Stone of Destiny

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Stone of Destiny Page 4

by Laura Eno

  He rolled to the side and roughly palmed the source of her heat as he continued their kiss, moving his tongue through her lips as she cried out in climax. Abbie’s eyes opened and locked with his.

  “Take me. Now.”

  Her words slammed through Gavin, all thoughts of foreplay gone as he sought to do her bidding. Lifting her legs up around his hips he entered her, intent on burying his cock deep into her moist center. He drove in hard, feeling something tear, and stopped cold as she screamed.

  “You are virgin?” He lay there in shock, but the call of her body was too powerful to resist.

  “Not anymore,” she smiled as the pain started to dissipate.

  Gavin let her muscles relax for a moment as he tried to move slowly within her, but she raked her nails over his ass and he could no longer be gentle.

  “I am your first,” he said in wonder. “You belong to me now, Abbie. Do you understand?”

  He handled her roughly, but she responded in kind as she came again. Her inner muscles clenched so tightly that Gavin couldn’t hold back any longer and went over the edge with her, calling out her name as he did so. Cradling her in his arms, he marveled at the gift she’d given him and apologized for being so rough with her.

  “I liked rough.”

  She kissed him with as much passion as before and his heart soared.

  Gavin called down for hot water for a bath. Abbie would feel better if she soaked for a bit. He found he was unable to keep his hands off her though. She excited all of his senses, as if he’d just awakened from a long sleep.

  Joining her in the tub, Gavin held her in his arms while she relaxed against his chest. Her wee body fit perfectly there.

  “How are you feeling now?” He nibbled on the back of her neck as he spoke.


  Abbie was fast losing her initial shyness around him. Gavin made her feel like the most desirable woman on earth and making love to him had been incredible. She was eager to repeat the experience.

  “How is it that you were still a virgin?”

  Abbie shrugged. “I hadn’t found someone special enough to want to have sex with before.”

  “Do the lasses in your time have such say in the matter?” Her time must be very different for women than it was here.

  “For the most part, yes. It isn’t like here, where women are married off like property. We can choose to remain alone, or not, with the same freedoms as men.”

  “With such freedom, why would you choose to remain here?” Gavin hoped she still felt that way.

  Unable to turn around and look at him, Abbie hesitated to speak her heart. She didn’t know how Gavin really felt about her and she didn’t want to sound foolish to him. What would he think if she started babbling about wanting to stay with him? Would he think she only liked his status as Laird, as Katherine had mentioned?

  “I just feel like I belong here, that’s all.”

  Lame, but true – as far as it went. He held her tighter, so the answer must have been acceptable.

  “I’m glad you want to stay.”

  He stood Abbie up and carefully patted her dry before carrying her back to his bed. Gavin made love to her again, this time gentle and slow, using every trick he knew to make it tender and sweet.

  Chapter Eight

  When Abbie woke up a short time later, she decided she'd found paradise in Gavin’s arms. As he reluctantly tore himself away from her, insisting she needed more rest, Abbie had to admit she was very sore.

  “You willna always be this sore.”

  Abbie looked at him, startled.

  “You read minds as well?”

  Gavin laughed easy, happier than he’d been in a long time. “Nae, but you wince every time you move. Besides, we didna eat breakfast and we’ve missed dinner. They will be expecting us to make an appearance for supper, at least.” He saw Abbie redden.

  "I don't suppose we'll escape a few bawdy comments about this?" she asked.

  He shook his head and held her tight. "I dinna think so, but it's all in good fun."

  "Great. At least they'll be in Gaelic," Abbie muttered and walked out the door.

  Supper never tasted so good, Abbie decided. She helped herself to a large bowl of meaty broth with plenty of vegetables added to it. The hot, crusty bread slathered with butter was a welcome addition too. She ate like she hadn’t seen food in a week. Katherine gave her a knowing smile as she passed the bread over for the third time. Abbie sheepishly smiled back, sure that there was a neon sign on her forehead proclaiming her happiness.

  They walked out to the stables after eating, to check on the horses.

  “Once you’re able to sit a horse again,” Gavin leered at her, “I’ll show you around the countryside. The heather is blooming just now.”

  Abbie looked at him with chagrin. “I never learned how to ride.”

  Astonishment gave way to curiosity after a moment. “How did you get around?”

  Where to begin with that one? “In cars, mostly, but also trains and planes.”

  They spent the rest of the evening with Abbie having to explain each one and how it functioned. She realized how much she’d taken for granted in her own time when she wasn’t able to tell Gavin how an engine worked. It didn’t matter though; the things she’d left behind were just that – things. What was important to her was the person lying next to her in the bed.

  “So, are you going to teach me how to ride?”

  “Aye, I certainly will do that.” Gavin gave her a provocative smile and rolled her on top so she straddled his body. “This is the way to ride me.” The rest of the evening was spent at her lessons.


  After breakfast the next morning Gavin announced he had some business to attend to. “I’m afraid I’ve been a wee bit distracted these last several days and let a few things go by the wayside.”

  Abbie nestled her hand under his sporran and gave his rock-hard erection a squeeze. “That’s just so you won’t forget me while you’re gone.”

  “Aye and there’s no chance of that, lass.”

  Gavin drew her close and kissed her breathless before leaving. She wandered up to the library with a smile on her face. It was amazing how at ease she was now, compared to her former life. Abbie finally found a book written in English and plucked it off the shelf, taking it out to the kitchen garden to read for a while. The garden was a cozy spot, nestled within stone walls and had several benches to curl up on. This time of morning no one was around, so Abbie had it all to herself. She tucked her feet up under her and opened the book.


  “Thomas, I need to speak to you about your errand to collect my wife.”

  Thomas answered him in Gaelic and Gavin chuckled to himself. He had been speaking English so much over the last few days it was becoming more natural to pick that language first. He switched to Gaelic.

  “I need for you to meet Iona’s party and deliver my heartfelt regrets, along with this letter for her father. I can only hope that he will understand. Please also double the dower for her. That should smooth things over for Matheson, since Iona is only sixteen and he will have time to arrange a more suitable marriage for her.”

  Abbie sat on the bench, her book forgotten. Gavin had been standing on the other side of the wall when he uttered his first sentence to Thomas, in English. The miscreant had a wife?


  When Gavin came back inside for the noon meal, he found Katherine lying in wait for him.

  “Ye best sit down, laddie.”

  “Is Abbie all right?”

  “She’s fine, but she’s in a bit of a temper right now and ye’d best stay out of her way unless ye want to draw back a stump, that is.”

  “What happened?” Abbie was in a playful mood this morning when he left her.

  Katherine shrugged. “I found this out in the kitchen garden.” She showed him the book. “All I know for sure is she stormed through the kitchen muttering about the bastard being married and sh
e was gonna kill him.”

  The kitchen garden… He had first spoken to Thomas just outside of its walls.

  “Och, nae.” He repeated the one and only sentence that Abbie would have understood to Katherine.

  “Ye never saw fit to tell her about Iona?”

  “Nae, I didna think it was important.”

  Katherine shook her head. “If ye’d told her before mayhap it wouldna be important. But after what she heard…”

  Gavin ran upstairs and knocked on Abbie’s door. No answer.

  “Abbie, please let me explain.”

  The door opened and Abbie stood there, looking very composed. Gavin breathed a sigh of relief and reached for her.

  “Don’t touch me.”

  She held his dirk in her hand. The wicked blade gleamed as the light caught it.

  “Call your Fae friend. I’m going home.” She shut the door in Gavin’s face.

  Apparently, her calm demeanor hid a murderous intent, Gavin decided. Although he could easily disarm her, she might be injured in the process. It would be best to wait until she got over her fury before attempting to explain. One thing was certain; he wouldn’t be looking for the Fae. Abbie belonged here with him. This was her home now.

  Chapter Nine

  Abbie waited in her room, staring out the window, until she saw Gavin come out of the stable and ride off. Despite her conviction that she’d made the right decision, her heart cried out in misery and she was too vulnerable right now to survive another confrontation with him. She walked out the front door and stood in the field, trying to decide what to do next.

  Maybe I can get the Fae’s attention myself and exit quietly. Abbie sighed as she thought about her options. Is that really what I want, to go back to a place where I didn’t feel alive? No, but I can’t stay here, sleeping with the Laird when his wife isn’t looking just because I care for him.

  “Fae, I need to talk to you.” Abbie tilted her head up and shouted at the sky.

  “I dinna think ye should be doing that, lass.”

  Abbie jumped as the quiet voice behind her spoke. Katherine held out her arms and gave her a hug.

  “There’s some bits of information that yer missing. Sit yerself down and listen.”

  “What more do I need to know? He’s married.” Misery poured off Abbie in waves, like a dark cloud ready to swallow her whole.

  “Nae he’s not. In 1602, the old Laird fought at Strome Castle with the Matheson by his side. As part of a clan alliance Gavin was pledged to marry Matheson’s daughter, Iona. Mind ye, Gavin was but ten years and she was just a bairn at the time. The contract was to strengthen the border ties between the lands.”

  Abbie looked at her in shock. “Gavin was contracted to marry at ten? Does he love her?”

  Katherine laughed. “He’s never even met the lass, but he’s obliged to carry out his da’s wishes. The formal betrothal was to be held next week.”

  “It still doesn’t change anything then, does it? Why didn’t he tell me?”

  “What would ye have him say? It’s not like he was expecting ye,” Katherine mildly chided her. “He needed time to think and he made his decision. The part of the conversation that ye didna understand was him telling Thomas to break the contract, no matter the consequences.”

  Katherine looked Abbie in the eye to see if she fully understood.

  “Will there be trouble?” Abbie wasn’t sure of the repercussions of such an action.

  Katherine shrugged. “Who’s to say? All that matters is that the Laird has made his decision.”

  Abbie had some apologizing to do. “Do you know where Gavin might be?”

  “Nae, but I daresay he willna be gone too long. He’s just as anxious as ye are to clear up this matter.” Katherine patted Abbie’s hand and stood up.

  “Thank you for taking the time to explain this to me.”

  Katherine gazed at her for a moment then spoke softly. “I loved a man once, the way ye do, but I didna take the chance. Regret lasts for a lifetime.”

  Abbie thought about Katherine's last words as she watched the older woman walk away. Was her love for Gavin that obvious? It wasn't something she'd even admitted to herself yet, but Katherine seemed to think she did. She didn't know how to listen to her heart, but it sure had a lot to say lately. It was about time she paid attention.

  She walked out to the stables to wait for Gavin. What must he think of me, after I threatened him with a knife? She shook her head at her folly. Maybe she could plead insanity.

  A rider was heading this way and from the proud bearing, Abbie could tell it was Gavin. The man looked glorious upon a horse. With his hair spread out on the wind, he seemed every inch the warrior. She just hoped he wasn’t going to battle her, even though she deserved it.

  His face was stern as he dismounted, but Abbie stood her ground. Gavin stalked over to her and grabbed her by the shoulders, kissing her with a forcefulness that left her shaking. His eyes sparked fire as he broke the kiss.

  “Dinna threaten me with a dirk ever again. You might have been injured, do you understand?”

  Abbie nodded numbly.

  “And as for the rest, you might wish to give me the chance to explain something, before you decide that trying to knife me is the best course of action.”

  “I’m sorry. Katherine explained it all to me.”

  Gavin wasn’t done yet though.

  “Lass, if you need an answer, come to me and ask. Understand that there may be times when I canna give you an explanation, but only request your obedience. That is for your protection and you will have to trust me. If that’s not to your liking then tell me now.”

  He stood silently, towering over her, domination in his stance. He was telling her that he was the leader of his people, sworn to protect them, and obedience was the price – even for her. She looked in his eyes and saw only concern and caring there. They weren’t the eyes of a tyrant. His requests would always be fair.

  “I understand.”

  He kissed her again, a bit more gently this time, but with no less passion. Without breaking the kiss, Gavin picked her up and carried her inside the stable. A pile of fresh hay lay mounded in a corner and he stretched her out on it, lying face down, and dropped his kilt. Still standing, he gathered her skirts up and drew her hips back against his cock, pushing deep within her. Abbie was aroused beyond reason by the power in this man. She cried out in pleasure as his erotic nature overwhelmed her senses.

  Gavin sought to brand her soul as his for all of time. His strokes were punishing and yet she met him with a carnality that equaled his own.

  “You belong to me, Abbie. Dinna forget that. I claim you as my own. We belong to each other.”

  Being unable to touch him was a kind of sensory deprivation for Abbie. Her sole focus consisted of his hard member thrusting deep inside, hitting sensitive spots she hadn’t known existed. She cried out as she climaxed, feeling Gavin shudder as her inner muscles locked onto him. He pushed even deeper as he came within her, whispering her name in reverence as he did so.

  “You have the body of an angel…and the wickedness of an enchantress.” Gavin nibbled on Abbie’s neck as he helped her up.

  Abbie reveled in Gavin’s choice of words and soundly kissed him. He made her feel sexy and had opened up an entirely new world for her, one based on sensuality. She’d never been happier in her life than she was with this man.

  They made it back to the castle just in time for supper, having missed dinner once again. There seemed to be some good-natured ribbing going on around the table, but it was all in Gaelic so Abbie didn’t understand until Gavin reached over and plucked a piece of hay out of her curls. She burst out laughing when she realized it was only one of many.

  She leaned over to whisper to Gavin. “Couldn’t you have told me I had straw in my hair?”

  “I thought it looked nice. It reminded me of how you looked spread out on the hay.” His eyes sparkled at her and she blushed. Keeping her eyes fixed on her bowl,
Abbie quietly finished the rest of her soup.

  Just as dinner ended, a commotion broke out in the kitchen and one of the guards rushed in.

  “Milord, Daniel was thrown from his horse.” Gavin looked at the guard, but he shook his head.

  A crowd was already gathering by the time Gavin walked in, followed by Abbie, but they stood aside to let the Laird through. The man lay still, no longer breathing. Gavin bowed his head.

  “Call for the priest.”

  “Let me through.” Abbie struggled to push aside men much larger than she, trying to get to Daniel. She knelt beside him and checked for a pulse, finally finding a weak but erratic beat. The rhythm of her training took over as she coaxed life back into the man, one breath at a time.

  In a few minutes Daniel was breathing on his own and opened his eyes, smiling as he watched Abbie leaning in close to him with her breasts in his face. He said something in Gaelic and Gavin roared with laughter, along with the rest of the men present.

  “What did he say?”

  “He asked if he’d died and gone to heaven and you were his reward.”

  Abbie smiled but grew stern as he tried to move.

  “Tell him to lay still, Gavin, or he’s destined to go sooner than he’d like.”

  Daniel blinked but remained immobile, having understood her. Abbie proceeded to bark orders, with everyone scattering to do her bidding. All she could find were two cracked ribs and a possible concussion; hopefully he didn’t have any internal injuries to go along with that. He was a young man. If kept still, he should recover quickly. She supervised his move into the barracks and left instructions for his care through the night.

  Chapter Ten

  Everyone tried to speak to her at once when Abbie came back into the kitchen but Gavin ran interference for her, issuing his own orders for a bath, for which she was exceedingly thankful. The adrenaline rush had left her unsteady.

  Gavin tenderly undressed her and lowered Abbie into the tub of steaming water. She gratefully sank into the warmth, feeling more relaxed almost immediately.

  “How did you bring Daniel back to life?”

  Gavin’s tone was full of wonder and his eyes held a deep respect, not fear. Abbie was glad. In hindsight, she realized someone else might have accused her of witchcraft.


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