Pyro's Final Flame : Twisted Iron MC

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Pyro's Final Flame : Twisted Iron MC Page 14

by Liberty Parker



  I wake up groggy and feeling as if my mouth is the epitome of the Sahara desert. My tongue is sticking to the roof of my mouth. Turning over to my side, I see the glass of water from last night sitting there, staring at me, begging me to finish it up. Greedily, I reach out and grab it, finishing its contents in one long gulp. Only then does my stomach begin to rumble and churn. Dashing up out of the bed, I run as fast as my legs can take me back into the bathroom for another round of expelling my stomach and lack of contents. Last night I spent more time in this bathroom than I did in the bed; all while Pyro was fast asleep. He never once stirred while I was exhibiting signs of needing an exorcism.

  Fucker could sleep through a damn earthquake. My grumblings aren’t heard by anyone. Since I made my mad dash toward the bathroom, I noticed the bed was empty. I wish I’d been awake and alert enough to send Pyro off. I had intended on being there, waving him off, but my body had other plans in store for me.

  As I wretch as more stomach bile erupts from my esophagus, I beg whoever above us is listening; to make it stop. As soon as my stomach begins to settle, I flush the toilet and stand in front of the sink, taking in my appearance. I have bags under my eyes, my skin lacks pigmentation and is frightfully pale. Pyro was right last night, I look as if I’m a damn ghost; a clammy, nauseous version of my old self. My mind begins to wander back to everything I ate yesterday, trying to figure out what I had that could’ve caused this sort of reaction. As much as I’d love to blame my nerves still, they’ve settled down quite a bit. When nothing out of the ordinary comes to my mind, I strip out of my clothing and start the shower. Hopefully, it makes me feel better and ready to face the day.

  As I’m scrubbing my scalp with my shampoo, it dawns on me; my time of the month is very fucking late! Damn you, Mother Nature, and fuck you, Eve, for eating that forbidden fruit. My life would be perfect if the two of them weren’t always invading it.

  We’ve taken all of the precautionary steps to ensure pregnancy wouldn’t happen. Neither one of us are ready to be parents quite yet, we have so much we wanted to do first. We skimmed on the topic of kids once, and we both decided and concluded that we needed more time. I look down at where my birth control patch previously was and curse it’s lack of existence. It dawns on me that I took that damn thing off eight days ago and it never once occurred to me, or crossed my thoughts, that I hadn’t started my damn period? I know these things aren’t one-hundred-percent fool proof, but come on. Could it be true? Surely not, it would be ludicrous, right? Fuck, now I need to find a pregnancy test, and seeing as we’re locked down here at the clubhouse, I’m not sure how I’ll make that a possibility without alerting everyone to what it is I’m in need of.

  I need time alone with the test, if it’s positive, I need time to melt down alone. I don’t like to show my weakness and tears to anyone. Usually, if I need time to let those particular emotions loose, I do so with the accompaniment and downpour of a shower. It helps to drown out the emotions that clog my throat.

  “Tears are for pathetic losers,” I tell myself as I pull on my leggings, which happen to be a little bit tighter around my waistline. “Great, fucking perfect.” I stomp my foot in agitation as I go to my dresser and pull out a bra. As soon as it’s clasped and I place my tits inside, I notice that they’re spilling over the top of the cups. “Oh joy, looks like I’m going to be wearing my ‘it’s that time of the month’ undergarments. At least I don’t have a need for wearing anything sexy, I suppose.” Although, with saying that, I usually wear the lacy, sexy things for my benefit. They make me feel desirable and I like to be at my best at all times. “Fucking, hell. Stop, Shara. Think, get over this wallowing in self-pity and figure this shit out,” I scold myself as I toss on my ugly bra and pull out a tank top.

  Marching back into the bathroom, I brush my teeth and pull my hair on top of my head in a messy bun. Looking over myself in the mirror once again, I find that I’m shaking my head in disgust. If what I’m thinking is true, Pyro’s going to have a complete meltdown. He’s a complete wreck when it comes to that time of the month for me, I can’t even begin to contemplate how he’s going to react to this possible, impending news.

  And just like that, a flash of lightning invades my thoughts. Outlaw has stocked up the medical bay with supplies that include pregnancy kits. All I have to do is sneak in there undetected and excuse myself for a rest. Shouldn’t be too damn hard to accomplish. Mind made up, I head out of our room and march down into the kitchen.

  Big, huge mistake. The smell and sound of sizzling bacon causes my stomach to turn. I must make a gagging sound, because every woman and child stops what they're doing and looks over at me. I don’t excuse myself from them nor do I have time for any pleasantries. I rush away, praying that I make it in time to the downstairs bathroom without making a huge mess along the way.

  I barely make it in time before my stomach spews out it’s protest. In the background, I hear someone come in, and I cuss myself for not locking the door behind me. “I think you may need this,” Outlaw states with a gleam in her voice.

  Grabbing toilet paper, I wipe my mouth and turn to glare at her. But, before I can express my displeasure to her for interrupting what should be a private moment, when I settle my eyes on her, I notice what’s in her outstretched hand; a pregnancy test. “Damnit, Harmony, I had a plan,” I grumble as I yank the test from her fingers. “What are you? The pregnancy test manager? Just walk around here searching for signs of vomiting and mood swings so you can shove a test in one of our faces?”

  “Well, I’d say your plan is null and void now, wouldn’t you? As for your other snide remark, yes. I’m only trying to look out for this club and any potential future members and their well-being.” She snickers as she stands on her metaphorical high horse. If I had more energy, I’d smack that triumphant look from her face.

  “Stop looking so smug,” I protest, as I begin to remove the stick that holds my future and its outcome from its packaging. “Do ya think you could give me some privacy while I pee?”

  “I’ll turn my back, Shara, but I’m not leaving. I know that the second I do, you’ll lock that door behind me then commence in having a breakdown and none of us will be able to get to you. That’s unacceptable, we’re a family, we do this shit together,” she scolds me as she then turns around on the balls of her feet. “I don’t hear any peeing.”

  “I don’t need you to hold my hand, I do know how to do this part all by myself.” I’m getting pissed, I had a damn course of action in place! One that didn’t include an invasion of my privacy.

  “Stop stalling, Shara. You know damn good and well, I’m not going anywhere. Chop-chop,” she tells me while clapping her hands together, as if that’s going to make me rush and do her bidding. I can be just as stubborn and hard-headed as she is.

  “Leave, Harmony,” I declare, opposing her. Not willing to move away from my position from this cold, tiled floor.

  “Not going anywhere,” she imparts, tapping her foot.

  “Fuck off, Outlaw,” I spit out, fit to be tied, not to mention, sick of this standoff happening between the two of us. “Now my bladder is protesting. I’ve got some weird form of stage fright now, thanks.”

  “I’m not into chicks, but if I was, I’d totally do you.” She giggles as if she’s the funniest person in the world. I find it not amusing in the least.

  Stubborn, pig-headed, bitch.

  “Well, I wouldn’t do you!” I spout off, even though I sound like a sullen child, even to my own ears. For some damn reason that I can’t even fathom to explain, she finds this hilarious instead of the insult I meant it to come across as. Twisted ass bitch, but I know I can’t or won’t stay mad at her long. She’s my sister, and I love her.

  The test is like a beacon into the night as it stays firmly gripped in my hand. Seeing as I need to pee with desperation, I finally give in.


  We’ve been on the road for four days no
w, and today is the day of our impending arrival; granted our meeting with Steel Empire’s pres isn’t for another two days. I’ve checked in with my woman every day and although things seem to be going smoothly, something in her voice causes me concern. She swears all is well and the other men claim the same from their old ladies; but my instincts about Shara are usually never wrong. For now, I have no choice but to believe what she tells me. But, I also know that I can’t wait for this to be done so I can be home and have her back in the safety of my arms where I can see for myself.

  As we line up and park, I look around noticing that we consume nearly the entire parking lot. One at a time, we dismount our bikes and I can hear Fox hooting and hollering. “Well goddamn, pres! Look at this fancy place you’ve put us up in. You know, a man could get used to this sort of treatment,” he remarks with a shit-eating grin plastered on his face.

  “Key words, there,” Edge chimes in, “a man. You are but a mere man child.”

  “Just don’t cause a scene, huh?” Sandman adds, “We’ve got enough business and bullshit to tend to while here without you adding to it.”

  An appalled look crosses Fox’s face. “I would never, and I resent those implications. I have children on the way.” He reaches into his front pocket and lights up a joint.

  “Just keep your fucking clothes on, will ya?” Rogue glares at him. “Let’s not draw anymore unnecessary attention our way.”

  “Yeah, sure, because a large number of tatted, pot smoking, drunken, grizzly-looking bikers won’t draw any onlookers,” Mercenary spouts off.

  “Honestly, pres, I think we would’ve been less obvious if we’d stayed at one of our usual no-tell-motels,” I begin, “This place does look a bit fancy compared to what we’re normally accustomed to.”

  “Are you little bitches gonna keep complaining about where we’re staying or get your shit so we can check in?” Rogue asks, making sure his eyes connect with each of ours as he glances down the line.

  “Let’s go, brothers. You heard your pres,” I agree vocally, encouraging them to shut up and obey. Fox gives me the side eye before reaching down and stubbing out his joint. He gets pissy when he’s not able to finish one once he’s lit it. Sucks to be him.

  We check in, in groups. Four per room except Rogue; he gets his own space.

  I agree to take Fox in a room with myself, Edge, and Mercenary in hopes that the other two family men can somewhat keep a tight leash on the impending father. There is no way I want to be a part of the possible wrath of an extremely pregnant Novalee.

  I can feel the heated glares from the hotel's patrons as we’re assembled in the lobby. It’s literally taking all the willpower inside of me not to say something snarky to these snobby people. The urge is unbearable as I choke down the words I want to spit out.

  Fox, not able to help himself either gawks back at one of the old geezers that’s staring us down. “What’s up, Grandpa? Need me to whip out my dick and show you what a real man’s looks like?”

  And, there it is, everything I wanted to say, but didn’t have to. As if we’re all in sync, we grab hold of our precious jewels and taunt the man; including none other than Rogue himself.

  The old lady with him gasps in horror at Fox’s words before she sticks her chin up in the air like the stuck-up bitch she is and says, “Well, I never.”

  “We can tell, sweetheart,” Edge responds with a gleam in his eyes.

  Two men who I assume are hotel security dressed in suits come running up toward us. Patting Edge on his chest with the back of my hand I lean in and tell him, “Things just got interesting, brother.”

  “Yeah, we’re gonna get kicked out before we ever get settled in,” Sandman declares.

  “Oh, nonsense. Since when did you become the voice of reason, anyway? You going soft on us now that you’re gonna be a daddy?” I taunt him.

  Rogue pushes his way between us all and orders us to stand down. Grabbing a cigar from his front pocket, he lights it up. Oh boy, all I can see are the tons of no smoking signs around us. “Can I help you fellas?” Rogue asks, taking a puff from the lit tobacco now permeating through the lobby.

  One of the tiny men speaks up, “Firstly, sir,” he pauses and audibly gulps as Rogue folds his arms over his chest after being called ‘sir’. “Well, you see, we have a no smoking policy on the premises and that’s the first violation.” Rogue still appears calm as he tilts his head and pulls the cigar from his lips, but makes no attempt to put it out.

  The other man takes a step forward in an attempt to help out his friend. “It’s also frowned upon to taunt the other guests, and, well, fondle yourself.”

  “The fuck did you just say we were doing?” Sandman steps forward only to be pushed backward by Rogue slightly.

  “Stand down, I’ve got this under control unless otherwise stated,” he orders Sandman before bringing his attention back to the two would-be clowns posing as security at this place. Taking one more puff from his cigar, Rogue blows a plume of smoke into the faces of the men. “Look, boys, I understand you’re just doing your job here, but I can tell you for certain it’s gonna take more than the two of you to make us do anything, right?” He hands Sandman his cigar gesturing for him to take it outside and he does as he’s instructed. “In fact, I’m positive that you two plus a small army aren’t ready for this battle. You’d be wise to trust me on this one and tread lightly. Do we look like a bunch of yuppies who haven’t seen our fair share of rough days? We’ve been on the road for days, away from our families, and all we wanna do is get to our rooms and relax without being hassled by some suited-up yacht club wannabe’s. If anyone is being harassed, I’d say it was me and my brothers here. So, do me a favor and keep the holier than thou club over there, and we’ll have no more problems. We’ve already checked in, have rooms ready, and goddammit I’m one tired son of a bitch. Do we have a deal, boys? Or is this gonna be a show you fellas aren’t prepared for?”

  “You two do know the role of men in black has already been portrayed, right?” leaves Fox’s lips and try as we might, we just can’t contain our laughter.

  Rogue turns around and cuts his eyes to us and we quickly bite our tongues and seal our lips. He’s tired and in zero mood for games or our antics at this point.

  “We just don’t want any more disturbances is all,” the first man to originally speak declares.

  “We’ll do our best, won’t we, boys?” Rogue turns and that’s our cue to agree.

  In unison a common ground of agreement is decided upon and vocalized.

  “You see, problem solved,” Rogue announces.

  The second man in black that spoke up earlier chimes in, “And no more smoking on the premises.”

  Taking us all by surprise, a man enters the hotel and approaches. Oh, Christ, this man must be the boss of these two bozos. He’s in an even fancier suit and you’d think as clean cut as he is he’s never even gotten a piece of dirt under a single fingernail. But, he is a big fucker and something about his presence gives me a feeling I can’t shake. “Gentlemen,” he looks at us and smiles, extending his hand to shake Rogue’s specifically, “I assume, and hope these two here aren’t giving you any trouble now, are they?” He sharply turns and faces the two security guards. “These are out of town guests and are not to be harassed. Are we clear?” The two guards have a look of fear in their eyes as they nod their heads and scurry off. Turning back to Rogue, the man simply states, “Sorry I can’t stay for pleasantries and formally introduce myself, but I will have the staff make sure anything you want is taken care of. Everything’s on the hotel tab. All I ask is that you don’t harm accidentally or otherwise any of the patrons.” He quickly turns on his heel and begins to briskly walk away.

  “What about smoking?” Fox blurts out.

  “Smoke away… outside,” the man hollers out loud enough for us to hear.

  “Fuck yes!” Fox cheers. “That’s all I wanted.”

  “You just couldn’t let that go could ya?” Edge asks him
and he simply shrugs.

  “Who the fuck was that?” I turn my attention to the group and ask them.

  “Good question,” Rogue states as his eyes stay glued to the door. “But we’re gonna find out. I would assume that he’s probably the owner of this establishment, but given he just gave us everything for free, I’ll worry about it later. Now, let’s find our rooms, shall we?”



  I’ve sat sentry in my room for the last couple of days, unable to remove my eyes from that life altering stick I peed on; actually, more like six to be certain, but I only kept the one. Outlaw insisted I stop once I reached the half-dozen mark. It was clear that no matter the brand or design of the damn test, the outcome remained the same, and I was becoming a lunatic. The girls have come in to check on me, but they know how I get when my mind needs some space. I’m not in the mood to be pleasant, I don’t feel up to a girly chit-chat, and I do not wanna talk about my future. At least not anymore of it unless it’s with the father of my child at this point.

  I can’t help but stress about how Pyro is gonna take this news. Do I plaster the room with streamers with a big banner that reads congratulations? Do I plan some sort of romantic moment? I’ve never done this shit before and it has my stomach tied up in knots. I don’t see my DP as the type of man that would like a setting of champagne and roses. Maybe I should buy him a new bike, write him a letter and hide until he reads it thoroughly. Nah, who am I kidding, I’m not that kind of woman either. I face my problems head on like a damn champ.

  There has to be the perfect way to inform him of his impending fatherhood without giving him a heart attack. I mean, he did say that he was wanting to plant his seed in me. Well, I’d say he hit the bullseye, so surely he can’t and won’t be that shocked? Hell, who am I kidding? Even I was stunned beyond belief, so I know he will probably go through some of the same emotions. I just know that I need him to make it back to me safely now more than ever. This is not something I’d like to reveal via telephone when he’s on a club mission and concentration on his part is vital to his return to me; yet I know somehow he can sense something is up.


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