Luna Grey

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Luna Grey Page 4

by Emily Fox

  Luna’s body morphed and cracked in the dim moonlight, and Eric took in the lean grey-white wolf racing before him. He drew in quick breaths as his legs pumped hard as he flew after her, and he shuddered as his body underwent the same transformation. His red-brown fur sprouted from his skin as his jaw lengthened and his ears grew. His legs twisted and stretched as did his arms, being replaced by lengthy canine legs and paws.

  The pair of wolves tore through the undergrowth, their tongues lolling out as they fled.

  Eric growled as the howls and snarls of his pursuing family rose up behind them.

  Luna whimpered and laid her ears flat against her head as Eric nudged her side to keep her moving.

  The moon lit their way and Eric had no time to take it the usually reassuring and peaceful night air and scents of the forest.

  Luna whimpered softly as another howl rose up behind them, having gained on them a bit.

  Eric snarled angrily, his paws pounding on the soft earth as they barrelled on. He’d been stupid to think they could escape his family. They were older, therefore stronger and faster than them. But their youth gave them a slight head start, but he hadn’t thought further ahead than getting away from the house.

  They should head for a road, but he’d lost his heading when they’d started fleeing, and he slapped himself inwardly for not keeping focused on where they were going. They had hundreds of acres of land to get through, and with his family hot on their tail; they needed to think of something.

  Chapter 6

  Luna yelped as a brown streak shot out from the trees to their left and dragged her to the forest floor.

  Eric snarled and rammed into her attacker, catching the scent of Brent. But he was certainly no match for the brute wolf who snapped his jaws onto Eric’s shoulder and dragged him to the ground.

  Brent tore at him with tooth and fang as Eric yelped and struggled. Luna had pulled herself to her feet but cowered down as both Craig and his father burst into the clearing. The leaner grey wolf flattened his ears and stepped aside as the large brown wolf growled and trotted up to Luna. He stood over her menacingly, and Eric kicked out with his hind legs to escape from under his brother.

  He wouldn’t let his father hurt her; he had to protect her.

  He leapt at the large brown wolf, but was knocked aside with ease as his father snarled and snapped as he towered over him.

  Eric froze on the ground, his heart pounding at the look of disappointment and anger swirling in his father’s brown eyes.

  He grunted and stepped back, glaring at Eric as his body slowly morphed back to that of a naked man.

  “You’ve dishonoured our family boy,” he spat and turned on Luna. “Shift back now and no harm will come to you. We’ll escort you back.”

  Brent had shifted back too and crossed his arms, proud of his manhood that hung out. Craig remained in his wolf form though, knowing they could potentially still need an agile four-legged beast if they made a run for it.

  Luna whimpered as her body cracked and shifted, and Eric whined as the blonde woman cowered on the ground. Her hair hung in her face as she tried to shield her body from their eyes, but his father grabbed her by the arm and hefted her to her feet.

  “She does look good,” Brent whistled as he took in her full naked body, from her ample breasts that were only half covered by her free arm to the blonde hair that covered her nether region.

  Eric fumed and growled, wanting to tear into his brother and hide Luna away. He could smell the helplessness and fear on her, and the look she shot Eric pained him like nothing else. She thought she’d found freedom, but now it was vanishing from her eyes.

  “Eric, shift back and come, we’ll deal with you later,” his father snapped as he began dragging Luna back. She didn’t struggle, knowing she was no match for all the males, even if Eric were to fight.

  Eric gritted his teeth, hating how he ha failed her, hating his family. He had wanted to rescue Luna so badly, but he feared he’d only made it worse now. Why didn’t he think?

  His body shifted and his limbs snapped as his fur withdrew and he stood up on human legs once more.

  “You’re so screwed,” Brent snickered as he pushed his brother forward after their father.

  Craig followed along silently, watching everything with interest.

  Eric hung his head as he walked, ignoring the scratches on his body as branches and twigs dragged across bare flesh.

  He avoided looking at Luna, not wanting to make her even more uncomfortable while she walked naked before him. His blood boiled though as he glanced at his brother, who was smirking as he stared at her backside.

  He raked his brain for a new plan; a way to escape his family before they reached the cabin, but he knew inwardly it was useless. He couldn’t take on his family; he’d been stupid to go against them in the first place. He just wanted to set Luna free.

  “Dad’s going to have your ass,” Brent chuckled quietly, and Eric gave him a dark look.

  He was right though; Eric could only imagine what his father was going to do to him for going against him.

  Luna cried out as she was flung onto the cold stone floor of her cell. Eric’s father muttered under his breath as he slammed the door shut and stormed upstairs.

  She whimpered as she climbed onto her bed and wrapped the blanket around her. Her body shivered in the cold, musty basement and she closed her eyes, not wanting to think of what they’d do to Eric for aiding her.

  She felt stupid for accepting his help, she should’ve known it wouldn’t work, and she didn’t want him to get hurt.

  She trembled and sobbed as her throat tightened at the sound of Eric’s arguing upstairs. He was trying to argue that what they were doing was wrong, but then she heard the unmistakeable thud as something hit him hard and he fell to the floor.

  She wrapped her arms around her body and tried to block out the sounds of Eric’s body being beaten above her. She covered her ears and ground her teeth as tears streaked down her face. Why would they hurt him? What sort of family was this? Eric had told her so much, but what sort of father could beat his own son?

  She wasn’t sure when it ended, but a length of time passed before her sobbing stopped and she slowly uncovered her ears. No sound greeted her, and she lay down on her bed, exhausted and scared of what lay in store. She worried about Eric, about what his father had done to him. Images of his body broken and bloody shot into her mind and she shoved them away as she hissed. No, they wouldn’t kill him, surely. But her heart plummeted and she closed her eyes as more tears found their way out.

  She prayed he was alive.

  Eric groaned as he blinked after having blacked out. The room swam as it slowly came into focus and he closed his eyes as the pain became obvious. His body throbbed and ached all over, his ribs hurt like nothing else and he took a few shuddering gulps of air. His father had shoved him into his room and exploded, calling him all sorts of names. He’d tried to argue, but his father had punched him in the side of the head, which sent him sprawling on the floor. Spots danced behind his eyes as he struggled to get to his knees in an attempt to either fight back or get away. He wasn’t sure of which one as his head had spun. Brent had stood in the doorway as he watched the whole thing, and Eric had curled himself into a protective ball as his father kicked him repeatedly.

  He’d never seen this kind of anger on his father, but then again he’d never gone so against him before.

  Kick after each excruciating kick sent waves of pain through his body as his ribs creaked and he held his head protectively. But his feeble attempt to protect himself proved futile when his dad struck him again in the head and darkness spiralled down on him.

  The last thing he remembered seeing was Craig’s face behind Brent with a pained and upset look. Whether it was at his brother’s betrayal or his beating he wouldn’t know.

  Eric dragged in another painful breath and pulled himself upright, hissing as pain rolled through his aching body. Bruises marred his skin
already, but he tested all his limbs and did a rundown, thankful to find that his werewolf frame had suffered no broken bones. Had he been human, it would’ve been another story.

  He groaned as he dragged himself across the floor and clambered into his bed. He didn’t need to try the door to know it had been locked from the outside.

  He lay wearily on his bed, his body aching and his head pounding with a splitting headache. At least he was alive. His mind flew to Luna but he relaxed, knowing his father wouldn’t dare risk their ‘hunt’ by harming her. They wanted a decent hunt, and a wounded female would prove little fun.

  He was thankful despite the twisted thinking of his father.

  He lay on his bed as his head thumped, wanting to try to come up with a new plan. But the pain in his head was too much and eventually darkness engulfed him once more.

  Luna’s heart sped up as the basement door opened and she narrowed her eyes as Craig descended down the stairs and approached the cell. He held a steaming bowl of porridge, and Luna watched as he slid it into her cell.

  She’d dreamt of the horrific torture and terror Eric’s family had in store, and she’d woken sweating and terrified, wanting to cry out for him and hold him close as she made sure he was okay. But she knew he wasn’t, not after the beating she’d heard. She feared for him, and she found herself sitting upright as she glared at Craig.

  “He’s alive,” Craig seemed to read to her face as he looked at her. She couldn’t read his expression though; he was masking any emotions he may have had about the whole thing.

  “Why…” she started but her eyes dropped. She knew why. She knew why she was here, why Eric was beaten. She wasn’t even sure what she had wanted to ask.

  “Eat, you’ll need your strength. The other’s arrive in two days,” Craig informed her as he turned and left.

  Luna stared at the bowl on the floor, not even slightly hungry. She wanted to see Eric, but at least now she knew he was alive.

  It was little consolation though since she knew he must be hurt and in pain.

  Eric spent the day in bed, his body too weak and sore to do anything else. Craig had visited him with food and told him if he needed toilet visits to yell out and he’d come help him. He’d been relieved of his caring duties obviously and Craig had taken over.

  Craig had hesitated before leaving, letting Eric know Luna was okay and that Trevor and the boys would arrive in two days.

  Eric wasn’t sure why his brother bothered to tell him this, but he ignored it as he drifted off again, wanting his body to recover enough so that he could concoct a new plan.

  He listened to his family move throughout the house as his mind struggled to come up with a decent plan. He could attempt to overpower Craig during a toilet trip, but then he’d have to get the key from his father, and he knew he couldn’t take him on.

  He gritted his teeth and swore as he fisted his hands, furious with himself. How had he failed? Why hadn’t he thought ahead?

  Luna spent the afternoon drawing a detailed picture of Eric in wolf form. He sat with his head cocked, his eyes swallowing her in as she added detail to his fur.

  She hid her art book away as Craig came down and slid her a plate of crumbed chicken and veggies. He hadn’t said anything as he glanced at her toothbrush and toothpaste with a soft smile.

  He vanished back upstairs and Luna slowly ate her meal, her mind whirling as thoughts of the upcoming hunt plagued her mind. Her only hope was that Eric would come up with a plan before then. She could do nothing from her cell, but he had more chance.

  She heard the voices from overhead and was thankful to hear that Eric had only suffered some bruising.

  She decided to hide away in her artwork, knowing if she let her mind continue she’d break and cry, terrified of her fate. The delicate artwork she carefully drew was a distraction she was grateful for.

  Chapter 7

  Eric sat on the edge of his bed cracking his knuckles. Craig was the only person he’d seen since his attempt to free Luna, and the day that Trevor and the boys were due was upon them. He hung his head in his hands and grinded his teeth in frustration.

  He’d considered escape from his window but was mortified to find that when his father had knocked him out the other night, Brent had installed some welded bars across his window. They really didn’t trust him at all.

  The only way in and out of the room was through the locked door that Craig came through.

  He listened quietly as he heard the voices below him. It seemed Brent and their father were going to meet Trevor and the boys in town. They’d park the cars down the track to the cabin and go for a hunt. They knew where to begin tracking some deer thanks to Eric’s scouting. Craig would be stuck with his caring duties, and Brent sniggered saying it was all Eric’s fault and if it pissed off Craig he’d have to take it up with him.

  Eric threw himself back on his bed, his body still aching in some places as he wondered if now was a good time to try to bust out. His father and Brent would be away and he might be able to overpower Craig, but that wouldn’t help with opening Luna’s cell.

  Eric grumbled as the engine started outside and roared off into the night. He glared at the ceiling as Craig’s footsteps greeted him.

  Perhaps his brother had come to take out his frustration of not being able to go out hunting on him.

  The door clicked open and Craig cautiously peered in. Satisfied to see Eric on his bed, he waltzed in and sat on the chair at the desk.

  “What do you want?” Eric spat, wanting to be rid of his brother.

  “Nothing, just thought you should know that tomorrow night is forecasted to rain but dad’s not cancelling the hunt, he says it’ll give them some more fun as it’ll make tracking harder,” Craig stated as he rested his feet on the desk and played with a pen.

  Eric thought over this, pleased at the knowledge. Luna may stand a chance of getting away if they struggled to track her in the rain. But why was Craig telling him? Did he feel obligated because Eric hadn’t given away his absence? Or was it a strange brotherly loyalty?

  “And perhaps, if someone were to leave the door unlocked, you could find her first and get her out of here. Perhaps come back to the cabin and take one of the cars,” Craig leapt to his feet and strode to the door.

  Eric stared in disbelief at his brother, trying to make sense of what he’d said. Was he seriously offering to help him? Why? What was in it for him?

  “Are you serious?” Eric mumbled as he sat up as Craig stood at the door.

  Craig turned and gave him a sincere smile. “You’re not the only one who doesn’t agree with the traditions, but you’re the only one who’s been brave enough to go against it.” With that said he exited the room, and the lock clicked shut as Eric stared dumbly at the closed door.

  Luna huddled on her bed as she heard the basement door open and Craig came down the stairs. He strode over and slid the chunky soup to her. Instead of leaving briskly like usual, he eyed her carefully as he seemed to consider talking to her.

  “Eric has a plan, but when they let you out, run as far as you can and hide in the storm. Eric will find you with any luck, I know he must have spent the days with you, so he’ll know your scent best,” Craig chewed his cheek and turned away. He slowed as he reached the bottom of the stairs but didn’t turn back.

  “Good luck.”

  Eric waited patiently as he heard his family downstairs as they excitedly prepared for the hunt. The rain hammered down on the cabin, and Eric watched as it dripped fervent trails down his window. Lightning lit the sky occasionally, followed by a monstrous crack overhead.

  They’d inject Luna with their serum and let her go for a two-hour head start rather than three because of the rain, but they were keen to hunt in these unique conditions.

  He’d overheard the voices downstairs, they were going to split up rather than hunt in a pack, and if anyone found her, they were to alert the pack by howling.

  This comforted Eric, he’d stand a better ch
ance one on one if he came across anyone out there.

  He’d put all his trust and faith in Craig now; it’s all he could do.

  Luna whimpered as Eric’s father swung the cell door open and his brother Trevor, whom Eric had told her about, helped him restrain her on the bed.

  She struggled and cried out as the needle pierced her neck, and she felt the painful sting then burn of the serum. Tears welled in her eyes but she wouldn’t give in to the terror, instead she turned her head and snarled at her captors.

  Eric’s father scoffed and Trevor grinned.

  “A feisty one, she’ll be fun,” he growled as he ran a hand down her body.

  Luna tried to edge away from the touch, but her mind was now focused on how her blood was heating up and her body was burning.

  The two men dragged her upstairs and outside, and threw her in a pile on the muddy ground.

  “Run bitch, make it worthwhile,” Trevor snapped as Eric’s father had already disappeared back into the house.

  Luna lay in a cool puddle, grateful for the cold droplets that pelted down on her. Her gown, which Craig had returned to her after her escape attempt, was plastered to her body, and her hair was sticking to her face as she got to her knees.

  She stared down at the ground as her body began to shift forcefully, and she gritted her teeth against the pain. A forced shift was rather painful, and eventually she let out soft whimpers as her body collapsed back to the wet earth and writhed. Her bones cracked and morphed as fur sprouted from her skin, and her skull cracked and moved as a muzzle protruded from her face.

  Eric growled as he heard his family laughing after tossing Luna out in the freezing rain. He’d get to her soon enough, and he’d protect her no matter what. But his blood boiled in hatred towards his family. He could never forgive them for this.


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