"Do you think it ends here? We should just let it go? What about Paul? What about all the other businesses, including Stein, who are now in danger?"
"Takeovers are not illegal, Olivia. Why don't you follow Tyson's advice and let them fend for themselves? He took another swallow of his V&S. “I did find out how Paul died."
"My lawyer, and my and Paul's friend called me this morning. I know he drowned. Convenient don't you think? His funeral is Friday. What about me, Brian? Matasuki is sending me gifts."
"Gifts?" He looked around the room. "What gifts."
"I sent them back."
"Then keep sending them back. Tell him to leave you alone." He could feel the hair rising on his arms, the heat on his face and neck, and his building anger. "He contacted me today. Something about checking his computer security and his rooms. He's also thinking about buying a place here and wants me to work on securing it, too. He said Dolby recommended us."
"Really? Interesting and good to know."
"You're not going to let this go are you?"
"We'll see. Are you going to take the work?"
"I have to. If someone else goes through his hotel room and finds the bug, we're out of luck."
"He's bound to have it double checked anyway."
"If he's done it, we haven't seen or heard about it. I can deactivate it, but I don't want to. Not until he leaves town."
"It's up to you. I can't very well say I'm not letting it go and then ask you not to get involved, although I wish you wouldn't get involved." She swigged her drink and set it on the coffee table.
"No, you can't, but if you agree to let it go, I will too."
She tilted her head and sighed. "I'll think about it. Now what are you going to make for dinner tonight?"
"Your turn to cook or I'd be happy to take you out."
Her nose wrinkled. "I have meat loaf in the freezer. I always make more than one. Is that okay?"
"Is it okay? It's my favorite. I never get home made meatloaf and am not ashamed to tell you I've tried to do it on my own, but I can't get it to taste right."
"Oh, have you come to the right place. I make a great one. I'll thaw it. Care to help me in the kitchen?"
"I'd love to help myself to you in the kitchen, lead the way."
Wednesday was like any other day. She worked on new projects, projections and did some research. Every time she had a break her thoughts went to Matasuki. He was going to get away with murder again and now Stein was his next target. If Adam put up a fight he'd be in danger, personally.
The phone buzzed and she glanced over. It was the private business line so she picked it up. "Olivia Grayson."
"It's Tyson. Matasuki insists you come to our dinner tonight."
Olivia was struck by his tone of voice. "During our meeting wrap up and the obligatory polite conversation, he mentioned you’d invited him to dinner this week. In fact he asked then, if I would be attending, but you don't have to invite me. It's your dinner, Mr. Grant. In fact, I think I'm busy. If you'll excuse me, I have an appointment with Paul White's family." She slammed the phone down, immediately regretting it. The phone buzzed again and her gut twisted. "Olivia Grayson," she answered.
"Obviously I upset you, I apologize."
"I apologize, too. You did make it sound like he was forcing you to ask me."
"It just threw me a little. He was very insistent and I guess it bothered me. Please come. It's casual."
"All right, what time?"
"Six. I'll send details to your phone."
"And Olivia, I am sorry about Paul. I didn't know him well, but he was very good at his job and I liked him."
"I've known him for years, yet, I'm not sure you really ever know people. See you tonight."
Olivia hailed a cab and looked out the window as it moved through the city and out to Long Island. Everything blurred after a while as her thoughts drifted back. Tears slowly fell to her cheeks as flashes of the past filled her head like a slide show. Her mom, her dad, laughing, happy one day - in drawers in the morgue the next.
"We're here, Miss."
She swiped the tears and paid him. Several cars were parked in the drive of the large brick house. Her heart was pounding against her chest. She swallowed hard, adjusting her jacket, took a deep breath and started walking across the pavers. She’d only taken a few steps when one of her four inch heels caught a space between pavers, and caused her to lose balance. The resulting gyration twisted the ankle held fast in the paver and she sucked in a quick breath as the pain registered in her brain. She hopped for a moment before pulling her injured foot out of the shoe and bending to jerk the shoe out of the pavers. She looked around. The leaves were just turning color and a light breeze rustled them in the wind. Closing her eyes, she took another deep breath and tentatively put some pressure on her injured ankle as she slipped it back into her shoe. The air was sweet, nothing like the city and she winced as she started to walk again. Before she got to the steps the door opened, and she saw Paul's son Charles.
Her face pinched in an ugly-cry-face and he opened his arms.
"I'm so sorry.” She sobbed into his chest.
"Me too, Liv."
He squeezed her close and ran his hand lightly up and down her back to comfort her. She sniffed, her lip quivering. Paul's death was all too real, now.
"When did you get in?"
"This morning." Charles curled his arm around her waist and walked her inside.
"How's your mom holding up?"
"It's strange, Liv. It’s almost like she expected it."
Everyone was gathered in the living room and turned when they entered.
"Olivia," Maureen called, and then stood, her face red and blotchy.
Olivia forced a smile and met her half way. They held each other, softly sobbing.
"It's going to be okay, Maureen. We're all here for you."
Maureen raised her head. With a shaky hand she pushed the hair away from her forehead. Hooking her arm through Olivia's.
"Come, we'll make some tea."
Maureen had grown up in Atlanta, ‘we'll make some tea’ was Southern code for ‘come on, let's talk’. Alone together in the kitchen, Maureen filled the tea pot. Olivia pulled several tissues from the box on the counter and wiped her face before blowing her nose.
Maureen put the pot on the stove and started to talk, her back still to Olivia. "You know, Paul wasn't himself, not for a few years. He didn't sleep, stopped talking to us. When Charles finished college and moved away, it got worse." She braced against the counter, her head dropped. "Then one day he didn't come home. He called said he was going to the cabin and he wanted a divorce. I really didn't see him much after that." She turned then and stared at Olivia.
"Until you identified the body."
"There is no body Liv. Clay identified him and had him cremated. He said it was best I didn’t remember him that way, considering what happened to him."
Olivia nodded. "I suppose. Maureen, where exactly is this cabin of Paul's?"
Chapter Twelve
Olivia stood in her closet, looking for something to wear to the dinner. Her stomach twisted. She wrapped her arms around her waist and her teeth pinched her bottom lip.
"I'd rather have a root canal than go to this dinner party tonight." She ran her hand across the dresses neatly hanging in front of her and sighed. "Close your eyes and pick something for Christ's sake, it doesn't matter that much. Anything but black."
She chose a soft blue, floral and slid it down her arms and over her head. Casting a glance in the mirror, she shook her head.
"I’d better get started. It's going to take a heroic makeup job to look presentable tonight." Twisting her hair, she piled it atop her head and pinned it. She lined her big, blue/green eyes and stood there for a moment. Her body started to shake, her lip quivered. She felt so alone. She took a deep breath.
"Let it go. It's okay to feel, but then let it go. You have no backup plan, Olivia, you're it
, let it go. Get a grip."
She rolled her shoulders back a few times and stretched her neck side to side like a boxer readying for a fight. It was exactly how she felt. She chose to come here on her own, to be independent. It meant she had to do things a certain way. And she’d gotten good at making decisions for what was in her best interest and figuring out how to get those things done.
Finished with her face and hair, she stepped back from the vanity. "Okay, that's the best I can do," she decided, looking at herself critically. She smoothed the silky polished cotton dress down with the palms of her hands and walked back into the closet. Picking high, navy heels, she slipped them on. Next she opened a drawer and picked a matching bag.
Out in the living room she took her clutch and began to transfer things to the new bag. Lifting out Brian’s necklace she smiled, as she draped it around her neck and connected the spring clasp. She wasn't alone now, Brian was with her. She traced her finger over the oval.
"I hope you can still hear me, Brian." Next she retrieved her cell phone from the coffee table, and put it, a credit card, her key card, some cash and I.D in the new bag. "Okay, I guess I'm ready to hit the road."
The intercom from the lobby buzzed. "A car is waiting for you."
"Tyson sent a car, how nice," she thought. "Thank you. I'll be right down."
She recognized the driver. It was Brice. He held the door and she slipped inside.
"Hey, beautiful." Brian greeted her.
"Hey.” She started to tear, but blinked them back. She leaned over and gently kissed him.
"We heard you, and we wanted to give you a nice ride to Tyson’s dinner tonight. You look amazing, Liv."
"Where to boss?" Brice asked from the front seat.
Olivia pulled the address up on her phone and handed it to him through the open divider. He handed it back and then raised the window.
"This really means a lot to me, Brian. It's been a rough day."
Brian slid his arm around her shoulder. "We have time. Tell me all about it."
"I went out to see Paul's widow, to pay my respects."
"I'm sorry you had to go through that. How was she doing?"
"Pretty well. She told me Paul hadn't been himself for almost two years. Clay identified his body, not her, and he had Paul cremated right away. He said it was to keep Maureen from seeing what had happened to him."
"Drowning victims can be ugly."
"Closed casket, I understand. Maureen said it would be just for show, there was no body.” Olivia pushed away from Brian and her eyes narrowed. “A quick cremation sounds all too familiar, doesn't it?"
Brian’s eyes widened and narrowed in a frown while he searched her eyes. "Are you saying your lawyer is in on this, too?"
Olivia shrugged. "I have no idea what it means. I do know one thing. I have to find the cabin. But when I asked her about it, Maureen didn't even know exactly where it is. She said no one but Paul ever went up there."
"I searched the records. He didn't use his real name to record it."
"We have to figure it out."
"We will." The car began to slow and then pulled to a stop. Brian glanced out the window. "We're here, and I'm with you," he said, picking up the oval pendant. He took her hand, noticing her bag. "That's a new bag isn't it?"
She grinned. "No just different." Seeing concern in his eyes she asked, "Why?"
"Nothing. Have a good time tonight, I'll see you soon. I won't be far."
"It's just a dinner, Brian, but thank you. I feel much safer now. Thank you. I'll...no you'll know when I'm on my way home, I'll see you here."
Brian nodded. "Okay Liv, it's a date."
The driver opened the door and Olivia slipped outside. Brian's gut clenched, just like before.
"I'll be waiting here for you," the driver said, tipped his hat and she nodded.
"Thank you."
"Olivia, so glad you could make it. Please come in," Tyson invited, ushering her into his apartment. "What can I get you to drink?"
"Red wine would be great, thank you, Mr. Grant."
She walked past him, and he scowled.
"Tyson. Call me Tyson, Olivia."
Several executives from Dolby were there. Isamu stood holding court near the window. He looked up as Olivia entered the room and he stopped talking. The intensity of his stare burned into her. She smiled and kept walking. The others turned toward the new arrival, and while most smiled, she could feel their eyes on her body. The wives’ glances were not nearly as welcoming.
"Good evening everyone. Nice to see you again, Mr. Matasuki." She waited and he reached out his hand and she shook it lightly.
"Here's your wine. Olivia, you know everyone here, don't you?"
"Yes, of course."
"How are you enjoying your stay, Isamu?"
"So much I'm considering buying a residence here." She knew he was watching for any change in her expression, she made sure there was none.
"I could suggest a good broker if you like," Tyson offered.
"Thank you. I've already started the process."
One of the wives glowered at Olivia. "I know Paul White's loss was a shock to all of us. I was at Maureen's today. Paying my respects."
Olivia nodded. "I was too."
Tyson's eyes darted around and a nervous smile plastered across his lips.
"I think dinner is ready. Why don't we all take a seat?"
Everyone began to move toward the large dining room while Olivia lingered at the window, staring out at the lights of the city skyline and the bridges beyond.
"Yes." He agreed.
Olivia knew he wasn’t commenting on the skyline view, but she didn't look at him.
"It reminds me a bit of Tokyo."
"You're the guest of honor, we should go."
"I'm sorry about your friend."
Olivia's head jerked to the side. "Thank you, I appreciate that. I need a minute." Isamu nodded and walked away.
"How did he know Paul was my friend?" she whispered, knowing Brian was listening.
Brian sat in the back of the limo and listened. Of course she was right, how did he know about Paul if he wasn't involved? His stomach was churning. Olivia had changed purses, which meant she didn't have the tracking device with her. His phone buzzed and he looked at the screen.
"Yeah Jimmie."
"Brian, I've been looking through all the emails Paul sent Olivia. He always used the same numbers, to alert her. He also signed the emails the same way. Only to her though. I think it's a number code. I'm running it now."
"A code. A code for what?"
"A name, a place...."
"A location, maybe? Stay on it; let me know."
Olivia took her seat between Tyson and Isamu and they all sat down. She took her napkin and draped it across her lap. She knew she had to move things along more quickly. Salads were served, small talk was made and stories told through the entree course. When the plates were cleared, they were served champagne as they waited for dessert. Olivia moved her left hand to Isamu's knee. They both continued on with their conversation without hesitation. When dessert arrived she took her hand away. With dinner done, the group milled around for a while longer, having coffee and cordials.
"Thank you for inviting me, Mr. Grant."
"I'm glad you could make it. You could stay longer."
She smiled. "I have to work tomorrow. I wouldn't want to give my boss the wrong impression. Please say goodbye to Mister Matasuki for me. Good night."
"Good night, Olivia."
Isamu saw her leave without a word. His jaw tensed as he gritted his teeth, as she glanced back, the look in his eyes said everything. "You're mine now, you've chosen."
Outside Tyson’s apartment, Olivia pushed the call button for the elevator. A shiver rolled over her and she wrapped her arms around her and rubbed them. The elevator reached her floor and with a ‘ding’ the doors opened and the 'shadow' looked up, the elevator’s sole occupant. Their eyes
locked, Kimiko's narrowed and she made a quick decision.
"Going down?" she asked.
"Isamu is waiting for you."
The ‘shadow’ cocked her head. "Interesting, since he didn’t call. Come ahead, I’ll ride down with you. We'll have a little chat."
"No thank you, I'll take the next one."
"Move!" Brian yelled. "In the lobby, now." Two of Brian's men posted near the door of Tyson’s building moved quickly inside and waited. Brian's heart raced as he watched from the tiny camera lodged inside Olivia's necklace. His breathing now so loud he could barely hear what was being said.
"Stay calm, baby. Please." He pressed call on his phone and waited. "Come on. Answer."
"Jimmie, Please say you're in this security feed."
"Someone's already in and blocking us. I'm working on override now."
"Are you saying she's on her own?"
"I'm working on it, Brian."
"Send a full crew, now!"
Kimiko smiled. Olivia stood her ground, but Kimiko burst forward. Grabbing Olivia's wrist, she yanked her into the elevator. The doors closed. Olivia gasped as she stepped down hard on her ankle, sinking down when it buckled under her, to rest on the opposite knee.
"He's wrong to want you,” Kimiko growled. “You're a beauty, but nothing more. You’re making him weak and indecisive."
Olivia glanced up, her heart throbbing against her chest. “Breathe shallow,” she told herself and she steadied.
Crouched there, in one motion she removed her shoe, sharply rose, and she swung the platform sole against Kimiko's temple, knocking her back. Olivia jerked her wrist from Kimiko’s grasp and took the offensive, planting her leg, she swiped the other at Kimiko's and knocked it out from under her.
Kimiko landed on the floor of the elevator with a thud. Ears ringing, vision blurred in the moment, unable to focus her thoughts, or catch her breath.
Olivia straightened, pressed her bare foot on Kimiko's throat and watched the floors whir downward. When lit number two became the number one, she released her foot. Bending; she exchanged her foot for the hand now clutching Kimiko's throat as she waited for the doors to open to the lobby. As they separated, Olivia began to yell: "Please help!"
Corporate Ties (Silken Ties Book 1) Page 15