Infinity: Code of Law

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by S.A. Waters

Infinity: Code of Law

  By: S.A. Waters

  Copyright 2014 S.A. Waters

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  Chapter 1

  “Dude, Kyle!” James called to me. “We are going to miss our flight!” I jogged out with my dusty old black baseball cap and backpack.

  “Where’s Dakota?” I asked him.

  “In the car. Waiting for you.” James and I hurried over to my mom’s car. My four friends and I were going to visit my long lost cousin, Jenise, for the first time. I somehow found her online, and I wanted to meet her. My friends wanted to tag along, so I guess I didn’t have a choice but to let them.

  James hopped into the car first in the passengers seat next to Kodiak, the driver. Even though we were all sixteen, Kodiak was the only one able to drive.

  Kodiak (Kody) Christian Ge has bright blue eyes, dark brown (medium length) hair, and is five foot eight. I have known him since I was in third grade and have considered him nothing less than a brother since. I remember it was my first time at the new school, and Kody had approached me at recess. We immediately hit it off. I don’t know what I would do without him. He is adventurous, understanding, very witty, but knows how to make people mad. Though he has an awesome name, we all still call him Kody. He had on a bright blue V-neck shirt that I realized had matched his eyes. His pants were brown and his Converse shoes were a darker blue. Kody also has this silver bracelet he wears and has worn from the day I met him.

  As you have already seen, James Schlepi is the “impatient” one. He’s always on the move. Makes sense though, as he has ADHD. That’s also probably why he is on our high school’s varsity football, track, and swim team. I met James in third grade with Kody. It took a bit to warm him up, but when I did, we were good friends. When I was in the sixth grade, two high school kids came up and started picking on me. They shoved me around a little until James came in and knocked one to the floor, and told the other to leave me alone. I can always turn to him for help, and so could the others. James is very tall. Six feet-four inches to be exact, making him the tallest of us all. His short light brown hair and brown eyes could touch the heavens. James was Dutch, and had a really cool accent. Sometimes he talks in Dutch, and it always makes me mad because I never know what he’s saying.

  “I think we’re ready to meet Kyle’s smoking hot new cousin,” James joked. Did I mention he was a player?

  “Kyle,” Drew said to me, still laughing at James’s comment. “You take longer than Dakota to get ready!”

  Drew Ethan Van Unen was the funny one of us all. He had the looks too. Flippy brown (reddish maybe?)hair, green eyes, six foot one, funny, but very smart. That’s why the ladies love him! But he chooses to stay single until he gets over Kennedy, his last girlfriend. It was very hard on him; he did nothing but eat and watch television for two weeks. It’s been two months, but Drew is still holding on. He is the smartest of us all. He takes all advanced classes, and can probably find the end of Pi in three seconds (Figuratively speaking of course, no one can find the end of Pi). I met Drew in seventh grade. He showed up in my Spanish class in the middle of the year, and he just happened to sit next to James, who was in my class, and they got along very quickly. We introduced ourselves after class, and I realized really fast how funny he was. James and I introduced him to the others in the group at lunch; and they almost instantly approved of the newcomer.

  Then there is Dakota Grace Wilson: my girlfriend of three years. Five foot seven, hazel eyes, beautiful long brown hair, and is very quick with her words. I met her in the sixth grade. She sat behind me in first period English and some other classes. I remember how she tapped me on the shoulder asking me if I could pass the papers back. Yeah, that’s how we met; romantic I know. I then asked her what her name was and she said Dakota. We had only talked in class until one day she had told me at lunch, crying, that all her friends had left her, and asked if she could sit with my friends and me. That’s how the others met her. I had liked her since that day when she sat with us at lunch. Finally in eighth grade I worked up the courage to ask her out, and now we are almost juniors in high school, and still going strong. Dakota is the most important thing in my life. Without her, I am nobody. She had dark blue skinny jeans on accompanied by white collared shirt and black shoes. Flats are they called? I’ll never understand fashion.

  Last, but certainly not least, there is me. Kyle Eilam Walton. Long and dark brown hair, five foot nine, gray hoodie, jeans, sneakers, baseball cap. Typical sixteen year old kid right? Wrong. From first glance I look normal, but if you really get to know me, you know that my eyes change color daily. You would know that I have this necklace that I refuse to take off. Actually, I have taken it off before, but every time I do, it just comes back on. I never remember putting it on, it just comes back. And finally, you would know about the scar on my neck. Only Kody has seen it. It is in the shape of an infinity sign. Strange. I woke up one day and it was there-no idea of how it got there. Probably a spider bite or something. It seems I’m a lot more oblivious than I think I am.

  “You guys ready?” Kody asked. We all responded with a firm yes and Kody started the car.

  We were finally on our way to the Santa Monica Airport. Drew and I had called window seats in the back of the car

  while Dakota had to sit in the middle. As much as she hated it, she was the only one small enough to fit.

  “So where does your cousin live again?” Kody asked me.

  “I don’t know. It says Avalon, California. Have you guys heard of it?”

  “Yeah. I went there for a camp once. It’s on Catalina Island.” Drew stated.

  “Okay, then I guess that’s where we are going.”

  “Well,” Dakota added. “I hope you bought the tickets there. Or did you forget?” My eyes widened. I forgot the tickets! Now what was I going to do? So for right now I just nodded at Dakota while I thought of a plan. I whispered over to Drew, “Dude, I forgot to buy the tickets. Any ideas?” He thought for a second before whispering back to me,

  “First of all, seriously, Kyle? But anyways, don’t worry too much. Avalon is on an island, right?” I nodded.

  “And that means it’s a small town, a popular vacation spot and people only go there by boat, not plane. So just buy tickets at the airport. No big deal. There is no way that flight is going to be booked as we’ll most likely be the only ones on that flight. Didn’t you say that your mom gave you her credit card? Or did you forget that too.”

  “Yeah, I have it right here. Don’t jump to conclusions yet, kid.” He smiled, seeming somewhat proud of himself. Dakota leaned up against me and closed her eyes. It was only seven in the morning, way too early for any of us. I rubbed her back and she smiled as she dozed off.

  “Awwww. How cute!” James and Kody laughed. They can be so annoying sometimes. They high-fived; Drew rolled his eyes. He understood the pain. They would do the same thing to him when he and Kennedy were dating.

  “At least I’ve got an actual girl to love,” I shot. “And not just my dog!” That was directed at both of them, but especially James, who absolutely adores his dog, Jewel. He immediately stopped laughing and Kody’s laugh came to a mere smirk. That’s when Dakota woke up.

  “Shut up!” She yelled. “Can’t you see I’m am trying to sleep! Idiots!”

  “Of course we can
see you,” Kody said to her while looking at us. “We aren’t blind. But we choose to ignore you.” All of us but Dakota laughed. She gave me a look and then an elbow to the stomach. Whoops. Then she just said, looking quite annoyed,

  “Just shut up and let me get some sleep. I’m tired.” But that only made Kody get a huge smirk on his face. He honked the horn as loud as he could, went over at least three speed bumps, and turned up the radio. We all laughed hysterically! Kody was out of his mind! All of us but him saw how my girlfriend got up out of her seat, her eyes turning black and face turning red. Dakota took both her hands and clapped them on Kody’s ears. He swerved through the lanes as he lost control of the wheel. I could even hear his ears ringing in pain! However, I was much more concerned about getting into an accident. Once he was back in command of the car, Kody pulled over in fury.

  “What the hell is your problem, Dakota!” He shouted at her. “Take a joke dude!” I was about to get involved before it got out of hand, but Dakota looked like this is the reaction she wanted from him, so I backed off. Dakota had her arms crossed, and rolled her eyes at him. At this point, Kody was just swearing and screaming at Dakota furiously.

  “Can we just leave now?” She asked the rest of us. No one wanted to mess with her then, even James, so I gestured in the car and we all got back in.

  “You want to just let him cool off for a second?” Drew asked me. I nodded. Putting a blood boiled Kody in the same ten feet of the person who caused his outburst is like putting a drunk man behind the wheel with ten children. So after five minutes, Kody finally agreed to get back in the car as long as the “beast” didn’t say another word. Then he looked at me and growled, “Control your dog, Kyle,” as if it was my fault he pissed off Dakota. Without another word from him or Dakota, the five of us rode off to the airport. I just hoped there was still time to get ourselves tickets.

  Kody and Dakota didn’t say a single word the rest of the way there. Drew, James, and I still kept a conversation going to destroy the silence. We all hate silence. Especially James, who tries to prevent it as much as he can, even if it means talking about absolutely nothing.

  At the airport, we got our luggage and headed inside to the check-in. Then I went in the opposite direction to purchase the tickets.

  “Dude,” James said, looking at me funny. “Where are you going, Kyle? Our check-in is over here!”

  “Umm, just over here.” I replied. And Drew gave me a Tell the truth or I’ll kill you look, so I sighed and continued. “To um, get our tickets.”

  “Wait, what did you say?”

  “I forgot to buy the tickets? Surprise!” I scratched the back of my neck and kind of cocked my head to the side, the way I do when I’m nervous. James looked about ready to punch my face in, Kody looked like he found out he was going to die or something and Dakota looked so annoyed. Drew smiled at me and nodded. I could feel what each of them was thinking. “When I get to you...” from James. “Could this day get any worse?” From Kody. “Boys. I came here with him why?” from Dakota. And from Drew, “Sucker.” The thoughts were so strong it was as if I could actually hear them. Odd. The stress was getting to me.

  “I’m sorry!” My voice cracked. “I’m getting the tickets now, and you guys will wait here while I do so. I will meet my cousin! You guys are not going home until I do. You guys decided to join me, so you guys are not going home until I do. Is that clear?” With that, I turned and bought the tickets with my mom’s Visa. There were plenty of seats left, as Drew predicted. Damn that brain of his; always right. Our plane left at 9:15 am. It was 8:47 am. We sill had a little while. I gave the others their tickets. They still didn’t look too happy with me; except for Drew, who asked me in a gloating manner, “So how many seats were there?”

  “Figure it out yourself, Einstein,” I replied to him bitterly. Note to self: never be in a situation in which the smartest (yet cockiest) kid on the planet is your savior. The five of us headed over to security with our carry-on luggage and soon were on the plane safely by 9:07 am. The seats sat three to a row. I sat in the middle with Kody on the window and Dakota on the aisle. Drew and James sat behind us. There were only seven other people with us in the rather small plane.

  The plane took off at around 9:20 am, and we were finally on our way. In about a half an hour I would meet my long lost cousin, Jenise, for the first time. Hopefully, James won’t screw it up and try and hit on her. Things seemed fine, and Kody and Dakota were talking again. Then all of a sudden we were all jolted out of our seats when two men stood up and shouted, “If I hear one word from any of you, this whole plane blows up!”

  Chapter 2

  Everybody was immediately silent. No one spoke a single word. No one moved. No one dared. A man in a black hoodie and jeans stood up with a gun. He looked around. A lady in the back looked at her friend and was immediately shot. If we screamed, the plane would go down. I could hear Kody say, “Not him again,” That idiot! He was going to get us all killed. Wait, again? He knew him? Then my thoughts were interrupted when I heard a strange female voice inside my head. Don’t pick your head up. You are in great danger, Kyle. I must be going crazy. The whole experience was getting to my head. I looked at the others with the corner of my eye. They had their heads low and didn’t lift them up. What was going on? I heard a different voice speak to me this time, lower and deeper. A male. He knows you’r here. Don’t respond to him. Listen. The man with the gun turned to his friend and said,

  “Look around, Austin.” Austin, the other man, had a brown hoodie with black jeans. Then my instincts told me to look at the man with the gun; big mistake. The man turned away, but Austin saw me, and looked me straight in the eyes.

  “Timothy,” Austin said tapping the man with the gun, Timothy, on the shoulder. “I got him.” They nodded towards each other and Timothy exited the room towards the pilots chamber. My neck burned so badly! My scar had never been painful before! I held tough, even though I needed to scream. This was the worst time and place for this to happen. Austin ran towards me. “Stop!” Dakota screamed.

  “Shut up!” and he pulled out his gun and shot her! I ran towards her. She was dead! I looked at the others for support. They just stood there with there heads still low. What was wrong with them?

  “You!” Austin yelled at me. “Don’t move! You see what happens? Your friend there was faithful. Being faithful will get you killed. Come with me.”

  “What?” I replied, lips quivering. He had just killed Dakota, but I was more scared than courageous. I was pissed, but my fear outweighed my anger. I wanted to kill him. I wanted to leap forward and choke him, and then shoot him.

  But I was frozen. Paralyzed. I couldn’t even close my mouth. My neck still burned like hell.

  Before long (though it felt like eternity), I found the courage to stand and look at the terrorists. When Austin realized my fear level was decreasing, he held up his gun and shot me, the bullet hit me in the leg. I screamed, but was still standing. “Guys!” I hollered. “Help! Please!” A tear streamed down my face. With the strength I had left, I clutched my leg and hurled myself forward. I was weak, but I could still fight. I threw a punch at Austin. He grabbed my arm and twisted it. He laughed and said, “Hey Timothy! Get a load of this kid!” Timothy came out of the cockpit and replied, “Austin, this is no time for games! Bring him in. We need him alive.” The man took his elbow and jabbed it into my head. I was hardly conscious as the plane began to dramatically shake. It wasn’t turbulence, I knew it. We were going down; the plane was going to crash.

  I was dragged to the cockpit and noticed two pilots lying on the ground in a pool of blood. They were both dead. I screamed of terror and pity for the two corpses lying in my presence. The pain in my leg stopped hurting, but the fire in my eyes grew. I then felt the plane go upside down and sharply turn. At this point though, I was too weak to do anything. I couldn’t struggle my way out of Austin’s grip, but only endure it. As I heard the voices of the terrorists laugh at
me, I became deadweight, and my vision went from blurry to black.


  Kody had to help him. Kyle had always been there for him, but Kody knew that it was too risky for the others, but especially for him. That scream he heard Kyle make. That plea for help. Kody couldn’t bear it. It is for his own good, Kodiak. I promise. Eon had sworn. Kyle must have thought he was some jerk who left him to die.

  How is this going to help him, Eon? He thought.

  He must get through his first life and discover who he truly is. Just as you and the others did, Eon replied to him in a firm but steady tone.

  What will happen to him? Will he be all right? Will I be all right?

  Your friend, Kyle, will be fine eventually. You and the others willing to through to your next life, spending some time with us to get you prepared. You must accept this, Kodiak.

  Eventually? What the hell is that supposed to mean? And what about his mark!

  It is for his own good, Kodiak. I promise. Eon repeated. And then Kody’s guardian went silent. He had no idea what was going to happen to his best friend. He had no problem passing through to the next life. He had done it before. But what about Kyle? He was going to continue life. But how? Kody had to find answers and find his best friend before the next life. Or they may never see each other again.


  When I woke up I found myself in a stretcher being carried off. So one thing’s for sure, I’m not dead. What had just happened and why was I in so much pain? Oh right. I remember now. Two terrorists had just ruined my vacation, shot my girlfriend dead, I was shot and knocked out, and the others (Not even Kody!) came to help me or Dakota. That’s all I remember. Speaking of the others, where were they? The pilots probably landed the plane and the terrorists, Austin and Timothy, were in jail. I hope Jenise thinks I’m okay. I have to get a hold of her. But first I have to find out where I am. “Excuse me?” I asked a paramedic. “Where am I?” The paramedic ignored me and just put me on the ambulance. How rude. Then the same guy came towards me with a shot and without my permission jabbed it into my body! It hurt, but I was okay. I was about to tell him what an idiot he was for doing that but then I dozed off into a deep sleep.


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