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Wrecked Page 4

by H. P. Landry

  I locked the door behind them and took a deep breath. I could do this. I prepared everything, awaiting this experience. I slowly took off my robe and was comfortable as I lay down thinking of him, the asshole. I pictured his crystalline eyes, his full, symmetrical lips, and his fine nose. His bedroom eyes sent a shiver down my spine and goose bumps erupted on my skin. The aching between my legs pulsed as I thought of his lips on mine.

  I remembered his scent. It was delicious and made me hungry to experience it more. I recalled the aroma of fresh mint, lavender, and vanilla, an intoxicating blend, which reminded me of warmth and tenderness. Add sandalwood and cedar, with the mixture of man, and there was his signature fragrance.

  I pictured him caressing my body with his large hands and touching the recesses of mind with sweet words. I placed “silver” on my clit and turned it on. The zing and the vibration startled me, and I quickly shut it off.

  Shit, could they hear that?

  I looked at the clock on the nightstand. I had no time to worry, and I needed to hurry up. I took a deep breath and pictured his bronze skin and muscles. I wondered if he had a six-pack or if he had one of those delicious V’s that drove me wild.

  The thought caused a dampening at the apex of my thighs, and I turned on “silver” again. This time it was muffled, and I was prepared for the zing. Within moments, I was writhing on the bed, and I felt it. It was building; what “it” was, I wasn’t sure, but something was definitely intensifying.

  Lord, I am seeing stars, why am I seeing stars?

  Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Picture him.

  I closed my eyes and remembered his eyes as they locked on mine. The way they had darkened when he saw my breasts. Lord, the flames of desire I had felt at that moment would forever be etched in my mind.

  I turned the speed higher on “silver,” and I recalled those heated moments. I wanted him; there was no denying it. As soon as I admitted it to myself, I felt something-- an explosion-- and I screamed my release.

  I was panting and couldn’t believe I had waited so damn long for this experience. Within seconds, my door burst opened, shards of wood sailed through the air and pierced my naked flesh. All of this happened while “silver” was running at full speed, in all its twinkling glory. Fuck me!

  Chapter Four


  Nik breaking in while I still had the bullet going, completely naked, was not how I had imagined this moment to end. Could this get any worse?

  Please Lord, strike me down now, for my brother’s face is pale and ashen, and I believe he is traumatized.

  He was frozen in my doorway, gaping like a fish. I am in shock, paralyzed.

  Lord, I can’t move! Why can’t I move?

  He turned around quickly, without a word, and the door closed behind him.

  Holy fuck, did that just happen?

  “Mylie--,” Diana started to say.

  I heard the door open again. I was still paralyzed. And for the life of me, couldn’t figure out what in the hell was wrong with me. Diana peeked around the door and quickly ducked back behind it.

  “My’… mind putting on your robe hun?” she asked.

  Silence. I couldn’t speak or move. I was convinced that I would need therapy after this humiliation. Not only had my brother seen me naked, but Diana had too.

  “My’… I am coming in and closing my eyes,” she said as she came into the room. She turned her back to me and side-walked to the edge of my bed and grabbed my robe. She walked to my bed the same way, stopping in front of me. I couldn’t talk or move still, but somehow she knew. She quickly turned around, keeping her eyes closed, and draped the robe over me. She must have heard the vibrating because it suddenly stopped, and I knew I hadn’t shut it off. She grabbed my face and looked into my eyes.

  “It’s okay Mylie. I know you are in shock, but it’s okay. Nik is fine. You are fine. Honey, you have to let me know you are okay, or I am going to have to take you to the hospital,” she said quietly.

  Which was exactly what I needed to hear. I definitely didn’t need to be humiliated any further.


  “Shhhhh!” Diana shushed me.

  I couldn’t help it. I was completely freaking out!

  “Breathe. Breathe,” her calming voice instructed. “Let’s count backwards. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one.”

  I would be okay. I couldn’t help but shaken that my brother saw me. Jeez. Could this day get any worse?

  “I’m okay.” I finally said.

  She nodded her head, saying nothing else. I finally came to the conclusion that this day would never be spoken of, ever! Nik would sure as hell never talk about it. Crap, he probably wished he had an industrial size bottle of mental bleach right now.

  The next forty-five minutes went by in a blur, as Diana expertly dressed me and got me ready for tea. She did my hair in long bouncy curls, and my make-up was done with smoky eyes and nude lips. She added a hint of pink blush, highlighting my cheeks and the bridge of my nose.

  “Done,” she said, stepping back to admire her handiwork.

  I turned around and looked in the mirror. Good Lord, who was that?

  I knew I was pretty, but right now I looked sexy. God, I felt sexy. My body had a perfect hourglass shape, and my height just made me look luscious.

  “Wow. I just… Wow,” I stuttered foolishly, but I was stunned by the results.

  “Oh, hush. Now, you hurry up and get to tea,” Diana said as she walked out the room. I stared into the full-length antique mirror that came with the house, amazed.

  “Let’s get this show on the road,” I said to my reflection and walked out of my room.

  As I descended the last step, the catcalls from my reinforcements made me laugh.

  “So, I won’t ask how it was, since we all heard it, but I have to say, I have never seen Nikolas run out of a room faster in my life,” Malory said, grinning ear –to- ear.

  “That boy ran out of here like he was just told he was going to be a daddy,” Rhonda joked.

  I saw the pang of hurt in her eyes. I knew she had crushed on Nik for over six years, and he never once paid her any mind. Lord knew, I didn’t want her dating my brother because he would be sure to hurt her and then I might lose a friend. It was an unspoken rule between us: never date each other’s friends.

  “All right, all right. Enough of the jokes,” I said, still slightly mortified.

  We all left the house and said our farewells. I walked the short distance to Mrs. J.J. Pierson’s house. The Pierson House was a Queen Anne Victorian, which was a turn- of- the- century home. It held picture perfect details that came straight from a historical romance book. The house had a widow's walk on the roof with a wraparound porch below and an underground garage. The house still had the original boiler with a full third floor attic. The fact that Pierson house still had its original woodwork and was on the National and State Historical Registry made it one of the most desirable properties in the community.

  Our neighborhood was something Pointe Hope prided itself on. The Pierson House was a prime example. It had a lot of charm and character, and its original architecture held strong. When I walked in, the aroma of potpourri flooded my senses, and I couldn’t help but feel at home.

  I walked up the steps and across part of the beautiful porch. Taking a deep breath, I knocked on the door and waited behind the glass panels.


  Trevor’s grandmother’s home was exactly why I had moved to Pointe Hope. Queen Anne Victorians were my mother’s favorite style of home. There was that perk, and the fact that Pointe Hope University was the only university that would give me a teaching job. I never imagined that the rumors from my alma mater would follow me to Pointe Hope, but I had already started to hear them. The semester had yet to begin, but apparently I was already sleeping with students.

  I was used to the gossip. Unfortunately, because Pointe Hope
was so small, it came with the territory. It wasn’t long ago that I had completed my law degree at a prestigious Ivy League school on the northern East Coast. I found rather quickly that it wasn’t the career for me. To add insult to injury, I discovered that my girlfriend of five years was cheating on me. I decided to graduate with my Juris Doctorate and leave town immediately after.

  After twelve years of formal education and numerous random flings with women, I had decided it was time to settle into a home. Lord willing, I would never fall in love again, especially if I could help it. When I saw the ad for a teaching job at a small university in a small town, I knew it would be perfect. They needed a criminal justice professor, but with my credentials, they increased the salary and offered immediate tenure. It was the offer of a lifetime, and I couldn’t pass on the opportunity. So, here I was, sitting next to my friend Trevor who was texting my who was his girlfriend. Trevor’s girlfriend Natalie was fashionably late, as usual. The house felt comfortable with the fragrance of potpourri and roses.

  “Now, Trevor, where in heavens is Natalie?” his grandmother asked.

  “Grandmother, she was finishing her thesis for her summer course and lost track of time,” Trevor replied, glancing up from his phone.

  “Well, it’s quite understandable. However, I wonder where–”she didn’t finish her sentence because there was a knock at the door, and her sparkling eyes shined with what appeared to be pride.

  “Well there she is,” she said while softly smiling.

  She rose from her seat and left the formal sitting room. I heard muffled voices in the foyer. Then there was distinctive clicking, and I could only imagine it was high heels. I figured it had to be Natalie.

  “Thank you so much for inviting me Mrs. Pierson. You have no idea how much I needed to have a good cup of tea,” a distinctly feminine voice murmured.

  That voice. Damn it, and its effect on my heart. I controlled my breathing.

  “Damn,” Trevor said.

  I turned to look at him, lifting my head for a moment, waiting for him to continue.

  “That’s my grandmother’s neighbor. She’s gorgeous, smart, funny, and a virgin. She refuses to give it up unless she is married and in love,” he finally said.

  Virgin? Did those actually still exist?

  She laughed at something Trevor’s grandmother said. My heart was beating harder than I had ever felt. I couldn’t help but look in her direction when she finally stepped into the room. She looked exquisite.

  “Mylie, you remember my grandson Trevor. And this is Professor Damien James. Professor James, this is Mylie Mier,” Mrs. Pierson said as she performed the introductions.

  The look of shock couldn’t have been missed nor the pinched brows, but the faint blush on her porcelain skin did something to my insides.

  “You?” I exclaimed before I could think.

  Why did I say that?

  Mrs. Pierson and Trevor were perplexed as Mylie looked into my eyes. Her cleavage in the royal blue wrap blouse brought back the memory of her full breasts. I felt my eyes blaze into hers, while hers were smoldering. Her firm legs in that pencil skirt had me envisioning lifting the skirt with her against a wall, filling her completely, while she scratched my back. Fuck! She was a virgin!

  “Hello Professor,” Mylie said quietly.

  Why did she refuse to call me by my name? At least she wasn’t calling me asshole or idiot anymore. It was progress. She was being cordial even after I had been rude.

  “Lovely to see you again, Mylie,” I replied. I could be polite, too.

  “Oh. Yes, I forgot you two know each other,” Mrs. Pierson murmured.

  I couldn’t help but feel bad for Mrs. Pierson. I knew she wanted this to be a set-up, but that wasn’t going to happen.

  “Yes, we met–,” Mylie lowered her voice, the pain still evident in her eyes.

  “We run the same trail,” I finished.

  She gave a brief nod and a tight smile.

  “I will go and get tea. Trevor dear, please help me?” Trevor’s grandmother asked, urging him to follow her.

  “Mrs. Pierson, I’d be happy to help,” Mylie interjected.

  “Nonsense Mylie, you go ahead and make yourself at home. We will be back in a jiffy,” Mrs. Pierson responded.

  They vacated the sitting room, leaving us with the mounting tension. She crossed her right leg over her left and started to bob it up and down nervously. I couldn’t help but watch the muscles flex in her smooth legs.

  “See something you like?” she whispered huskily.

  I almost believed that I had imagined it. I gazed up and saw the hunger in her eyes. I clenched my jaw to check my urge to answer her honestly. Lord knew those eyes were trouble.

  “Just admiring the view since you leave nothing to the imagination,” I replied.

  FUCK! Why do I always have to sound like such an asshole?

  “Ah. Well, what can I say? I just love to leave men like you with a good case of blue balls,” she retorted.

  I choked on my spit and went into a full blown coughing fit. She laughed, and her dazzling smile lit up her gorgeous face. She got up from her seat and walked to me. I watched her hips sway as she walked towards me in her fuck-me pumps. I saw those stilettos and couldn’t help but think, damn, handle bars.

  “All right cowboy.” She lifted my arms, and it sent a shock straight through each nerve ending. “This will expand the lungs,” she whispered and peered into my eyes.

  Her scent of jasmine, lily-of-the-valley, and a light hint of vanilla and musk was intoxicating. My coughing ceased, but she still held my arms with our eyes locked on each other. I stared at her cherry lips, and she slightly parted them. I felt the warmth of her breath on my skin and detected a freshness of mint.

  What it would be like to taste those lips upon mine? To finally experience the warmth of her delicious mouth on my body as she lingered in the crevices of my neck and back?

  Damn, I was fully erect.

  The rattle of the tea service released us from our trance. She turned around and walked toward her seat. She had a perfect ass. Was there nothing I could find wrong with her?

  “I do hope you like Earl Grey tea, Professor James?” Trevor’s grandmother asked as she approached the sitting room. She smiled warmly and killed the remnants of my erection.

  Chapter Five


  I peered out of the window of our Victorian staring at the river view behind our home. I recalled the day’s events, and I kept asking myself, could this day get any worse? The answer was it could, and it did.

  Tea was the disaster of all disasters. The hours of friendly conversation with my wonderful neighbor Mrs. J.J. Pierson were ruined when I realized that my distraction was none other than the asshole. The afternoon was spent in amiable banter, but the tension could be cut with a knife.

  My reprieve arrived in the form of Natalie, and thankfully the focus was no longer on the set up. Instead it shifted the conversation towards her thesis. She was a lovely person, but her passion was photography, and Trevor, being a lawyer, was not very supportive. It was evident that he wanted nothing more than a trophy wife, and they were only together because of their families. I wondered often if love was a figment of our imaginations or did it really exist?

  More than anything, I wished I had my mother. She could give me advice and answer the hundreds of questions I had. The pang of grief from years of being lost and alone, combined with the memory of my parents’ tragic death, kept me awake at night.

  “Hey,” my brother’s voice distracted me from my musings. I sighed inwardly because I knew this would be awkward.

  “Hey, yourself,” I replied.

  I didn’t turn to look at him and remained focused on the river.

  “How was tea?” he asked.

  Nik’s question brought the memory of afternoon. The way the asshole stared at my legs as I walked into the room, and again later, made my blood pressure rise. Lord, I had never been so brash in my life,
yet I said exactly what I was thinking. I couldn’t deny it: I had enjoyed his attention, at least until he spoke.

  The way he degraded me made me mad, but I also wanted to pin his body to mine. I wanted to bite and scratch him while he filled me. No matter how much I fought the desire, the truth was, I wanted him. The thought sent a shiver down my spine. This wasn’t good. He slept with students, he was Pointe Hope’s biggest asshole, and he was gorgeous. I was so screwed.

  “It was fine,” I replied noncommittally.

  My monotone must have rubbed Nik the wrong way because he mumbled something and left. I heard the door close with the faint clicking of the lock, and then I heard the engine of his car as he drove away. What was I going to do? I went into my room and got dressed. I slipped on a halter style black dress with a low cut V-neck. My cleavage was blatantly obvious while the dress hugged every curve I had. I paired it with red, platform stilettos and a red clutch.

  My hair was still fixed with curls, and I put it in a twist to bare my back. A long chain dangled to the curve of my behind, drawing attention to it. I looked into the full-length mirror and had to admit, I looked and felt sexy. I pulled out my phone and sent a message to Reinforcements.

  Group Message: Diana, Malory, and Rhonda

  Me: Patron!

  Rhonda: HELL YEAH!

  Diana: Yum… Yes!

  Malory: Way ahead of you. See you soon.

  We arrived at Patron, a nightclub close to the coast. I loved driving here because the smell of salty air always made me feel refreshed. Diana wore a black mini dress with gold and black stilettos, while Rhonda wore a white long- sleeved floral lace mesh dress that showcased her amazing body. However, it was Malory who took the gold for the hottest outfit of the night, wearing not nearly enough clothing. She wore a beige and black lace mini dress with a sweetheart neckline and open cross straps on both sides. It was evident she could not wear underwear with her dress, and the men ogling her knew it. It was also obvious that she had been here a while. We walked towards her stool at the bar, and her electric blue eyes locked on us before she jumped down and started to run to us.


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