MENAGE - Public Humiliation ( MFM, MFMM, MFMMM , DP, TP, White Female Shared Hard and Fast) - Volume 3 - 3 Short Stories Book Boxed Set Anthology + BONUS STORY

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MENAGE - Public Humiliation ( MFM, MFMM, MFMMM , DP, TP, White Female Shared Hard and Fast) - Volume 3 - 3 Short Stories Book Boxed Set Anthology + BONUS STORY Page 9

by Diaz,Nicola

  “He did, which is why they’ve decided to call in other precincts to get this thing moving. It’s starting to get really out of control.” He frowned and then glanced down at this papers. I couldn’t help but notice that he was an attractive guy- not necessarily my type, but still handsome. It had been such a long time since I’d had a relationship that any half decent looking man got my attention.

  “Are we going to be working in the same team for the duration?” I didn’t mean to barrage him with questions, but I was the kind of undercover agent who liked to have all of my bases covered well in advance.

  “That’s the game-plan. Yes.” Max gave me a smile and I nodded my head in confirmation. “And since you mentioned it, why not talk about why we’re going to shoot from the hip and get to their gut as fast as possible?” Max had an edge to him that I already liked.

  “Let’s hear it.” I cocked my head to the side with curiosity, and Max rifled through his stack of papers.

  “Okay. First- this gang is a real force to be reckoned with. They are frequently armed, and one of the members was once witnessed carrying an AK47 on the lower east side. They don’t usually travel alone, and they usually frequent the same pockets for their drop-offs and their pick-ups.” Max revealed a few black and white photographs of the said members. “They are notorious for possessing only the highest quality drugs, and they are also infamous because of their punishment system.” Max drew a long breath at the end of his statement.

  “Punishment system?” I wondered what kind of guys we were really going to be dealing with.

  “Yeah.” Max frowned and then pulled out a few of his papers. “From everything I’ve gathered, these guys are known for punishing their females sexually, and for punishing their males tortuously. I guess they have a whole system for how they go through each of their little rituals.” Max shook his head.

  “It’s some pretty dark stuff, if you ask me. But I guess that’s what happens when you’re into drugs and gangs.” He tossed the papers on top of the folder and then raised his eyebrows with a curious grin. “So-are you ready to get started?”

  “I’m always ready, Max.” I gave him a wink. “Sounds like these guys could all use a few lessons in conflict resolution.” I chuckled and then smoothed back my hair which had started to escape from my pony tail. I was actually excited to get working. Part of me already wanted to find out where these guys were and make sure that we got every last one of them locked up. I believed in good presiding over evil, and as far as I was concerned, I would do whatever I could to see that good prevailed.

  “Well, since you seem to be the most prepared and enthusiastic of the bunch, why don’t you tell us your thoughts on going undercover?” Max gave me a serious expression and I shrugged.

  “What do you want to know?” I didn’t mean to be smug; at the same time, I didn’t pull any punches. I knew I was the best on the team, and I was prepared to get to the bottom of the operation. I knew that Max would be proud of what I could accomplish. Besides, I had Big J to vouch for me.

  “I guess the first thing I’d like to know is how well you think you can handle these guys if you’re confronted by yourself. What’s your experience with carrying a weapon? What kind of situations have you been in before that would prepare you for the level of intensity that this operation might ask of you?” Max fired away with his questions, and I listened respectfully. Then I cleared my throat and let him know that I was ready for anything.

  “Max.” I gave him a good stare and then smoothed my hair. For the time being I tried to pretend that I wasn’t attracted to him, but it was hard to hide my interest. “First off, I respect your wanting to make sure that you get the best person for the assignment. I’m sure Captain John is relieved to have someone as competent as yourself in the position of authority.” I smiled and then looked at the other team members who sat on in silence, waiting to find out where they would be assigned. “Secondly, I’m in this line of work because I lost a dear friend many years ago. It’s a long and complicated story, but let’s suffice it to say that I do my work with pride, and I do my work with tenacity. I’ve yet to let Captain John down on a single assignment, and I’m one of the most dedicated undercovers you’ll find in all of New York.” I smiled and waited for his response.

  “Okay. This is all good information.” Max stood firmly in front of the room with the same stoic expression I’d seen on him earlier. “But maybe you should wait to hear some more of the details before you commit.” He ran his hands through his goatee and then adjusted his glasses. I tilted my head with curiosity. What else could be involved in the assignment that I wouldn’t be ready for? Why didn’t he just trust me and move forward?

  “Suit yourself.” I stood up and walked across the room toward the coffee machine. Then I looked out the window and wondered what Candi would have said about all of this.

  Chapter 3

  The sky had darkened and an ominous sort of glow had settled over the city. I thought about how good it would feel to get home and relax. Maybe I’d make some stir fry tonight and get a bottle of wine. Or maybe I’d ask my friend, Ellen, if she wanted to go get a few drinks over at the local brewery. I wished for a second that I wasn’t single, and I reminded myself that there was always the chance of meeting someone whenever I left the house.

  I’m not sure when I lost my magic touch, but something had transpired over the last year that resulted in my not getting any sort of physical attention from any male in the near vicinity. In fact, I had recently joked to Ellen that I could stand on top of the roof naked and still not find someone to take home with me. The odd part was that I knew I was attractive. I was also flirtatious, intelligent and funny. Ellen told me that I just wasn’t giving off a seductive vibe and that I needed to get back in touch with my feminine side.

  “All of that undercover detective stuff is making you kind of hard, Sofie.” She’d given me a peculiar look one night when we were out for happy hour. “You need to loosen up a little, slide into a sexy dress or something.” She had been partially kidding, but partially serious. I knew she was right. I had lost some of my sexual charms down the line, and it was high time that I get my life back into a groove.

  “So, I think what we need to do first, as a team, is discuss the fact that this operation is going to involve infiltration using our undercover mole. The plan is to get our mole acquainted with the location and eventually catch our man red-handed. Now, that might sound simple, but you need to remember that the Cold Drug Gang isn’t your run of the mill street gang. These thugs have an extensive underground operation in the works, and they’ve been filtering massive drug supply into the country with uber stealth tactics.” Max paced the room and then stood still back at the table. One of the other undercover team members, Elise, raised her hand.

  “You know, Sophia really is the best person for the mission if you’re looking for someone to scope out and then ambush. I mean, you ought to ask Captain John about her work on the Miller and Dunphy case from last year.” I gave Elise a respectful nod of appreciation.

  If there was one aspect of the force that I had grown to like, it was the honesty and the camaraderie we all had toward one another. Elsie and I had both been on the Miller and Dunphy case last year, and it had been a grueling three-month ordeal.

  “Thanks for the plug.” Max nodded at Elise and then gave me a sideways smile. “Sounds like you’ve been given the go-ahead.” He softened his gaze and then nodded his head once more. I cracked a mischievous smile. “I think that you actually for our mole perfectly.”

  He shrugged and then flipped through some of his papers again. “We want someone who is both young and attractive.” He raised his eyebrows and gave me a playful grin. “We also need someone who will fit the customer profile. Sophia, you seem to have the charms of a flirtatious woman, from what I gather.” Max smiled and I blushed. It was welcome male attention, and I basked in every moment of it.

  “I’m telling you, Max. I won’t let you down.”
I got up and sauntered to the coffee maker to top off my mug, then came back and sat down just as a strong wind picked up outside. I was eager to get out of the office and make my way home for something to eat. I could tell that the others were just as ready to wrap up business as I was.

  “Well, it’s settled, then.” Max shifted his papers around and then stuffed them back inside his folder. “Sophia will be our undercover mole and we’ll have our trial run tomorrow at three.” He took a deep breath and then gave me a thoughtful smile. “I think we’re going to give the Cold Drug Gang a run for their money.” He winked and then slung his jacket over his shoulder

  “I think you’re absolutely right.” I gave Max one of my classic, flirtatious smiles, then walked casually out of the office and toward the front doors.

  “Oh, Sophia.” Max chimed in once more. “Be prepared for the actual run to take place around six, okay?” Max raised his eyebrows and then turned around to leave. I nodded in affirmation, then took a deep breath and watched as he left the room. I knew I’d do fine with the operation, but as with any high profile drug case, a little bit of anxiety crept beneath my bones. I told myself not to let it haunt me, and then walked away from the room. Just as I was about to leave, I heard Big J call to me from the front desk.

  “So how did it go?” He stood back with his hands on his hips and I gave him a salute.

  “We got it covered, Captain.” I smiled and then turned back around and headed out the door and into the crisp city air. When I got home it was almost five. My ambitious plans for calling Ellen and heading to the local brewery were flattened when a massive thunder storm rolled over the city and then let forth a deluge from above. I watched from my third story apartment window as the raindrops plummeted from the sky, then decided to run some warm bath water and head into the tub. Ellen and I could have drinks another day. For now, I was content with just getting cozy in my own space, and thinking about what I’d wear for the undercover run.

  After my bath I opened my closet door and started the arduous task of decision making. Did I want to wear pants or a skirt? Did I want to wear black or did I want to stand out more with something brighter? Would I wear boots or would I wear flats? It was always a process, and I wanted to make sure that whatever I decided on would give me the edge in the operation. I decided to sleep on it, and make my final decision in the morning.

  When I woke up the sun had pushed through the clouds and a brightness had saturated the city. I took a quick shower then went back to my closet to make the final decision. “It has to be you.” I smiled and then pulled out my red v-neck dress. It was one that I’d bought at a boutique last year and it fit me like a glove. I slid it over my head and then slinked over to my full-length mirror. “Yep. Still does the job.” I smiled and then twirled around to face the closet once more. I pulled on my black leather boots and then sashayed down the hall toward the front door. The Cold Drug Gang had met its match.

  The trial run went without a hitch. When I showed up at the station Max just about dropped his coffee mug. “I see that you don’t mess around with your wardrobe. Wow.” He stared at me for a good five minutes and I chuckled.

  “I like to let them see what I’ve got. It gets me better results.” I gave him a wink and then straightened my shoulders to better show off my cleavage. For a second I wondered if my red dress would get me any points with Max. Maybe he’d ask me out when we were through with the assignment.

  “Well I can guarantee that they are going to like what they see. This makes me a little nervous, by the way, but I know you’ve been in some rough spots of town before, so I’m not gonna get all hung up on it.” Max sighed and then walked toward the briefing room. I followed, and a few whistles and winks ensued from other guys on the force. I smiled and went on my way. When we got to the planning room, Max handed me the wire and then opened up a folder.

  “Are you coming?” I realized that Max had never mentioned where he would be during the actual operation. He shook his head.

  “I’m not.” He gave me a concerned look and then handed me the folder. “Everything that you need is inside here.” He looked around to make sure that he hadn’t forgotten anything, and then headed out the door. “We’ll do the trial run out back, and then you’re on your own.” He smiled and then was gone. I opened the folder and read through the outline, then wandered outside toward the parking lot. The idea was that we’d do a mock-meet-up in the cars, and then part ways, at which point I’d head to the actual location alone.

  “Okay, comrade.” I winked at Max and then walked across the lot. He drove up behind me in a police car and then rolled down his window. I smiled and then stopped walking. “What can I do for you?” I pretended that he was one of the Cold Drug Gang members. Max hung his hand out the window and I pretended to hand him a wad of cash. We parted ways and then I got inside the vehicle that Elise was driving.

  “Okay, girl. I’m taking you to the spot. We’ve got you on a private line, and we’ll be waiting for any signs of distress. I don’t need to tell you to be careful.” Elsie smiled and then drove out of the lot. When we reached the end of the boulevard, I drew in a deep breath. I hadn’t been to the Bronx in a while, but that was where we were headed. We drove up Duluth Street, made a left, and then headed south until we reached Eighth Avenue. Then Elsie stopped the car and I climbed out. It was getting dark, and I was ready for my assignment.

  Act II

  Chapter 4

  “Hey, mama. What you got in that bag?” I heard a male voice trying to get my attention, but I walked by and then rounded the corner. The temperature had dropped, and I could feel a chill settle underneath my dress with every step I took on the street.

  “Look at this sexy piece of woman.” Another man called out to me as I walked toward Asmire Avenue, the prime stoop for our operation. I batted my lashes and then flipped my hair over my shoulder. The attention was nothing new but I had to be on my guard. There was no telling who could be trusted out here and I didn’t want to give anyone the wrong idea.

  “So this is where they operate.” I whispered under my breath and then fished around in my purse for a tube of lip gloss. My cleavage felt like it was spilling out of my dress, and I realized that it was the first time in months that I’d worn such a sexy outfit. No wonder I was getting so much attention. I didn’t need to think twice when I saw the first Cold Drug Gang member. It was obvious that he was one of their leaders.

  “Hey, papi. Hook me up with a dime bag, will you?” I approached the tall, broad shouldered man without a twinge of fear. He looked me up and down and then grinned.

  “Well what do we have here?” When he opened up his mouth I saw that he had two gold teeth. “Looks like I just got lucky.” He arched his back and then clasped his hands in a watchful pose. I smiled and stood as straight as I could, making sure that he got a good view of my cleavage.

  “Well, maybe you got lucky and maybe you didn’t. It all depends on how you look at it.” I gave him a wink and then shifted my weight onto one heel. It was a pose that I’d used on numerous occasions, and one that I had down pat.

  “I sure don’t see women like you out here every night. I got a special dime bag with your name on it, sweetheart.” With that, he pulled out a sack of weed from his pocket, and then produced a smaller bag from that one. He glanced quickly over his shoulder and then stuffed the dime bag in my hand before I could say a word.

  “Thanks, papi. I got the cash right here.” I wriggled my hips a few times and then slid a finger down my bra and pulled out a twenty-dollar bill. I remembered Max telling me that I would start out with a simple request for some weed. Depending on how the night progressed, I could find myself in a position to see more of what they had, especially the heroin.

  It was moments like these, when I was right in the thick of my work, that I realized just how perfectly aligned all of my moves needed to be. One wrong look, or one strange request, and my cover could easily be blown. I stuffed the dime bag down my bra and then b
lew the gang leader a kiss.

  “You stop by again some time, you hear?” He flashed me another smile, and I gave him a delicate wave. Then I turned on my boot heel and started off in the opposite direction. That was the plan. I’d get their attention, complete the sale, and then wait to see if anyone followed me, or if anyone offered to let me go to their hang-out. In a matter of seconds, I could feel that I was being watched. I didn’t want to turn around, but I knew that it wasn’t Max or Elsie behind me. I took a deep breath and continued moving forward.

  I could see a few people milling around at the end of the corner, but other than that, we were in the throes of alley desolation. I could only hear the click of my boots on the concrete, the sound of cans being jostled around inside a dumpster, and the faint wail of sirens off in the distance. The car rolled up alongside me. I could hear the steady hum of its engine and I tried to guess what model of vehicle it was. A BMW? Maybe a Mercedes? I slowly turned my head and gave it a sideways glance. Just then, the driver rolled down his window.

  His stare penetrated my core. I wanted to turn and face him, but my heart was in my throat and a sudden, uncharacteristic wave of anxiety had riddled my core. I gulped and continued walking, my head held high and my eyes fixed on the end of the street. The man said nothing. Just as I was about to finally turn and face him head on, he opened up his door. “Hey, sweetheart. You don’t look like you belong in a neighborhood like this all alone. Pretty little white girl out here all alone? Sheesh.” He had a deep, baritone voice, and I could tell right away that he was black.


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