Stone of Destiny

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Stone of Destiny Page 9

by Laura Eno

  “Are you wet for me, lass?”

  That would be a decisive yes, Abbie thought. She tried to turn around to face him, but Gavin held his body firmly against her, not allowing any movement on her part.

  “Answer me first.”


  “Wet enough to take me right now, to let me plunge in deep and fill you completely with each stroke?”

  His words filled Abbie with erotic yearnings of her own. To be the temptress who brings him to his knees, begging for more. She could feel that kind of sexual power stirring within her and used it now.

  Instead of answering, she slowly slid down his body, causing his shaft to move up her back. At the same time, she ran her hands down the insides of his legs.

  Gavin shuddered at the sensual assault, realizing he no longer controlled events. He backed away, spinning her around to face him. Her smile was pure temptation, her lips inviting his kiss.

  “Take me.”

  That was all he needed to hear.

  When they finally emerged for breakfast, Gavin looked every bit the proud Laird escorting his Lady as they came down the stairs. Katherine watched them fondly, wondering when those two would finally realize what everyone else already knew – that they were in love with each other.

  Porridge and oatcakes already sat on the table, along with some berries. Everyone ate quickly in order to get outside and let the festivities start. The roasting pits had already started for the day and tantalizing scents drifted in the air. Abbie could hear music playing outside, as well. Although it was early, folks had been moving about for some time.

  The crowd outside surged toward their Laird as the two of them stepped through the doorway. The entire village must be here, Abbie thought, amazed by the number of people. Her eyes narrowed as one young woman brazenly wrapped her arms around Gavin and gave him a kiss, complete with a full body press, ignoring the fact that Abbie had her arm linked through his.

  The blonde slut made eye contact with Abbie as if to say "you can’t keep him interested for long" while Gavin gently removed her, handing her into the not-so-tender grasp of her father, who apologized to the Laird before slapping his daughter for the embarrassment caused. Unrepentant, the girl hurled a challenge to Abbie over her shoulder and licked her lips as she glanced back at Gavin.

  Steamed, Abbie didn’t know what she’d said but a taunt sounded the same in any language.

  “Dinna let her fash you,” Gavin whispered in her ear before planting a kiss on her neck that left her knees weak. The crowd clamored for more and he laughed, giving them what they wanted. Wrapping his arms around her, he kissed her thoroughly for all to witness, leaving no doubt as to where his affections lay.

  They continued up the path that led to the clearing where the fires would be lit later on. Gavin had seen the look of jealousy in Abbie’s eyes and reveled in it, but he hoped no one would give her a translation of what the village lass had said. The comment was meaningless, but he wasn’t sure if Abbie would think so, being from another time where relations were conducted in a different manner. Being told you’re but one of many to grace the Laird’s bed was unflattering, to say the least. He didn’t need his former reputation to shape Abbie’s perception of him. That was a part of his past. She was all that mattered to him now.

  The pipes and drums started up, signaling the official start of Lughnasadh. Abbie stood off to the side with Katherine as Gavin addressed the crowd and welcomed them before opening the competitions. A small group of spectators waved from high atop the hill of Slὶabh a Dh'aois, ready to give proper witness to the winner of the first contest – the foot race. Gavin, a number of guards and a few of the men from the village awaited the signal to begin. A sword dropped and the men started running.

  Gavin could be seen in the lead the entire way up the hill, with Thomas and Alec close behind. Abbie couldn’t tell who was who as they got farther away, but Katherine assured her that the positions hadn’t changed. When the runners returned at last, it was announced that the Laird had an easy finish into first, with Thomas and Alec almost tied for second – Thomas having just a one-leg lead in front of the other captain.

  Without breaking his stride, Gavin swept Abbie off her feet, exhilaration giving impetus to his movements.

  “Now that was a fine way to start the day.” The glint in his eye told Abbie that he was trying to get a rise out of her.

  “I’ll remember to tell you to go take a run the next time you’re poking me in the backside while I’m trying to sleep.”

  Her lips curved in a seductive smile, the eroticism a physical force pinning Gavin against an invisible wall. He bent down to kiss those lips, drawn in with no escape possible.

  “I didna say it was the best way.” Gavin held Abbie tightly against him, lusting over her wee body.

  “Your sword is poking me.”

  He drew back, checking for armaments, only understanding her meaning after noticing the mischievous grin on her face. “Aye, you could do with a good poking right now, enchantress.”

  A shout went up as the caber toss was set to begin and they turned to watch.

  “Aren’t you going to compete?”

  “Nae, the men compete against me every day during practice. They know what they strive toward. Today is their day to best others.” He pulled her back against his body as they stood, resting his chin on her head.

  Abbie knew his statement was no idle boast. She’d seen him at practice where he bested opponents time and again. He was a wise man to step back and allow others the limelight.

  “When are you going to tell me about telephone poles?” Gavin asked, making Abbie laugh.

  The men currently cradled one end of what she would swear were those poles and tossed them up in the air, end over end, trying to get them to land in a straight, 12 o’clock position on the ground. One of Matheson’s guards took the honors on that one.

  “My guards willna soon forget that. There will be telephone poles all over the yard for a fortnight as they practice.”

  The stone put was reminiscent of a shot put event to Abbie, only with big boulders. She shook her head in amazement. The strength and endurance of these men was so different from the guys she was used to.

  A time out was called while they lit the fires and the men, including Gavin, danced what Katherine told her was a war dance.

  “I’ve seen a similar type of dance before, but it looks so different from the one in the future.” Watching testosterone-laden warriors performing a dance with weapons made it very different, indeed.

  “How does it differ in yer time?”

  “The dance in the future is performed mostly by women – even young girls.”

  Katherine was appalled. “But this is a warrior’s dance!”

  Abbie sympathized and patted Katherine’s arm. “There aren’t any warriors left in my time. At least none that look like them.”

  Next was a battle dance that Gavin and Thomas executed in a dueling form with broad swords. Abbie’s heart was in her mouth as she watched. One false move would be disastrous, but she supposed the same could be said for their daily practice too. Gavin’s glorious body made watching a pleasure and she couldn’t tear her eyes away from the spectacle.

  A group of young women surged toward him as Gavin walked back to where Abbie stood, but she was pleased to note that his eyes were locked on her with full attention.

  “You were magnificent to watch up there.” Abbie gave him a long kiss, partly for the benefit of the hangers-on. She noticed many disappointed faces in that crowd. Admit it, Abbie. You’re jealous and getting territorial about Gavin. So when are you going to tell him that you love him?

  “I’m glad you were pleased.” He lifted a lock of hair away from her face and brushed his lips lightly against hers in a teasing kiss.

  Gavin wanted nothing more than to stand before the crowd and proclaim Abbie to be his Lady, but he must give her the chance to make that decision for herself first, without any pressure from h
im. But what if she never does? his mind cried out. For that, he had no answer.

  Chapter Twenty

  People began to drift over to the roasting pits for the noon meal and Gavin pulled Abbie and Katherine along in that direction. This morning’s events had left him half-starved. They ate amongst a continuous flow of people needing to speak to the Laird about everything from disputes to business matters to finding mates for their children. Abbie became more aware of the high esteem the villagers held for Gavin as Katherine whispered translations to her.

  While they ate, Abbie could see the occasional person calling on the group of Roma wagons but doing so in a furtive manner, as though they didn’t wish to be seen. She asked Katherine about it.

  “Aye, the Roma sell magic charms and potions, ill-wishes and the like.” She shrugged. “It’s how they make their living.”


  Abbie turned around and looked into Daniel’s smiling face. She hadn’t seen him since the morning after his accident. He seemed fit and well, even if he still moved a bit gingerly.

  “It’s nice to see you, Daniel. How do your ribs feel?”

  “They are still a wee bit sore, but nae too bad. I didna have the chance to thank ye for saving my life. The others told me what transpired that night.” He took her hand and bowed low over it.

  “I’m just glad I was able to help.” Daniel’s comment made her feel like destiny had, indeed, played a hand in her being here to help him and it felt good, but she was uncomfortable with the praise.

  After Daniel left Gavin gave her a hug, having overheard the conversation.

  “The men all regard you verra highly, you know.”

  Abbie didn’t know what to say in response. No one had ever made a statement like that to her before.

  Gavin sensed her discomfort and gave her a smile. “You havena been praised enough in your life for your accomplishments, but that will all change now that you're here. You're a part of this clan now and willna ever be alone again.” He hesitated before choosing his next words.

  “At least, if you wish to belong here.”

  “Oh, I want to stay here.”

  But do you wish to belong to me? He almost spoke the words aloud, but stopped short before he exposed his true feelings for her.

  Reaching for her hand, Gavin helped Abbie up and led her over to where the bonfires shot flames high into the sky. At the moment the heat was intense, but later on the warmth would be welcome as the night air cooled. Holding her in his arms increased the fire burning within him. His spontaneous combustion seemed more likely the longer he stayed around her.

  His duties today prevented Gavin from gathering Abbie up and carrying her off into the woods to have his way with her, tasting her soft skin and listening to her sweet cries as he brought her to climax over and over again. Groaning, he released her before temptation overrode good sense and he did just that.

  Abbie could feel the conflict growing in Gavin’s mind – not to mention the physical manifestation of his rock-hard erection. Trying to behave, she stepped back but made the mistake of looking him in the eye. She saw a maelstrom of emotions there – a desire and longing that spoke of more than lust. His pull was too much to resist and she felt the need to reach out to him, to comfort him somehow. Her lips parted, wanting to be kissed, but Gavin only brushed a fingertip across them. Surprised, Abbie looked at him and saw a fleeting shadow of…sadness?

  “What’s wrong?” The moment she spoke his eyes cleared and he smiled at her, making her wonder if she’d only imagined it.

  “Nothing…but I dinna trust myself at the moment and I need to be here, not over yonder.” He jerked his head in the direction of the woods with a wicked grin that made her groan this time.

  “Let’s go find some distraction, shall we?” He held out his arm for her to take and they walked into the dubious safety of the crowd that had just formed to witness the next competition.

  The contests ended as the long afternoon came to a close. Music played continuously now while people took their supper. More dancing followed, with young boys taking their turn along with the men. Abbie enjoyed the sight, wondering if some day she would have a son up there, following in his father’s footsteps.

  Not likely, if I’m going to remain silent about my feelings. She laughed softly about the position she seemed to be currently stuck in. Abbie was reasonably sure that Gavin had strong feelings about her, but he seemed to be waiting for something. What? Did men in this time wait for the woman to profess her love first?

  Okay, she could deal with that. But what if she was wrong? What if she told him she loved him and he backed away?

  That’s what I’m really afraid of, she finally decided. I’m afraid of being rejected. Well, nothing ventured, nothing gained. She couldn’t keep living in limbo forever. She needed to lay her cards on the table.

  Gavin joined her over at the bonfire as several couples walked through it and became handfasted. The village priest was also there for any couple wishing a permanent marriage. As Abbie understood it, the handfasting was for a year and a day, or seen as a betrothal.

  “I was supposed to be betrothed tonight, which would have formalized the contract.” Gavin spoke softly, his eyes on the couples having their hands bound together with lengths of cloth.

  Abbie wasn’t sure if she should respond so she kept quiet and was rewarded for her patience with his next sentence.

  “I’m verra glad it didna happen that way.” He looked at Abbie. Her eyes seemed to be gauging his reaction. He brushed his lips against hers in a feather-soft motion. “I dinna think anyone will miss us if we leave now.”

  They made their way back to the castle and Gavin called for bathwater as they went upstairs. Both gratefully sank into the warm water to wash off the dust from the long day, soaping each other while sharing heated kisses.

  “I thought about your naked body all day long.” Gavin lifted Abbie out of the tub and patted her dry while caressing her at the same time. His fingers grazed her nipples and she leaned into him, rubbing her breasts against his chest as she kissed him.

  Gavin’s eyes smoldered as he ran his hands over her body. Abbie felt delirious from the sexual heat pouring off of him. His powerful body always had a natural eroticism in the way he moved and right now he was sex incarnate. He backed her onto the bed, holding her wrists over her head with one hand as he spread himself on top of her.

  “I’m going to have my way with you now, lass.” His lips curved in a wicked grin.

  Abbie moved her hips beneath him, aching to have him inside, but his low laugh told her he was in command.

  “Do you need me, Abbie? Do you want my hard cock buried deep inside? Tell me what you want, lass.”

  Abbie groaned as his words hit her. She struggled to free her hands. The need to have them roam his body overwhelmed her senses. Her fight incited Gavin further and he kissed her hard. Wrapping her legs around his hips, Abbie tempted him even more.

  Breaking the kiss, he repeated his question, eyes shining in the light of the fire as he fought to keep control.

  “Yes. Now. Rough.” She kissed him as he pushed inside, plunging deep as moments later he rocked her into an incredible orgasm, swallowing her cries. Gavin continued his strokes while telling her what he intended next.

  “I am going to keep you here, taking all that I have to give you, until I’ve had my fill. You are mine, Abbie. You belong to me and no one else. You will only find your pleasure with me.”

  Yes, this powerful man had conquered her, but it worked both ways, Abbie thought as she came again.

  “And you will only find your pleasure with me.” She locked gazes with him and he shuddered, completely under her control.

  “Aye, only you.” Gavin knew he would never stray from this woman. She owned him, body and soul. He willingly sacrificed himself at her alter, calling her name as he climaxed and held her close, unwilling to release her even as sleep claimed them both.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  The fires still smoldered as Abbie approached Gavin on the hill, hands clasped behind her back so they wouldn't betray her nervousness.

  "I have something to tell you." She'd decided this morning to get it over with.

  "Aye?" His eyes shone with happiness and she relaxed a little.

  "I love you." Abbie spoke quietly and waited for his reaction.

  Gavin stood before her, his eyes turning cold as he told her to leave. She’d never witnessed this side of him before, never felt the sting of his callous dismissal. This couldn’t be happening.

  “But I don’t want to leave. I love you.” Tears welled in her eyes, their tracks moist on her cheeks. Gavin lightly brushed them away with his fingertips, totally at odds with his hardhearted demeanor.

  Abbie cried out in her sleep and Gavin instantly woke, wondering what disturbed her. The early morning light revealed her tears, although the lass still slept. She mumbled something and he sought to comfort her, gently wiping the wetness from her face.

  “Lass, wake up. You’re dreaming is all. Dinna cry.”

  Abbie’s eyes shot open, staring into Gavin’s concerned face. She felt disoriented. The dream had seemed so real.

  “Are you all right? You were crying and talking in your sleep.”

  “Out loud?”

  He laughed. “Out loud would be the only way I have of knowing that you spoke.”

  Great… Well, there was no hope for it now. She must have told him in her sleep what she’d been afraid to say while awake.

  “I love you.” Abbie waited with trepidation for life to imitate her dream, for his countenance to change and the coldness to appear in his eyes. Instead, Gavin crushed her in his arms, a ragged breath that verged on a sob escaping from his lips.

  “You love me? You dinna know how long I’ve waited to hear you speak those words to me, lass.”

  “You’re not angry?” Her dream still mingled with reality in her mind.

  Gavin looked at her in surprise. “I am so verra happy I could shout from a mountaintop and be heard across the highlands. Why would you think otherwise?”


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