A Place Called Armageddon

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A Place Called Armageddon Page 52

by C. C. Humphreys

  And when we were attacked by Turks upon those walls, he helped me drive them off!


  What happened was this. We were trying to walk a pretty deteriorated part of the walls, not far from the Golden Gate. There was waste ground behind, some run-down houses across the way. Suddenly, a pack of kids were running across, about ten of them, the eldest maybe twelve. They were in school uniform and they were demanding first cigarettes, then cash.

  They were young, but we were seriously outnumbered, as the defenders had been in 1453. They blocked our way. With hands raised and smiling, we pushed through. They muttered but didn’t lay hands on us – until I felt what could have been a shove in my back. I turned, glared, retreated. We made the road and safety. It was only later, back at the hotel, when I was emptying my backpack, that I realised what the ‘shove’ was – when a lump of jagged masonry fell out. The boy had thrown a rock at me. Not only that – it was a piece of the fabled wall. Had probably been created by his ancestors’ cannon balls striking the stones in 1453. My backpack had been open and he’d lobbed it in.

  I had taken Turkish fire upon the Theodosian walls!

  The lump sits on my desk as I write this. It always makes me smile.

  There are so many people to thank in the creation of a novel. Briefly, and in no order of importance … John Waller, my fight mentor at drama school years ago, retired Director of Interpretations at the Royal Armouries, Leeds, who knows more about medieval weaponry and life than probably any man on the planet and who kindly showed me how to shoot (‘For Chrissake, don’t say “Fire!”’) a crossbow one afternoon in his garden in North Yorkshire. My Turkish publisher, Tahir Malkoç, who took me to the walls when the conquest ceremony was on – for I’d timed my visit for 29 May, the anniversary of the fall. His assistant editor, Celen Çalik, and the aforementioned warrior Murad Sağlam, for their tour guiding, the book signing … and all that raki after it! Hasmet Konsiz, now living in Vancouver, a poet who shared his poetic visions of the city of his birth. My wife, Aletha, always acute with her advice and who let me wander off to be attacked by Turks! While my six-year-old son, Reith, helped me make a new slingshot when my old one fell apart and inspired so much of the father–son stuff in the novel. And also my tabby cat, Dickon, who has the ‘M’ on his forehead and so inspired Ulvikul.

  There’s my agent, Simon Trewin at United Agents who somehow keeps my career from careening! And my team at Orion is extraordinary. Rachel Leyshon, who always observes kindly and keenly; Jade Chandler, who has a sharp eye for the art of editing, for character, structure … and the odd excess (I think she may have kept me out of the Bad Sex Writing Awards!). And of course, and ultimately, the man who commissioned the book and guided it all the way with his shrewd notes and bolstering enthusiasm, my editor, Jon Wood. Behind these talents lies an array of others, in design, marketing, publicity and management, too numerous to name in an author’s note. You know who you are and I thank you.

  I have named the many great sources in the bibliography that follows. But if I had to single out one influence beyond words and people it would have to be, again, the city itself. If Gregoras is right – that ‘a room with a good view is a surer possession than virtue’ – then perhaps one day I’ll trade in my few virtues and seek one there. To spend the hours watching the sun run down the line of the Bosphorus, gilding the pink-petalled Judas trees, shining on the domes and monuments, on the crumbled walls … and on the people, descendants of both Greek and Turk, as the laughing dove calls.

  C.C. Humphreys

  July 2011


  My bookshelves sag with books about the siege and fall of Constantinople, and the peoples who fought it. My brain is filled with images from so many great websites I cannot begin to list them.

  Perhaps the single biggest influence was the spectacularly detailed The Destruction of the Greek Empire and the Story of the Capture of Constantinople by the Turks. It was written by Edwin Pears and published in 1908. This man spent years in research, both at the city and in the libraries of England. He compares and contrasts the various ‘eyewitness’ accounts to reach likely conclusions, and he lays out the ground brilliantly – completely exposing, for example, the misnaming of the ‘civil’ St Romanus gate, which the Turks still believe was the one referred to and where the city finally fell! (He lays out why this is not so in exhaustive detail, and you only have to walk the walls and see the destruction to know that the military gate of St Romanus is about half a mile over!) If he suffers a little from the prejudices of the time against the ‘infidel’ (he was a Knight of the Greek Order of the Saviour, after all!), he is still generous as to their ingenuity and courage. His was my bible and I could not have written my book without his.

  I skimmed both Runciman and Crowley (see opposite), but knew I could not refer back too deeply – their writing is so good, I would have been tempted to borrow!

  Here, then, is a by no-means-complete list:


  The Destruction of the Greek Empire and the Story of the Capture of Constantinople by the Turks: Edwin Pears

  Constantinople: Roger Crowley

  The Fall of Constantinople: Steven Runciman

  Constantinople 1453: David Nicolle


  Byzantium: John Julius Norwich

  Forgotten Power – Byzantium: Roger Michael Keen

  The Late Byzantine Army: Mark C. Bartusis

  The Janissaries: Godfrey Goodwin

  The Mirror of Alchemy: Gareth Roberts


  Istanbul – Imperial City: John Freely

  Istanbul – The Collected Traveler: edited by Barrie Kerper


  Medieval Combat: Hans Talhoffer

  Medieval Arms and Armour: J.H. Hefner-Alteneck


  The Orthodox Bible

  The Holy Qur’an

  Eyewitness Islam: Philip Wilkinson


  First published in Great Britain in 2011 by Orion Books.

  This ebook first published in 2011 by Orion Books.

  Copyright © Chris Humphreys 2011

  The right of Chris Humphreys to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

  All characters and events in this publication are fictitious and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior permission in writing of the publisher, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published without a similar condition, including this condition, being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.

  A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

  ISBN: 978 1 4091 1488 8

  Orion Books

  The Orion Publishing Group Ltd

  Orion House

  5 Upper St Martin’s Lane

  London WC2H 9EA

  An Hachette UK Company


  Table of Contents




  Praise for C.C. Humphreys

  Also by C.C. Humphreys

  Dramatis Personae

  To the Reader

  Map of the City Walls

  Map of Constantinople


  Part One: Alpha

  One: Prophecy

  Two: Prayers

  Three: Rhinometus

  Four: Beloved Of Muhammad

  Five: Masks

  Six: The Rescue

  Seven: Rendezvous

  Eight: Yaya

  Nine: Persuasion

  Ten: City Of Ghosts

  Eleven: Walls

  Twelve: Old Friends

  Thirteen: The L
ove Of Two Brothers

  Fourteen: Gone

  Fifteen: The Laughing Dove

  Part Two: Kappa

  Sixteen: Shipwreck

  Seventeen: The Standard

  Eighteen: Exile’S Return

  Nineteen: Before A Dying Wind

  Twenty: God’S Breath

  Twenty-One: Consequences

  Twenty-Two: Ultimatum

  Twenty-Three: Reunions

  Twenty-Four: Into The Dark

  Twenty-Five: ‘Give Me Mine’

  Twenty-Six: Hades

  Twenty-Seven: The Tower

  Part Three: Omega

  Twenty-Eight: Messages

  Twenty-Nine: Thunder

  Thirty: Signs And Portents

  Thirty-One: The Cursed City

  Thirty-Two: ‘It Is Written’

  Thirty-Three: Forgiveness

  Twenty-Four: A Place Called Armageddon

  Thirty-Five: Aftermath

  Thirty-Six: The Sack Of Constantinople

  Thirty-Seven: Inshallah

  Thirty-Eight: Faith

  Epilogus: ‘A Surer Possession Than Virtue’

  Historical Note


  Author’s Note






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