After Sundown: Redemption

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After Sundown: Redemption Page 1

by Eden Robins

  An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication

  After Sundown: Redemption

  ISBN #1-4199-0244-X


  After Sundown: Redemption Copyright© 2005 Eden Robins

  Edited by: Mary Dawson

  Cover art by: Syneca

  Electronic book Publication: May 2005

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  After Sundown: Redemption

  Eden Robins


  To my friend, Steven, who made me realize that tomorrow may never come, so I need to make the most of today. You’ll always be in my heart.

  Chapter One

  Almost there. Just a little farther. Alyssa’s heart was hammering so fast she thought it might burst from her chest. But she had to keep going. She spied the door leading from the parking garage. Still a long way to go. Why had she parked so far away? Was that a breath she felt at the back of her neck? Fear engulfed her. She tried to pump her legs faster. Her muscles shot daggers of pain upwards in protest. They’d almost reached their limit.

  She could make it, almost there— Something pulled at the back of her blouse and then lost its grip. She finally reached the door, gave it a good push. It was unlocked. Slipping inside, she slammed the door behind her. Alyssa sagged against it in relief. People were all around her. She trembled all over in an effort to get her breathing back to normal. Safe. For now. Other than losing her shoes, she was fine.

  The man had attacked as she approached her car. She swung her purse hard enough at his head to momentarily disorient him. Then brought her knee up and centered it where he was most vulnerable. He doubled over with a groan. She began her race. Her high heels had impeded her speed, so she kicked them off. Ignoring the pain from the bits of rocks and debris she stepped on as she ran for her life, she silently thanked her mother for pushing her to do track while growing up. Despite the fact that her father had always said she “ran like a girl”, she knew she had been one of the fastest runners in her school—boy or girl.

  Gradually Alyssa got her breathing back to normal. Everything would be okay now. But what about the next time? Whoever was stalking her—yes, she finally admitted that’s what was happening—wasn’t going away. This was the third speaking engagement he had shown up at and despite the heightened security precautions she’d taken, he didn’t seem to be slowing down. This time, it felt like he’d been just steps behind her. He’d never been that close before.

  Her publicist was right. She had avoided his suggestions to hire personal security. Now she knew she couldn’t put it off any longer. She had assumed that, like everything else in her life, she could handle this herself. She was wrong. The situation was getting out of hand. Whoever was after her wasn’t giving up. As much as she hated to admit it, it was time to ask for help.

  * * * * *

  The next evening, after much persuasion by her publicist, Alyssa Edwards walked into the office of Sundown Security Agency. Her conversation with the agency’s owner, Vlad Maksimovitch, started out well. Although she had thought it strange that the agency only opened its doors after sundown, her publicist had assured her that this company was the best in Arizona. They specialized in security for evening functions and since her three remaining motivational workshops were at night, that suited her purposes perfectly.

  Vlad, as he asked her to call him, offered her herbal tea as they sat in his office discussing her situation. The light scent of chamomile relaxed her frayed nerves. Also there was something about his tone of voice, which left her at ease. He had an almost lulling cadence to his speech. Despite the fact that he was one of the most attractive men she had ever met, his warm smile and easy manner made her comfortable almost immediately.

  Then he mentioned the “B” word.

  “A bodyguard? No way!” Alyssa bolted off her seat and almost stormed right back out the door. “Mr. Maksimovitch, when my publicist set up this appointment it was to acquire some additional personal security, not provide me with a babysitter. I know how to make safe choices. I don’t need anybody to tell me how to do that.”

  “I disagree.”

  Alyssa swung around at the sound of the unfamiliar male voice behind her. The man was leaning negligently against the doorframe leading into the office. His arms were folded casually across his chest and he appeared very relaxed. His eyes challenged her and he wore a mocking smile on his face. For some reason that smirk irritated her.

  “Excuse me? Who are you?” She lifted an eyebrow arrogantly.

  “Miss Edwards, this is Christian Galiano,” Vlad explained. He rose from his chair and gave Christian a warning look. “He’s the specialist that I assigned to guar-uh, work with you.”

  Christian pushed away from the doorway and strode towards her. His mocking expression suddenly changed to intense interest. Alyssa felt something new replace the irritation she had felt only moments before. Everything seemed to move in slow motion as the man drew closer. His body moved in a way that seemed unnaturally graceful, as if he were almost gliding towards her rather than walking. Her eyes rose to his and she couldn’t drag them away. His gaze drew her in, endlessly tugging at her. She felt herself falling into their mocha colored depths.

  “Christian!” Vlad yelled.

  Christian maintained eye contact with Alyssa until he stood close enough to touch her. He slowly raised his hand to her face. Caught up in his captivating gaze, she had no will to stop him.

  “Cristobal! No!”

  This time, Christian heeded Vlad’s words. He broke eye contact and Alyssa stumbled backwards. She would have fallen against the desk if he hadn’t reached out at a speed so fast it blurred to grab her arm and steady her. What had just happened? She felt as if she had been in some sort of daze.

  Realizing Christian still held on to her, Alyssa’s irritation returned. She tried to pull free, but he didn’t release her. Instead, he slowly slid his hand down her arm, over her elbow, skimming his fingers on her wrists before gently enveloping her hand in his.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” he said.

  His lilting Spanish accent and light touch left her momentary nonplussed, but she quickly shook it off.

  “Nice to meet you, Mr. Galiano. Now if you’d let go of me?”

  She looked pointedly down at their clasped hands, then back at him.

  “Of course, but please call me Christian,” he said, releasing her.

  Alyssa stepped back, putting some space between them before turning back towards Mr. Maksimovitch.

  “I appreciate your efforts to protect me, however, a bod
yguard is not exactly what I had planned,” she reiterated.

  “You need to change your plan, Ms. Edwards,” Christian responded.

  “I don’t think so,” she countered. The man was really starting to get on her nerves. “I don’t need a man following me around wherever I go, telling me where to go, what to do, or how to do it.”

  Christian looked like he was about to argue, when Vlad interrupted.

  “Miss Edwards. Our business is security. We understand your reluctance to hire a bodyguard, however, it sounds to me like your problem has become more than just a case of an avid fan wanting your attention. Last night you were attacked. Your physical well-being was threatened. You managed to escape, but next time you might not be so lucky.”

  Darn it, the man was right. If he hadn’t just voiced her own concerns, she would have been able to refuse their services. Whoever attacked her last night wasn’t playing around. She only had two more days until her next speaking appearance. Pride had no place in this. Her life might be at stake.

  The two men waited silently for her to make her decision. Christian’s expression mocked her, Vlad’s looked earnest, concerned. She knew what she had to do.

  “Fine,” she agreed through gritted teeth. She really didn’t like this. “But, no offense Mr. Galiano, I’d prefer that you handle my case, Vlad.”

  Christian’s smile remained firmly in place, but Alyssa noticed it now looked like little more than a baring of teeth. Well, that was just too bad. She felt comfortable with Vlad and definitely uncomfortable with Christian. Something about him screamed a silent warning that said, “Stay far away”.

  “Regretfully, Miss Edwards, that’s not possible,” Vlad explained. “I’m working on a high profile case of my own at the moment and won’t be able to handle yours as well. Also, please understand that I choose the specialists to work each case based on the specifics of the circumstances. After looking over your situation and talking to your publicist, I knew that Christian was the one to best handle your needs. I promise you, you’ll be satisfied with him and his protection.”

  Vlad looked pointedly at Christian.

  “Isn’t that right, Christian?”

  Christian looked like the cat that swallowed the cream. His smile widened to wolfish proportions as he met Alyssa’s gaze.

  “I can definitely satisfy your needs, Miss Edwards. As long as you do as you’re told.”

  Alyssa fumed. The man was just too much! Placing her hands on her hips she met his gaze squarely.

  “I don’t take orders very well, Mr. Galiano. And,” she paused to rake her gaze scathingly over him from head to toe, “my satisfaction is not so easily fulfilled.”

  When her eyes returned to his face, she could tell by his clenching jaw that he was not amused. Their gazes met and clashed.

  “We’ll see,” he said, before turning to look at Vlad. “I’ll leave the details to you, as usual. Just fill me in later.”

  Christian turned and left the room without a backwards glance.

  “Yes, we will,” Alyssa, hissed under her breath.

  She turned to Vlad with a smile that was most definitely forced.

  “I’m sorry, Ms. Edwards. Christian is usually not like this. I promise you, he’ll handle your case with the utmost professionalism and courtesy. He is very good at his job. You’ll feel safe in his hands,” Vlad guaranteed.

  “Thank you. I appreciate your confidence in your employees. As you mentioned before, this situation has gotten way out of hand. Everything I’ve tried up until now hasn’t helped.

  “Let’s go over the events one more time. Tell me everything, from the first time the stalker appeared until now,” Vlad requested.

  “Of course. It all started after my first motivational talk since being back in Arizona. As you know, I’ve been traveling around the country promoting my new life therapy book, Balance. I scheduled six appearances around the state. I thought it was fitting to finish out my ten-week tour in my home state. Anyway, I was at the Grady Gammage Auditorium in Tempe, when the stalker first contacted me. Everything was going as usual when…”

  * * * * *

  In his office down the hall from Vlad’s, Christian paced restlessly back and forth. His acute hearing allowed him to hear every word Alyssa Edwards spoke. When Vlad promised her that he would behave with professionalism and courtesy, Christian smiled coldly. Vlad knew he was listening and that was his way of warning him to behave.

  Christian ran his hand through his hair and exhaled loudly in frustration. He wasn’t quite sure why he had acted that way with the human woman. She was pretty. He’d give her that. Her straight, raven black hair hung loose down to the small of her back. She had delicately arched eyebrows, crystal blue eyes, creamy white skin and full, berry-red lips. Her ample and voluptuous curves also kept drawing his gaze. But he had seen many more exquisitely beautiful women during his two hundred year lifetime and none had affected him like this.

  Most women tried to attract his interest. Alyssa had done just the opposite. She had acted like she wanted nothing to do with him. That surprised him. Even when he had tried to mesmerize her, she had struggled against it. Her strength of will amazed him. She had fought him up to the moment he had released her from his mental embrace. That was unusual.

  Despite all that, what most intrigued him had been her ability to ignite his emotions. Most humans only mildly affected him, but she had actually made him feel several ways. Challenged, interested, irritated and yes, attracted. Something about her appealed to him, made him feel alive, but he couldn’t quite place what it was, yet.

  Though he knew what had happened to Alyssa up to that point, Christian listened attentively, careful not to miss any unusual cadence changes or hesitations in her voice. He had learned through experience that it wasn’t always what the person said that answered your questions. It was more often how they said it. He knew she was scared by the last attack, as she should be. But he could also tell she didn’t like asking for help. She was very independent. That was an admirable trait, but it could present a problem if she wasn’t willing to cooperate with him. He had a job to do and he would succeed, with or without her agreement.

  He was sworn to protect the humans he had easily killed so long ago. Almost a hundred and fifty years had passed since he let the vampire in him take control of the person he was. The man now ruled the vampire, not the other way around. And his duty to protect was what he lived for. It was the only thing that kept him from walking into the sunlight and ending his existence.

  He delved lightly into Alyssa’s mind, careful to keep his search delicate so that she remained unaware of his probing. He couldn’t stop the satisfied grin that spread across his lips. She was wondering about him, even as she said goodbye to Vlad. Good, she wasn’t as unaffected by him as she pretended to be. That would help.

  “Did you get it all, my friend, or have you been in here the whole time, daydreaming about our beautiful new client?” Vlad asked as he walked into Christian’s office.

  “I heard it. And I agree, she is quite attractive, but that’s not what worries me. Ms. Edwards is very independent and really doesn’t want to deal with us. I skimmed her mind lightly, as I’m sure you did and despite her fear over the situation, she was trying to figure out a way not to use our services, even as you walked her to her car and she drove away.”

  “Nevertheless, she will use our service. Her publicist insisted and she has already given us a down payment.” Vlad smiled, before he turned serious again. “You have a new client, Christian. But please refrain from any more open displays like the one in my office earlier. We don’t want to scare our customers away. Our business has grown substantially in the last few years and we’re establishing a good reputation. I want to keep it that way.”

  “Don’t worry. I’m sure Ms. Edwards and I will come to an agreement,” Christian said with a wicked smile.

  “That’s what I’m afraid of,” Vlad muttered, shaking his head. He placed a file on Christian�
��s desk, then turned to leave the room. “Take a look at Ms. Edwards’ file. She’s going to meet with you here at the office tomorrow night, so that you can go over procedure and layout. Her next speaking engagement is the night after next.”

  “Thanks. Where are you off to in such a hurry?” Christian asked with a knowing grin.

  Vlad stiffened and glared over his shoulder.

  “You know perfectly well where I’m going. If I’m not at little miss princess’s house by a certain time, her daddy gets very unhappy,” he said with a grim smile. “And with the amount of money he’s willing to pay and his large crowd of friends that are just the kind of people who could be our future clients, I’m willing to speed up my pace a little. Dealing with his daughter, of course, is a totally different matter. I don’t know how much longer I’m going to be able to put up with her.”

  “Good luck,” Christian snickered before his friend slammed the office door on his way out.

  * * * * *

  Alyssa drove through the drive thru, grabbing some Japanese fast food fromTeriyaki Now! Tokyo Express on her way home. Her apartment was finally starting to feel like home again. After being gone for so long, it was hard to settle back into her place. As she set her keys and food down on the counter, a big black fur ball jumped onto the kitchen table and meowed loudly.

  “Finally forgiven me, huh?” she asked, petting her cat. When she scratched his head, he closed his eyes and began purring loudly.

  “I missed you too, Jonathan, but this speaking tour was something I needed to do. I know Aunt Joyce took good care of you while I was gone. You certainly don’t look deprived,” she added, stroking his substantial belly. In response, he turned and gave her hand a little nip.

  “Okay, so I’m not totally forgiven. How about some dinner?”

  Alyssa opened a can of cat food and poured it into Jonathan’s bowl, then set it on the floor by his water. He jumped off the table and sniffed his food. She sat down, pulled her dinner out of the bag and began to eat. When she was about halfway through, Jonathan jumped back onto the table and sat down in front of her. He waited patiently, watching her chew each bite and occasionally sniffing the air.


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