Corporate Ties (Silken Ties Book 1)

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Corporate Ties (Silken Ties Book 1) Page 20

by E. L. Loraine

  "How did it go?" Samantha asked as she turned the corner.

  "As well as it could. Matasuki owns Stein. Stein is really pissed off. All is well in my world," Olivia reported.

  "This is what you wanted to happen. He's set up, you're free. It's all good, right Liv?"

  "Yeah, it's all good."

  The note read:

  "Isamu, I can't be with you. Pressing personal matters take me away. You'll have a wonderful reunion with your homeland. Your company is so much more profitable this week than last. Be well. I'm sure you'll receive everything you deserve. Olivia."

  He crumpled up the note and tossed it into the aisle as the private plane taxied down the runway.

  "It was an expensive trip was it not, Naru? No clue on what happened to Kimiko and now Olivia will not be joining us."

  "These things work themselves out. It's not to be explained in a way we can understand right now."

  Isamu leaned back into his chair. His company was safe. It was a constant comfort to him when his family and everyone else deserted him.

  “Leave me!” he growled, when he finally arrived home. He felt empty, his palatial, sky topping condo meant nothing to him now. He glanced at his phone and email. Nothing from Olivia. He felt totally alone. He stared out onto the Tokyo skyline and then around the expansive apartment, filled with priceless art and antiques. For the first time it truly meant nothing

  The next day he readied for the board meeting, choosing a red tie, thinking it was Olivia's favorite. His heart wasn't into it. It was the first time in all these years he'd ever felt this way.

  He arrived at the building with his name emblazoned on the top in bright lights. Naru stopped the limo out front and stepped around to open his door. Isamu nodded, buttoning his jacket as he walked inside. Slight polite corporate bows were abundant as he made his way to the elevator, his entourage building with every step.

  He exited the elevator, and more of his people moved around him. He felt claustrophobic and waved them away. His glance moved down the hall. He stopped, hesitated, and stared again.


  "I'm here to make sure you get everything you deserve. Go, take your position." Again he hesitated, but she urged him on.

  He felt emboldened, his confidence soared, he threw his shoulders back, stood tall, and strutted into the conference room.

  Olivia's smile broadened and she sank against the wall opposite the boardroom doors. With each half hour her anxiety built. Finally the double doors flew open and Isamu stormed out. He glared at her and she walked past without a word.

  Days later, back home in her New York apartment Olivia stood and stared out into the city. "Everything is okay now, Liv. Why don't you sleep for a while?" Samantha said handing her a drink.

  "Thanks Sam. I'm not tired. Did you set up the meeting?"

  "Of course I did. Rest, please?"

  "I can't. Maybe after the meeting."

  The limo ride was solemn even though both Rachel and Samantha had a lot of gossip to share. Olivia wasn't in the mood. She was only thinking about the meeting and what would happen after.

  Adam Stein strode into the conference room and saw Olivia Grayson seated at the head of the long wooden table. He wanted to turn around and leave, but he stayed. Hands on his hips, he scowled at her.

  "Please sit down," She said.

  "So all the rumors were right, you're the new head of Matasuki International?"

  "Yes, I am."

  Adam sat across from her. He twisted, and fidgeted. He was uncomfortable with the power position she held over him. They'd taken his company, his legacy. What more could she want from him? He hated that he was still so attracted to her, his face felt hot, he began to ache. He still wanted her. Damn her.

  She pushed the file in front of her over to him.

  "Stein Brothers is your company, Adam. I bought stock to protect it from Matasuki. I'm now offering it back to you, with a nice profit for me, of course. I never meant to keep it.

  When I found out what Matasuki was up to and you weren't protecting yourself, it was the only way I could think of to protect your company and you. You still have no idea how dangerous an enemy he is."

  Adam slumped back in his chair. "And taking over Matasuki?"

  "Was the only way to maintain the con, get rid of Isamu, and save Stein Brothers."

  He opened the folder and found everything she told him to be true. The stock was available only to him at a set price. He just had to sign the contract.

  Looking up from the contract, Adam let out the breath he’d been holding. "I misjudged you, Olivia. I'm sorry.

  She shrugged. "I would have thought the same thing, had I been in your position." She stood and reached out her hand. He shook it. He wanted more, but he could see in her eyes that she didn't.

  "You lost a lot doing this didn't you? I wish things were different."

  "He had my friend killed and I made the choice to take Matasuki down." She cringed, drawing in a breath. "And yes, it cost me dearly."

  Samantha walked up to the door and knocked. After a few moments Brian answered. Sam noticed a woman in the background and simply handed him an envelope. It was payment for all his work.

  "She was right, she warned you. You being unable to forgive her is so much worse, Brian."

  Sam turned and started to walk away.

  "Where is she?"

  Sam turned back and shrugged. "I don't know. All she said was that Paul left her some property."

  Olivia sat on the porch and stared down the long drive. The window was open and inside the fire crackled and flared providing the only source of light in the room. She saw something in the distance and squinted. Her gut clenched, she was here all alone in the middle of nowhere. She stood and went inside, retrieving the small binoculars Paul had sitting on the entrance table. When the image came into focus she sucked in a sharp breath. And then walked back onto the porch and waited.


  She squeezed back tears, but she couldn't hold back the emotion. Her hands flew to her face and she started to cry.

  Brian stepped closer and pulled her into his arms.

  "I'm so sorry, Liv. Please forgive me."

  She nodded, looking up, tears flowing down her face. "You're trespassing."

  He chuckled. "I love you."

  "I love you too."

  Kimiko struggled again against her bonds. She'd signed every paper admitting her guilt, including confessing to the death of Takuri Yasimoto. The woman approached, standing behind her yet again.

  "It's time to end your torment,” she said stepping into Kimiko’s line of vision. “My husband wasn't the best judge of character. He was more interested in satisfying his needs.” She dipped a cotton swab into a vial, swirling it until she was sure it contained the correct amount, before holding it up to show Kimiko.

  Kimiko’s eyes went wild, darting back and forth and she jerked hard against her bonds. Her chest heaved with panted breaths as the swab got closer. The woman smiled as she twisted the swab into Kimiko’s nose, distributing the deadly toxin.

  "I'm a Christian. Not many people know that about me. So with surety I can say, rot in Hell, Kimiko!"

  Kimiko's shrieks were stifled by the duct tape over her mouth. Yasimoto's widow watched her squirm, jerk and spasm several times before the last sighs of breath left her chest.

  "Dump her in the river," she instructed before she walked away, satisfied her family honor had been redeemed.

  Olivia and Brian curled up on the couch together. Olivia happily leaning against his chest, her arm curled across his body.

  "What about Matasuki? I gave everything I had to the police. I heard several FBI agents have been arrested."

  "He didn't get far. When he found out I'd done the same thing to Matasuki International that we did to Stein, he stormed out of the building. Earlier, I’d forwarded Paul’s file on Matasuki from his memory stick to Interpol, and to my lawyer, Clay. I have to admit, since he’d identified Pa
ul’s body and arranged for cremation, I was suspicious and was testing him; I’m relieved he passed.

  Matasuki was arrested outside his building. After the Japanese get through with him, there are indictments from the governments of four other countries he’ll have to worry about. He won't be getting free to wield his brand of hatred ever again. I am the CEO of Matasuki. As such, I'm in the process of selling it off, piece by piece. My first sale; the pharmaceutical division. No more human testing."

  "You can start the company you always wanted."

  "I don't know if that's what I want anymore."

  "You could come and work with me. You're an amazing investigator."

  Olivia twisted. "I just might take you up on that. For now I have everything I want right here."

  He smiled and they kissed. "I agree. You're all I want, all I need."

  E. L. Loraine, lives in the South East and when not writing novels, loves to travel, dabble in interior design and cook. Look for her next steamy book in March 7th when WESTERN ESCAPE will be released.

  Books by Elizabeth Loraine available in E-book and print:

  Royal Blood Chronicles YA Series

  Katrina - the Beginning

  The Protectors

  The Dark Prince

  Cain – the Quest





  Royal Chronicles Novellas

  Quinn – a Watchers Story

  Marcella – Vampire Mage


  Phantom Lives Series



  The Shifter Series

  Green River

  Other Books

  Lillian – A Vampire Tale

  Lillian - Mask

  Lillian – Retribution (February 2014)




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