Family of Lies: Sebastian

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Family of Lies: Sebastian Page 31

by Sam Argent

  “What do you want?” Sebastian asked.

  “Your attitude needs tweaking.”

  Sebastian grabbed Trenton’s chin and kissed the man hard. “Are you happy now?”

  “Getting there,” Trenton said. “Throw them with the Orwells. Oh, you forgot one thing,” he said while smiling at Sebastian.

  Sebastian kept his face straight and his voice free of emotion as he said, “Thank you for sparing them.”

  “Anything for my beloved,” Trenton said as he cradled Sebastian’s neck and dove in for an open-mouthed kiss. He pressed his tongue against Sebastian’s, sucking on it before pulling away. “He’s not going to save you,” Trenton whispered.


  THE TEMPLE coming into sight gave Sebastian relief because it meant Trenton had to stop touching him. Trenton’s hands kept wandering lower, and hostages or not, Sebastian wasn’t sure he could stop himself from killing the man. He cursed whatever force had made him magic-blessed and put him in this situation. The temple was like any other religious building stretching for the sky with a metallic symbol adorning its tip.

  “Brothers of the Carsidua Order are residents here. They have honor, so you will play the eager groom and not a man off to execution. If they catch wind you’re here by force, I will make them perform the ceremony and kill them afterward,” Trenton promised. “I’ll find appropriate clothing,” he said as he walked off and snapped for Dalia to escort Sebastian inside.

  “Do you have butterflies in your stomach, young Orwell?” Dalia asked.

  “Not yet,” Sebastian said. “But if I do and they upset my stomach, I’ll be sure to aim for your face.”

  “Charming,” Dalia said and grabbed Sebastian’s elbow. “Let’s dress up the pretty groom.”

  “I’m fine with my cloak.”

  “You’re not marrying a peasant your father has lined up, but Trenton. Someone around here probably stole expensive clothing the first time we were here,” Dalia said.

  “And you can’t let loot go to waste,” Sebastian said. Dalia and three guards led him to a bathing chamber, and the guards were dismissed.

  “Their loyalty to Trenton is unquestionable, but you would tempt the strongest wills,” Dalia said. “Take your clothes off and bathe.”

  “Any chance of you joining your friends outside?” Sebastian asked.

  Dalia pulled a stool away from the wall and sat it close to the tub. “So you can find a weapon and try to kill Trenton? Hop in the tub, lovely, and I promise I’ll only watch.”

  “Wonderful,” Sebastian muttered. He turned his back on Dalia and undressed. He heard an intake of breath after he dropped his drawers, and rolled his eyes.

  “Seriously, how is Caspian responsible for half of that?” Dalia whispered.

  Sebastian sank into the water and hoped she would stop talking.

  “You must be Cynthia’s greatest prize. Blond, those same green eyes, and her height. It must break her heart watching you torn away from her.”

  Curiosity getting the better of him, Sebastian asked, “Why are you keen on hurting her?”

  “On the night we left Larnlyon, Trenton attempted to persuade Caspian to leave with him again. Your mother wouldn’t have it. Eight months heavy with her first child and pointing her finger in Trenton’s chest as if he was a common magician. I told her if she was concerned about her baby having a proper home, I would take care of the problem then and there with my knife.”

  Sebastian frowned and looked at Dalia. “A question. When you were a child, did you enjoying hurting small animals?”

  “You’re a funny man, Sebastian. Of course I wouldn’t do it without Trenton’s permission, but that bitch took it as a real threat,” she went on without answering the question. “When Caspian suggested we calm down with tea, I should have kept a better eye on my cup when your mother shoved it at me.”

  “Leadman’s tongue or darkening root?” Sebastian asked.

  Dalia’s eyes narrowed. “You poisoned my soldiers, didn’t you?”

  “No one saw me in your camp, so have fun proving it. What did Mother slip in your tea?”

  “Darkening root. She must have taught you well, and if you dream about using those skills on Trenton, I will slaughter your entire family.”

  “You should really speak to a professional about all these violent thoughts you have,” Sebastian said.

  “I’m filled with happier thoughts because even though fey laws stopped me from harming her, today I can hurt her another way. Wash away the last of your freedom, lovely boy.”

  Sebastian continued bathing, but in his mind he pictured Dalia coughing up black blood and wracked with horrible stomach cramps. He sighed. If only Mother had used a stronger dose.

  “GREAT, THE only thing Prince Turren sent were two castle guards,” Alice said when the two guards were thrown in the room with the Orwell family. “I’m having a hard time believing the prince loves him.”

  “We’re doomed,” Kraven said.

  “Aren’t you two of the escorts Sebastian had when he left Harold’s?” Kevin asked.

  “Yes,” Lieutenant Adams said. He looked at the guards standing in front of the door. “Don’t underestimate the prince, because he has all kinds of tricks up his sleeves.”

  “Who’s your companion?” Lord Orwell asked.

  “She’s the one who twisted my arm when I went to see Sebastian. If she puts her hands on me again….” Kevin stalked to her, but Lord Orwell grabbed his shoulder.

  “You’ll get more than a twisted arm, you fool,” Lord Orwell hissed. He glanced at the guards and whispered, “Remember what she looked like then and compare it to now.” Lord Orwell released his son and glared at Adams. “I am sorely disappointed in the prince. If we escape, I will not allow Sebastian to see him again.”

  “You’re being unreasonable, my lord,” Adams said. “Prince Turren will come with an army. You’ll see.”

  Lord Orwell whispered to Hooper, “I hope you have a plan.”

  “Nope,” the queen said as she dropped the illusion and pushed her hand toward the door. Both guards and the door blew out of the room, and the Orwells stared at her.

  “My opinion of the prince has risen, but please keep in mind that my children are spread throughout this place,” Alice said.

  “It might take a while to find them because there are a lot of people coming,” Queen Anne said. She walked to the open hole and picked up one of the fallen guard’s swords.

  The Orwells stepped out of the hole, and Lord Orwell approached the queen. “Go to Sebastian and we’ll carve a way through these fools.”

  “Trenton has hundreds, and Sebastian is the only elemental among you.”

  James shrugged. “That’s only a problem if they attack us all at once. There are many floors in this building, and we can create enough havoc to distract them until help arrives. There’s probably a whole army coming since you’re here.”

  “I’ll take you at your word as the Silver Forest’s protectors,” Queen Anne said. She swept out her power in a wide swath, knocking down soldiers headed in their direction. “That should be a good start,” she said and ran down the hall.

  “Collect weapons and search for anything we can use for spells,” Lady Orwell said. “Temples mean lots of herbs to work with.” She smiled grimly. “We will teach these bastards what happens when they take one of us.”

  THE GREEN velvet cloak draped over a white shirt and pants that clung to Sebastian’s body. It was the nicest thing he had ever worn, and he wanted the damn thing off. Even Cecilia had never dressed him like a doll. A priest stepped forward and held Sebastian’s hand.

  “I am honored to bind the soul of a magic-blessed to his chosen. Will she be the only witness?”

  “No, there are two more joining us,” Trenton said as he pried the priest’s fingers off Sebastian.

  Sebastian looked back as the doors opened and Feoras led May in by the hand.

  “I thought it fitting she gives out the rings
.” Trenton smiled.

  “I’m sure you did.” Sebastian returned the wizard’s smile and wished Trenton had met the same fate as his mercs in the forest. His niece was obviously being used to ensure he didn’t make a last effort to escape. May looked happy as she clutched a small pouch to her chest.

  “What a darling child,” the priest said. “Please stand next to each other and hold each other’s hands.” The two men obeyed and the ceremony began. “Place a piece of your aura in this bowl,” he instructed as he raised a silver bowl full of water. Trenton immediately put his hands around the bowl and closed his eyes. Red power streamed into the water, and the priest frowned at the bloody appearance of the liquid.

  Sebastian looked away from May’s bright smile and reached for the bowl. It felt weird adding his aura to someone other than Turren, but he summoned his magic and pressed it into the bowl. Green mingled with the bloody red into an ugly brown.

  “Now drink to combine your magic,” the priest said. He offered the bowl to Trenton, and he drank deeply.

  The priest then turned to Sebastian, and Sebastian took a breath before sipping the unappetizing, dark mixture. Their magics crawled down his throat, and it tasted worse than any potion he had swallowed. He eagerly handed the bowl back to the priest, who seemed less enthusiastic than when the ceremony had started.

  “Please exchange rings,” the priest said. “Your turn, little one,” he whispered, winking at May.

  May opened her bag and pulled out a ring. First a ruby one she pushed on Sebastian’s finger. She removed a second ring, an oval peridot, and moved closer to Trenton. Trenton stuck out his hand, and May lunged at the wizard, sinking her teeth into Trenton’s wrist. Blood dripped down May’s chin, and Trenton threw her to the floor. Sebastian jumped in front of her before Trenton or Feoras could grab her.

  “You shouldn’t have made her do this,” Sebastian said.

  May wrapped her arms around Sebastian’s waist. “I won’t let the bad man hurt you!”

  “What is going on?” the priest asked. “I won’t finish unless I know this man is willing.”

  Trenton took out a handkerchief and wiped the blood off his arm after healing it. “You’re going to finish or I’ll burn down this temple with your people and his damned family in it! Feoras, take the bitch before I kill her.”

  Feoras snatched May up by the back of her dress and held her away from him.

  Trenton jammed the ring on his finger and pointed at the priest. “Continue!”

  The priest looked at Sebastian and then at May. He sighed and said, “Do you, Trenton Keyes, accept Sebastian Orwell as your husband?”


  The priest turned to Sebastian. “Do you, Sebastian Orwell, accept Trenton Keyes as your husband?”

  “Not particularly, but I can’t say no,” Sebastian said after seeing no point in keeping up the charade. Shouts and running feet broke out in the hall, and Trenton gritted his teeth.

  “I’m on it,” Dalia said. “My condolences, Sir Orwell, for the family member you’re about to lose.” When she walked away, Sebastian heard her mutter, “Gods, please let it be his mother.”

  “I hope you die!” May shouted from the back of the room. Feoras shook her, but she went on. “I hope your balls fall off and you get the plague!”

  “Sebastian,” Trenton growled out.

  “May,” Sebastian called out to his niece. “Thank you for being brave and trying to save me, but seeing you hurt will make me sadder than marrying Trenton.”

  “All right,” May whispered. “But he’s still a shithead.”

  “Charming,” Trenton said.

  There was finally silence, and the priest continued with shoulders sagging and halfheartedly blessed their union. “You are now bound as husbands,” he finished.

  Trenton grabbed Sebastian’s hand at “husbands” and dragged Sebastian out of the room. The hall was clear, but they still heard shouting and more noises coming from outside. “Where’s the nearest bed?” Trenton asked his guards.

  “A priest’s room is only a few doors down,” a merc said while staring at Sebastian’s face. “The second door on the right.”

  Trenton grabbed Sebastian, and despite knowing the danger to his family, Sebastian couldn’t force his feet to go in that room.

  “Stop that!” Magic surrounded Sebastian, and he was thrown into the room. Hitting the floor, Sebastian slipped a small metal cylinder into his hand. Luckily, Dalia hadn’t seen him sneak it out of his clothes and into the tub. It had sat with Turren’s ring in his pants pocket. Trenton pulled him to his feet, and euphoria washed over Sebastian. There is nothing wrong with being in Trenton’s arms. May was being her usual bratty self, and I need to calm down. As these new thoughts invaded his mind, Trenton led Sebastian to the bed and pushed him on the mattress. Trenton laid on top of him, pressing their mouths together and sliding his hands down Sebastian’s body.

  Don’t let him find the ring. That thought broke the spell over Sebastian like water drenching him. He gasped as his senses returned, but Trenton apparently took it as pleasure and kissed down Sebastian’s collarbone. Sebastian closed his eyes so Trenton wouldn’t know he was free and rubbed the cylinder in his hands. It lengthened while he twisted it, and a sharp point came out of its end. It was still squat and had a ways to unravel, so Sebastian endured Trenton capturing his lips again and moving his hips against Sebastian’s. Sebastian twisted faster, not caring if Trenton caught on. A thin spike as long as a knitting needle finally reached its full length, and Sebastian gripped its bottom. Stabbing behind Trenton’s ear is the only way I’ll live. He opened his eyes and smiled, moving his hips with Trenton’s and sucking on his tongue. Trenton groaned in his mouth, and Sebastian slid his other arm up Trenton’s back.


  “WHY AREN’T you with Sebastian?” Lady Orwell asked Queen Anne as they launched magical and arrow attacks from opposite ends of the temple’s dining hall.

  Queen Anne’s head popped up behind the table, and she threw another blue fireball at Trenton’s soldiers. “I stumbled upon a guarded room and found three kids. I figured they had to be your grandchildren.”

  “Three?” Alice called out. “Brennan, May, Terrian, Broden!” When only three of her children answered back, more arrows flew into the soldiers.

  “Retreat! They’re monsters!” someone on the other side shouted.

  “Shut up and keep fighting!” Dalia ordered as she threw a smoking object at the Orwells.

  Diana raised her hand, and the object swerved and turned back to the soldiers. Screams filled the air as its smoke burned whomever it touched. “Not the brightest magelight to form, are you?”

  “We outnumber them, you fools!” Dalia screamed. “Overwhelm them and be done with it.” A group rushed toward the Orwells, but Mernon stood with ten arrows in one hand and fired shot after shot without pausing.

  “Mernon the Black, the greatest assassin in Larnlyon?” Dalia uttered before Alice’s ax cracked through her forehead.

  Alice glared at her husband. “Business or pleasure?”

  “Business,” Mernon said. “She asked about the latter, but I find parts trafficking disgusting. I mean, who wants to touch eyeballs and hearts all day? Just stab a person and move along.”

  After Dalia fell, the other soldiers dropped their weapons and fled.

  James stood and crossed his arms. “The assassin part isn’t news to you, Alice.”

  “Not everything is your business, James,” Alice said. “All of you keep your mouths shut about it.”

  “Why do they call you Black?” Kevin asked, ignoring his sister.

  Mernon scratched his head. “It’s nothing special. Everyone in the order has Black added to their name.”

  Lord Orwell frowned. “Do you follow Guild rules?”

  “Of course,” Mernon said. “No children and no innocents.”

  Lord Orwell shrugged. “I’m good with it. No one is perfect.” He clapped his marriage-son on
the back.

  “I don’t get it,” Pratchett said. “If you’re a big-time assassin, why do you let her order you around?”

  “It’s called keeping up appearances,” Alice said. “No one’s going to believe he’s an assassin when they see us together.”

  “What about those blabbermouths?” Pratchett pointed to the children who were now clinging to their mother’s skirt.

  “We told them that every time we argue, we’re expressing our love for each other. No one can know or bad people will take their papa away,” Mernon said.

  Broden leaned forward and whispered, “They’ll come too if we don’t eat our vegetables.”

  James’s jaw dropped. “Seriously?” he asked his sister.

  “Don’t judge me,” Alice said. “Their hair and nails are shiny as can be.”

  Pratchett snorted. “I’m a horrible person and I’m judging you.”

  Lord Orwell clapped his hands. “No more quarrelling, and let’s find the rest of the family.”

  “Where do we start?” Kevin asked when his family cautiously stuck their heads out the door.

  “This is what happens when scoundrels prevent true love!” a woman shouted from their right.

  Queen Anne pointed her sword in the direction of the voice. “I have no idea who that is, but I like her.”

  Kevin smiled. “Emily. Maybe my husband is close by too. After you, Your Majesty.”

  She and Kevin ran down the hall while Pratchett shook his head. “I never want to fall in love.”

  The Orwells followed the two, but Kevin and Queen Anne stopped at a juncture in the hall. Arrows whizzed by, while down the other hall, Demetrius and Kraven frantically stuffed bottles with cloths and set them on fire. Once ablaze, they threw the bottles down the hall or outside. Ophelia sat behind Kraven giving directions on when best to throw them. Emily and Rebecca, wearing stolen armor, guarded one hallway entrance and Luke the other.


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