Shadow of the Lion hoa-1

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Shadow of the Lion hoa-1 Page 25

by Mercedes Lackey

  Three years ago, that had been. The time had come, Chernobog decided, to see if the Lion had returned to his slumber. The shaman understood the logic--even agreed with it, abstractly. But it was he, not Chernobog, who was forced to lurk in the shadows of the canal and watch, while a monster roamed loose. A monster which would not hesitate for an instant to devour the shaman as readily as it would devour its intended prey.

  * * *

  The time finally came. It was dark enough, now, if the monster moved carefully. It eased out of the pilings and began driving up the canal with slow and powerful strokes of its tail. Keeping a wary eye for boats and passersby, and diving below the surface whenever necessary.

  The scent was strong. As easy to follow as blood spoor, but far more delicious.

  * * *

  When Pierre came into the room, his face was as pale as a sheet. His eyes, open and strained; he looked for an enemy, but not one of this world.

  "Something . . . is out there. . . ."

  Eneko Lopez rose from the table where he had been writing a letter, his head cocked. "Yes?"

  The Savoyard priest shook his head violently, and shuddered at the same time. "I don't know. I was watching the girl, the one you wanted to find out more about. Then--suddenly--I felt something. Something horrible. Evil more concentrated than anything I can remember in my life."

  The Basque at the table turned his head and stared out the window. "Was it she herself, perhaps?"

  Pierre shook his head again. Less violently, this time. "I . . . don't think so, Eneko. It was connected with her somehow, I felt. But I had the sense that it was something watching her, rather than she herself."

  Reluctantly, as a priest will speak of such things. "It seemed very . . . lustful. A horrible sort of lust, and not the sort of thing that anyone would draw willingly unto themselves. And I am not so sure, now, that it wasn't actually hunting her, and not just watching her."

  Lopez limped out through the open door near the table and onto the balcony beyond; then, peered down at the canal below. The waters were already dark with the evening. He raised his eyes and studied the massive edifice across the canal that housed the Imperial embassy.

  Something watching--perhaps hunting. Something evil. A true innocent might, might be safe from such a thing, but how many people were true innocents, once out of leading-strings?

  "Too late . . ." he murmured. "For anything except prayer."

  He turned back, sharply and decisively. "Join me, Pierre. Here. Now. Whatever it was--let us test the thing. If it is what I think it is . . . Chernobog has made a serious error."

  Pierre hesitated. The Basque priest's solid bar of eyebrow lowered. "It is not forbidden, Pierre!" he snapped. "And what is the alternative? To allow a girl who may be guilty of nothing more than venial sins to be devoured by Chernobog?"

  The Savoyard's uncertainty vanished. A moment later, he joined Eneko on his knees, crucifix in hand.

  "Protections?" Pierre asked. Eneko shook his head.

  "No time, but we are not the ones it is hunting--" Eneko cleared his mind of the distracting worry that this might be a trap for him and his own people. "Saint Mark--"

  "Ah!" Pierre caught his meaning. "I found a prayer in the Accademia library that might be what we need."

  The Savoyard bent his head over his clasped hands and began murmuring the words; Eneko concentrated on them, and on special, sacred magic of a Hypatian priest-mage, that of directed, aimed prayer, with power behind it.

  Blessed Saint Mark . . . patron and protector . . .

  The power flowed, outward and upward, as Eneko concentrated; he felt another power join to his--Pierre's--and their souls sought for that place where prayers were answered.

  But then, what he had not dared hope for.

  He felt something stir; sensed sleepy eyes opening, somewhere, in that place that was outside space and a time beyond time, in that other where spirits dwelt. Something ancient.


  He did not have the means to answer that question; It could not hear him, he lacked a voice It would respond to. But he didn't have to answer it; he sensed It was now . . . looking. For just an instant, Eneko thought he saw a pair of great eyes, opening.

  * * *

  The monster was at the water-door. Not because it sought entry by that means--too risky--but simply because it wanted to be certain. It required only a moment of soft snuffling, licking the door with its tongue.

  Yes. So strong! So delicious!

  It moved slowly down the canal, searching the walls. A very great house, this was. Still massively impressive, despite the little signs of disrepair.

  That disrepair would be of good use to the monster. There was a route up the walls--as easy to climb as a chimney to an experienced mountaineer. The monster almost chortled with glee.

  Then . . . restrained itself again. It was still too early. Night had fallen, yes; but the house would not be asleep. The monster could not risk Chernobog's anger that much.

  Wait. Wait.

  * * *

  Something else awoke, stirred from long slumber by prayers. Opened golden eyes, and then . . . understanding the meaning of the prayers . . .

  Great muscles rippled down a tawny back. Huge wings began to unfold.

  In my city? You grow too bold, Chernobog!

  There was some fury in the thought. Not much. Mostly, the thought was just . . . amused. Christian priests, no less! They're not usually that smart.

  * * *

  From his hiding place in the pilings nearby, the shaman watched. He was awash in fear. The shaman understood what the monster was doing, and he knew that the slightest motion on his part would draw its attention. Should that happen, the shaman was far too close now to even hope to escape. In open water, with enough of a lead, the shaman in his fishform could outswim the monster. But here, in the narrow canals--the shaman had seen how quickly the monster could move in a lunge--

  The shaman prayed to his pagan deities. Prayed desperately, hoping that time itself would move faster in its course.

  * * *

  It was time!

  Still almost silent, for all its eagerness, the monster heaved out of the water and began climbing up the wall. It made swift progress, even stopping from time to time to scan the area in order to be certain there were no observers. The heavy wall's disrepair made climbing easy.

  * * *

  The shaman, still almost shuddering with relief after seeing the monster's form lift out of the water, froze with new terror. Something new was stirring! He could sense it! Something . . . immensely powerful.

  He turned and began swimming away. But an iron thought came from his master.


  * * *

  There was no balcony providing ingress to the house. But the monster had seen the roof garden, and it served the purpose just as well.

  A quick slither, and the monster was into the garden. Being careful, still, not to crush or disarray the vegetation. Leave no trace. Silently, on all fours, it crept through the lush vegetation. Too lush, really--the garden also showed signs of poor maintenance.

  * * *

  Eneko thought he heard a thunder of wings, and felt a shadow pass over him, before he and Pierre fell back into their heavy, mortal selves.

  "It is done," he whispered. "Let us pray it will be in time."

  A little shudder passed through Pierre's shoulders. "I wouldn't worry about that, Eneko. If the legends are even half true--" He gave his Basque companion a look that was almost baleful. "What have you gotten us into?"

  * * *

  When the monster reached the glass-paned double doors that opened onto the garden, it thrust its misshapen head cautiously between two large potted plants. The curtains on the doors were not closed, and the monster could see into the room beyond. Could see everything quite clearly, despite the overcast and the absence of a candle in the room itself. The monster was a creature of darkness, a
fter all. It could see as well at night as in daytime--better, in truth, since the sun was painful to it.

  Its great body grew taut as a drum, almost stunned by its good fortune. It had expected a difficult time, creeping through the house in order to find the prey.


  She was there! Sleeping in the bed!

  It made sense, of course. Even the dim mind of the monster could understand that much. A girl with such coppery hair--such a coppery, splendid soul--


  --would want to wake to the sunrise. Feel the coppery rays bathing her in a new day.

  A new day which would never come again. Soft laughter began to gurgle up in the monster's thick throat. But it forced the sound under. Just a moment more of silence, and it would--feed.

  A claw reached up for the latch. The monster knew, for a certainty, that the door would be unlocked. Such an innocent soul . . . it gathered its haunches.


  * * *

  The vise that clamped down on its head struck like a god's hammer. It vaguely remembered such a hammer. . . .

  But there was no time to think of ancient weapons. The monster writhed like a lizard, caught by a hawk, its limbs thrashing and flailing.

  Thrashing and flailing in--nothing. Talons smote thin air; a tail lashed in emptiness. Everything was dark, a darkness not even the monster's eye could penetrate. Dimly, stunned, it realized that its head was in a giant maw. Realized--dimly, stunned--that it was being carried through the air. Like a lizard, caught by a hawk.

  The monster's thrashing grew frenzied. Something smote its back. Almost--not quite--breaking the spine. But the blow was enough to paralyze the monster.

  * * *

  Not even his fear of Chernobog could have kept the shaman from fleeing in terror, now. The spirit that had passed over him had seemed like a golden avalanche of fury and destruction.

  As it happened, the shaman was quite safe. He was beneath the Lion's contempt. Nor did he have to fear Chernobog's wrath. His master was far too busy--far too frantically busy--forging his own defenses to worry about the doings of a pitiful slave.

  * * *

  Some time later--how much, the monster was too dazed to know--it was tumbled to the ground, its head spit out of a maw like a bad seed.

  Wildly, scrabbling to get back to its feet, the monster looked around.

  It was back in the cage. Except . . . even as it watched, the tatters in the vapors closed in, barring any exit.

  No, not closed in . . . were driven in, by the flapping of great wings. Seeing the size of those wings, the monster flinched.

  Then, flinched again, as it finally looked at its assailant. Flinched, and sidled away. Whining in its throat.

  There are rules, creature. The voice hammered into the monster's brain. This is no longer our time--neither yours, nor mine. But there are still rules!

  The monster howled as a great paw slammed into its flank, ripping gouges in the flesh. The blow was terrifying in its power. For all its own strength, the monster knew it was no more than a mouse at the mercy of a cat.

  A very large and angry cat.

  Another blow, which broke the arm the monster raised to fend it off. Another blow, which shredded its snout. Fangs like swords clamped on its haunches. The monster was jerked off its feet, shaken like a mouse in the maw of a cat.

  This time, the monster's spine did break. So did its shoulder, when it was hurled to the ground. So did its rib cage, under yet another hammerblow of a paw the size of an anvil.

  The monster was shrieking pure terror, now. Another blow shattered its jaw, bringing silence.

  That's better. You'll live, of course. Here in this . . . foul cage. Heal, soon enough. Those too are the rules.

  The growling voice turned into a rumbling laugh. But I dare say you'll not try that again.

  A giant paw was raised, in question. Frantically, the monster gargled agreement through a broken jaw.

  Remember, beast. This is my city--no one else's. Tell that to Chernobog, when you see him next. He may attempt to destroy it, if he can. But he may not do as he pleases. THERE ARE RULES!

  Another blow came, crushing the monster's skull.

  * * *

  Diego found his two companions in Eneko's room, looking wan and exhausted.

  "Did you see a ghost?" he asked cheerfully.

  They glared at him. "Near enough," muttered Pierre. He pointed a weary finger at the Basque. "He summoned the Lion. I think."

  Diego's eyes widened. Eneko chuckled. "It was Pierre's prayer, you know. How odd that he didn't mention that. . . ."

  The Basque priest lurched to his feet and walked out onto the balcony. He leaned on the balcony and studied the Imperial embassy across the canal. The huge edifice was now somber with nightfall. Only a few lights could be seen, tapers and lamps flickering behind curtained windows. Behind him, Eneko could hear Pierre's murmured words, as he explained to their Castillian comrade what had transpired.

  His companions joined him on the balcony a short while later.

  "Are you certain it was not she herself?" asked Diego quietly. "We must be certain about this, Eneko."

  The Basque shrugged. "I'm not certain of anything. But . . . no. I am now almost sure the girl is an innocent. The more so, since you discovered her identity."

  "The name 'Montescue' is an old one, Eneko," said Diego uncertainly. "Evil enough, in that family, over the centuries."

  Again, the Basque shrugged. "And of what old family can that not be said?" With a little laugh: "Certainly not mine! Did I ever tell you about my great-grandfather--"

  "Several times," growled Pierre. "Just as Diego has bored me endlessly with tales of his own wicked Castillian ancestors. My own progenitors, on the other hand," he added cheerfully, "were virtuous peasants."

  His companions bestowed skeptical looks upon him. "Each and every one!" he insisted.

  The moment of levity was brief. Diego returned to the subject like a dog chewing a bone. "Still, Eneko. We must be certain."

  The Basque was back to his study of the Imperial embassy. His gaze was intent, as if he could penetrate the heavy stone walls and see what transpired within.

  "It doesn't make sense, Diego. I've discovered, as you know, that Casa Montescue is in dire financial straits. And the girl Katerina is the only member of the family young enough--and trusted enough--to be working at the 'gray trade.' Her grandfather is too old, her sister-in-law . . ." His lips tightened with distaste. "Untrustworthy, by all accounts. That's enough--more than enough--to explain her mysterious habits."

  Diego began to say something, but Eneko drove over it. "Besides, consider the logic of what just happened." He gestured with his head toward the Savoyard. "Pierre is wrong, incidentally. I'm sure of it. We did not summon the Lion, we simply . . . woke it up for a time. To actually summon the thing requires knowledge I do not possess, and--if the legends are to be believed--the participation of one of the four ancient families of Venice. Which are: Terrio, Lacosto--both families long vanished; Valdosta--destroyed, presumably by the Montagnards. And--" He paused, giving the next word added emphasis. "Montescue."

  Diego stared down the dark canal, in the direction of Casa Montescue. "You think the Evil One was trying . . ."

  "The same legends also specify a son of the families, Eneko," objected Pierre. But his demurral was not spoken with any great force.

  Eneko smiled grimly. "Yes, I know. But does Chernobog?"

  He sighed. The next words came iron hard, for all the softness of the tone. "Enough, I say. I'm satisfied that the Montescue girl is innocent. We've got few enough resources as it is--just the three of us. We've learned all we can--and need--for the moment, concerning Katerina Montescue. Time to concentrate on two more important matters."

  "What really happened to the Strega Grand Master," mused Diego. "That's one. What's the other?"

  Eneko's little chuckle was quite absent of humor. "What do you think? What really happened to the c
hildren of Lorendana Valdosta? Two sons, I remind you."

  "Casa Valdosta was destroyed," protested Pierre. "Everyone says so."

  Eneko stared into the darkness. "This is the murkiest city in the world, brothers. We cannot assume anything."


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