncovered some intel that could be used by one of those agencies, then it might speed up his downfall.”

  “Okay, that makes sense, but you can stay in Chicago and do all the digging you need. You’ve always told me that what we have set up could rival what the NSA has, and if that’s true, there’s no need to go to Brussels.”

  “There has been a development that will allow me greater access to one of the shell companies Vazov controls in Brussels and I want to take advantage of it.”

  “And how did this opportunity for greater access o

  “Griffin happens to be there and the client he’s working for is a private bank that holds the accounts for one of the shell companies. He called me this morning with the discovery because he knows how important this thing is to me.”

  “And what happens when someone discovers what you two are up to?”

  Leaning back, she slapped her hand against her chest. “Do you think I’m some novice hack who would allow that to happen?” Narrowing her eyes, she shook her head. “Grif and I are masters at writing invasive software and if I wanted to invade a foreign country via the Dark Net, then I could. I’ve done it before, and finding the command-and-control structure isn’t that hard.”

  “You scare me a little when you talk like that, Lucky.”

  “Don’t worry. I would never do it because I figure it would be against company policy.”

  “There is that,” he replied as he drummed his fingers on his desk. “I don’t have a problem with the time off, but I’m real uncomfortable if you go unescorted.”

  “Having one of the guys go would be too obvious. My best cover is not having one.”

  “What the hell do you mean?”

  “Grif and I have been friends since we were teenagers and were in a relationship for over a year, so us working together isn’t going to raise any flags. Before I came to work for you, he and I collaborated all the time. If anyone got suspicious of my arrival, they could do their due diligence and discover we’ve been partners on and off since we were in college.”

  “What about your affiliation with SAI?”

  “I’ve buried anything that ties me with the company and someone could do a deep dive into my background and find only what I want them to. I know how this shit works and I’ve done what’s necessary to obfuscate what I do.”

  She watched Hank move the papers around on his desk and knew he was going to agree to her request, but she didn’t know if he would let her go alone. And she needed to because the last thing she was going to do was put someone in danger because of her obsession. “I’ll check in daily with my team and run things remotely, and if anything big comes along, then Phoebe can handle it.”


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