The men briefly shook hands, bowing politely. Olivia had the feeling this ritual was well practiced by Jerrod – why?
"That won't be necessary." Matasuki started to walk out and then turned. "I hope I'll be seeing you Wednesday at Mr. Grant's. He's graciously invited me to dinner."
"I, uh, haven't been asked."
“I’ll make a point to have him do so.”
She nodded and watched him exit. Kimiko glared again and followed in her usual pattern, walking behind his right shoulder.
"He didn't introduce her."
"She's not our business, Jerrod." Olivia gathered her things and shoved them in the briefcase.
"I think it went well. You did a nice job."
She hesitated and rolled her eyes. "Nice?" she thought but responded, "Thanks."
They started to walk out together. "I was surprised he didn't even mention the addendum, weren't you?" Jerrod said.
"No, he's not going to tip his hand yet. He's been in this game way too long to make that mistake." She strode away leaving Jerrod trying to catch up, "See you at the staff meeting in the morning."
"We could have dinner, discuss things."
"I have plans. See you tomorrow."
At the curb was a large black sedan, she was sure Isamu was still watching her, as he prepared for yet another meeting. Olivia raised her arm, revealing the top of her stockings and some skin of her thighs as she hailed a cab. The sedan pulled slowly out into traffic and a cab pulled into its space. A satisfied smile crossed her lips as she slid inside. She took the necklace off and dropped it inside her purse, pulling out her cell phone.
"Mr. Grant, first meeting went well. Nothing really to report. He didn't even have any questions. He said we'd hear from him when all his meetings have been completed. Thanks, see you tomorrow."
She then called Brian. "I'm on my way."
"Good, I'll start dinner. Or I could meet you somewhere."
"No, dinner in is just what I need. Can I bring you anything?"
She dropped her brief case at home, not bothering to change. She simply grabbed her purse and headed down the hall to Brian's apartment. After a slight knock, he opened the door.
"Honey, I'm home." She pressed into him, giving him a kiss. "Smells great in here, some of your famous pasta?"
He grinned and shut the door. "How did you know?"
"Just a hunch. I'm starving. And you did say you'd help me out of these clothes. I'm afraid I didn't bring anything to change into."
Brian wrapped his arms around her waist.
Chapter Ten
Olivia unbuttoned her jacket, exposing the lacy bustier, while savoring Brian's admiring stare.
"Maybe we should eat first."
"My thoughts exactly." With purpose he stepped to her, pushing the jacket down her shoulder. Shedding it, she tossed it on the bar stool.
His lips ravished hers while he reached around and unzipped her skirt, slipping it over her hips. It slid to the floor. Moving his hands to the firm cheeks of her ass, he lifted her onto the counter. Backing away for a moment, he stripped his shirt over his head and tossed it away. Moving back to kiss her roughly again, he used his knees to spread her knees.
A moan left Olivia’s parted lips as he kissed down her neck, his hands pressing against the breasts now barely covered by the black, lacy fabric. His nostrils flared, the musky scent of her arousal filling his head. He reached down, and with his fingers softly stroked the moist, skimpy fabric covering her pussy, before moving the thin panel to the side.
Leaning down, he spread her wider, stopping to look at the clean shaven outer lips and the glistening pink inner lips that beckoned to be tasted. “You are so beautiful.” He leaned down, with a flicking motion applied his tongue to Olivia's hard bud and looked up at her. Olivia's eyelids drooped and her hands moved to his head, hips rocking, urging him on. Continuing to swirl his tongue around and over her clit, he inserted first one, and then a second finger inside her, curling them against her g-spot, and was rewarded by hearing Olivia moan, “Oh My God.” In minutes, her face pinched, her back arched and she tensed.
“Ohhhhhh Goddddddd, Brian, I’m going to cum.” Brian lapped her clit slowly, applying more pressure and as her vaginal muscles gripped and rippled around his fingers he continued moving in and out of her. Finally she leaned back, resting on her forearms, her chest still heaving.
A satisfied smile appeared on Brian's face as he stood. Olivia slid from the counter, turned her back, and while watching him from over her shoulder, leaned into the counter, spread her legs and thrust her hips back. He'd seen this look before.
Brian undid his pants and drew out his now granite-hard shaft, already dripping with pre-cum, and rubbed it around her opening. Finally, able to stand no more, he grasped her jutting hips and thrust into her glistening core. She took his whole length with a soft moan. Holding there for a moment he withdrew slowly, relishing her tightness, moving almost completely out of her, before he stroked slowly back. He continued these long smooth motions, almost completely out and then sliding slowly in to the hilt, over and over, while with one hand he circled and stroked her still sensitive, engorged bud.
Olivia's teeth gripped her bottom lip, her eyes closed, concentrating on his movements. God, he felt so good. He gripped her even tighter and now his pace quickened. A low growl rose from his throat, growing louder as it hissed from his lips.
Olivia squeezed around him. As she began to come again, she forced her body to relax as the waves of her climax rolled over her, lengthening the duration of her release. His body jerked, his balls slapped loudly against her. He thrust harder and faster, fingers digging into her flesh.
Hot seed shot into her again and again, until he finally slowed, bending over her, kissing and biting at her shoulder.
The oven timer dinged and they both laughed.
"I guess we're done."
"For now," she quipped. Turning she folded her arms around his neck and pressed her lips to his. The sweetness of her cum lingered around his mouth and on his lips.
"I'll just take dinner out of the oven, and then we can get cleaned up."
Olivia's eyebrow arched.
"We can try."
After a nice hot shower, they donned robes and Brian dished up lasagna while Olivia poured some red wine.
"So the meeting with Matasuki didn't amount to much did it?"
"I knew it wouldn't. I accomplished what I wanted to. This can't be rushed. The ‘shadow’ is not a happy girl, during the meeting I could actually feel the emotion radiating off her, and that's just the way I want her. This lasagna is fantastic by the way."
Brian shook his head. "I was really worried he'd try something. Especially after the way he looked at you at the Gala. He looked like a lion who’d just been offered raw meat, predatory and ravenous. He's a man who takes what he wants, without asking permission."
She shrugged, taking a sip of wine. "He might, but it's more likely the ‘shadow’ would try to do me harm. He wants me to come to him on my own."
"It's still a game isn't it? The business, the women, even his family, such as it is?"
"Hmm, what did you find out about them anyway?"
"Not as much as I'd hoped. No luck finding the brother, though some interesting details came out on him. Like his brother has blue eyes and sandy brown hair."
Olivia tipped her head. "That is interesting. And his mother?"
Brian sighed. "Not much there either, but he did have her picked up and brought to the hotel, so I don't know what he's thinking. I guess that's nothing new. You however, seem to understand him. What do you think?"
She slowed her chewing, and thought for a moment.
"Maybe his arch rival's death had something to do with it. He feels it's safe now, safe enough to allow his mother to come to him. Or maybe he just misses her. I miss mine."
Brian reached out and covered her hand with his. "The
y'd be really proud of you, Liv."
"I hope so. I think I remember you telling me you weren't close to your parents, why is that?"
"You're right. Seems like I've never been good enough for them. They divorced when I was twelve. At least the beatings stopped then. I guess it's why I'm not good with relationships. I don't really know what a good one looks like."
"I do, my parents were wonderful, and they loved each other. If any good came from their deaths, it was for them to go together. It just wasn’t good for me. I shouldn't say it that way. I'm fine. I'm screwed up like you, but otherwise fine."
Brian chuckled. "Yeah, I guess you're right. At least we're doing it together."
"You're so great. I keep waiting for you to stop calling me."
"What are you talking about? I'm the lucky one here."
"Oh boy. Maybe we're more screwed up than I thought."
"Maybe. Liv, all I want is to make you happy. Right now it's all I think about."
Olivia leaned over and kissed him. "And you're doing a really good job of it. All I ask is you tell me the truth. If you don't want to be with me, tell me. If you like someone and want to check her out, tell me. If you..."
"Okay, Liv I get it. I can only ask the same. Let's be honest with each other. You make me happy Liv. More than I've been for a very long time. More than I expected to be."
Even though she had started this with her ‘You’re so great’ comment, Brian’s ‘You make me happy’ had suddenly made this uncomfortable for her. She usually left way before this point. She cautioned herself, ‘Just have great sex’, which was enough right now wasn't it? ‘No’, she answered herself. Damn, she was starting to really care for him.
It had been well over a year since she'd let herself care, and that had ended with her walking in on her fiancé having sex with a co-worker. She'd thought he was 'the one', and it had left yet another scar on her heart. One that would be hard to get past.
She kept her tone light. "This is so good, thank you. Can I help you clean up? I think the counters could use a wipe down."
Brian smiled. "Don't ever worry about the clean up. I'm okay with it. Stay with me tonight."
She squeezed his hand. "There's nowhere else I'd rather be." Her expression changed, from light to questioning. "Brian, I can't be trusted. You know that right?"
He pulled back and frowned. "Why do you say that, what do you mean, Liv?"
"I mean I'll run. I'll get scared if we get too close. I'll do something to make sure you don't stay. I don't know. I just want to warn you, and to say I'm sorry in advance."
"Stop it. Don't do this. We're going to take this slow, don't freak yourself out. I'll try to do the same. Okay?"
"Okay. I'm actually kind of tired."
"I'll clean up, and then I’ll give you a back rub, how about that?"
"Sounds really nice."
Matasuki sat in the lounge area of his extensive suite at the Plaza and thrummed his fingers over the mahogany top of the side table. This woman had him bewitched. If he closed his eyes, he could see, even smell her. He also could tell by the way she touched him, looked at him with such softness, and even in the way she didn't look at him, she was interested in him, too. She was smart. On the business end, she'd covered every minute detail like a pro. In fact, she was better than any executive he had dealt with in quite some time. A little too thorough for his needs. Now he had a choice, and decision to make. Movement across the room caught his eye.
"Ah, Mother, come, sit with me."
She looked much younger than her sixty years. Her petite form was lean and fit. Her raven hair, now peppered with gray, was bobbed at her chin.
"I don't understand what you want from me. We've had a nice visit, now I want to go home, Isamu."
His gut clenched when he saw the coldness in her gaze. "Is it so terrible to have to spend time with your son?"
She slumped into the large matching leather chair, which overwhelmed her small form. She crossed her legs, and pursed her lips. In the massive chair, her feet failed to touch the floor, much like a child sitting in an adult chair.
"It's been years, Isamu, why now? I'm busy with my two businesses. Your father let me go; I’ve made a life of my own, Isamu. He 'killed me off', took you and left me to my own devices. Yet, you made no effort to see me until now."
"Yes, you were dead to us. He told me it was what you wanted."
"He lied. He was very good at it."
"And my brother?"
"He is a comfort to me. And I want you to leave him alone."
"I'm not my father."
"Don't think I haven't been following your career, your life? You're exactly like your father. I don't say these things to hurt you. You're my son. I love you. But business is not life, Isamu. Fulfilling your needs by hurting others, you learned that from him. You never got a chance to learn life’s lessons from me. So, let me say this one time and if you never hear anything else, hear this. You can't heal the emptiness inside you with things, with accomplishments, with women, or drugs or liquor, or money. You can only fill that void from the inside. And only you can do it. Until then, nothing will ever make you truly happy."
His jaw jutted forward, and the skin around his right eye began to twitch.
She'd seen this look on his father's face many times. Anger seethed just beneath the surface, ready to explode. It frightened her back then, and it frightened her now.
"I'll call the car," he ground out.
Her body went slack. He wasn't going to change. Her warning had fallen on deaf ears and her advice would have no effect on him at all. He had to believe he needed to change, and he didn't.
She had the driver drop her half a block away from home. Shaking her head, she mumbled. "Someone else will have to teach him."
"Talking to yourself again old lady?"
Looking over she frowned, but kept moving. "You need to stop walking these streets, Lin. Get a job, something safe," she grumbled as she stomped past.
Lin shrugged. "I have a job. You all right, Mo? You seem upset."
Lin followed her down a small side street and stopped at the back door of Ginger. Lin watched her struggle with the old key for a moment before reaching over to take the keys from her hand.
"Let me. The way your hands are shaking you'll never get inside."
"Come on in. I can at least feed you. Go upstairs and make yourself at home. I'll be right up as soon as I'm sure they're not robbing me blind."
"Mo, you know they're all like family."
"Family can betray you."
Lin shook her head and sighed as she made her way up the narrow, wooden stairway, and used the only other key on the loop to open the door. Mo's place was quite large, but simply furnished. While everyone in the community knew her to be a very wealthy woman, nothing in the apartment would lead you to believe it.
It wasn't long before footsteps lumbered up the stairs and Lin opened the door. Mo had a large bag in one hand that she took straight to the dining room table.
"I'll get some plates and make some tea. Unless you'd like something else."
Lin shook her head. "Tea's fine. I appreciate this Mo."
"I know you do." She filled a pot and put it on the stove to heat. Retrieving plates and utensils, chop sticks for her, she rejoined Lin. "There's napkins in the bag. I can never remember to buy some."
She watched as Lin took out all the little containers from the bag.
"You're a smart, beautiful young woman, Lin. Why do you do what you do?"
Lin hesitated and then shrugged. "I like the sex, and why not make some money doing it? I work my own hours. I decide who I go out with. If I want to have sex with them, I do."
"You could do much better."
"Let's change the subject. I know we're not close, but we've known each other for a while and it's unusual to see you so upset. What happened?"
Mo played with the food on her plate.
"You can trust me, Mo."
"I have two sons. One i
s dangerous, just like his father before him. He only cares about himself, and what he wants. The sooner he's out of town the better."
Lin continued eating, but wanted to push Mo to tell her more.
"Sounds like my family. I can't count on them. I knew that early on. I mean how does a fifteen year old learn that it’s not safe to trust her family, stuff like that, unless it's a defensive reaction? I've used the instinct ever since. Damn, I'm sorry Mo. I didn't mean to bring my shit into this. My situation is nothing like yours."
Mo's brow pinched. "You're wrong. It sounds exactly like mine." She moved close to comfort her guest. "Stop, it's going to be okay. Finish your dinner. You can stay. We'll talk later." Lin knew Jimmie was watching and would make any adjustments needed if her plans changed."Thanks, Mo. I'm all right. You've always been so nice to me. I can't believe your son would be so different from you."
Mo pushed back from the table and reached for her tea. "He was raised by his father. Unfortunately he turned out to be just like him. Now, I'm afraid there's no way to change the way he thinks."
She stared off into the distance, and then turned away. Lin felt her uneasiness and reached for her hand.
"I'm sorry, but it can't be true, Mo. There must be something that you can do. I'd really like help you, Mo."
"You're sweet, Lin. Unfortunately it's something for someone braver than I am. I can't see him taken down, although I know it will happen eventually."
"You make it sound as if you know how to do it, but you can't be a part of it. If this needs to happen, maybe you need to be a part of it, just not the main part. Mo, would you stop him from hurting others, if you could?"
Mo sipped her tea, obviously thinking it over. Lin was right. Even if he was her son, he needed to be taught a lesson, before his greed and lust hurt anyone else and killed him.
She sighed. "You're right. If I can save him from that and anyone else from getting hurt I should do it. Now, we should get you settled. You stay here as long as you want." Lin started to protest, but Mo raised her hand to stop her. "I know you have a place of your own. Here, you have a refuge, somewhere away from any other life. You understand, don't you, Lin?"
Corporate Ties (Silken Ties Book 1) Page 13