Breech's Fall

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Breech's Fall Page 2

by D. D. Galvani

  She snorted. “First of all, it’s my goddamn house; second, I have not been half-naked, I sleep in shorts and a T-shirt, and I relax in sweats,” she spat.

  “Shorts that are so short I can see your ass cheeks hanging out, and sweats so thin I can see the outline of your panties,” I replied.

  “Well, don’t fucking look then. I’m not going to change my routine because it makes you horny. Back off!” she ended on a yell.

  I pressed my erection harder against her butt; her upper body was caged in between my arms. I had to lean down to brush a kiss across her soft lips even though her eyes were spitting fire at me. “Doll, you’ve given me the worst case of blue balls I’ve had since I was a teenager, but for right now all I want is a kiss.” She pressed against my chest, trying to get a little room between us, but I wasn’t having it. Winding a few pieces of her hair around my fingers, pulling until her chin lifted and she was forced to look at me, I said, “Kiss me back.”

  Lightly I kissed her tight lips; she was stiff and unyielding. It was going to take some coaxing to get her to open up for me. I dropped one hand to her lower back and began kneading circles, pressing light kisses to the corners of her mouth. I licked at the seam of her lips and she gasped, giving me the opening I needed. My tongue plunged into her mouth, spreading her lips like I’d like to be spreading her body with my cock. I traced the contours of her mouth, the outline of her teeth, her tongue. Tilting her head to get a better angle, I deepened the kiss, drinking from her. She tasted like coffee. Her hair smelled like fresh summer rain. The skin of her back was smooth and silky.

  At first, she held her body rigid, but the longer I kissed her, the more she softened against me. Her ass cheeks cradled my cock, and unconsciously she rocked against me. I snaked a hand up under her shirt, cupping a breast. It was warm, soft, and overflowed my palm. I pinched the nipple between my thumb and forefinger, making her moan into my mouth.

  She broke the kiss when she heard the door to the exam room open and Opry walked in. “Ah, fucking shit,” he said.

  Jiji shrieked; we had gotten so involved we didn’t hear them unlock the clinic and come in.

  Pushing me away, she ducked under my arm, practically running from the room. Sighing, I reached down and adjusted my dick to a more comfortable position. It looked like my case of blue balls wasn’t going away anytime soon.


  What the hell is wrong with me? I fumed, I know better than to let him get to me. And now Opry had gotten an eyeful. Shit, fuck, piss, damn. I recited the litany silently as I walked down the hallway.

  I refused to be one more in a long line of women warming his bed. The damn man was hot, and he knew it. He had all the girls at the club drooling over him. Tish said he hadn’t been sleeping with any of them in a while, because she heard a couple of them talking the last time she was at the club, just before her wedding. They were bitching about just that: that he hadn’t been fucking any of them. It made me smile to know that he probably did have blue balls.

  My lips tingled, still feeling his kiss there. I looked up when the door behind me opened and Opry stuck his head out. “Umm, Jiji, you look like you’re in a daze, babe, you ok?” I flipped him the bird but kept on walking. I could hear his laughter following me.

  Sandra was in the break room getting coffee for the two of them. She turned to me. “Your lips are swollen, your hair’s a mess, and you have that just-been-fucked look, Jiji. I thought we were here about a cat.” Leave it to Sandra to address the elephant in the room the second she opened her mouth.

  Exasperated, I said, “Nobody fucked anybody, Sandra.”

  She smirked. “Too bad, that boy’s jeans don’t leave much to the imagination!”

  Rolling my eyes at her, I said, “Yeah, and every damn club girl has had a taste. Thanks, but no thanks.”

  “Come on, let’s go see about the cat; we’ll table this discussion for later, but we will talk about it,” Sandra said.

  Sighing, I followed her out. “Tink is in exam room one. The X-rays are on the lightbox.”

  “Tink?” Sandra asked.

  Smiling, I said, “Sure, why not. She had to have a fairy on her shoulders to get away from the bastard that attacked her. What’s even more amazing is she’s declawed, Sandra; she has to be someone’s baby. I checked, but she’s not microchipped. She’s a ninja cat—took on a coyote twice her size with limited defenses and won!”

  Sandra chuckled. “Tink it is. Let’s go see the lady.” Turning, she walked down the hallway, entering exam room one.

  “Hey, Breech,” she said. “We’re going to do some work on Tink here, so why don’t you go to the break room with Opry.”

  Breech sipped from his cup then ambled to the door, winking at me on the way out. Sandra giggled out, “Yep, he’s falling hard. Opry told me he’s been dogging you, but I didn’t think it went both ways,” she said.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Sandra. We kissed a couple of times. Granted, it was fuckin’ hot as hell, but, I’m not going to fall into his bed to be his pussy du jour.”

  Sandra gave a shriek of laughter. “Pussy du jour, oh my fucking God, that’s hysterical. I’m going to put that on a mug for your morning coffee!”

  I couldn’t help smiling back at her. I teased, “Bitch!”

  “One-hundred percent bitch and proud of it,” she retorted.

  Tink took that moment to yowl from the table, moving her front paws like she was praying. “Sandra, she’s moving! I thought she might have a spinal cord injury because she hadn’t moved since I brought her in. It must have been shock.”

  “Let’s do an exam, get her comfortable, and then finish our coffee with the guys while the meds take effect.” We worked side by side in comfortable silence, getting Tink cleaned up, cataloging her injuries. Sandra inserted a catheter so we could give her fluids then gave her a shot for the pain. I hooked up the bottles, settling her into a cage with oxygen for the night before cleaning off the metal examination table, setting the instruments aside to be sterilized. Sandra finished her notes on the charts then turned to me, pulling me down onto a stool next to the table.

  “Ok, Jiji, spill it. What’s going on with you and Breech? There’s more there than just a few kisses. The man looks like he could devour you for lunch.”

  Sighing loudly, I dropped my chin to my chest. “He frustrates me, Sandra.” Looking up, I said, “Sometimes we would have a quiet night watching a movie together. I would make some microwave popcorn and he’d let me pick a sappy chick flick, then I’d have to watch some combat macho thing. Other times he’d go out to the club. I’d pretend to myself that I wasn’t waiting up for him, but I couldn’t sleep until I heard the rumble from his bike signaling he was home.”

  “It’s telling that you think of the two of you and the word home in the same sentence, Jiji.”

  I flushed a little. “It’s just a figure of speech, Sandra.”

  “Uh-huh,” she retorted. “That’s why you’ve said it several times.”

  Tucking my legs under me on the stool, I asked, “Do you want to hear the rest or not?”

  “Don’t get testy with me, girlfriend. I’m just trying to give you the benefit of my vast experience with Alpha men.”

  “Pfft, yeah, yeah, you’re freaking amazing, got it,” I said.

  She shot me the finger. “Shut up and finish the story,” she said. “I’m all ears!”

  “Ok, so a couple nights ago, at around 2 am, I was getting some water from the fridge when he walked into the kitchen. He smelled of beer, cigarettes and some skank’s perfume. He tried to engage me, but I ignored him, slamming the fridge door, trying to swagger past him.

  “He blocked my exit, his brow pulled down. ‘What the hell’s the matter with you?’

  “Poking him in the chest, I told him, ‘Go back to your s
leazy club girl.’ He looked confused, so I enlightened him. ‘You stink of some girl’s cheap eau de awful cologne. Go back to rolling around in the sheets with her.’”

  Sandra was giggling. “Fucking hell, Jiji, you didn’t.”

  Smiling, I said, “I sure as shit did.”

  Sandra leaned forward, hanging on every word. “So, what happened, what did he say? Jeez, don’t stop now, Jiji.”

  I leaned forward too, ‘til we were almost touching. “Well,” I said, “he got this big cheesy grin on his face, and said, ‘Jealous much, Jiji?’

  “So, I said, ‘Hah, jealous of some trampy little twat-waffle throwing herself at you? I don’t think so, Breech. It would be a cold day in hell before I’d be green-eyed over you.’ And he growled at me.”

  “Holy fucking hell, you got big balls, girlfriend. Then what, tell me?” Sandra begged.

  Giggling, I said, “Let me paint you a picture, babe. Mr. Muscles backed me into the counter, caging me so I couldn’t move—I’m talking using his lower body to pin me. Shit, Sandra, the guy is loaded for bear down there. He’s packing a thick stick, and I’m betting it’s full-on dynamite.”

  Sandra looked ready to bust a gut, she was laughing so hard.

  “I mean, how’s a girl supposed to keep her wits about her when confronted with such a huge package, especially when you can’t see it, just feel it.”

  “The wanker knew it too, didn’t he, Jiji? He figured he’d give you a taste of what you’re missing, or what he’s sticking in some other slut.”

  Now it was my turn to laugh. “Damn right, Sandra, guys use their dicks to distract us just as much as we use our boobs to distract them.”

  “So, finish what happened?” she asked.

  “Once I regained some sense—because, you know, it was sitting right there between my legs—I kinda rubbed up on it a little. I really wanted to cop a feel, but then he would know he succeeded in distracting me, and I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction.

  “So, I said, ‘Listen Breech, I’m not your beck and call girl. I have to be up early to help Sandra, so I suggest you enlist the services of Rosy Palm and the five sisters to take care of that Loch Ness Monster you got swimming around down there.’ He was so stunned he backed up, and I ducked past him and sashayed my little fanny to bed.”

  Sandra started clapping her hands. “Bravo!” she shouted. “I fucking love it.” Tears flowed down her cheeks and she was holding her side. “Oh my God, I can’t stop,” she broke up again. Finally, she got some control, wiping the tears, and I handed her a tissue so she could blow her nose. She wagged her finger at me then executed a perfect bow. “I bow before the master,” she said.

  I curtsied using my scrubs as an imaginary gown. “Why thank you, kind lady,” I replied, and we both cracked up again.

  Finally, she said, “You’re going to give him a run for his money. This is going to be fun to watch,” she snickered. “Come on, let’s go; I wanna sneak a peek at his goods. Plus, I need some coffee. You’re killing me.”

  I giggled. “I’ll distract him so you can have a good look-see.”

  “Sweet! I have a wingman, or is that wing-girl? Ah, who gives a fuck, let’s roll,” she said.


  "Don't even open your mouth, Opry.”

  Opry held up both hands in front of him, palms up in surrender. “I’m not saying a fuckin’ word, Breech. But had I been about to say something, I would remind you that Jiji is Fighter’s sister. My two cents: Make sure she’s in at least one-hundred-and-ten percent before you make your play, but if she decides the life isn’t for her then let her go before shit gets deep. You don’t want everyone hurt by it. You and Fighter will go ten rounds ‘til you beat yourselves into a giant bloody mess.”

  I lit up a cigarette, listening to Opry while I smoked. Taking a deep drag, I nodded my head and said, “Hurting her is the last thing I want. True, I want to hear her scream, but I want it to be my name while she’s under me and I’m fuckin’ her into the mattress. That girl is full of sass, Opry. She gives as good as she takes. She’s beautiful and she doesn’t even know it. I told Fighter before he left that I was going there, and he’s ok with it. Well, as ok as he can be since it’s his sister.”

  Opry chuckled. “I only have a brother and he’s older than me. I don’t know how I’d feel if some greasy biker was sniffing around my sister’s panties.”

  I punched him in the shoulder. “Shut the fuck up, Opry. I’m serious about her; I’m not trying to get laid. She’s important to me.” Before he could say anything more, I heard footsteps outside the break room. “Here come the girls.”

  Right on cue, the door opened, and Sandra’s cell was ringing. She had a bunch of barking dogs as her ringtone; that would annoy the shit out of me, but she seemed to like it.

  “Jiji, how is the cat?” I asked.

  “Her name is Tink, and she’s resting right now. Sandra gave her some painkillers, and we need to let them work so she doesn’t tear us up when we work on her injuries.”

  Sandra was leaning against the counter talking on her cell; she muted her phone and looked at Jiji. “A vet friend of mine from down in Florida found some foals that I need to have transported here to New York. Didn’t you tell me that you had to head down that way to finish with the sale of your mom’s house? You’d be doing me a huge favor if you could check out these foals for me and arrange their trip while you’re down there. I’d be happy to pay your airfare and hotel bill for the couple days you’d have to be there.”

  “I’ll go with you, Jiji. I just gotta talk to Dukes and get him to have a guy cover my classes at Crunch Time.”

  Jiji whirled around from the fridge, where she was putting creamer in her coffee. “I don’t need a keeper, Breech. I’m a big girl, I can travel by myself.” She turned her back, dismissing me.

  I spun her around to face me. “Why does everything have to be a fight with you? I got eyes; I can see you’re a big girl, but I also promised your brother that I would stay close to you ‘til he got home with Tish after their honeymoon.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Which I told him was totally unnecessary. But it didn’t stop you from moving into the spare room, invading my space every chance you could, especially when I had a date!”

  I grinned. “You’re just pissed because pretty boy took one look at me, tucked his tail between his legs, and got out of there as fast as he could.”

  She turned to Sandra to explain. “I had gone out with a really nice guy I met in class. He had taken me to dinner and we went back to the house for coffee when Bozo here came home from the club. He proceeded to scare the shit out of the guy by removing his guns and excusing himself to put them away.”

  “Have you seen the guy since then?” Opry asked.

  “Asshat. He still won’t return my calls!” she griped. Laughing out loud wasn’t the right thing to do then; she scowled at me. “He was going to give me a reference for some volunteer work I did for the local shelter, jerkoff! You messed that up really quick.”

  “Oh, come on, Jiji. He wanted in your pants; he was using the reference as a way to get in.”

  “Why does everything come down to sex with you, Breech? He didn’t want in my pants; he wanted to do something nice for me because he knew I needed it for my next rotation. And, you big ape, even if he did want in, that has nothing to do with you; it’s none of your affair.”

  Slamming my coffee cup down on the table so hard some sloshed over the edge, spilling on the table, I stalked over to her, and she gave a dismissive wave, but smartly took one step back for every step I took forward, ‘til her back hit the wall.

  I heard chairs scrape and the door close as Opry ushered Sandra out of the break room. I could hear her saying, “Stop hustling me out, she might need help.”

  To which Opry responded, “None of our busi
ness, babe, keep moving—we can go see Tink.”

  Jiji was looking up at me with fire in her eyes. “Yes, you’re bigger than me and yes, you can crush me like a bug, but I’m not afraid of you, Breech.”

  I caged her in by leaning my arms on both sides of her body, trapping her against the wall. “I don’t want you to be afraid of me, Jiji. I want you to admit that there is some chemistry between us. Every time we are in the same room together, we go up in flames; I get hard just hearing your voice.”

  “Pfft, that’s just lust, Breech. You feel the same thing for every pretty woman with a nice rack you see. Once you get your dick wet, you’ll be on to the next one.” She wouldn’t look at me when she said it.

  Tipping her chin up so she had to look me in the eye, I said, “I’m not denying that I like women, or that I’ve been with a lot of them. I’m almost 30 years old, Jiji, there comes a point when it’s not about getting off and getting out. I’ve been down that road and it’s not what I want with you. Yes, I want to fuck you, fuck you so hard you’re screaming my name, ‘til I see your eyes roll back in your head from the pleasure, ‘til your body aches and you can’t take any more. But that’s not all I want to do. I want to ride on my bike with you, come to the range so I can teach you to shoot. Take some of my classes at Crunch so you can learn to defend yourself.

  “Give us the chance to see where this leads, and if it’s not what you want then I’ll back off and let you go on with your life,” I finished.

  Her clear eyes clouded over with tears. “What you just said scares the shit out of me, Breech. I won’t be the one that comes between you and Fighter. He’s your best friend—I don’t want to ruin that.” She pointed between us, “If this thing blows up in our faces, I don’t want there to be bad blood between you and my brother. I would rather not try, than try and fail.”

  Wiping the tears that fell from her eyes, I bent down then kissed her lightly on the lips. “Please, Jiji, just give us a chance. Let’s take this trip to New York for Sandra and see where it leads us.”


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