Steps to Submission Volume 1: Virgin Lesbian Erotic Romance (Steps to Submission Bundles)

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Steps to Submission Volume 1: Virgin Lesbian Erotic Romance (Steps to Submission Bundles) Page 14

by Lexie X

  The frail blonde looked down for a moment, then back at her. She nodded weakly, her hair mussing even further along the sheets.

  She'd expected something hurtful or authoritative or demanding, and certainly not a simple acknowledgement. Wary, Piper turned off the lights and moved close to deposit the water bottle near her incapacitated roommate.

  A soft hand grabbed her forearm in the dark.

  Following the unspoken request, she climbed into bed, heart pounding. Isabella tugged at her wrist until Piper had her arms wrapped around her.

  Gulping as she felt insistent fingers slip between hers and grip one of her hands tightly, Piper pulled to tighten the embrace.

  Lying in the dark with her arms around her roommate's soft and extremely warm body, she felt a terrible uncertain pain leave her. She hadn't even been quite aware of it—not until it was gone. Chest pressed against the firm curve of her roommate's back, she was certain Isabella could feel her heart hammering madly between her breasts; she was also certain Isabella could feel those, too.

  Feeling another heartbeat against her gripped hand, she realized that the blonde's pulse was racing just as quickly. Maybe it was just because she was so sick. Yeah, that was probably it. Isabella had probably just wanted something to keep her from falling off the edge of the bed while she slept. The more she thought about it, the more Piper felt herself spiraling deeper into confusion and unhappiness, that temporarily-dispelled pain returning in force—at least until she heard a sigh as Isabella shifted to get more comfortable. An appreciative squeeze of her hand followed.

  Her inner pain immediately departed again, and she couldn't help but smile.


  Chapter 14

  A knock sounded on the door for the second time.

  "Isabella, aren't you awake yet?" an older female voice called.

  Piper felt the soft body in her arms jump.

  Isabella pushed out of their embrace, fell to the floor, and then looked for proper clothes in a panic. "Oh my god," she whispered, more to herself than to her roommate. "Oh my god! It's Family Weekend!"

  Looking at the door with wide eyes, Piper put two and two together—and rushed to the door, locking it quickly.

  "Isabella, is that you? It's your parents!" the woman stated loudly.

  "Be right out!" her daughter shouted back, stumbling around as she tried to get into fresh clothes.

  Piper sat on her bed, unsure what to do as Isabella finally answered the door.

  A blonde woman stood beyond, accompanied by a tired-looking but handsome enough man with slightly greying dark hair. The woman stood tall and graceful, pretty for her age, and surely once as gorgeous as Isabella. Her husband seemed nice, if disinterested—from their manner, Piper could almost immediately read their dynamic. He seemed tired from the long drive, and stood back as his wife rushed forward with wide arms.

  "Oh, Isabella, dear, you look terrible!" the woman said loudly, hugging her barely responsive daughter.

  "I've been sick," Isabella responded, putting on a mask of happiness that Piper saw right through—but her parents seemed oblivious.

  "You must be the roommate!" the woman said, turning to her with an outstretched hand. "Aren't you a pretty young thing? I'm Donna. This here's Julian, my husband."

  "Piper," she responded, taken by surprise as the woman pulled her in for a hug without warning. "Nice to meet you…!" As she struggled to survive the squeeze, she looked over for help. Julian nodded curtly at her.

  Donna finally stepped back to look the two of them up and down. "So, where are we going for lunch?"

  "I have class," Isabella replied.

  "Nonsense, it's Family Weekend. I'm sure your professors will understand. We saw a nice restaurant on the way in. We'll go there. Is your friend coming?" Donna stopped suddenly.

  Piper realized the older woman was looking at her and waiting for something. She looked over at Isabella, but the blonde's gaze was focused on the floor, her expression subtly pained. "Um, yeah, I guess I'm free," Piper slowly explained. "My family's out of state."

  "Fantastic! Let's get a move on it, then!"

  Piper sat at the table and tried not to look awkward. The ride over had been secretly exhilarating for her—in the backseat with Isabella as her father drove and her mother chattered up front, it felt very much like going for a ride with a significant other and family. She'd glanced over at Isabella several times, but her roommate had only stared out the window as Donna had talked everyone's ear off.

  Waiting to order, Piper focused intently on the menu and listened and waited for an opportunity to join the conversation. Donna had already gone up to the bar and retrieved a Long Island to sip hard between questions.

  "Classes going well?"

  Isabella nodded. "Yeah, I've been studying—"

  "Good," Donna continued on without waiting for elaboration. "How are the boys?"

  Isabella looked up at her mother, her ears shifting and her eyebrows rising as she faced a seemingly surprise question.

  Piper did her best not to look too interested in the answer.

  "Young men, guys," Donna said. "Met any rich ones? That's what you gotta do, marry up." She slapped Julian on the shoulder and laughed rather loudly. "Isn't that right?"

  Isabella's father rubbed his greying sideburns absently. "Yep. Reel one in like your mother caught me…"

  Piper put her face even further down behind her menu and glanced between the three of them, sensing deeper negatives in the conversation behind the words themselves.

  Donna talked right through her menu defense. "What about you, Piper? Seeing anyone?"

  She glanced over at Isabella reflexively, expecting a death glare—but the blonde only stared at her menu, her jaw set. Piper wasn't sure if her roommate had even looked at her once since her parents had arrived. "It's complicated," she finally said.

  "Complicated?" Donna laughed. "If you love him, snap him up!"

  She couldn't resist. "Oh, I'm certainly trying…"

  "Be right back," Donna said, her sudden conversational shift jarring. "I need another drink!"

  Piper watched the older woman go until a light kick hit the side of her leg much less forcefully than she'd expected. She looked over with a secret smile, but Isabella still seemed intent on her menu.

  They ordered a few minutes later, and Piper endured the brunt of Donna's conversations as the older woman went on and on about great adventures she'd had while she was younger—or, alternately, asked deeply prying questions about what girls were up to these days and any adventures Piper herself might have had.

  Piper found herself nervously watching the growing pile of glasses. While Julian sipped on a beer, Donna downed heavy drinks like water. The louder Donna got, the more Isabella seemed to shrink in her seat.

  After the second time a waiter came by to ask them to quiet down, Piper wished she had an excuse to leave—but Julian had driven, and they were a long walk from campus. She considered creating an excuse and making the hike anyway, but she couldn't bring herself to abandon Isabella with these people. Donna had long passed the point of politeness with her stories, and Julian sat on his cellphone, ignoring it all.

  Quite a few things about the Isabella's behavior were starting to make sense.

  "Stop it, mom."

  Piper perked up nervously, hearing the conversation take a dark turn.

  Isabella seemed grim and unhappy. "Stop it."

  "Excuse me?" Donna retorted, her face flushed and her expression angry. "Since when do you tell me what to do?" She turned her attention to their guest.

  Suddenly the focus, Piper sat up taller in her seat.

  "Do you know this one's sister is already married with two kids?"

  Piper looked over. "You have a sister?"

  Donna kept talking over her. "She's a couple years older, true, but she's got my looks. Izzie here is more her father's side… not a pretty looking bunch, mind you. She's never had one decent boyfriend. I can't imagine how we'll
ever marry her off."

  At a loss, Piper could only look sheepishly between her angry roommate and the older woman.

  "I'm fine," Isabella replied, furiously calm.

  Donna snorted. "Look, your daughter's growing a backbone here at college!"

  Julian raised an eyebrow, but did not look up from his phone even as his wife continued yelling insults. The unfortunate waiter who'd already visited them twice walked up to the table a third time, backed by a very large manager.

  The second car ride was nothing like the first. Piper felt trapped in her corner and taken aback by the trashed older woman's continuous complaints and insults. At times, her attention turned to her husband, but it always unerringly returned to her disappointing and plain and simple daughter.

  Isabella sat in angry silence, her apparently rare attempt to quiet her mother having clearly failed.

  Julian pulled up to the curb outside their dorm building and coughed.

  Climbing out quickly, Piper waited for Isabella to follow—and had an idea. As the blonde came around the car, she had a question waiting. "Are you parents paying for your school?"

  Furious, but surprised by the question, Isabella blinked. "Um… no. It's all student loans."

  "Good," Piper said, knocking on the car's glass while masking a heart full of fire.

  Julian pressed a button, lowering the window. He leaned back in his seat, guessing at her intent.


  The older woman turned a drunken gaze on her. "What?"

  "Isabella is an amazing girl," Piper said, her tone a mix of fury and righteousness. "She's cool, and funny, and smart, and gorgeous. You don't ever insult her again. You're a drunk mess, clinging to half the life she has now. She's amazing. Don't talk to her like that."

  Shaking with nervousness once her words were complete, she threw one more far less elegant sentence at the stunned woman. "Oh, and… you're a stupid bitch!"

  Donna's eyes grew wide with shock and fury.

  Julian laughed loudly, and the car took off with the window still down while Donna's shouts echoed from within.

  "Uhoh, they're turning around," Piper realized aloud as she watched the car turn—likely at the wife's insistence.

  "Oh shit!" Isabella gasped, a huge smile on her face. The blonde grabbed her hand and ran, leading them both inside at a terrified and humored pace. She didn't stop until they were back in their room and the door had slammed shut and locked behind them. "Oh my god," she laughed and panted. "I cannot believe you did that!"

  Still shaking, Piper gave a trembling laugh. "That was the most satisfying thing I've ever—"

  Her sentence was cut short, interrupted by the weight of a soft body jumping on her. Catching Isabella, she staggered a little with surprise as the blonde's arms curled around her and pulled her close. Amazed by the soft lips pressed against hers, Piper could only focus on holding Isabella up and keeping herself from falling down. A frenzy of kisses peppered her cheeks until she tumbled back onto her bed—and then Isabella pushed on top of her to kiss her deeply.

  Responding in kind, heart fluttering, Piper did her best to shut up and go with it. She couldn't believe it was actually happening; Isabella's warm tongue danced with hers between their wet open lips as the blonde desperately tried to kiss her as hard as possible.

  Incredibly engaged by eager energy and warm softness, Piper pulled her roommate closer by the waist. Dazed by the feel of full breasts pressed against her own, she struggled to stay cool as her insides warmed up and the urge to tear at Isabella's clothes grew overpowering.

  Without stopping their makeout session, the blonde grabbed her hand and put it on her belt, giving an insistent little breath.

  More than happy to oblige, Piper searched the edge of her roommate's jeans for the buckle, powerfully aware of the warm smooth skin against her fingers. After a few moments of blind fumbling, she managed to undo the clasp and zipper to slip her hand underneath, causing Isabella to grind up against her even harder.

  Yearning for more, Piper put her whole body into the effort of picking up the lithe blonde and rolling on top of her. Piqued by that strength, Isabella watched her with hungry eyes, quickly lifting her lower body to help get her jeans and panties off.

  Caressing those soft legs she'd come to know so well, Piper moved closer, studying the beautiful shrine that had become the focus of her fantasies and sexuality—that perfect, bare, and glistening pink slit, open and waiting for her—but before leaning down, she moved up for something she wanted even more.

  Isabella gripped her sides tightly, pulling at her as they kissed deeply again.

  Ecstatic that she'd read their shared energy correctly, Piper let herself enjoy the tongue dancing with hers. Sucking gently on it for a moment, her heart fluttered as she felt Isabella smile between kisses. The blonde began turning without warning, and, in the space of a few heartbeats, she came out on top again. Without explaining herself, she began climbing upward.

  Piper opened her mouth to ask what Isabella was doing, but she didn't dare break the unspoken, heated, and breathy energy they were sharing. She understood soon enough, her pulse racing with excitement as she realized what was about to happen.

  Isabella's knees came to rest on either side of her head, pressing down into the sheets until she managed to adjust her weight by moving her center lower.

  Cupping the bare toned cheeks pressing against her breasts, Piper brought the blonde a little forward, enough for her to make contact with her mouth. Kissing her glistening pink lips lightly, she let her breath roll across heated flesh, looking up to lock eyes with the other girl.

  Isabella watched her from high above, her chest heaving with anticipation, her gaze keen.

  Hoping against hope, Piper teased her with a rolling breath again, and then tried her best naughty smile. To her excited relief, Isabella laughed, confirming their shared energy.

  Both her heart and body warming, Piper brought her hands along smooth cheeks, around her roommate's sides, and up along her lithe thighs. Gripping with her palms while she used her middle fingers to lift and spread those glistening pink lips, she opened the way for her flattened tongue. Sliding the firm muscle from the very bottom of Isabella's slit to the very top, she felt her insides spark with recognition.

  Above her, Isabella tensed and breathed deep.

  Sensing that the blonde was highly aroused and highly sensitive, Piper took her time working her way up to a faster pace. Letting herself enjoy the warmth, slickness, and sweet flavor she'd grown to love, she leisurely lapped and tongued those intimate folds at a natural pace.

  Isabella closed her eyes and rode her tongue, rolling with the slowly building pleasure. A few minutes in, she slid a hand up under her shirt and bra to squeeze one firm round breast in rhythm with her enjoyment.

  Curling her toes and tensing her thighs as she lapped and watched Isabella knead her chest, Piper felt an intense pressure building inside her. The emotional charge of their growing connection had her more aroused than she'd thought possible, and her lower body ran consumed by heat and humidity. Picking up the pace, she gripped those soft thighs a little harder and began flicking her tongue quickly across her roommate's clit, eliciting excited moans.

  Isabella didn't seem to care if anyone heard through the dorm walls. Panting and moaning loudly with their moving rhythm, she arched her back in anticipation.

  Building her own pressure, intent on getting off at the same time, Piper concentrated on the gorgeousness and sexuality and smoothness of the body under her hands and mouth, letting her intense arousal flare. Thoughts of their soft and frenzied making out brought her near the edge—and thinking about how much she cared about this beautiful, engaging, and complex girl pushed her over.

  Enduring the wait was worth it, she realized, as Isabella tensed and squeezed around her. Seeing her cue, she let go of her restraint, and the fiery pressure inside her exploded into a body-filling bliss.

  Breathing rapidly through her nose and
shaking with the intensity of her pleasure, she kept her tongue working on pure instinct, watching Isabella's tummy tense before her and feeling her lower body clench with orgasm. Above her, the blonde had one hand up her own shirt and the other balled in a fist, her face angled up as she practically screamed in ecstasy.

  Surging juices told Piper that Isabella was really getting off, and she kept up her efforts, extending both their orgasms as long as she could. Isabella arched forward and looked down, locking distant, lust-filled eyes with her; spurred on, Piper sank a little further back into the pleasure, loving that they were getting off together rather than just at the same time.

  At long last, they broke on cue, falling to the sheets with exhausted sighs and racing hearts.

  Sweaty and covered in juices, Piper lifted a hand to wipe her face—but, first, she rolled over and kissed Isabella hard, giving her no choice in the matter. The blonde traded tongues with her just as passionately as before, only hesitating after the kiss was over and she was left with her own intimate taste in her mouth.

  Piper watched her, wondering what she was thinking and secretly enjoying the moment of hesitation on Isabella's face as she was forced to experience feminine flavor—even if it was her own. The moment passed, though, and they lay beside one another for some time, catching their breaths.

  Not sure what to say or do next since Isabella wasn't immediately packing up and leaving like usual, Piper waited nervously. As if sensing her confusion, a soft hand found hers and pulled it close, placing it on one bare thigh.

  Turning toward her roommate, Piper found a willing mouth waiting for her, and they began making out again—this time slower, and with more teasing and interplay and silent communication.

  Sliding her hand down, Piper cupped her roommate's heated sex as they kissed. Her fingers split, rubbing slickened skin on either side, testing her sensitivity. Finding the right level of stimulation, she moved her fingers closer together and caressed lips made puffy by arousal and orgasm.


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