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Wereplanets Page 20

by Crystal Jordan

  He jolted and sat up to lean over her, but she refused to look at him. “Neither. Lady Katryn, I think you are under a misconception of what a harim is.”

  She sniffed. “Isn’t it a man who is mated to many women?”

  “It can be—”

  “Ha. You see?” She flashed him a triumphant look, but she found no pleasure in being right.

  He chuckled, stroking a single finger along the very edge of her scaling so that half of his touch moved on her skin and half on her scales. She shivered. “It can be a man with two wives, or it can be a woman with two husbands.”

  “But only three people? Never more?” She shifted on the blankets and finally faced him.

  He shook his head. “No. The point of a harim is to ensure a mating that can produce offspring. Dragon children are rare.”

  “I didn’t know that.” She was quiet for a long moment. “So, I am joining Lord Nadir and his current mate in a harim. And if he needs me to be able to breed, then he must be mated to another male or mated to a sterile female. Would I…would I be expected to bed the wife as well?”

  He sucked in his cheeks, a dimple tucking into the left one. “You don’t care for women?”

  “I am not attracted to women, no. Only men.” She folded her arms, and his gaze landed on her plumped breasts.

  He cleared his throat, the smile dropping from his face as heat filtered into his dark eyes. “That is fortunate, then. Nadir is mated to a male dragon.”

  “And do they…do they like women, or are they just mating with me because they have to?” She arched under his gaze, no longer caring what the answers to her questions were. She had no choice in any of this, but she had choices tonight. And she wanted Tarkesh again, now.

  He dipped his head to lick along the edge of her arm and over the curve of her breasts. The wet stroke touched both scales and sensitive flesh. Hot pleasure flooded her pussy. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the sweetness of his touch. “I do not pretend to know all of Nadir’s thoughts, but I do know he is physically attracted to women, though he has never—”

  “Tarkesh.” A cool, rough voice sounded from outside the tent. Katryn had her mouth open to ask a question, but Tarkesh lifted a hand to still her words.

  “Yes, Baleel?”

  “I am sorry to interrupt, but a missive has arrived from Nadir.”

  Tarkesh groaned and rolled to his feet to fetch whatever message her soon-to-be mate had sent. Cold fingers of reality stroked over her skin. Her mate. With whom she would bond tomorrow. And she was in the bed of another man. Guilt and shame rolled over her in a suffocating wave. Goddess help her. While Tarkesh spoke to Baleel, she jerked to her feet and forced herself to exit the tent from the rear. She shivered as the chill wind hit her naked flesh. It was common for wereanimals to be nude in public—they couldn’t take their clothes with them when they shifted—but she hurried along just the same, afraid one look at her would tell anyone what they needed to know. She was betrothed to one man and in love with another. A sob caught in her throat as she threw herself into her own pallet on the floor of her tent and buried her face in the saltwater silk coverings.

  She was in love, and she’d never been more miserable in her entire life.

  Chapter 6

  Nadir paced the length of the balcony that overlooked the main thoroughfare of the capital. The whole city lay deep within the red rock canyons that made up the western plains of Harena. Every dwelling had been carved into the stone by their ancestors’ ancient tools. Those tools, along with most of the old Earth technology, had been long lost. The canyons provided some shelter from the constant wind that moved the sands.

  He forced himself to stop and folded his hands behind his back. They would be here soon. Tarkesh and their new mate. This female with whom they had to breed. His gaze swept the winding canyon that led to the main square of the capital. How would it look to a woman raised on another world? He had never known another place, another planet. What was Vesperi like? And the icy bear world? The water world? He’d never viewed a body of water so large he couldn’t see across it, but Aquatilis was supposed to be completely covered in liquid. And ice? It didn’t snow on Harena. Not with the two suns to evaporate the little rain that did fall. Water was a scarce commodity that bloody, centuries-long wars had been waged over.

  He scrubbed a hand over his hair, his gaze following the road to its end at the main square and the Goddess’s temple where he and Tarkesh would mate with Lady Katryn. Dragon figures served as pillars in the reliefs that were carved into the deep red stone on the cliff wall. It was modeled after an ancient Earthan temple in Jordan. Petra, he thought it was called, but history had never been his best subject. He preferred to focus on the present and plan for the future. He wasn’t a man to look back. He assessed a situation, made the best choices he could, and did whatever it took to execute his decisions. Tarkesh was the one who thought a situation through deeply before he made a change.

  Nadir was distracting himself from worry. He knew it and made himself continue. His worries wouldn’t abate if he let himself dwell upon them. He focused on the temple. The main road leading through the canyons opened up into the square and took up one side. Making up the other sides of the square were the residences of the descendants of the first matriarch, Kelyn, and the massive council building where the matriarchs met to deliberate on politics.

  Impatience slid through him. He wanted them here now. What had Tarkesh discovered? Would Tarkesh be satisfied with the new mate? They had no choice. The mating would go through whether Tarkesh approved or not, but Nadir wished to know how difficult this would be for them until they came to a workable relationship with the woman. She needed only to breed with them—she didn’t need to love them. He didn’t need an emotional connection with her. He had Tarkesh for that. The woman was a means to an end. It was a political boon that Katryn happened to belong to the most powerful matriarchy on Harena.

  But Tarkesh was not one to settle on necessity, and Nadir’s gut knotted. His shoulders drew in a tense line. The waiting wasn’t something he enjoyed. He leaned forward to brace his hands on the red stone balcony railing. Where were they? He shoved away a tiny thread of worry. They were supposed to have arrived at midday, and it was nearly evening. The last rays of the binary suns kissed the top of the high stone canyon walls. Torches would soon flicker to life up and down the main road. Nadir straightened and resumed his pacing. Many things could delay a caravan. They were, by their very nature, a slow-moving procession. But…renegades could also bring a caravan to a stop. A full punch of worry hit him, and he clenched his fingers into fists. They were not yet late enough to be anxious. They would be fine.

  “My lord, can I get you something for your evening repast?” A servant approached him from the balcony doors.

  “No. I’m not hungry.” Nadir didn’t allow himself the luxury of snapping at the intruder, though he would have given much to vent his anger at someone. He looked back over his shoulder at a pale yellow weredragon.

  The small man shifted where he stood. “You’ve been out here most of the day, Lord Nadir.”

  “And I will be out here for as long as it takes. Thank you.” Nadir refocused on the main road, dismissing the servant.

  “Very good, my lord.”

  Nadir heard the man back away and leave him alone. He breathed deep and caught a new scent. Tarkesh. He knew his mate’s smell anywhere. He narrowed his eyes and waited. They would be here soon. He could also smell the heavy musk of Gila beasts, many of them. A cloud of dust rose from the far end of the canyon as they approached. Dozens of Gila stretched in a line that filed toward the main square. He braced his hands on the railing before him and waited for his mate to pass beneath him. There. Toward the end of the procession. Tarkesh’s eyes caught his, and there was something troubled in their depths. Nadir’s eyebrows rose. Interesting. His mate’s attention was called away by Lord Baleel. Nadir’s eyes narrowed on the woman mounted before Tarkesh.

  She was l
ovely. Her inky hair rippled to her hips, and the scarves used to cover the face during open desert travel lay draped around her neck. Slim and elegant, her arms showed a purple scaling covered in a light film of travel dust. He would enjoy watching her bathe.

  The thought took him by surprise. She turned then to look up at him, and he was caught. Her dark gaze showed pain and sorrow, and something within him wanted to ease it for her. She licked her full lips, an unconsciously sensual act. His fingers clenched around the ledge of stone before him, and his cock doubled, hardened to the point of pain. Just to look at her was a dual kick to the groin and chest. Something about the way she looked, held herself, smelled—yes, he caught a unique scent on the wind—was not quite dragon. And yet she was one of the most beautiful dragon women he’d ever seen. Unusual, exotic, unexpected. Her eyes narrowed at his continued stare, her brows lifting to reprove him.

  Welcome, my lady. He dipped his head and let his gaze run down her figure, taking in the swell of her breasts, the smooth length of her legs. He could not wait to see more. Anticipation hummed in his blood.

  Shock flashed across her face at his insolence. She did not yet know who he was. He smiled tightly, possession gripping him. His. The woman would soon be his. His and Tarkesh’s. Excellent.

  She twisted in Tarkesh’s embrace to keep Nadir within sight as their Gila carried them toward the main square. His smile stretched wider, and he let the hot desire he’d experienced when he’d first seen her show in his expression. With her enhanced dragon senses, she would see him even from the widening distance between them. He liked the look of her already, and he wanted to know more. He also wanted to know what his mate thought. The upset on Tarkesh’s face bothered him. Well, he would find out what that was about. Now.

  Spinning on a heel, Nadir strode through his matriarchy’s manor and down the stairs. His residence here was temporary. When he and Tarkesh mated with Katryn, they would move into her matriarchy’s manor. Any child Katryn bore them would belong to her family, any trade agreements Nadir or Tarkesh arranged with other matriarchies would now go to benefit her matriarchy. And they were very good at negotiations. Nadir applied pressure where it was needed, pushed hard when necessary, and Tarkesh made giving in look easy, simple. Together, they’d been very convincing on a number of occasions, which made it rewarding for the most powerful matriarchy on the planet to arrange a mating between them and one of its daughters. Goddess, he hoped Tarkesh approved of the woman. Politically, it would be suicidal to consider balking at the mating ceremony now. Tarkesh knew that, and he would do as he ought to, but Nadir disliked uncertainty.

  Nadir wound through the Gila beasts until Tarkesh and Katryn were in sight. A group of women swept in and surrounded Katryn, separating her from Tarkesh. His mate stepped forward to catch her hand, but she was quickly jerked away. Tarkesh’s face shadowed with a look of…guilt? Nadir arched his brow. Interesting. The woman affected his mate. That could be either good or bad.

  “Welcome home, my mate.” Nadir settled a hand on the shorter man’s shoulder.

  Tarkesh whipped around to face him. His fingers snapped out to fist in Nadir’s shirt and hauled him forward. Their lips met in a harsh, desperate kiss. Nadir lifted his hand to grip his mate’s long hair. His heart pounded in his chest, and he could feel his mate’s dick hard and urgent through his pants. Their tongues slid together, battling for control of the kiss. Knowing his mate’s body intimately, he dragged his nails down Tarkesh’s back where his scales lay beneath his travel robes. The silver dragon hissed and bit him, drawing blood from his lip. Nadir groaned, enjoying the sting with his pleasure. His cock was still semi-erect from his brief encounter with Katryn, and now it hardened again. Lust burned in his veins, the dragon within him shrieking for him to claim his mate. Again. Forever. Always.

  As quickly as it had begun, it ended. Tarkesh jerked back, his breath bellowing out. “Nadir, I…”

  Nadir studied the silver dragon closely but could read nothing except a troubled countenance. He tilted his head back toward his matriarchy’s manor. “Walk with me.”

  “I…should oversee unloading the caravan.”

  “Baleel will take care of it. He wants to watch Adriana fawn over Katryn, and this will afford him the best vantage point.” Nadir met Baleel’s gaze, and the man made a rude gesture with his hand before turning to speak to the Gila beastmasters.

  Nadir started for the manor, Tarkesh falling into step beside him. He could feel the stress that radiated from his mate, drew his body into taut lines. It was unlike Tarkesh to show his upset in public. Something had changed in the past days, and Nadir intended to find out what as soon as they reached the privacy of their chambers.

  The silver dragon ran a hand through his long hair and snarled a curse when his fingers caught in the windblown locks. Nadir’s eyebrows rose in surprise. Yes, something was very wrong with his mate. Tarkesh flung himself into a chair when they reached their apartments. Most of their belongings were packed in crates for the move to Katryn’s matriarchy tomorrow. Only a scattered chair or two and the bed were left out. Tarkesh scowled at him.

  “Alysian ice wine?” Nadir hefted a decanter of sweet red wine from the werebear world.


  “Would you like to talk about it?” An interesting role reversal. Usually it was Tarkesh coaxing him out of a foul, impatient mood.

  “There’s nothing to tell.”

  Nadir made a low, derisive noise in his throat as he handed over a large glass of wine. He still held the decanter in his hand, waiting for his mate to speak.

  “There isn’t!” Tarkesh’s dark eyes flashed angry fire, a warning not to press, but Nadir had never been one to obey warnings like that. He pushed anyway.

  “Perhaps you can start with how you took me up on my offer and slept with our new mate.” He locked his gaze on Tarkesh’s face, waiting for even the most nuanced response to that. There was no denying the claim—he could smell sex and the woman’s exotic fragrance all over his mate.

  Tarkesh paled beneath his tan. Torment raged in his midnight gaze. “I—I did not intend for it to happen. I—she—it was an accident…mistake…I wasn’t going to touch her until we were mated to her. I swear it. But she needed…and I couldn’t—” He cut himself off and dropped his forehead into his hand, scrubbing his palm down his face. “Goddess, Nadir. I don’t know what I’m doing.”

  He was in love with her. It was obvious. Perhaps not yet to Tarkesh, but he was. And so quickly. Nadir knew better than anyone that it could take only a single look for a man to lose his soul to someone. It had been that way with him when he had seen Tarkesh. Nadir examined his feelings on the matter. His mate loved another. Was he jealous of the new woman? No. Relief wound through him. No, he wasn’t jealous. Some harims became a constant battle between the three members when they claimed to love each other. He would not allow that to happen with them. It was good that Tarkesh loved her. It could only benefit them. He wondered if Katryn shared Tarkesh’s feelings.

  “I told you to sample her. Are you satisfied?” Nadir set the decanter on the sideboard, settled back against it, and folded his arms.

  “I…don’t know. She doesn’t know she’s mating to both of us. Just to you. Apparently, the weretigers think a harim is a man with dozens of wives. I explained that they were three-way matings, but—well, our conversation was interrupted, and I didn’t have a chance to tell her after that. I spent the day on a dune-racer trying to keep the caravan moving after an older Gila went down. We had to redistribute the load to the other Gila. I only rode with Katryn the last hour, and she was speaking to Baleel about her family the whole time. And…I didn’t get a chance to tell her that she’d be mating to me tomorrow.” His words tripped over themselves in his need to justify his actions. Unusual for something to happen that Tarkesh did not intend. Even more unusual for him not to have three contingency plans to correct the problem.

  Nadir snorted at the foolishness of tigers, but better for t
hem to make assumptions than to impose their beliefs on the dragon culture. “Did her father not explain harims to her?”

  Tarkesh’s voice grew guttural with anger. “No. Her father told her nothing. She is ignorant of all things dragon. It’s criminal, his neglect of her.”

  “Then we will teach her what she needs to know, and the members of her matriarch will teach her the rest. You approve of her, I take it?” He had no doubt of the answer—the little desert blossom had rattled his normally unflappable mate. It would be amusing if this situation didn’t have such high stakes.

  Tarkesh folded his arms and sat back. “Who wouldn’t approve? She’s lovely. Intelligent. Passionate.”

  “Excellent. I’m sure she’ll be a wonderful mate.” And if she wasn’t, he would keep it to himself for Tarkesh’s sake. This mating had just become a great deal more complicated than a political arrangement.

  A small woman with blood-red scales that formed a delicate ridge on her forehead engulfed Katryn in a tight hug. Stunned at the exuberant welcome, she stood still for a moment before wrapping her arms around the woman. Her mind was still on the heated encounter with the man on the balcony who had looked at her as if he wanted to lay her out for his evening meal. She shivered at the image of what his mouth might feel like on her flesh, how his short goatee might tickle her in very interesting places. What was the matter with her? Was it not enough that she’d bedded Tarkesh, that she loved Tarkesh? Now she had to lust after some man who’d done no more than look her over?

  “Hello, cousin.” The woman before her flashed a smile, drawing her out of her dour thoughts. “Welcome home.”

  Warmth spread in Katryn’s belly, thawing some of the icy fear that had ridden her all day. Home. Goddess, she wanted to be home. She twisted around to try to see Tarkesh, but he was nowhere in sight. Baleel directed the unloading of the Gila beasts. He caught her gaze, dipped his head, and spoke to her telepathically. He went home to his matriarchy. You will see him on the morrow at your bonding ceremony.


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