To Challenge a Maestro

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To Challenge a Maestro Page 18

by John Buttrick

  “You have gone from fact to wild speculation, upon what do you base your assertion?” Lena Beyers inquired her voice a smooth contralto.

  Terroll wondered how the Maestro of the Eagle Guild arrived, correctly, at Daniel being the person the Serpent Guild was after.

  “When word reached me that the Potential found in Ducaun, the person responsible for the High Powered spell cast last month, was linked to the Dark Maestro, I contacted Bella Sander the Accomplished at Dowman’s End. He verified that a young mountaineer, identifying himself as Daniel Benhannon, did come to Dowman’s End from the direction of Kelgotha. The Accomplished offered him lodging for the night and in the middle of the night the young man confided in Bella about the link to Tarin Conn,” Talmon explained.

  “Why did your Accomplished fail to report a wandering Potential?” Maestro DuSorin wanted to know.

  “Anywhere from twenty-eight to thirty-three people each year visit Kelgotha to prove their daring; a few even live to regret it. Daniel Benhannon looks like a typical Ducaunan mountaineer, Accomplished Sander had no reason to suspect the young man was a Potential, much less a fully trained Accomplished,” Talmon stated matter-of-factly, which resulted in demands to know exactly what the Ducaunan’s status was, Talented or Accomplished. Terroll glanced at Efferin who gave one negative shake of the head, forestalling a clarification from the Maestro of the Zephyr Guild.

  It was Lena Beyers who provided the answer. “Daniel Benhannon was privately instructed in all the Melodies required to graduate from the level of Talented to that of Accomplished, taught by the current Maestro of the Zephyr Guild. Whether or not he performed Ranking, the young man is by our definition, an Accomplished.”

  The other Maestros considered her words and one by one conceded her point. Daniel’s status as an Accomplished would soon be published throughout Aakadon, but not his rank. Everyone at the table eyed Terroll suspiciously and glanced at the Grand Maestro, they suspected more was known about the young man than was being shared.

  “Oh, there is more, much more,” Talmon said, drawing attention back to him. “For two decades the Serpent Guild’s activities have been on the increase, but in slow steady increments. Suddenly, last month, a High Powered spell is cast on Mount Tannakonna and Accomplisheds, Condemneds, and a legion of yetis are dispatched to crush a tiny village; the very community where Daniel Benhannon grew up. Events are swirling around that young man. Maestro Barnes, did you teach Daniel any of the Eagle Guild specific Melodies to shield off the potential of another Aakacarn?”

  The question caught Terroll off guard. “I have no such Melodies in my repertoire and would not teach them if I had,” he replied without equivocation.

  “As I thought,” Talmon replied. “Daniel Benhannon shielded off the potential of Jeremiah Lassiter, a two bolt Accomplished of the Eagle Guild in Tames Hall along with Instructor Gramm and two one-bolt Accomplisheds of the Aloe Guild. While spells to wrap a person in solid bands of air and levitate them off the floor are standards taught to all Talenteds level three and above, the Melodies to shield off the potential of one and two-bolt Accomplisheds are guild specific. I have come to the conclusion that Daniel has had three educations; instruction from Terroll Barnes, instruction here in Aakadon, and instruction from the Dark Maestro through the link.”

  “That is a serious charge, upon what do you base it,” demanded Maestro Cransur.

  “The timing of events; mere days passed between the casting of the original High Powered spell and Bella Sander meeting Daniel Benhannon at Dowman’s End three hundred spans away. Barely two days later the Battle of Bashierwood takes place with our young Ducaunan present and accounted for. It is a physical impossibility for him to travel three hundred spans from Dowman’s End to Mount Tannakonna in two days. The only way is for him to know the Serpent Guild specific Melody, Teleportation. I can only guess what other Melodies Tarin Conn has taught the young man,” Talmon answered accurately.

  “Are you saying the boy is a renegade member of the Serpent Guild?” Lena Beyers asked.

  “No. I believe Tarin Conn taught him a few provocative Melodies in an attempt to recruit him, but the young man is stubborn and resists the overtures of the Dark Maestro. I also believe Daniel Benhannon absorbs instruction like a sponge and puts it to use regardless of the source. Thus, I came to the conclusion that the young Ducaunan Accomplished is being pursued by members of the Serpent Guild. The low power emanations reported by the Accomplished to Zoltair are most likely when they clash, fight, and then Daniel teleports away. The bodies and burnt planks are likely collateral damage, sailors and ruined riverboats that were in the right place at the wrong time. The hundreds of High Power emanations are the Serpent Guild’s attempts to discover his whereabouts. The current cease in emanations could mean they are, at this moment, battling each other somewhere between here and the Ecoppian desert,” Talmon Reese concluded.

  Terroll vowed to never underestimate the Maestro of the Eagle Guild. The man had deduced much of the truth, lacking the knowledge of Daniel’s rank and, thanks to the Creator, no mention of Aakasears.

  “It has been established that Daniel Benhannon is a prodigy, his Instructors, even Harmon Gramm, have all verified his knowledge and the amazing speed at which he learns. As Maestro Reese has said, the young man absorbs instruction like a sponge. Why was he allowed to leave the safety of Aakadon? We are all aware of his link to Tarin Conn, but not why the Dark Maestro wants him so badly,” Lena Beyers questioned while pointing out the obvious.

  “Because Daniel Benhannon is a full Accomplished and has chosen to sever the link established when he was taken to Mount Kelgotha. I know the Melody but only the life force of the original caster can sever the link,” Efferin Tames admitted, surprising Terroll.

  “Tarin Conn will not release him,” Maestro Cransur stated needlessly.

  “Does that mean he is looking for the Trumpet of Tarin Conn?” inquired Maestro Svennar, again with the trumpet. The man had a one track mind. Terroll would feel much better if that was the item Daniel sought after.

  “Grand Maestro, you sent that boy after the Baton of Tarin Conn. He will have to challenge the Maestro of the Serpent Guild to get it and likely die or be Condemned in the attempt,” Janna Barroon said accusingly. There was silence around the table as each person reflected on what was said and the grave quest being undertaken.

  Efferin was unabashed, not that Terroll would have thought otherwise. The Grand Maestro focused on Janna Barroon but addressed everyone. “Not a boy, Maestro, an Accomplished who has the right to choose his fate. His choices were to remain cursed, be Silenced, live in Aakadon for the rest of his life, and accept what care the Aloe Guild can give him as he loses his sanity. Or, go after the baton,” he told them but never mentioned why the Serpent Guild wanted Daniel so badly. “I believe we all have a good idea of what is happening. I want to know what is being done presently and would like to hear suggestions as to what we should do going forward,” Efferin said ending the discussion on the previous subject. They would all have to be satisfied with his answer and Terroll was already on notice for not being forthright about Daniel’s rank, so followed the Grand Maestro’s lead.

  “I dispatched a team of fifty Accomplished to each of the most prominent locations from which the harmonic waves have emanated. They will set traps, capture if they can, and kill if necessary, any and all members of the Serpent Guild that appear. Beyond that, all Accomplisheds of the Eagle Guild stationed around the continent are on full alert,” Talmon Reese replied.

  “I am dispatching a team of fifty Accomplisheds to each of the two sites where the hundreds of Melodies were focused in Ducaun; at the banks of the Gosian and the area along the main trail thirty spans north of the river,” Terroll announced.

  “Maestro Barnes, I would like to add five Accomplisheds to each of your teams,” Lena Beyers volunteered.

  “Of course, Maestro, the assistance of the Sun Guild would be welcomed,” Terroll replied.

bsp; “Very well, I will send Janice Footner and four three-bolt Accomplisheds on the Gosian Team and the four-bolt Accomplished, Saundra Lorrin, and four three-bolt Accomplisheds on the Trail Team,” Lena Beyers stated.

  “I would like to send five three-bolt Accomplisheds on your Trail Team as well,” Maestro David Svennar of the Stone Guild added.

  “I welcome all those you have offered to my teams,” Terroll said.

  “I will send Jerrian Tobermin to assist the Trail Team. It does not hurt for both teams to have the fire power of a five bolt Accomplished,” Talmon stated rather than offered. But it was true, with Janice Footner and Jerrian Tobermin along they would be better equipped to battle the Serpent Guild should any of them still be in the area.

  “Accomplished Tobermin is welcome to the team as well,” Terroll replied.

  The remaining Maestros briefed the Grand Maestro on what they had done and what they intended to do. Efferin accepted each person’s contribution and approved of all that was being done and the plans going forward without adding any instructions of his own. He knew what Terroll knew, Daniel Benhannon was baiting Balen Tamm, perhaps to flush him from his lair. Talmon had stated rightly when he said, “Events are swirling around that young man.”

  Chapter Twelve: Confronting a Maestro

  Daniel was facing a huge boulder on the northern slope of a rocky mountain. The lofty peak blocked out half his view. Dark clouds drifted lazily over the summit. He recognized the area immediately, thanks to those boring geography lessons; Mount Gosian. A well trodden path wound its way up the slope to a dark opening. The wind carried the scent of a fresh water spring located half a span to the west. The river, named after the mountain, began its journey five spans to the east. He focused on what appeared to be there destination, the black opening.

  One glance at Serin Gell told how draining the teleportation had been on him, even performed in concert with his fellow Accomplisheds of the Serpent Guild and using Daniel’s baton, the evil Aakacarn’s lips were dry and cracked and his eyes bloodshot; he would need plenty of water and soon. His three companions seemed only mildly affected, but they probably had not traveled anywhere near as much as the Pentrosan and he had already been weakened after teleporting away unassisted during the Battle of Bashierwood.

  Daniel’s mother and father had the look of fear in their eyes, as did Tim, whose quiver was empty but not his sheath, they seemed otherwise no worse off. Behind each of them was a Condemned, kill or hold made no difference to the cursed beings, they were ready to do either. Thank goodness the shields were still in place and undetected by the enemy Aakacarns.

  “How did you find me?” Daniel asked, knowing his scan directed at Tarin Conn had helped, yet did not explain how they were able to locate him with a Find spell without ever having touched him. Cenni Quen had been the only member of the Serpent Guild to come within touching distance of him yet hundreds of Accomplisheds had been involved in the search.

  Serin Gell smiled with obvious effort, further evidence of his fatigue. “Foolish boy, Cenni Quen took you to the sacred cave in Kelgotha. Immaculate as you now keep your buckskins, even you shed hair. Those hairs have been passed around from Accomplished to Accomplished ever since you escaped. Our Maestro anticipated the need to track you down and so it has come to pass. You are a resourceful young man, I will grant you that, but highly inexperienced,” he answered and then levitated the knife from Daniel’s sheath, examined it the way he had the baton and then sent it back to the sheath with a profound look of contempt on his face, they feared no ordinary blade, “Definitely inexperienced.”

  Daniel fought off another urge to smile. His plan was working, so far. Who proved to be foolish depended largely on who ended up with the Baton of Tarin Conn. “I am that,” he replied, leaving it up to his captor to decide to which description he was admitting; foolish, resourceful, or inexperienced.

  “Enough chatter,” Serin Gell told him. “It is time for you to go before the Maestro,” he added and started up the path while signaling the Condemneds guarding the hostages to move forward along with his three fellow Aakacarns.

  Daniel followed closely behind Serin Gell and thought of how easy it would be to escape if that had been his goal. The three-bolt Accomplished and his companions clearly saw a backwoods mountaineer and completely underestimated him, hopefully they would continued to do so. Evidently suffering a defeat at the Battle of Bashierwood taught them nothing.

  Vultures stared from their perches in the branches of the many trees lining the path to the cave. The carrion eaters probably ate well courtesy of Balen Tamm. A large black snake with green and red in its scales slithered off the trail into a crevasse as the procession drew near, no doubt the poisonous reptile’s sense of self-preservation warned of a more dangerous predator in its vicinity. Bees flew from flowering weed to flowering weed while dragonflies darted to and fro.

  The Three Condemneds smelled of rotted flesh. Open sores festered on their arms, legs, and torsos, yet the spell would not grant them death. Their heads were lumpy; one was elongated while the other two were squat and twice the width of normal human heads. There was not a single hair on their bodies and their torsos were so mangled and distorted it was impossible to know by looking if they had been male or female before being Condemned, they had no genitalia, just an open sore between their legs where one of them urinated while walking.

  The mouth of the cave was larger than it seemed from a distance. Four riders on horseback could easily pass through the gaping maw without bumping into each other or scraping the sides. Ten paces in through the rocky opening the natural roughness gave way to a smooth tunnel. Balls of light forty paces apart lined the ceiling, making everything around them all too clear. Sweet smelling incense wafted up from the bowels of the mountain, no doubt to mask the pungent odor of the many Condemneds who served the renegade Aakacarns; if so, it was not doing a very good job.

  Chambers lined the main tunnel, some with doors and some without. The ones without were inhabited by the unfortunate souls Condemned by Balen Tamm. In many of the chambers were shallow pits but Daniel could not see what was in them and really did not want to even try to find out. Three Condemneds in the chamber on the right were eating one of their own. It was dead but whether they began eating after it died or before was impossible to determine at a glance. That solved two problems for the Serpent Guild; what do to with the dead, and what to feed the Condemneds.

  Chambers furnished with tables and chairs were occupied by Accomplisheds, most of which were tall, light of skin, dark of eye and hair, they were Ducaunans. Everyone spoke of how few Potentials were ever found in Ducaun but this proved otherwise. The room glowed in a wide spectrum of colors as each person cast spells, so these people were definitely Aakacarns. Obviously Ducaun had as many Potentials born in it as the other kingdoms, but the Serpent Guild was snatching them up before the searchers from Aakadon could find them. That meant the adults Daniel was looking at were brought here as children and raised by the Serpent Guild, there was no telling how depraved they were or what cruelties they were capable of.

  The passage ahead splintered off into ten smaller tunnels going in different directions, some on an even plane, some upward and some downward. Serin Gell led them to the third one on the left, which angled slightly upward. On each side were more open chambers occupied by yetis and some by their larger cousins, the sasquatches, none by both, evidently they did not get along.

  A bright light at the end of the tunnel made the glowing balls over head seem dim by comparison. They approached a massive iron door and the Pentrosan pointed a bony finger at the three Condemneds and they stepped back evidently not permitted beyond this point. “You two wait here, Duroshur, with me,” he told his fellow guild members. The Ecoppians seemed disappointed but obeyed without argument. “Do not talk just follow us in,” he told Daniel’s parents and Tim. “Your lives and Daniel’s depend on your obedience. And yours’ depends on his,” he added and then cast a spell causing t
he door to rise up into the ceiling. “Move on, the Maestro waits.”

  Serin Gell’s voice was stronger. He was regaining his strength, but his mouth was dry and he still needed water, judging by his chapped lips and the way he kept licking them. No doubt he considered this to be his moment of triumph and did not want it interrupted for something as trivial as thirst.

  “After you,” Daniel said while motioning in a sweeping gesture with his hands.

  The Pentrosan frowned and pointed to the now open chamber, evidently not appreciating the humor. Daniel glanced at his parents, gave a quick nod of his head, to them and Tim, in hopes of conveying the idea that this was proceeding according to plan. It was, sort of, though his parents seemed more confused. They nodded back as if to strengthen his courage.

  He entered the chamber and stood once again on a white marble floor in a royal court. Light was provided by a diamond chandelier hanging from a mirrored ceiling. Each precious stone radiated energy of its own, there were no candles, and the light cast an even glow throughout the vast chamber. The crimson carpet lay two strides ahead and led up thirteen steps to a raised floor, on which sat the crystal throne. He half expected to see Tarin Conn. This looked very much like the audience chamber in his dream except this was real. History never revealed where the original headquarters of the Serpent Guild had been but he was willing to bet this was it, in Ducaun, though it could be a replica. If it is the original, either Della Lain never knew or the fact was lost over the centuries.

  The man occupying the throne was about the same build as Tarin Conn, tall, muscular, and dark of hair, but his eyes were blue and his skin pale, clearly, a Ducaunan but of mixed origin. Balen Tamm sat dressed in black silk. On the middle finger of his right hand he wore a large serpent ring. His cuffs were encrusted with sapphires and diamonds and gold braid wove down his pants legs in tight loops. Four lightning bolts on his shoulders and one on his hood marked him a five bolt Accomplished. Had he been shirtless, three golden bolts would be seen on his right shoulder and two on his left.


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