Hacked by Love, Part 1

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Hacked by Love, Part 1 Page 3

by Sharon Cummin

  “Thanks,” the woman said from next to me.

  “You okay?” I asked.

  “I'm fine,” she answered. “I just needed a cold one to settle my nerves a bit.”

  I noticed her eyes move around the room for a moment before she spoke again.

  “You missed the memo too,” she said with a laugh.

  “What?” I asked confused by what she meant.

  “Did you leave your suit in your room?” she asked.

  “No,” I said with a shake of my head. “I hadn't realized there was a dress code for the hotel bar.”

  When she looked toward me with a smile, I noticed the beautiful sparkle in her dark eyes and instantly felt some of my own tension roll off of me.

  “I just came down to have a few drinks before bed,” I said.

  “You're not from around here?” she asked.

  “I'm from Pennsylvania,” I said. “I'm here on business. How about you?”

  “I'm from Ohio,” she said. “I'm just here for a couple of days.”

  I hadn't noticed the television above the bar being on but looked up at it when I heard the announcer mention the Pittsburgh Pirates. The woman next to me looked over and laughed.

  “You like the game?” she asked.

  “That depends,” I said. “I guess I like some things about it, but I'm not a die-hard fan or anything. What about you?”

  “Oh, I love the game,” she said. “I watched it a lot growing up.”

  “Your favorite team?” I asked.

  “I like the Detroit Tigers and Cleveland Indians, but my all-time favorite is the Pittsburgh Pirates. I don't know why, but I've followed their games ever since I could remember. My dad used to watch the games, and they were his favorite team. When he took off, it was kind of something that made me feel close to him. What about you?”

  “If I had to pick, I'd say the Pirates,” I said. “Root for the home team and all.”

  When she started talking about the game, her face lit up and her stress was gone. I'm not sure why, but knowing I had something to do with that made me feel pretty good and relaxed a bit myself. She threw out my dad's name more than once and of course James' name as well. I sat there listening to her go on and on about her favorite players and their stats. She definitely knew the game. I was pretty sure she'd give Sammie a run for her money with the knowledge.

  “You play?” I asked.

  “No,” she said. “I keep to myself most of the time. I've never been an athlete. I'm more of a nerd.”

  “Yeah right,” I said. “I can't imagine that. You don't look like a nerd.”

  “I'm not sure if I should take that as a compliment or not. What exactly does a nerd look like?”

  “Like me,” I said without thinking.

  “Now I'm really not sure how to take that first comment,” she said, as she took another drink from her beer.

  It was getting late. We'd both had at least four drinks and the noise around us was dying down a bit. Some of the fancy dressed couples had left, and we were able to hear each other a bit better. I ordered us each one last beer. Then I needed to be getting to bed for my early meeting. I couldn't believe I'd stayed late as it was. That meeting was one of the most important of my life. I was going to meet the little punk that had been torturing me for years and needed to be on my game and totally alert.

  “I'm kind of surprised your a beer drinker,” I said.

  She shook her head and laughed, and the hair hanging from her ponytail moved in front of her eye. I reached forward and tucked it behind her ear without even realizing what I was doing.

  “Do you have any other strange assumptions you've made about me?” she asked, as she narrowed her eyes at me. “I don't look like a nerd, and I don't look like I drink beer. Nothing wrong with a beer every now and again. It was the drink of choice at high school parties. Before you say it, yes, I partied in high school. Bet I don't look like a partying, beer drinking, nerd, or do I?”

  “Settle down,” I said. “Don't get your panties twisted.”

  She was beginning to piss me off. I hadn't meant anything bad by what I'd said. She really didn't need to be getting all bitchy with me.

  “I'm not wearing panties,” she said with a challenging look in her eyes.

  “Good to know,” I said, as I pulled out my wallet, threw money on the bar, and stood.

  “Where you going?” she asked.

  “I've got some business to take care of early in the morning,” I said. “I need to get some sleep.”

  She reached forward, and the moment her finger touched my arm, I felt a zap shoot up it and pulled back quickly. What the fuck was that, I wondered?

  “Look,” she said. “I'm sorry. I can't stand to have someone judge me. I'm not into that shit. I've been judged my whole life, and I don't need it from some dude sitting next to me at a hotel bar.”

  “I wasn't judging you,” I snapped. “I was just making small talk. I'm not a social guy. I like to keep to myself. I don't drink often, and I'm not used to this.”

  I motioned between the two of us.

  “Have a great night.”

  She grabbed my arm again when I turned to walk away and that damn zap feeling was back.

  “This isn't like me either. I try to keep to myself too. Things have changed for me since high school. I didn't mean to be a bitch. I've been under a lot of pressure lately and don't always handle it the best way I should.”

  She followed me to the elevator. When the doors opened, she stepped in after me. The door closed, and I instantly felt like the damn elevator had shrunk. I could smell something that had a vanilla scent. It filled my nose. The air between us was filled with tension. I reached around her and hit the button for the floor I was on.

  “We're on the same floor,” she whispered.

  The ride up five floors felt like the longest of my life. I felt like I couldn't breathe, and my heart felt like it was beating faster than it ever had before.

  The doors opened, and I held out my hand for her to go first. When she walked out, I could smell that scent again. Her ass swayed in those damn jeans from side to side as I followed behind her. All I could think about was her panties. Was she lying? Was she really pantie free? It was bad, I knew that. It had been a few months since I'd hooked up with a woman. I was in a strange city and was about to have a very stressful and life-changing meeting in the morning. The tension flowing between us was intense, and the woman shaking her ass as she walked in front of me was sexy and possibly pantie free. My hand went up and ran through my hair as I contemplated my next move. Do I grab her, turn her toward me, and cover her plump, luscious lips with mine, or do I walk into my room and get the sleep I know I need for that meeting? It was the first time since I'd first touched a computer that I'd actually thought about putting something or someone ahead of what I knew deep down I really needed to be doing.

  We hadn't exchanged names. That was kind of weird. All the time we'd talked, neither of us had said our name. When she stopped in front of a door and I ran into her back, I could feel any air between us evaporate. Why hadn't we said our names? Maybe there was a reason. Of course there was.

  When she slowly turned around and that damn scent hit my nose again, I felt her touch my arm and that same electricity I'd felt twice already was back again. When she sucked her bottom lip into her mouth and moved from one foot to the other, I was done. I wanted her.

  Chapter 6


  I stood still for just a moment watching her lip move between her teeth. She was nervous, that was obvious. What was she thinking, I wondered? Was she thinking the same thing I was, that it would feel so damn good to have her beneath me? Was she thinking it would be a huge mistake to be with someone she'd never met before and would never see again? I was leaving directly after my morning meeting, but she didn't know that. I had no idea how long she would be there either.

  I took a step forward and watched her reaction. She took a deep breath in but didn't move a
way. I could see her looking into my eyes and couldn't fight what I was feeling. I'd never felt a pull toward someone like I was in that moment, not ever. Her eyes sparkled, and I felt as if I could see right into her soul. There was something there, she couldn't deny it if she tried. Her body was giving her away. As much as I knew I should walk away from her, I couldn't make my feet do it.

  When I stepped forward again, our bodies connected, and I felt her shiver. Her back was against her room door. I put one hand against the door on each side of her head and looked down at her. Then I waited. She tilted her head back so she could look up at me, and her hand reached up and touched my chest. I felt her body shiver and knew she needed the distraction from life as much as I did. Slowly, I leaned down waiting to see if she would try to move away form me, but she didn't. When our lips were just a hair away from touching, I stopped. It was her move to make, and I knew I would have stood there as long as it took for her to make it. Luckily, I didn't have to wait long. She closed that tiny distance and our lips connected. I moved in as I kissed her. Her back was flat against the door and my body was pushing in on hers. I could feel my cock instantly harden in my jeans, and I could tell the exact second she noticed it too.

  My hand moved from the door and grabbed the back of her neck. When I took her bottom lip between my teeth and pulled down, I heard her gasp as she opened for me. I didn't give her one second to change her mind before my tongue dove into her mouth. Her hand moved up my chest and around my neck. I felt her body push forward against mine and knew there was no way possible for me to walk away from her. I put my everything into that kiss. She needed to know I wasn't to be messed with. I pulled her hair with a slight tug to break the kiss and felt her take a long breath in as her tongue moved across her lip.

  “Key card,” I said, not giving away my fear of her turning me away.

  She handed it to me with a shaky hand. I swiped it through the holder on the door, moved the handle down, and opened the door just a bit.

  “You sure about this?” I asked with my hold still on her hair.

  She nodded but didn't speak.

  “I need to hear it,” I said. “If I walk into that room with you, there is no turning back. Are you sure?”

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  With her back still against the door holding it open, I grabbed under her ass and lifted. Her legs wrapped around my waist, and I pushed the door open with my foot. When I stepped through the door, with her in my arms, I already knew it wasn't going to be easy to walk away in the morning. There was something about her, I just couldn't figure out what that was. It was definitely something I'd search hard to find again. The door closed and clicked shut behind us. I walked toward the bed and stopped when I reached the end of it. She was looking up at me, and I wished in that moment that I could tell what she was thinking. It didn't matter though. I needed to be inside of her, and I wasn't about to waste time getting mixed up in my head over it. There were only hours before I had to be up and ready. I needed to get my ass moving if I wanted any sleep at all.

  I heard her breath leave her when I dropped her on the bed. Then I leaned down and hovered over her. My knee came up onto the bed between her legs and ground against her, as my mouth covered hers again. The kiss was deep and filled with passion. Her tongue was right there fighting for control, but I wasn't having that shit. I was the one in control.

  I grabbed the hem of her shirt and pulled it up. She lifted just enough for me to get it over her head. The black lacy bra just barely covering her breasts was so damn sexy, and my mind again went to her panties. Were they a black lacy match, or were they really not there? I couldn't help the smile that covered my face.

  “What?” she asked nervously.

  “Just thinking about your panties,” I said.

  She narrowed her eyes, and I knew she'd already forgotten about her earlier comment. I flipped open the front clasp on her bra and couldn't stop from licking my own lips. The second my tongue circled her nipple, it came to a stiff point, her back arched, and she let out a soft moan. I wanted to hear more than that. I wasn't sure why exactly, but I wanted to hear her moans fill the room. The few times I'd hooked up in the past, I'd been pretty calm and nervous. It was different with her. I wanted to be the one controlling all of her pleasure. I pulled her nipple through my teeth which earned another moan. I began placing tiny kisses down the middle of her chest and stomach while both of my hands were on her breasts and my fingers were rolling her nipples. Looking up from her stomach to see her back arched, chest pushed into my hands, and her eyes closed had me ready to blow in my jeans.

  My hands moved down slowly. I undid the button and unzipped her jeans with a smile on my face. When I pulled them slightly down, I felt the rumble in my chest. She was right, no panties. She went up on her elbows to watch me. I shimmied her tight jeans down her sexy, long legs and threw them to the side. Her knees instantly tried to move together, but I put my hand out and shook my head as I stopped them.

  “Open,” I snapped, and she let them go.

  I dropped to my knees at the end of the bed wanting to taste her more than I've ever wanted to taste anything before. I grabbed under her ass roughly and pulled her down the bed. There was no way I was waiting one more second. I grabbed her knees and spread them wide. She was so damn wet for me already. I leaned forward and licked every bit of her. Her hand clutched the sheets and I felt her body shiver. My tongue circled her clit, and she cried out. I grabbed her feet and put them on my shoulders before grabbing her ass and pulling her even closer. When I dove in to taste her again, she moaned louder than before, and her hand came down to grab onto my hair. My fingers began circling her clit as I continued licking and sucking her. She was writhing and her hand was pulling me closer. I looked up for just a moment to see her other hand holding onto the sheet, her head back, her eyes closed, and her bottom lip sucked into her mouth and knew there were so many things I wanted to do to her. It was something I'd never felt before. Not once had I wanted to hook up again with one of the women I'd been with. She let out a loud moan and I felt her thighs tighten. I couldn't wait to watch her come around my tongue.

  I moved my fingers on her clit faster as I thrust my tongue deep inside of her and hit a spot that had her screaming out. Then I began pulling my tongue back and moving into her again.

  “Oh, fuck,” she cried. “So good. Don't stop.”

  Her grip in my hair tightened, and I moved faster. My finger pushed against her clit as I moved and my tongue fucked her, hitting just the right spot over and over. Her hips came up to match my thrusts perfectly. I put more pressure on her clit and brought my tongue up to lick her before moving back into her. When she held my head against her and threw her hips forward, I grabbed her ass in my other hand and pulled her as close as I could get her to me.

  She cried out louder than ever as she came around my tongue. I felt her body shake against my face, but I didn't stop. She was still pulsing around me, and I didn't want that moment to end. It was so damn sexy. When I felt her legs relax and her body fall back onto the bed, I pulled my tongue from inside of her but continued to slowly lick up every bit of her wetness.

  I stood up and looked down at her body lazily draped across the bed with her legs hanging off the edge. Her eyes were open, and she was looking up at me. Her hair was spread out like a fan behind her head, and she had a sleepy look in her eyes.

  “I'm not done with you yet,” I said in a rough tone.

  A smile crossed her face, and I knew she wanted more just as much as I did.

  “I hope not,” she said.

  I grabbed the neck of my shirt and pulled it up and over my head and her eyes moved down my chest. They followed my hands as they undid the button and unzipped the zipper of my own jeans. I moved slowly as I pushed my jeans and boxers down. When my cock sprang free, I kept my eyes on her as her tongue moved out and across her lips. I quickly kicked my pants off and to the side. Then I ripped the packet I'd pulled from jeans and covered m
y cock. When I stepped forward, took my shaft in my hand, and stroked it, she moaned. I moved closer, and her eyes traveled up my body.

  I leaned down over her and claimed her mouth with mine. Then I moved my cock up and down her wetness. When I pushed into her a little, I felt her breath catch. I pulled away from the kiss and looked into her eyes. She nodded, and with my eyes still on hers, I thrust in hard.

  “Fuck,” she cried out, before wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling my mouth to hers.

  I pulled back and thrust into her again, as her body moved up the bed. My hands went to both sides of her head and held her still while I fucked her deep. Her moans were mixing with mine. We were both lost in the moment. She wrapped her legs around my waist, and I thrust in deep. Her fingers were gripping my back so tight I thought she'd broken through my skin. Her legs tightened around me, and she came so damn hard. Feeling her pussy suck my cock felt better than I'd ever felt before. The moment her body began to relax, I pulled back, grabbed her hips, and flipped her onto her stomach.

  “Shit,” she gasped.

  I pulled her up onto her knees and thrust into her. She let out a moan, and I knew I needed more. Without thinking, I grabbed her hair, wrapped it around my hand, and pulled her back against me while I fucked her as hard and deep as I possibly could. She was pushing her ass back against me with each of my thrusts forward. I'd never felt the way I was with her, but that didn't matter. I let go of her hair, grabbed her hips, and fucked her until she screamed out and came around me again. I moved into her deep, stilled, and felt my cock pulse inside of her as a loud growl came from deep in my chest.


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