Running With The Pack: Big Easy Shifters: Book Four

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Running With The Pack: Big Easy Shifters: Book Four Page 5

by Knox, Abby

  She sighed. “I loved young Bobby, but I like older Bobby much better. He’s not afraid to ask for a kiss.”

  Bobby then let out a slight growl in her ear, and he felt heat and need racing through her. He took this moment to turn brazen on her. “No,” he said. “The new Bobby isn’t going to ask. He already knows what Pen wants.”

  And with that, Bobby hugged her waist and claimed her mouth. Slowly, deeply. Deeper still until he made her sigh. The tip of his tongue teased her mouth open. He smoothed his hands upward, slowly working his way up until he was fully cupping her breasts through the shirt. Pen caught her breath and let out the tiniest of moans.

  His eyes were dreamy as he gazed into her and said, “What about seventeen?”

  She licked her lips and dove in a little deeper. She put her hands on Bobby’s chest, caressing the pectorals, and worked her way down and around to grab his ass. Her tongue explored his mouth. The heat was building as Bobby’s hands began to squeeze her tits firmly. Soon he was lifting up the hem of her shirt and rubbing the bare skin of her rib cage. His hand explored upward some more. She was braless, and his hands claimed her soft breasts.

  “These are mine now,” he said of her breasts. “All mine. To do with as I please.”

  Pen flushed as he teased her tight tiny buds with his thumbs.

  “At eighteen, I wanted to tell you I loved you. I was going to tell you, but I waited like an idiot,” he continued.

  “So tell me,” she said with a whisper of urgency.

  “I love you, Pen.”

  “I love you, too, you big dummy.”

  Their hands explored each other’s torsos with need, and their lips claimed each other’s until they simply could not wait any longer.

  She unbuttoned his shirt; he pulled the tee-shirt off over her head. And then, without warning, Bobby scooped Pen up off her feet, swung her around, kissed her one more time, then tumbled her onto her back on his bed.

  “Finally, Pen LeFleur in my bed.”

  She smiled a devilish smile. “And now I’m in my twenties, and I want one thing. Take those pants off.”

  She was saucy, and he loved it. But first, he made her gasp by yanking off Gavin’s board shorts and belt she was wearing with a couple of swift moves. Now she was utterly naked in his bed. Bobby gazed down at her and let the vision of his copper-haired queen sink in. It seemed too good to be true.

  He leaned over her and latched on to her rosy pink nipples, making Pen gasp and moan his name.

  He massaged her breasts and suckled a bit longer, and finally said, “Until now, I’ve only heard you say my name like that in my wet dreams.”

  She grinned and took one of his hands and guided it lower. “Well, now you’ve got a very wet reality. Hope you know what to do.”

  He was at first taken aback by Pen’s brazenness, but his mind turned to mush when he felt her soaked pussy in his hand. “Pen. You’re soaked. I’m weak with how ready you are for me. If only I had known—”

  “None of that now. What are you waiting for?”

  Bobby replied with simply the word, “This.”

  He attacked her neck and sucked, kissed, and nibbled. He blazed a slow, sizzling trail all the way down her breastbone to her belly. Here, he palmed her lower stomach and took a moment to admire the soft, supple skin and luscious, welcoming curves. “Right here. Damn, woman. I’m gonna put so many babies in here.”

  She was so ready for it, she was now rocking her hips upward toward him, yearning for him to fill her up. “Now. Do it now. I can’t wait another minute.”

  He laughed and kissed her navel. His hands spread her legs wide, and he inhaled a deeper, more musky version of her strawberry scent. “First, a taste.”

  Pen cried out in pleasure as his lips tasted her fruit for the first time. Her syrupy juice was all for him, and he was going to have more than a taste. Bobby became drunk on her sweetness as she writhed underneath him. He stroked her folds, savoring every inch of her with his tongue. He found her tight little clit and worked it over with his mouth, then flicked it with his tongue, sending a shock wave of pleasure through her.

  “Fuck me, Bobby,” she moaned. “I’m ready.”

  Instead of heeding her pleas, he continued to stroke her sweetness with his mouth, claiming her most sensitive spots with his lips, devouring her with his tongue and occasionally—ever so gently—with his teeth. His gentle nibbles, combined with the feel of his beard between her thighs, were more than she could bear.

  “Bobby, I think I’m gonna come. I don’t wanna come without you,” she pleaded breathlessly. “I want you inside me when I come for the first time ever.”

  Bobby obliged. The next moment, he was sinking his shaft into her pussy and sharing with her the taste of her juice. He went slowly, proud in knowing he was the first to cross her finish line. She felt amazing around his cock. She whimpered in pain just slightly as he pushed past her hymen. He paused, but Pen was over it in half a second and pulling him in deeper. Her ankles were clasped around his back, cradling him in as tightly as she could.

  “That’s a good way to get yourself knocked up, little lady.”

  “God, let’s hope so,” she moaned. Bobby reached down and thumbed her clit as he thrust into her, ensuring they both came at once.

  The geyser of pleasure blasted through him; he felt Pen contracting around his cock, milking out his semen. The way that wolf shifters come, coupled with her prodigious wetness, she was sure to end up pregnant today.

  Glory be.

  * * *

  The sound of banging on the door woke them with a start.


  Sam, the yellow Lab, who had been sleeping in the living room, immediately started barking.

  Pen jerked awake in Bobby’s arms and gasped. She looked up into his eyes with genuine confusion. She had the look someone has when they awaken disoriented from a beautiful dream. “What’s going on?”

  Bobby wanted to kick some asses clear across the Gulf of Mexico for waking up his girl from her rest. He had big plans for her later, and she needed sleep: plans that involved her nipples and a jar of Nutella.

  Bobby reluctantly extracted himself out of bed, away from Pen’s warm, comforting skin. She touched his arm, and he nearly had a mind to jump back into bed and hide under the covers until the jerks on the other side of the door gave up and went away. “Don’t answer that; come back to bed,” she whispered.

  Bobby murmured and smoothed her mussed hair into place. “Baby, I would love nothing more than to stay here and slide between your legs and shut out the world, but whoever that is is not going to go away, I have a feeling.”

  She pouted. There was nothing else in the world like the rosy, pouting bottom lip of his Pen. How Bobby fought the urge to claim it with his mouth. “I’m gonna make whoever it is disappear, and then I’m coming right back to suck on that lip of yours.”

  Pen’s hand glided toward him under the bedsheet as he sat up, and she gently groped his bare cock. “Just this one lip?”

  A crackle of lust surged through him. The idiots at the door continued banging, and Sam continued barking.

  He winked and replied, “Nah, all four of your sweet lips, sugar. Stay here just like that. I’ll be right back.” He kissed her sweetly, then hopped up to throw on some pajama pants.

  But Bobby wouldn’t be right back. Not that day anyway.

  When Bobby opened the door, it was the police.

  “Robert Mason Jordan,”

  “Yes,” Bobby replied flatly.

  Bobby heard Pen gasp. He had hoped she had the good sense to stay in the bedroom. But she had seen the cops.

  “I told those other officers everything that happened at the tattoo shop. Bobby wasn’t even there!”

  “Ma’am, I suggest you keep quiet, or I will have you arrested for harboring a fugitive.”

  Bobby heard Pen laugh derisively. “Fugitive! This is crazy!”

  But the officer continued, “Robert Jordan, you are under
arrest for kidnapping, assault, and false imprisonment.”

  Bobby and Pen cried simultaneously, “What?!”

  As the two officers handcuffed him, he suddenly realized what this was.

  Lionel DuChamp had called in a favor, and he was having him arrested for forcibly taking him to the wedding. A wedding that the old man had paid for. A wedding in which his only daughter got her only wish. A wedding that was undoubtedly going to be the talk of the society pages for months and earn him endless compliments at the golf club.

  Lionel himself had cornered Bobby at the reception. He implied—albeit subtly—that he had gone willingly and that there had been no way Bobby and Gavin could have dragged his ass out of his house had he not.

  If that old man was such a badass, why was he now calling the cops?

  Bobby breathed deeply. He had to keep himself from “wolfing out” in front of the cops. If he grew fangs and claws at the moment by letting his emotions take over, it would not end well for anyone.

  This must have something to do with Lionel warning me about his plans to use Pen as some kind of bargaining chip.

  Of course, it wouldn’t work because this was the modern era, and Pen had agency. This was not a society that employed a bride price, as far as Bobby understood.

  No, this was a power play. Lionel was throwing his dick around, having a temper tantrum because, in the mind of a bitter old man who has everything, Jimmy Boudreaux had gained a daughter. Lionel had lost a daughter instead of deciding he had gained a son in Ashton.

  Bobby turned his head before the officers roughly led him through the doorway. His beautiful girl, loyal to a fault, was standing in the great room watching everything. His New Orleans Saints jersey hung like a dress on her, almost down to her mid-thigh. If she didn’t look so terrified, it would be sexy beyond reason.

  “Baby, it’s gonna be OK. It’s just Lionel being a dick.”

  “I’ll call Rosie!”

  “Don’t, she’s on her honeymoon…”

  “Mr. Jordan, I’m going to remind you that anything you say can and will be held against you in court…”

  Pen stepped toward. “He didn’t do anything wrong. Lionel was in on it! Please!”

  “Ma’am, this is your last warning,” the bigger officer spat out.

  Pen bit her lip as she watched Bobby go. He hated that she had to see him like this.

  Their first day as a real couple—with everything out in the open and no more barriers between them—was not supposed to end like this.

  The last thing he saw before the cops pushed him down into the patrol car was Pen standing in the window on the landing, her fierce eyes boring into his and her mouthing the words “I love you.”

  Those three words gave him hope. Bobby had never had much hope in life until today.

  Today was not going to end well, but tomorrow would be better.

  He and Pen would be together, this much he knew, to live together as the mates they were fated to be.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Few men escape a brush with an angry Lionel and leave with their balls still intact. Thank god Pen knew who to call right away.

  In comparison to Lionel, that brush with the cops was nothing.

  The Boudreaux family lawyer arrived at the jailhouse along with Jimmy Boudreaux, who looked like he was still nursing a hangover, days after his son’s wedding. He still had the wherewithal to pick up a box of his special recipe chicken for the jailbird Bobby.

  “I’m so sorry, Uncle Jimmy,” Bobby said. The four talked over their legal strategies while Pen and Bobby, who were starving, fought over the fried chicken gizzards. Bobby explained everything about the plot to kidnap Lionel DuChamp and how he had threatened him at the wedding.

  “Son,” Jimmy said to Bobby, “Be glad you didn’t wolf out and snap that mean old fart’s neck. I’ll take care of it.”

  Pen shook her head and spoke through a mouthful of chicken. Around Normals, she exhibited impeccable manners. Around her found family, she was as messy and wolfy as the rest of them. “You can’t settle out of court. He’s got more money than god already.”

  Jimmy nodded. “I know that. But trust me when I tell you, he’ll be distracted by grandbabies soon enough.”

  Pen and Bobby looked at one another. “How do you know that, Uncle Jimmy?”

  Jimmy rubbed the back of his neck and looked up at the sky. “You know, I remember introducing Ashton to our little high priestess friend Lucy on Bourbon Street about 20 years ago. Ashton’s not the only one tricking people with Lucy’s wares. I might have sent those two lovebirds off on their honeymoon with some extra special champagne, and that’s all I’ll say about that.”

  Pen and Bobby looked at each other. “Uncle Jimmy! Did you spike Ash’s champagne with baby-making magic?”

  Jimmy held up his hands in surrender and gestured for the lawyer to follow him as he walked away.

  “One sure way to help someone get over their feelings about another shifter clan is to present him with his own flesh and blood that carries both bloodlines. Don’t you worry about a thing. You two are next.”

  Pen nearly choked on her chicken gizzards.

  Bobby reached into the box and snatched out the last one. “Serves you right for hogging all of them,” he said with a smirk.

  As the sun rose over the horizon, Pen could already feel the rise of the humidity in the air. The last place on earth she expected to receive a blessing was in the county jail parking lot, but there they were.

  “Imagine. A wolf sitting in jail,” she said. “Who does Lionel think he is?”

  Bobby snorted in agreement.

  Wolves in jail, she thought. If everyone was partnered up now, Sam also deserved some company. Suddenly, flush with ideas, she reached over and slapped the fried chicken out of Bobby’s hand.


  She hopped down off the hood of her car and told Bobby to get in. “We’re going for a drive.”

  She started up the car and peeled out of the jail parking lot, aware that Bobby was staring at her as if she were certifiable.

  “Where are we going?”

  “Animal Control,” she said.



  And just like that, he was back where he belonged.

  In his bed, waking up with the feel of a warm, wet woman straddling him and stroking his chest.

  “What are you doing, sassy pants?” Bobby croaked.

  Less than a month after the wedding, Jimmy’s prediction came true. Ash and Rosemary had announced they were pregnant, and Lionel had dropped all charges against the wolf clan.

  And now it was six months later, and his Pen was round with Bobby’s twin cubs in her tummy.

  “I think you know exactly what I’m doing,” she said, whipping off her pajama top to reveal her breasts. “I’m giving you your birthday present.”

  Bossy Pen made Bobby instantly hard. God, he loved this woman.

  He gently palmed her round tummy as she massaged his chest and shoulders. “You should be resting, wife,” he said.

  Pen whispered, “Just lie still and let me do the work while I still have the energy.”

  She tugged off his boxers and made sure they never broke eye contact. The piercing of her eyes right into his soul sometimes made him extremely uncomfortable, but at times like this, it could also be incredibly erotic.

  Bobby reached out to touch her welcoming breasts, but she backed away slightly.

  “For now, hands to yourself,” she murmured.

  Oh god, I’m in for it, he thought.

  She is going to make me want it. She’s trying to draw me out, make me feel something other than my dick inside her. Well, she was going to enjoy another tussle sometime today involving Nutella. Just like the day he been bailed out of jail after that misunderstanding with Lionel DuChamp.

  The memory of it still made him shudder and not with pleasure. He put the old man out of his head. He focused on the excruciati
ng task of keeping his hands to himself when his copper-haired beauty and all her luscious curves were surrounding him, taunting him.

  Pen lowered herself onto his shaft, and he moaned with the warmth and wetness of it. His eyes rolled back in his head.

  “Eyes on me!” she shouted.

  “Such a drill sergeant.”

  She giggled. “You’re the one who’s doing the drilling, baby. Get to it.”

  Bobby watched as her breasts jiggled with his every thrust that claimed her. He ached to reach out and cup them, to claim them.

  “Pen, I can’t take this,” he said. “I need to touch you.”

  Then touch them,” she said. “I dare you.”

  He squinted up at her. What was she playing at?

  So, he reached up and tried to touch her, and at the same time, she clamped down so hard it was like the most exquisite pain of his life.

  “Are you awake now, Bobby?”

  “Yes,” he cried.

  She slowed down her rhythm. “Oh God, don’t slow down.”

  She smirked. “Am I slowing down? I hadn’t noticed.”

  “Baby, come on.”

  He felt so ready to explode into his woman.

  But before she could pick up her rhythm again and bring him to climax, Bobby reached down and found her clit. His desire for her spiked while he watched her mouth go slack at his touch.

  She began to moan. He knew exactly what was going to happen next, and he was ready for it. He began to growl. His growling brought out her growling, and pretty soon, the two wolves thoroughly let loose on each other. It was all fur, fangs, and claws. The windows were open, and he didn’t even care if the neighbors could hear them. It had been too long since he totally let go on her like this, and she on him.

  He had resisted, but he needed this.

  When the beasts were finally sated, gasping for air in each other’s arms, Pen turned to him and kissed him.

  “Are you ever sad we didn’t have a crazy-big wedding like our friends Ash and Rosemary?” Bobby asked her.

  She shook her head. “A small party at the Wolfpack Tavern was just perfect for us. I know Uncle Jimmy would have gone all out for us if we had so much as hinted that we wanted something bigger, but that didn’t suit me.”


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