After Sundown: Redemption

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After Sundown: Redemption Page 6

by Eden Robins

  “What happened?” She tried to sit up, but Christian kept her in his arms.

  Her gaze swung to his then. What was going on?

  “I’m not sure. I think you must have gotten dizzy and fainted. I found you lying on the floor when I walked in,” he said.

  “Fainted? I don’t faint.” She quickly dismissed his explanation. Her brow furrowed in concentration. Why couldn’t she remember?

  “The last thing I remember is going over my speech. Then waking up on the floor. In your arms.” Alyssa looked pointedly at his arms around her.

  The feel of him holding her was starting to take its toll. Although she didn’t know what had happened, her body was very aware of what was going on right now. Christian held her so that he supported her head, the upper half of her body cradled in his lap. His hands lay just below her breasts. All he had to do was move them up an inch and she would probably lose it. Right there in the dressing room. Lose control and attack him.

  The desire burning in his gaze didn’t help matters. It scorched her. She shifted her body restlessly and encountered something very hard pressed against her back. She froze. Christian’s eyes narrowed dangerously and he started clenching and unclenching his jaw. He looked like he was in pain.

  This time when she tried to sit up, he didn’t stop her. She scrambled to her feet. Dizziness overwhelmed her. She had to steady herself by grabbing the nearby chair. After a minute or so, the feeling passed and she let go. Christian was watching her warily, cautiously, as if he wasn’t sure what she would do.

  Ignore it. That’s what she would do. She was not about to acknowledge the fact that the man made her knees weak. Stick to the business at hand. That’s what she had to do. She jumped slightly when Christian interrupted her little internal pep talk.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked.

  Other than the fact that she wanted to jump his bones, she was feeling much better.

  “Better.” That was all she could manage.

  “Why don’t we cancel your speech for tonight?” he suggested.

  That got her attention back to business.

  “No,” she declared. “Those people bought my book. They came tonight to hear me talk. I need to do this. Don’t worry. The dizziness has passed and I’m feeling much better. It was probably just nerves.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes. Positive.”

  Christian studied her silently until she felt like squirming, then he nodded his head. Alyssa released the breath she hadn’t known she was holding.

  “Fine, but take it easy out there. I’ll be to the right of you, backstage if you need me. Just look my way and I’ll come to you,” Christian said.

  “Okay. I’ll keep that in mind.”

  Alyssa’s talk went flawlessly. She put her whole self into it like she usually did and was exhausted by the time Christian helped her gather her things and drove her home. The positive energy in the theater had been strong. For some reason, whenever she gave these speeches she picked up on the audience’s feelings. Not each and every person, but the group as a whole. Most people had been very open to her speech. She hoped she had touched someone’s life in a helpful way tonight.

  As Christian walked her to her door, she felt relieved. She was glad the stalker hadn’t appeared. She felt confident that Christian would have handled the situation if something had happened, but the experience would have shaken her. Maybe his presence alone would keep the creep away. She hoped so.

  Christian hadn’t said much to her after her speech or on the drive home, so the sound of his gruff voice came as a surprise when they reached her apartment door.

  “I need to do one last walk through before I go. I’m sure everything’s fine, but I want to make sure.”

  Alyssa didn’t want him in her apartment again. It was unsettling. She was exhausted and just wanted to crawl into bed and go to sleep. But when she looked into Christian’s eyes she knew that wasn’t going to happen. He wasn’t taking no for an answer. She gritted her teeth in frustration. Sometimes the man reminded her of a pit bull! Not letting go of something until he was good and ready.

  “Fine. Let’s get this over with so I can get some sleep.”

  She opened the door and he followed her inside.

  “Jonathan, where are you?” she called out.

  The next moment was a blur. Christian grabbed her arm, swung her around and hauled her up against him.

  “Who’s Jonathan?” he snarled.

  The anger in his eyes left her speechless. She couldn’t find the words to answer him because the ferociousness of his gaze was such a shock. His eyes narrowed to slits. He grasped her shoulders and gave her a little shake. It didn’t hurt, but it got her attention, as it was meant to do.

  “I asked you a question, Alyssa. Who is Jonathan? Your boyfriend? Your lover?” As Christian spoke his voice grew deeper and deeper, until it sounded almost like a low growl.

  Alyssa remained frozen in shock until the meaning of his words finally penetrated. Then a wide smile spread across her lips. Christian thought Jonathan was a man. A soft chuckle escaped her lips.

  She started to tell Christian who and what Jonathan was, but didn’t get the chance.

  “I see nothing funny about this situation, palomita. I want an answer from you now, do you understand?” His voice didn’t sound like his own. It was deep and gravelly and the growl was now definitely in his voice.

  Christian grasped her chin gently, but firm enough that she knew she couldn’t break his hold without a real struggle. He tilted her face up to him so that their eyes met.

  “I sense no other human presence in your apartment. I will ask you one more time. Give you one more chance to answer of your own free will. Who is Jonathan?” His gaze was penetrating and demanding.

  Alyssa couldn’t answer if her life depended on it. She got lost in Christian’s mocha eyes. She felt like he was drinking her with his gaze and she didn’t want him to stop. When he bent his head, her reaction was immediate. Her lips tingled for his kiss. Her breasts swelled and her nipples pebbled against his chest. A pulsating ache started in the pit of her stomach and moved lower to settle permanently at her core.

  His lips touched hers, almost, but not quite. She groaned and strained upward. He held her in place.

  “Do you want me, Alyssa? Do you ache for me?” He whispered each question against her lips. Each word affected her like he was physically touching her. “I feel your breasts tightening against my chest. Do you know what I want to do to them? I want to worship them with my hands, mouth and tongue. I want to savor your nipples like sweet summer berries. Draw on them until I’ve had my fill. Would you like that, Alyssa? All you have to do is answer my question, palomita.”

  Her knees felt weak. She was lost in a haze of desire. What was the question again? Her world suddenly narrowed down to one thing. She had to feel his lips on her, had to feel his sexy mouth against her body. What was that damn question? She couldn’t remember.

  “Who is Jonathan?” Christian repeated.

  Right, that was it. She could answer that question.

  “My cat.”

  “Your cat?”

  “Yes. You know, my pet?”

  “I see. Your cat.”

  His voice sounded tight now. Then nothing. He continued to stare deeply into her eyes, but that was it.

  Alyssa squirmed restlessly against Christian. She had answered his question. Why didn’t he kiss her? She had enough of waiting. She needed him now. She placed her hand behind his head and pulled him closer. His lips touched hers and she practically screamed with satisfaction. His mouth moved gently, expertly over hers. When she tentatively touched her tongue to his, he groaned and deepened the kiss.

  Christian was stunned. He couldn’t believe what had just happened. He had never felt jealous over another man in all his long existence. But the thought that Alyssa had been with someone else had incensed him to the point that he would have killed the man if he had been in the sa
me room. One thought ran fast and furious through his head again and again. She is mine.

  He had been so enraged that he used mind control on Alyssa. Took away her free will. When she told him Jonathan was her cat, his sanity returned. As he looked down into her passion-glazed eyes, he pulled back mentally and waited. Nothing changed. She was free of his thrall. She should have pulled away from him, come to her senses. But she didn’t. Alyssa was still straining to get closer to him, pressing against him. When she pulled his head closer to hers and kissed him, he didn’t argue. This was not his doing. She wanted him. Savage satisfaction filled him. Good. He wanted her too. He was tired of fighting it.

  Christian explored her lips, enjoying their softness. When her tongue touched his, desire hit him like a punch to the stomach. He growled low in his throat. He delved between her lips, enjoying her sweetness. His senses were enflamed by her enthusiastic response. He pulled her closer. He couldn’t get enough.

  Alyssa’s hands wandered restlessly over him. She was telling him without words how much she wanted him. Each touch of her fingers left him struggling for control. It had been so long since he let someone this close. He tried taking deep, cleansing breaths to slow his need. He didn’t want to hurt her. Since his change, his physical reactions had become stronger, more intense. He wasn’t sure she’d be able to take the full brunt of his passion, yet.

  When her hands slipped under his shirt and played over his stomach, he almost lost it. Enough! He couldn’t hold back any longer. He needed, no, had to touch her now. Placing his hands over hers, he slid them around her waist behind her back. He held her hands there with one hand and used his free hand to unbutton her suit jacket. Kissing her deeply, his tongue engaged hers in an intimate dance again and again. Alyssa moaned. She strained against his hold, tried to press closer to him. He groaned in relief when her jacket finally came free. Sliding his hand over her soft stomach, he felt it quiver from his touch. Christian smiled against her lips. He liked knowing she was so sensitive to his touch.

  Slipping his hand up along her rib cage, he encountered the edge of her bra. Alyssa pulled away, drew in a sharp breath and held it. She was waiting. His fingers played along the lacy edge. She shuddered. Christian found the front clasp of her bra and deftly undid it. No matter what the time period, he and women’s lingerie had always worked easily together. Her full breasts sprang free. Alyssa broke their kiss and leaned her head on his shoulder. She was struggling to catch her breath. He paused, his hand hovering over her breast. Did she want him to continue or stop?

  Christian held onto his control by a thin thread. He had to be sure she wanted this. If she said no after this point, he didn’t know if he could stop.

  “Touch me,” Alyssa gasped.

  That was all the encouragement he needed. Covering her breast with his hand, he savored its soft fullness. A perfect fit. He ran his thumb back and forth over her nipple. It pebbled and tightened from his touch. His mouth watered at the thought of that sweetness in his mouth. He rained kisses down her neck. He pressed his mouth against her pulse, ran his tongue over the spot. Another kind of hunger took over. He smelled her blood, smelled her life force and fought against sinking his teeth into her soft flesh.

  Alyssa arched her back and made a soft mewling sound. He dragged his mouth downward. Her body was calling to him. He let that guide his hunger. He leaned forward, making her arch her back. Her jacket parted and her breasts thrust upward, offering him a feast he couldn’t resist. He suckled each breast until her nipples were bright red and swollen, stiff and wet from his worship. Alyssa’s moans were getting louder. Her need was driving him crazy. Her desire was slamming into him at two levels, physical and mental. Not only could he see and hear her body’s reaction to his touch, he could feel the desire consuming her mind. Her thoughts reached him in erotic wave after wave.

  Christian slid his mouth over her stomach and ran his tongue over her soft curves. Delving into her belly button, he felt another shiver overwhelm her. His lips traveled lower, to the waistband of her pants. He couldn’t resist running his tongue back and forth under the fabric. This time, Alyssa’s stomach jumped from his touch. He only realized he had released her hands when he felt her fingers running through his hair, urging him on. Grasping her hands, he lifted his head to meet her desire-filled gaze.

  Christian knew, without a doubt, he could take her. He could seduce her body to the point that she was pleading with him to make love to her. But he didn’t want it that way. Not with Alyssa. He had to know she wanted him.

  “Alyssa, are you sure? Tell me now, palomita, because if we continue, I won’t be able to stop. Do you understand?”

  Alyssa nodded, but he waited patiently. He wanted to hear her make this decision. Say the words. Her eyes pulled at him, the heat in them screaming her desire.

  “I need you to tell me, Alyssa. I won’t go on until I know for sure that this is what you want.”

  “I want you, Christian. Don’t stop.” Her voice was throaty, filled with passion.

  He needed no other urging. With a growl he let the predator in him loose. Alyssa was his.

  Chapter Five

  Christian slowly worked Alyssa’s pants lower. Her skin felt like the silky material of her suit. He splayed his fingers over the soft curve of her stomach. The image of a baby growing inside her came crashing into his consciousness. His hands stilled their exploration. His body shook as unfamiliar emotions washed over him. He had never thought about children before. Why now? How did this mortal affect him so profoundly?

  Alyssa squeezed her fingers tightly in his hair. She made needy sounds in her throat. He hardened to the point of pain. His thoughts reverted to only hunger and need. She pulled his head to her body. The scent of green apples and sunshine filled his senses. Wrapping his hands around her waist, he pulled her closer. He skimmed his lips and tongue over her skin, savoring the taste of her. Moving lower, he got lost in the delights of her body.

  The sound didn’t reach him until he felt Alyssa stiffen. The persistent rap rubbed him the wrong way. He raised his head and glared at the sound. Someone was knocking on Alyssa’s apartment door. Christian growled. He pressed closer to her and his hold tightened possessively. She Is Mine! That thought pounded over and over in his head as the beast threatened to overtake him.

  Not now. Not now! Alyssa needed this, needed Christian in a way she had never experienced before. To stop would be difficult, even painful. The feel of his mouth, lapping at her, his hands holding her tight, his silky hair beneath her fingers. It was too good.

  She thought about ignoring the knock. Maybe whoever was pounding on the door would go away. The knocking continued, louder, until it became a frantic staccato that she feared would never stop.

  “Alyssa? Honey, are you in there?”

  Alyssa’s shoulder’s sagged in resignation. She had to answer the door. She had forgotten that she promised to meet her aunt here after her speech. And knowing her aunt, if she didn’t answer the door, it wouldn’t be too long until she called the police. Ever since Alyssa’s mother committed suicide, her Aunt Joyce had become the proverbial protective mother hen. Most of the time, Alyssa appreciated her aunt’s concern, but now was definitely not one of those times.

  With a groan, she reluctantly pulled her hands from Christian’s hair and tried to push away from him. His only response was a soft growl. She looked down as he slowly raised his head. She gasped. The black pupils of his eyes had become red. Dilated to the point that almost no white showed. Nobody she knew was in those eyes. They were cold and empty. A shiver slid down her spine. Two elongated teeth protruded when his lips curled into a snarl. Alyssa stood as still as possible. Knowing somehow that if she moved, it would make things worse.

  A loud knock sounded at the door again. She almost jumped. Christian’s gaze narrowed warily, watching, waiting for her to try to bolt.

  “Alyssa, are you there? It’s Aunt Joyce. Open the door. Is everything okay?”

��s gaze swung from hers to the door. She felt his whole body shudder. Then he slowly loosened his hold. It seemed hours before he finally dropped his hands to his sides. Alyssa felt relieved and bereft at the same time. Slowly she backed away. Christian continued to watch her with cold eyes. She feared he might jump up and grab her again. Instead, he dropped his head into his hands and groaned. The sound was filled with pain. His face was now hidden behind the strands of hair she had ruffled with her fingers. It fell around him like a silky curtain. She had the urge to go to him. Run her fingers through his mane. Make the pain go away.

  Another knock broke the spell.

  Alyssa adjusted her clothing and strode towards the door.

  “Just a minute, Aunt Joyce,” she called out.

  She placed her hand on the doorknob, but didn’t turn it. She took a deep breath. Counted to ten, then turned back towards Christian.

  He was gone. Startled, she did a quick sweep of her apartment, but found no sign of him. He had left her apartment through some way other than the door. That chilled her as she let her aunt in.

  “Alyssa, why didn’t you—look at you! You’re shivering! What’s going on?”

  Her aunt’s concern warmed Alyssa somewhat, but she still couldn’t shake the feelings created by Christian. It was like he had become something else, something not quite human. She knew, of course, on a conscious level that he had already admitted to being a vampire. But that knowledge and seeing the actual phenomenon were two different kettles of fish.

  Without answering Alyssa turned around and walked away. Her legs suddenly felt shaky. She collapsed on the couch with a loud sigh. Too much had happened too fast. She needed to get a handle on things, but she wasn’t sure how. Her aunt closed the door, sat down beside her and placed her arm comfortingly around Alyssa’s shoulders. The warmth and love Alyssa felt encouraged her to talk.


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