MENAGE - Public Humiliation ( MFM, MFMM, MFMMM , DP, TP, White Female Shared Hard and Fast) - Volume 3 - 3 Short Stories Book Boxed Set Anthology + BONUS STORY

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MENAGE - Public Humiliation ( MFM, MFMM, MFMMM , DP, TP, White Female Shared Hard and Fast) - Volume 3 - 3 Short Stories Book Boxed Set Anthology + BONUS STORY Page 2

by Diaz,Nicola

  My father became an alcoholic, and we eventually lost the farm. I was sent to live with my aunt who worked as a school-teacher in Klamath Falls, and after that I went college in San Francisco. It was really just fate that I ended up back in Oregon, and that I found Excel Escort Services when I was enrolled at the local community college. I can still remember the day that I walked by the posting on the local community board. I’m not sure how they got away with posting an ad for an escort service at the college, but it had been my ticket to financial freedom, and there was no point in looking back.

  It had taken Clint only one meeting before he was securing work for me with a variety of wealthy clients. At first, I wasn’t sure that it would be the right kind of job for me. Sure- I was adept at flaunting my body, but I had never been paid for sexual acts, and I had certainly never had sex with a stranger. I remember calling Clint the night before my first session and telling him that I was having second thoughts. He had reassured me that I’d be great, and for some reason I took him on his word.

  I showed up at the Oregon Lounge that night and met Andy, my first client. He had no idea that I was a novice, and apparently I was good at hiding it because he paid me according to Clint’s scale, and then left me a hundred dollar tip. Ever since then, I knew that working as an escort was the perfect line of work for me. Business never seemed to be slow, and even if I hit what I considered a lull, the next client always seemed to make up for it by paying me double, or by gifting me with some sort of expensive jewelry as a token of his appreciation.

  As I drove away from the parking lot of Edward’s penthouse, I thought about what I’d wear for my session at Vegas tomorrow. I had a closet full of seductive clothing, and none of it ever failed to impress. I wondered if my client would have a preference for anything in particular and again tried to guess what he’d look like. I pictured someone with dark hair and kind of short, maybe with a mustache. It made me giggle to think about how unpredictably exciting my line of work could be.

  Chapter 3

  When I got inside my apartment, I closed the door and turned on the television. Then I ran some bath water and had a seat on the couch. I was tired. Edward wasn’t a demanding client by any means, but two hours of intense sexual play had me exhausted. I kicked off my shoes and then lied back on a pillow, closing my eyes for a few minutes and mulling over the events of the day.

  I stood up and then walked into my bedroom, ready to unwind and enjoy my bath. I opened up my closet door and skimmed through a couple of my favorite outfits. “Maybe Mr. Vegas would like this little number.” I smiled and pulled a slinky red dress from the hanger. It had a thin line of sequins along the neck-line, and a long zipper up the side. I laid it across the foot of the bed and smiled. It would be perfect.

  I climbed into the tub and let the bubble engulf my weary body. It felt good to relax and I let my mind relax for the first time all day. After soaking for almost an hour, I climbed out and slipped on a pair of sexy pink pajamas. Then I climbed into my bed, laid my head on the pillow, and immediately drifted off to sleep.

  Act II

  Chapter 4

  When I got up the next morning, the rain had finally subsided. I threw open the blinds and let in a golden shaft of sunlight that immediately lifted my mood. I wandered into the kitchen, made a small pot of coffee, and then headed back toward my bedroom and started to think about my upcoming session in Vegas.

  My dress still lay at the foot of my bed, and I smiled again at the thought of making my grand appearance at the casino. It wouldn’t be unusual for me to garner a large sum of attention, as this was what tended to happen, especially when I really ratcheted up the sensuality factor. I picked up the dress and held it to the sunlight. It had an almost translucent shimmer to it, and I just knew that my client would think it was amazing.

  I slid out of my pajamas and had a good hard look at my figure in the full-length mirror. Six years as a dancer had given me a trim yet curvy physique. I admired the shape of my legs and their obvious toned muscle. I looked at my breast and then shook them back and forth a few times. Even without a bra, they were firm and round, like ripe and ready oranges.

  I leaned forward and did a little dance, pretending to perform for my client in Vegas. I gave my ass a playful smack and then pouted in the mirror. If there was anything I knew about this mysterious meeting, it was that my client was not going to be disappointed. I was proud of my body and the confidence showed wherever I went. After looking at my golden locks and deciding to wear them down for the meeting. I turned away from the mirror and decided to get dressed.

  I pulled the dress off the hanger and then unzipped the zipper. Then I put on a pair of black leather thong panties and a matching leather bra. I loved how the black accentuated my creamy skin tone, and I was confident that they made my breasts look as plump and tantalizing as they could. I slid on a pair of fishnet stocking, and then had another look at myself in the mirror.

  I loved how I could pull off any kind of outfit. I could wear some of the most revealing clothing and still look like I’d just walked out of a high class boutique. I loved the black leather and fishnet combination, and I smiled after I had adjusted the bra to where it felt most comfortable. I slid the dress over my head and then carefully stretched it down over my shoulders and over my waist. Then I reached for the silver zipper, pulled it up on the side, and walked back toward the mirror.

  I thought back to one of my last dance recitals. Someone from the crowd had stopped me after the performance and asked me for my number. I gave it to him and a week later he called and invited me to a modeling casting call down in Eugene. I went, not expecting much, but ended up signing on to one of the most elite modeling agencies in the country. I only stopped modeling because my school responsibilities had grown too large, and I simply didn’t have the time to handle it all.

  Once I had gotten a good look at my dress at several different angles, I decided that I was in typical model form, and more than ready to make my debut in Vegas. I had just enough time to finish getting ready and make it to the local airport for my flight. Luckily, it was only about an hour long flight, and I had plenty on my mind to keep occupied on the journey. I was already trying to figure out who this client was, and why he wanted me to be his escort.

  After I had gotten the dress to sit exactly the way that I wanted, I decided that it was time to pick out my shoes. I always saved this part for last because I was incredibly picky about what I wore on my feet. Only heels would do- that was a given. But I had a closet filled with heels, and making a decision about which pair to settle on was always a difficult task. I reached deep into the back of the closet and yanked out a pair of six inch black stilettos.

  “I actually think I’ve made a decision on the first pair of shoes that I pulled out. That’s simply amazing.” I spoke out loud because I was so impressed. It was embarrassing to admit, but I’d been late to a few clients in the past because I had such a tough time picking out a pair of shoes. I slid the black stilettos onto my feet and then did a practice walk across my bedroom.

  I stopped to admire my figure in front of the mirror and then took a deep breath. No matter how good I looked, there was always an element of anticipation and suspense to meeting a new client. What if he turned out to be a weirdo? What if he didn’t follow through with payment? What if he wanted me to do something that was way beyond my comfort level? I tried not to entertain these thoughts for too long. Luckily for me, for as long as I’d been with Excel, there had never been a problem.

  I walked into the bathroom and then sat down on the tiny ottoman that was beside the vanity. Then I pulled out my makeup kit and tried to find the best colors for my makeup. I wanted something bold, yet classy, so I went with a gold shimmer eye-shadow and a thin layer of foundation. Then I applied my favorite lush mascara, and then dug around for the perfect lipstick. I found a brand new cherry-red lipstick that I carefully applied to get just the right tone.

  After I was pleased with how eve
rything looked, I grabbed my suitcase that was already packed with a change of clothes, and carried it out to wait for the limousine driver who was scheduled to pick me up in a matter of minutes. I stood outside and gazed at the sky. Butterflies whirled in my stomach, and I knew that today was going to be the start of an exciting adventure.

  Chapter 5

  The fight went as expected, and I enjoyed the attention that I received from many of the sharp dressed business men on the flight. There were many who eyed me from head to toe as soon as I stepped on the plane, and I liked the attention that I received. When we finally touched down in Nevada, I could make out the faint glow from the horizon over the sandstone landscape. It was the perfect backdrop for what I hoped would be an amazing session with a new client.

  Getting to the casino was a breeze, and as I stood at the front doors I wondered just how packed it would be. What kind of crowd would be waiting for us inside? I drew in a deep breath and then walked toward the top step. Before I could put my hand on the door, a man in a black suit stepped before me and opened it up with a smile. “Enjoy your evening, beautiful.” He gestured for me to enter, so I gingerly stepped inside.

  I immediately sensed the buzz from the casino gamblers. The lights were bright and the sounds of money being both lost and made flitted off the walls of the large venue. I watched as sexy women and handsome men leaned on their betting tables, ready to try and make a break. They chuckled and played it off when they lost, never suggesting that they had just been defeated in the state’s largest casino.

  I remembered Clint’s instructions to turn heads and wait at the center table, so I walked slowly toward what I assumed was the casino center. Cocktail waitresses in short skirts and ample cleavage made their way around me, serving drinks to waiting gamblers and then sashaying back to the bar for more. I wasn’t sure about the table that I should be at because there appeared to be several in the center of the casino, but I continued to glide along, hopeful that it would soon become more obvious.

  With all of my experience at Excel, I knew how to navigate a crowded, luxurious atmosphere. It was nothing for me to service a client at a five-star hotel, or a massive spa, or even a corporate office setting. Yet something about the casino had me just slightly intimidated. I wasn’t sure why I was feeling apprehensive, but finally realized that it was likely due to all of the secrecy surrounding my client and his wishes.

  I knew that it would be wise for me to proceed with caution, but I also knew that since Clint had never been wrong before, then it was likely unnecessary to worry extensively over it, either. I stood still for a moment, drawing in all of the buzz and the glamour. I could feel eyes on me, and I received a few passing whistles here and there. I was now getting impatient. I wanted to know who this mystery man was, and why he wanted me so badly in Vegas. What was he like? Where would he be when he saw me, and how would I react?

  The next time one of the cocktail waitresses came by, I asked her to get me a drink. I knew that I’d relax a little bit once I had settled into my environment, and alcohol always helped. I realized that Clint had only given me an estimated time to meet my client, but I was now in the center of the casino, and I could sense that our meeting would transpire soon. I looked around for a second and saw a table that got my attention. Then I saw it- the massive roulette table that was packed with eager faces, each one attempting to make his or her millions if at all possible.

  I slinked over toward the table with my drink, careful not to cause too much of a disturbance. Yet as soon as the men saw me, I could feel the entire ambience shift. A few of the men started to whisper, and a few others simply stood back with their drinks and watched me with knowing expressions on their faces. Who were these people? Did they know me? After a few minutes had passed, the dealer approached me with a grin. “Can I get you to join in?” He smiled and I decided that I’d give it a shot.

  I’d played roulette before, and even though I was far from an expert, I could hold my own at the table. I stood back and had a sip of my drink, still aware of the many pairs of eyes fixated on my body. Then I had my turn. I watched with enthusiasm as the wheel cranked, and I made my first round of earnings. I liked the way that my luck was heading, so I opted to play some more.

  I smiled as the men who surrounded me gently brushed up against my body. I liked the fact that they were all attractive, and that I could enjoy myself in their company. I was on a winning streak at the next stroke of the wheel, and I proceeded with enjoyment to make another round of cash. Just as I was about to order another drink, I thought about my client. I’d been inside the casino for almost an hour now, and hadn’t seen a sign of him anywhere. I thought about giving Clint a ring to confirm that I was, in fact, at the right place and at the right time, but decided against it when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

  “You are the most gorgeous woman in this casino.” One of the men smiled and had a sip on his drink while he spoke to me. I brushed off his compliment with a flirtatious smile. Then, as if the night had suddenly taken on a new buzz, I sensed that my meeting was on the verge of manifesting. I knew that my client was in this immediate area. I could sense his presence, somehow intuitively. What would happen next, though? How would I prepare to handle it? Never in my wildest dreams could I have predicted what would happen next.

  Chapter 6

  I turned around and then felt it on my waist. It was like a thin, leather belt and it quickly cinched me so that I couldn’t move. I was being restrained. But from where? Why? I looked around and saw the men who had smiled at me earlier. They played on at the roulette table, seemingly oblivious to the large, leather and that had dropped down from the ceiling and become wrapped around my tiny waist. I wanted to cry out in confusion, but then suddenly appeared to me. This must be part of the mystery.

  I decided to let myself go with it, and to allow the events to unfold without anxiety. The belt tightened, and the next time I turned around, I saw a group of men in black masks. Were they affiliated with my client? Were they coming for me? I set down my drink and then waited to see what would happen next. Before I knew it, two large, metal arms had dropped down on either side of me and hooked themselves into two giant metal hooks on either side of my leather belt. I watched on with nervous excitement as the hooks were fastened, and then belt was cinched even tighter.

  “What is this?” I turned my head around and tried to get an answer from one of the men in the ski masks. He remained silent, and simply nodded his head upward. Who was he responding to? I looked up in the same direction and that’s when I saw it- a large lever that appeared to be connected to a post on the upper level of the casino. I turned my head again, trying to get a better sense of where I was in relation to the rest of the casino. I was exactly where I thought I was- smack-dab in the center of the vibrancy and the glimmer.

  “Hoist it up, comrade.” One of the men motioned to a man above, and before I knew it, I could feel my body being hoisted off the floor. For a second it caught me off-guard and caused me to lurch forward. Luckily, I had already set my drink down so there was no worry about it spilling all over my slinky red dress. I held onto either side of the metal loops and then watched in nervous anticipation as I was lifted higher above the casino goers and closer to the balcony level.

  “There she goes!” I looked down and could see the men in the ski masks cheering on with enjoyment. I wasn’t sure if they were going to be partakers in the session, but I knew that they must be associated with my client. I finally realized that my client was one of the men in the mask, and that he was likely the organizer. The others were all going to be part of it, as well, so I decided to let myself go with whatever happened and just try to enjoy it as it progressed. Yet the higher I was elevated, the more nervous I became.

  I could remember being a young girl and being nervous when it came to heights. There was one particular day that I could remember, when I’d gone to a large shopping mall and felt a wave of vertigo overcome me from being up so high. It was both uncomfor
table and frightening, and being in this odd contraption caused my memory to drift back to that strange afternoon. “It’s okay.” I whispered to myself, trying to convince my inner being that it would all be fine. Then I looked over the side and realized that I was now suspended above what appeared to be hundreds of casino goers, all of them watching on with expectant eyes.

  As soon as the contraption was raised above the crowd to a secured height, I felt a pull and a tug. I was now suspended and the movement had ceased. There was about a foot of space between where I hung and the balcony, and I watched as one of the men in ski masks stood on the side. He pressed a button and a large metal plank emerged from the side of the balcony. It was like a bridge into my contraption. He then waved on another man in a ski mask and they both proceeded to make their way across the plank and toward my contraption.

  “Let’s get going, Malik.” One of the men spoke and I watched as they moved in beside me. I had no idea what was going to happen, but I knew that I had signed my agreement with Clint, and that there was no going back now. I drew in another deep breath and then anxiously awaited the experience that was about to take place. “I think she looks pretty damn good, don’t you?” The man spoke again and then watched me from under his ski mask.


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