Summer and the Alien Guard (Intergalactic Brides 11)

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Summer and the Alien Guard (Intergalactic Brides 11) Page 4

by Jessica Coulter Smith

  She couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to kiss a man like him. He was older, more mature, and knew what he wanted in life. She didn’t know if aliens were as promiscuous as human teenage boys were, but something told her that he knew his way around a woman’s body. The few guys she’d allowed to kiss her had always groped her, squeezing her too hard and sometimes leaving bruises. Vordro seemed like the type to have a gentle touch when it came to women.

  Not that she’d ever get to find out.

  After dinner, Vordro drove them home. She knew he had to be exhausted after working such a long shift. She knew little about his job and wondered if it would be prying if she asked.

  “Whatever is on your mind, you may ask,” he said as if reading her thoughts.

  “I don’t know much about your job. Do you always work twelve-hour shifts?”

  “In the past, it hasn’t been uncommon for me to work long hours. Now that I have someone at home waiting for me, I will ask for shorter shifts. I know those with families have asked for the standard human eight-hour shifts, but I think I would feel guilty if I worked so little.”

  “You don’t have to shorten your hours for me,” she said. “I’m just your employee, Vordro. I don’t expect you to entertain me.”

  “You’re in my care,” he said. “Whether I’m paying you or not doesn’t matter. It’s my job to look after you. I never understood how your males could let single females wander around without protection. And before you get upset, I don’t feel that females are inferior to males, but we are much bigger and stronger.”

  No one had really taken care of her since she’d become an adult. Her parents might have provided a roof over her head and food in the fridge, but that was as far as their support went. She’d never had a kind word from them, no encouragement, and she’d taken care of a lot of the household chores. She wasn’t sure how she felt about it.

  At the house, he pulled into the garage and let her into the house. He set the alarm on his SUV before locking up the house for the night. Summer went to her room to kick off her shoes and dressed her in pajamas, a cute tank, and Capri set with kittens on it that Vordro had purchased for her. It was the furthest thing from sexy, but she loved the way they felt. The cotton was super-soft.

  As she came out of her room, she noticed Vordro’s door was partially open. Through the crack, she watched as he pulled his T-shirt over his head, tossing it onto a chair across the room. She’d never get tired of seeing his broad chest and large biceps on display. When he reached for the button on his leather pants, she felt her cheeks flush and willed her feet to walk away. The creak of the leather drew her gaze, and she gasped as she realized he didn’t wear underwear under those pants. Her gaze flew to his face, but he was still looking away from her.

  Summer tried to tame her racing heart and hurried to the kitchen for a cup of tea. Anything to try to take her mind off what she’d seen. Her cheeks were still flushed when he entered the kitchen a little while later, his hair soaked from a shower and a pair of lounge pants slung low on his waist. It should have been illegal for a man to look that damn sexy when he was dressed for bed. If he knew she’d been spying on him, he didn’t say anything. He pulled a bottle of water from the fridge and a bag of popcorn from the pantry.

  “Want to watch a movie with me?” he asked, shaking the bag. “It’s kettle corn.”

  Summer smiled. “I’d love to.”

  And with some luck, she’d managed to look at the screen and not his naked chest and impressive abs. She hadn’t realized men could get as ripped as Vordro was. Maybe it was his alien heritage because she’d certainly never seen his equal in human men. While the kettle corn popped, Summer finished off her cup of tea and got a bottle of water from the fridge. Vordro had purchased a few flavors for her to add to the bottles and she picked up the grape one, adding a few drops before screwing the top back on the water and shaking it.

  “Ready when you are,” she said, gripping the bottle tight in an effort not to reach out and trace the contours of his chest. How the hell was she supposed to live every day with a guy as hot as Vordro and not want to touch?

  Chapter Four

  Vordro was very aware of the small female sitting on the other side of the couch, a bowl of kettle corn between them. Their fingers would brush every once in a while, and he’d catch her blushing. While the pajamas she wore would be considered more cute than sexy, he couldn’t help but admire the way her top clung to her breasts and the pants molded to her hips. She was a stunning woman and moving her into his home probably hadn’t been the best idea. She made him want things he couldn’t have.

  He didn’t have a clue what was happening with the movie. There was some action and a bit of romance, but other than that he couldn’t say much about it. While it had been his pick, he found himself more interested in the woman watching the TV than what was actually on the TV. She finished her drink, a little dribbling from the corner of her mouth, and he fought the urge to lean over and lap the hint of grape-colored water from her soft skin.

  After the first time she’d licked a drop of water off the lip of the bottle, he’d had to place a pillow over his lap to hide the fact he was more than a little aroused by her. What would she think if she knew the effect she had on him? Would it send her running to her room, to pack as fast as she could, or was there a chance that she was just as interested in him? He’d caught her peeking a few times, her cheeks flushing as she quickly looked back the screen.

  The credits rolled at the end of the movie and he changed the channel, freezing when he realized he’d accidentally entered the number for one of those porn stations humans seemed to like. He’d asked for them to be included when he’d signed up for cable on the off-chance he could learn what human females liked. Summer’s audible gasp had him fumbling with the remote, but in his haste, he only managed to turn it up louder.

  Fuck! Why wouldn’t his fingers hit the right buttons?

  He managed to change it to an appropriate station and glanced at her. Summer’s jaw was dropped, her eyes wide as she slowly turned to look at him.

  “That was a complete accident,” he assured her.

  “Is that even possible?” she asked.

  He frowned. “I assure you I didn’t do it on purpose.”

  She waved a hand. “Not that. I meant what was on the screen. Is that even possible?”

  Everything in him grew still as he pondered her question. The position the couple had been in wasn’t a difficult one, and as something he’d frequently seen on the shows it seemed to him like something that would be common among humans, but she didn’t know if it would work? Was she… His heart kicked in his chest.

  “Summer, have you ever been with a male before?”

  She slowly shook her head, her entire face red.

  If he’d thought he had trouble keeping his hands off her before, now he wanted her even more. He’d never been with a female no one else had touched. What would it be like to know he was the only male who would have her? The urge to possess her welled inside of him until he clenched his hands into fists to keep from hauling her onto his lap.

  “What you saw is rather common among humans, from what I’ve learned. Have you never seen a movie like that one?” he asked.

  “No,” she said softly. “I’ve always lived with my parents, so there really wasn’t an opportunity. I’ve read some romances, though, and they do all sorts of things in those, but I figured it was just fiction.”

  He groaned and closed his eyes. His cock was pressing even harder against the pillow now. She had no idea what she was doing to him. Her innocence just made him want her more. Vordro thought of all the things he could teach her, the pleasure he could show her. When he opened his eyes, she was standing in front of him, her nipples poking through the thin material of her top. If she was trying to kill him, she was doing an excellent job.

  “I’ve only had a few kisses,” she said. “And I didn’t like them.”

  “Why didn’t
you like them?” he asked, his voice hoarse from his need for her.

  “They were sloppy, and the guys gripped me so tight they left bruises.” She moved even closer, her knees brushing his. “I always thought kisses would be like the ones in the movies. I just wanted to experience it once, but I haven’t yet.”

  He wondered if he looked as tortured as he felt.

  “Would you…” She bit her lip. “Would you show me what a kiss is supposed to be like? I know you won’t hurt me.”

  “You don’t know what you’re asking, Summer.”

  “I’m sorry.” She took a step back. “I should have known… you aren’t attracted to me. It’s okay, I understand.”

  She thought he wasn’t attracted to her? It was hell trying to keep his hands to himself, and here she was practically begging him to kiss her. He just wasn’t sure he could stop at a kiss. Once he tasted her, Vordro was certain he would want more. She looked so sad as she moved farther away that before he could rethink things, he reached and grasped her wrist, tugging her closer.

  Her eyes went wide as he pulled her down onto his lap, the pillow falling to the floor. Maybe if she felt how much he desired her, she wouldn’t question his need for her again. His hands sifted through the strands of her hair as he brought her face closer. Her lips parted a moment before his brushed over hers. She tasted sweet, and her hesitant kiss was the best thing he’d ever experienced. He coaxed her into a deeper kiss, his tongue gliding along hers.

  The way she squirmed on his lap made him question whether or not he’d manage to keep control of his wayward cock. Summer leaned into him farther, her hands curling over his shoulders. That slight touch was enough to inflame him. Vordro pulled away before he took things too far. Summer panted for breath, her eyes still closed, her lips moist and plump.

  “If kisses feel like that,” she said softly as she opened her eyes. “What does everything else feel like?”

  “With you? It would be incredible.”

  She smiled, a dreamy look in her eyes, as she leaned against him, her arms winding around his neck. Vordro held her close, inhaling her sweet scent, and couldn’t decide if he was in heaven or hell. No one had ever felt so right in his arms before, but Summer deserved more than what he could offer. Fifteen years was too big an age difference. Wasn’t it? If her response to his kiss was any indication, the age difference didn’t seem to matter to her. Could he forget about it too and just enjoy his time with her?

  He set Summer away from him and abruptly stood, needing to put a little distance between them. She looked confused and a little hurt, but hurting her was the last thing he wanted to do. He reached out and ran his fingers through her hair, watching as she closed her eyes with a smile on her lips. If just that slight touch was enough to bring her happiness, what would happen if he ever took her to his bed?

  “I’m going to get more drinks, and then we can watch something else,” he said.

  “You don’t want me?” she asked.

  “More than you’ll ever know, but if tonight was your first real kiss, I think we need to take things slower than me hauling you off to the bedroom.”

  She pouted a little. “I might like getting hauled off to the bedroom.”

  He couldn’t help but smile as he went to retrieve some sodas for them. When he got back to the living room, Summer had already selected another movie. He sat down and handed her a drink, and she scooted closer. With her side pressed against his, Vordro had little choice but to put his arm around her. If anything, she snuggled even closer. It seemed their kiss had changed everything between them. He’d found with most human females that kissing was just an everyday type experience that didn’t carry much weight in the scheme of things. The fact Summer was acting more like what he’d observed of human girlfriends showed her innocence.

  With a bit of amusement, he wondered if sleeping together for her would mean they were married or getting married. Assuming they went with human tradition instead of just asking his council to give their blessing for a mating. What the hell was he thinking? Mating? Wedding? They’d shared one kiss. Yes, it had been a spectacular kiss, but still, they were a long way from being a mated couple. At least, in his mind they were. He had no idea what Summer was thinking and was almost afraid to ask. Vordro tried to pay attention to the movie, but with Summer’s sweet curves pressed against him, he was having a hard time not kissing her again.

  Slow, he reminded himself. What was that human term? She was a virgin. He didn’t really know much about human females, except what he’d learned through working at the Terran Station and by watching TV. He’d been on dates since coming to Earth, but he’d never felt a connection to anyone before. With Summer, he wanted to shelter her, protect her, take care of her in any way possible. And she seemed like the type who would let him.

  The fact she’d shown up at the Terran Station to protect her family told him she had an independent streak, that she wanted to take care of others. But he had to wonder who took care of her. Her parents certainly didn’t. If anything, she took care of them. He wondered how long that had been going on. How long had she taken on the role of the parent in their lives, with no one to watch out for her? How long had she shouldered the stress and responsibility for her family?

  He hugged her tighter against him, determined to do right by her. He would take things as slowly as she’d allow, would help her in any way he could, and then he’d see where things led. For the first time since coming to Earth, he had hope that maybe the future he’d wanted might be within his grasp. And it all came down to the pint-sized woman by his side.

  The movie went off, and he knew he should head to bed so he’d be rested for work the next day, but Summer lingered, and he didn’t want to leave her alone. He felt compelled to stay by her side, if only for a little while longer. She stretched out along the couch and put her head on his lap, which conjured images of her plump lips wrapped around his cock.

  “How long will you be at work tomorrow?” she asked.

  “I’m scheduled for another twelve hours. I could ask to come home sooner if you’d prefer?”

  “No, I don’t want to mess up the schedule at the Terran Station. If they have you down for twelve hours, you should work it. I’ll manage to keep myself occupied. There’s more cleaning to do, and I can always watch TV if I need a break.”

  “What other things do you like to do when you’re home?” he asked. “What about school? Don’t women your age attend college?”

  “I couldn’t afford it, not even with scholarships. I could have taken out some loans, but I didn’t want to pay them back for what would feel like forever. With the amount I would have had to borrow, I’d probably have been paying them back for twenty years or more.”

  “So, money is the only reason you didn’t go to school?” he asked. It had puzzled him that humans spent so much time on education, and yet none of them were as advanced as his people. College seemed like a rite of passage for the human race, even though he knew not everyone went. But if Summer wanted to go, then he would make sure it happened.

  She shrugged.

  “If you had access to a computer and enough money to cover some classes, would you want to attend?”

  “Vordro, you hired me to be your housekeeper. I’m not letting you pay for me to attend college. I appreciate the gesture. I really do. It’s very sweet of you.”

  Vordro frowned. “I don’t understand. Is it wrong that I wish to pay for you to continue your education? Isn’t college something that humans are supposed to do?”

  Summer patted her hand on his chest as she stared up at him. “College is something all teen humans are encouraged to attend when they finish high school, but it’s just not feasible for everyone to attend, and some people just don’t want to go. In my case, I wanted to go and couldn’t afford it. For some, they’re tired of school and are ready to get started on their lives, or maybe they excel at sports and join a professional team right out of high school. Some people don’t have good enou
gh grades to go, while others are like me and can’t afford it. I think it’s becoming more common for people to have a college education than it was thirty or forty years ago, but it’s still not something everyone does.”

  “But if you want to go, why can’t I pay for you?” Was this a stubborn human thing? It wasn’t like he would miss the money. He didn’t know how much something like that would cost, but it couldn’t be too expensive, or no one would go.

  “We aren’t married, and you’re not family. It wouldn’t be right for me to accept that much money from you.”

  “What does it cost?”

  “Over twenty thousand dollars per year and you generally go for four years. That’s almost one hundred thousand dollars! I’m not letting you pay that much.”

  Vordro drummed his fingers on his thigh. It was more expensive than he’d thought. If this college education was expected of the young humans, why did it cost so much? On his world, education was free. Granted, instead of going to college they learned a trade, but his world didn’t suffer for lack of schooling. In Vordro’s opinion, people learned more by doing things than by reading books. The humans should figure out what they excelled in and then learn that after the required years of school. Maybe their world would have less poverty if everyone had a job, a purpose that would benefit all of mankind.

  “So, how will you spend your time when you aren’t cleaning?” he asked. “There isn’t enough to do around here for you to stay busy all day every day.”

  “Well, I can watch TV.”

  “That’s all you’re going to do? It seems like a waste of time. There has to be something you enjoy.”

  She seemed to think about it for a minute. “I like to read. And I used to write poetry. I wasn’t very good at it, though. It was just a hobby.”


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