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100 Reasons Why Sex Must Wait Until Marriage

Page 7

by D K Olukoya

  Periodically, the virus can reactivate and is commonly found in the saliva of infected persons. This reactivation usually occurs without symptoms of illness. EBV also establishes a lifelong dormant infection in some cells of the body's immune system. A late event in very few carriers of this virus is the emergence of Burkett's lymphoma and nasopharyngeal carcinoma, which are two rare cancers.

  The transmission of EBV requires intimate contact with the saliva (found in the mouth) of an infected person. Transmission of this virus through the air or blood does not normally occur. The incubation period, or the time from infection to appearance of symptoms, ranges from 4 to 6 weeks. Persons with infectious mononucleosis may be able to spread the infection to others for a period of weeks. However, no special precautions or isolation procedures are recommended, since the virus is also found frequently in the saliva of healthy people. In fact, many healthy people can carry and spread the virus intermittently for life. These people are usually the primary reservoir for person-to-person transmission. For this reason, transmission of the virus is almost impossible to prevent. Hence, kissing alone can make someone a victim of EBV:

  Hepatitis. This is swelling and inflammation of the liver. It is not a condition, but is often used to refer to a viral infection of the liver. Hepatitis may start and get better quickly (acute hepatitis), or cause long-term disease (chronic hepatitis). In some instances, it may lead to liver damage, liver failure, or even liver cancer. How severe hepatitis is depends on many factors, including the cause of the liver damage and any illnesses you have. There are causes and risk factors for different types of hepatitis.


  Hepatitis A is inflammation (irritation and swelling) of the liver from the hepatitis A virus. The hepatitis A virus is found mostly in the stools and blood of an infected person about 15-45 days before symptoms occur and during the first week of illness. Symptoms will usually show up 2-6 weeks after being exposed to the hepatitis A virus. They are usually mild, but may last for up to several months, especially in adults. Some symptoms are dark urine, fatigue, itching, loss of appetite, low-grade fever, nausea and vomiting, pale or clay-coloured stools, etc. You can catch Hepatitis A if:

  You eat or drink food or water that has been contaminated by stools (faeces) containing the hepatitis A virus (fruits, vegetables, shellfish, ice, and water are common sources of the hepatitis A virus).

  You come in contact with the stool or blood of a person who currently has the disease.

  A person with hepatitis A does not wash his or her hands properly after going to the bathroom and touches other objects or food.

  You participate in sexual practices that involve oral-anal contact.

  Hepatitis B. This is irritation and swelling (inflammation) of the liver due to infection with the hepatitis B virus (HBV) and it can be spread through having contact with the blood, semen, vaginal fluids, and other body fluids of someone who already has the infection. After someone first become infected with the hepatitis B virus:

  There may be no symptoms.

  The person may feel sick for a period of days or weeks.

  The person may become very ill (called fulminant hepatitis).

  If your body is able to fight off the hepatitis B infection, any symptoms that you had should go away over a period of weeks to months. Some people's bodies are not able to completely get rid of the hepatitis B infection. This is called chronic hepatitis B. Many people who have chronic hepatitis B have few or no symptoms. They may not even look sick. As a result, they may not know they are infected. However, they can still spread the virus to other people.

  Hepatitis C. The infection is caused by the hepatitis C virus (HCV). People who may be at risk for hepatitis C are those who:

  Have been on long-term kidney dialysis.

  Have regular contact with blood at work (for instance, as a health care worker).

  Have unprotected sexual contact with a person who has hepatitis C (this risk is much less common than hepatitis B, but the risk is higher for those who have many sex partners, already have a sexually transmitted disease, or are infected with HIV).

  Of people who get infected with hepatitis C, most develop a long-term (chronic) infection. Usually there are no symptoms. If the infection has been present for many years, the liver may be permanently scarred. This is called cirrhosis. In many cases, there may be no symptoms of the disease until cirrhosis has developed.

  Hepatitis D virus (HDV) is only found in people who carry the hepatitis B virus. HDV may make a recent (acute) hepatitis B infection or an existing long-term (chronic) hepatitis B liver disease worse. It can even cause symptoms in people who carry hepatitis B virus but who never had symptoms. Some of its risk factors include:

  Abusing intravenous (IV) or injection drugs.

  Being infected while pregnant (the mother can pass the virus to the baby).

  Carrying the hepatitis B virus.

  Men having sexual intercourse with other men.

  HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS (HSV-1 AND HSV-2). This comes in two different categories, HSV-l and HSV-2. HSV-l is the main cause of herpes infections on the mouth and lips, including cold sores and fever blisters. It is transmitted through kissing or sharing drinking utensils. HSV-l can also cause genital herpes, although HSV-2 is the main cause of genital herpes. HSV-2 is spread through sexual contact. You may be infected with HSV-l or HSV-2 but not show any symptoms. Often symptoms are triggered by exposure to the sun, fever, menstruation, emotional stress, a weakened immune system, or an illness. There is no cure for herpes, and once you have it, it is likely to come back.

  HUMAN IMMUNODEFICIENCY VIRUS (HIV). The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a type of virus called a retrovirus, which infects humans when it comes in contact with tissues such as those that line the vagina, anal area, mouth, or eyes, or through a break in the skin. HIV infection is generally a slowly progressive disease in which the virus is present throughout the body at all stages of the disease (there are 3 stages). HIV is in the blood and genital secretions of the infected person and it is spread when these secretions come in contact with tissues such as those lining the vagina, anal area, mouth, eyes (the mucus membranes), or with a break in the skin, such as from a cut or puncture by a needle. The most common ways in which HIV is spreading throughout the world include sexual contact, sharing needles, and by transmission from infected mothers to their newborns. Sexual transmission of HIV has been described from men to men, men to women, women to men, and women to women through vaginal, anal, and oral sex.

  The best way to avoid sexual transmission is abstinence from sex until it is certain that both partners in a monogamous relationship are not HIV infected. Because the HIV antibody test can take months to turn positive after infection occurs, both partners would need to test negative for at least 12 and up to 24 weeks after their last potential exposure to HIV:

  HUMAN PAPILLOMAVIRUS (HPV). Genital human papillomavirus (also called HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted infection. There are more than 40 HPV types that can infect the genital areas of males and females; they can also infect the mouth and throat. Most people who become infected with HPV do not even know they have it. Most people with HPV do not develop symptoms or health problems from it. HPV infections can cause:

  Genital warts (usually appear as a small bump or group of bumps in the genital area) .

  Cervical cancer (usually does not have symptoms until it is quite advanced) and other less common but serious cancers, including cancers of the vulva, vagina, penis, anus, and oropharynx (back of throat including base of tongue and tonsils).

  HUMAN T-CELL LYMPHOTROPIC VIRUS (HTLV-1). Human T-cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV) was the first human retrovirus discovered with its signs and symptoms as:

  Motor and sensory changes in the extremities.

  Spastic gait in combination with weakness of the lower limbs.


  Bladder dysfunction and bladder cancer.

  Transmission of HTLV-I is believe
d to occur from mother to child via breast feeding, by sexual contact, and through exposure to contaminated blood, either through blood transfusion or sharing of contaminated needles. The importance of the various routes of transmission is believed to vary geographically.

  MOLLUSCUMCONTAGIOSUM is a skin rash caused by a virus and it is transmitted by direct contact, either person to person or by shared items, such as clothing, towels, and wash cloths. It is likely that genital lesions are sexually transmitted. Lesions develop within two to three months after exposure. Some doctors consider MC a sexually transmitted disease in adolescents and adults and recommend that people with genital MC be tested for other STDs.

  Abstinence between partners in courtship can help shield them from bitter emotions for one another, in the event that such courtship does not end in marriage.

  Avoid hugging and kissing: they close your minds to danger signals.


  Materials such as pornography, sex novels or films defile the mind and build the foundation for sexual immorality within you.

  Praying about the future with all diligence has never stopped being the best way to lay a strong foundation for your marriage.




  This is a position I sincerely must emphasize over and over again in order for you to get it straight. Some people prove that they don't involve themselves in sex but they do other things like kissing, pecking, smooching, etc. It may daze you to know that they all fall into the same category of sexual sins before God. When you 'hands off' it means no such things as smooching, and when you maintain the 'clothes on' position it means no sex. In order not to fall into the doom of pre-marital sex, hands off with clothes on. Avoid hugging and kissing; they close your minds to danger Signals.


  Getting horizontal is the lying posture for sex while vertical position is the pure friendship position for engaged partners. Though some people could remain vertical and still indulge in some ungodly acts, but you stand the chance of making yourself the enemy of God if you deceive yourself.


  Materials such as pornography, sex novels or films defile the mind and build the foundation for sexual immorality within you. And once those things get registered on your mind, it means you are in the trap already. It enlarges its coast in your thought flow and if you don't get rid of them, you will fall for it.


  As long as you still wear the mortal body, temptation is an experience you cannot avoid. But in order not to fall victim, you have to avoid certain things. Staying behind closed doors and being alone with the person you are in love with can trigger the activities of the body chemistry. This is natural, hence you may not be able to pray against it. What you just need to do is avoid being alone where you might be tempted to fall for it and nobody will know anything has happened.


  Whether you are presently engaged now or not, praying about the future with all diligence has never stopped being the best way to lay a strong foundation for your marriage. No matter how sure you are about things working out in your favour, pray, pray and keep praying! You can never pray enough when it comes to the issue of marriage, only the grace of God can actually cover up for us. So, pray without ceasing.


  i. Looking at a guy/lady and making eye contact.

  ii. Holding hands. This is a nice sign of attachment. It says you like each other but it must not be done behind closed doors.

  iii. Hands on shoulder and hands on waist. Though a definite sign that romance is in the air unfortunately it is only allowed for the married couple.

  iv. Kissing on the cheek or softly kissing the lips. These are sweet, innocent signs of affection for married couples, not for the engaged partners, avoid it.

  v. Petting while clothed.

  vi. 'Experimental' nakedness.

  vii. Sexual intercourse.


  My God and my Father, let Your mercy connect my destiny to Your able hand, in the name of Jesus.

  I break lose from the yoke of marital failure, in the name of Jesus.

  Spirit of mistakes and error, my life is not your candidate, let me go, in the name of Jesus.

  My Father, give me a miracle that will make me forget my past mistakes, in the name of Jesus.

  Every power that hates to see me laugh, your time is up, die, in the name of Jesus.

  Every power monitoring my marital life for evil, scatter, in the name of Jesus.

  My Father, change the rules for my sake, in the name of Jesus.

  Any heavy yoke upon my destiny, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.

  Every hand of man manipulating my life, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.

  O God of Elijah, arise, disgrace my marital enemies, in the name of Jesus.

  Blood of Jesus, correct my past, in the name of Jesus.

  I fire back every arrow of the enemy, fired into my life, in the name of Jesus.

  I remove my name from the register of darkness, in the name of Jesus.

  In any way that my past is attacking my star, my Father, manifest your power and deliver me, in the name of Jesus.


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