Santa's Naughty Helpers

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Santa's Naughty Helpers Page 18

by Elizabeth Knox

  “We are supposed to be eating dinner, Mikey.”

  “But I’m hungry for something else,” I reply.

  “I never said it was playtime.”

  “It doesn’t always have to be. I want to be able to kiss you when we are only Gray and Michael too. It makes it more real that way. It makes us more real.”

  He smiles, rubbing his nose against mine and I always want to melt when he does that.

  “I want that too, Mikey. I want everything.”

  More of Gray and Michael to come . . .

  Unwrapping Mine

  Amy Davies

  Chapter One


  Stretching my arms above my head, my body clicks from neck to toes. Fuck me I’m getting old. A feminine moan comes from next to me and my head snaps in that direction to see a chick next to me that I brought home after being at the club with the boys.

  I’m pretty sure she’s here on a family holiday, or at least I think that’s what she said, I can’t for the life of me remember, but what I can remember is that she sucks dick like a hoover. I sniff and the smell of sex, sweat, and alcohol fills the air, shit I need a shower and to get rid of this chick.

  I slap her arse. “Come on, wake up, you need to go, I have shit to do.”

  She squeals and scowls at me, she does not bother to cover her naked form, as she climbs out of my bed and gets dressed. I fling my legs over the side of the bed and bury my head in my hands, then scrub them over my face trying to wake my arse up.

  Banging comes on the door making the woman cry out in fright. I wince at the sound as it ricochets around my head, as Dyson pushes the door open, not waiting to be invited in. Bloody hell.

  “Maze, move it. Suede called church. Jesus fuck, brother, put that cocktail sausage away.” I flip him off and he chuckles then leaves the room.

  “Will I see you later, Maze?” the girl asks, and I huff out a laugh, then I twist at the waist to look at her at the end of the bed.

  “One-time deal, darlin’, you knew that going into this. Off you pop, yeah.” I stand from the bed and walk into the bathroom that’s attached to my room here at the clubhouse.

  I have a place just outside of town, but I rarely stay there, my grandparents left their little cottage to me when they passed. I have this sense that for my Old Lady, my family. Now that thought makes me chuckle. I turn the water on in the shower and wait for it to warm up before stepping in thinking about the past few years.

  It has been a whirlwind of Old Ladies and babies around here. I mean Grace is seven now for fuck’s sake, she will be wearing makeup and dating boys before Batch and Gen know it.

  Ace, Batch, EC, hell even Court have kids.

  Once I have finished my shower, I get dressed in jeans, long sleeve top, and my cut before joining the guys in church. Suede is sitting at the head of the table smoking his usual cigar.

  “Nice of you to join us. We saw the piece that just did the walk of shame,” Pres speaks up.

  “Yeah, she didn’t look impressed that you kicked her out, brother,” Ace says, and I shrug. I’m the only fully patched member that has not settled down yet, although not for the lack of trying from the Old Ladies.

  I get the whole ‘Wouldn’t you like a nice Old Lady, to cuddle up with at night.’ Or as Jamie always says, ‘A woman who can fuck you into next week and suck you dry in seconds.’

  They won’t let up.

  “Oh well, she knew what she was in for.” I add and light up a smoke, letting the nicotine soak into my lungs and I sigh. I look around the table and see the boys shake their heads at me. “Not looking for an Old Lady, brothers. Don’t force it.”

  The words seem wrong on my tongue for the first time ever.

  What the hell is happening to me?

  “Not forcing shit, but the way that you look at my sister-in-law speaks volumes, Maze,” Ace pipes in. Shrugging again I look at Suede.

  “What are we here for again?” I grouch. Removing the topic of Zarah again.

  “You know we are doing the hospital drive again this year, but we are going one step further. We are not only bringing toys to the kids there, but we are getting gifts for parents and the nursing staff who have to work on Christmas Day.”

  A knock comes on the door and Lola pokes her head in and I see Suede’s smile blow the fuck up, this man absolutely loves his Old Lady with every ounce of his being. I can’t help but feel the pang of want in my chest.

  “Everyone is here, honey.” With that she leaves.

  “Right we will get back into everything later tonight. Let’s go and sort this shit out,” Suede adds and with that we all get to our feet and follow him out to the main room of the clubhouse where the parties are held.

  The chatter can be heard down the hallway, so can the laughter and screams coming from the kids running around. I see Grace sitting at a table with Blair and Cora, making some girly shit with beads. Mad and Mayhem, aka Maddox and Micha, Batch’s twins, are kicking a ball with Bowen, Court’s boy.

  Click is sitting at another table with a few of the Old Ladies with her second daughter, Casey, breastfeeding her, while Sabrina is holding her and Court’s second son, Ky who’s sleeping through the madness.

  Dyson and me, are the only brothers not to have any kids and I like it that way; I think. Something settles in my gut seeing everyone with their Old Ladies and here I am still fucking random chicks that I barely remember. Shaking my head, I walk over to the bar and take a stool next to Levi who’s clicking away on his laptop.

  “Brother, you need a fucking break.”

  He chuckles before he answers. “Can’t. I need to get this system set up for the new company that hired me. It’s mega money, something that will set us up for a long time, Maze. Thank fuck that Matt is there to help Mae with the kids because bloody hell, this is taking up most of my time, but it will be done soon. Then I will relax and chill, I promise.”

  “Baby, you need a break now.” EC says coming over to us and he leans in and kisses Override. I smile because I like seeing my brothers happy, even if they fell in love with a man and a woman.

  “Fine.” Override concedes, turning the laptop off and sliding an arm around EC’s waist pulling him between his legs.

  We chat for a few minutes but then the main door swings open and like a storm that’s Zarah Dawkins, comes barrelling through.

  “I’m here. I’m here. Sorry, I’m late. My date ran over.” Date?

  “I didn’t know that Z was dating anyone.” I state, still looking at her but directing my question to EC and Override.

  “It was one date, Maze. Chill the fuck out. Click said she met him at the café, he kept coming in, in the end he asked, and she said yes. It’s not like she’s seeing anyone.” He directs the last part to me, with a wink. Prick.

  “Yeah. Right.” I cover up any interest I have and step away and over to where Dyson is sitting with his and Jamie’s two new dogs. Two huge arse bullmastiffs. They named them, Deuce and Ozzy.

  A cup of coffee is placed in front of my face and I look up to see Ana, Ace’s Old Lady and Zarah’s sister. She offers me a sweet smile and I return it with a wink before she steps away and sits next to Ace and Z.

  I stare at her over the rim of my coffee mug, and I like what I see. Fuck, who am I kidding, I always like what I see when I look at her.

  She is wearing dark blue jeans, with thigh-high suede boots, and a long black sleeve top with a deep v. Her long brown hair is down and framing her face. Her make up is a little darker than she usually wears but it suits her, fuck everything suits her. Damn it, Ace is right, I’m always staring at and eye-fucking his sister-in-law.

  I down the coffee and look at Pres when he commands the attention of the room.

  “As you all know we do a Christmas drive for the hospital collecting toys and what-not for all those kids that have to spend their Christmas in the hospital. So, this year as you know we are doing it again but adding gifts for parents and staff. Ana and Z have happily
offered to make a buffet to be delivered on Christmas morning, so they don’t have to worry about food for the day.”

  “Sounds amazing. They will be so grateful for that,” Gen pipes in from her seat.

  Pres nods and continues. “Batch suggested a little something extra also, one of you lucky fellas gets to dress up as Santa this year and hand out the presents to the kids.”

  Wait what? Did I just hear him right? One unlucky sod has to dress up as Santa. Oh, fuck that.

  “Who?” Jamie asks. “I mean, Dyson can do it, I can see him looking sexy in a Santa suit.” She winks at Dyson and he smirks back. They are fucking weird.

  “No one can look sexy in a Santa suit, Jamie.” Z tells her with a smile on her face. Her gaze flicks over to me with said smile in place and it widens a fraction and fuck me if it doesn’t kick me in the nuts.

  “Oh, my Old Man can pull it off. Can’t you, babe.”

  “I can make anything sexy, baby, you know that.”

  “Okay,” Z draws out the word and my gaze lands on her lips as she says the word, forming a perfect ‘o’ with ruby red lips making my dick twitch in my jeans. Jesus what is this woman doing to me and why now?

  Chapter Two


  Drinking from my coffee and then spitting it out in front of my brother-in-law’s club wasn’t something I wanted to do but here we are. Ana laughs and hands me a napkin to clean up my jeans, where the coffee landed.

  Some of the men laugh but say nothing thank God. These guys are cheeky buggers but luckily for me I can keep up with their banter.

  “Oh, this I need to see. One of this lot dressed up as jolly old Santa Claus,” I jest, while still cleaning my jeans off, thank the Lord that the hot liquid didn’t touch my suede boots, that cost me a small fortune.

  “That’s good to hear, Z because you have been volunteered to play Santa’s little helper. We need to size you up for an elf costume.” Lola winks at me and I choke on the air I suck into my lungs.

  Ana rubs my back as I gasp for air and I look up to see Maze smirking at me. Oh, the little shit.

  “I think Maze would be an amazing Santa. You know how much he loves kids,” he doesn’t. He really doesn’t. He’s okay when they are small and don’t do much but as soon as they start wriggling and crawling, he freaks out.

  His eyes widen and people chuckle at his response. I wait for his backlash, but it doesn’t come, he just stares at me before he slides off the stool and steps over to me. My heart rate picks up the closer he gets. My palms sweat, and I’m thankful for the napkin still in my palm.

  He’s like walking sex, in his jeans, long-sleeve Henley, and club cut. His boots thud with every step. One side of his mouth kicks up, and he brings his hand up to brush his hair back off his face. He reminds me so much of Taylor Kitsch in the Friday Night Lights TV show.

  Everyone goes quiet waiting to hear what he will say to me. Leaning forward he rests his hands on the arms of the chair I’m sitting in and brings his mouth to my ear before he speaks.

  “Are you going to wear a sexy little elf outfit for me, sweetheart? A tiny little skirt, stockings, and no knickers, just for me.” His words hit me right in my core and I have to force my thighs not to press together to give away my body’s reaction to this man.

  “Maybe. Are you going to go commando under your Santa suit just for me?”

  “I will if you want me too, but after we get back from the hospital, I can peel you out of the outfit and fuck you into the new year.” His breath coats the shell of my ear and I can’t stop the shiver that takes over my body.

  He has never spoken to me like this before, bantered back and forth yes, but never speaking dirty right to me, making my body hum with desire for him.

  I am about to answer when the main door opens, and a woman walks in looking like she just walked off a catwalk. She looks around the room, searching for someone, until her gaze settles on Maze.

  Her eyes narrow then she steps over to us, and Maze straightens.

  “Can I help you?” Suede asks the woman. He’s the President of the Unforgiven Riders MC and everyone answers to him.

  “I suppose you could as well, but I have a Christmas gift for him in my car.” She nods her head at Maze.

  “I don’t know you, lady.” He pipes in squaring his shoulders. She sniggers and explains.

  “Not me, but you did know my sister. Carrie-Ann ring a bell?” she asks him, and I can see his eyes go wide with recognition. I step closer to him and touch his hand, to my surprise he wraps his fingers around mine, holding me to him.

  The atmosphere around us feels thick, because these two people, who clearly don’t know each other, have a connection. Plus, what the hell is with all the mushy feelings I’m feeling toward Maze all of a sudden? I have known the man for years, but it’s only when he dropped that skank Roberta, that I noticed a change in him.

  The change brought forward my feelings for him, but I wasn’t sure how to handle them.

  He used to shag all the time, then he stopped and tried with her, but it was her that fucked him over, so he went back to sleeping with random women, but he never seemed to put any effort in after that.

  Maybe Maze wants to settle down. Greater things have happened.

  “What has this got to do with Carrie-Ann?” Maze asks.

  “It’s out in the car, I have enough to take care of. Now it’s your turn.” With that she walks out of the room and into the cold air of a typical English December day. We are two weeks into December, and it’s colder than a witch’s tit out there.

  We have been collecting toys and gifts for the children at the hospital but now after Suede’s update, we need to look for more adult gifts for parents and staff. That I can do, I will set up a page asking for people and businesses to donate gifts for men and women.

  Maze walks out after her, leaving us gawking at them both until I snap out of it and follow behind the men following their brother. Before I make it through the door, I hear his voice bellowing in anger.

  “You left a fucking baby in your car, in this fucking cold. What were you thinking?”

  Baby? What the hell?

  I push through everyone and see Maze holding a bundle of Christmas blankets, talk about giving a gift of life.

  “Hey, I was only in there for a few minutes, it’s not like she would get cold. She is wrapped up. She’s yours, Maze. Her papers are in her bag.” She explains and hands the bag over to Dyson who’s closest.

  “What happened to Carrie-Ann?” Maze asks her as she gets back into her car, not giving a fuck that she’s leaving her niece with complete strangers. She looks back at him right as she closes the door. You can see the pain in her eyes and my stomach drops into my boots.

  “She died,” is all she says and drives off leaving everyone stunned.

  I snap out of my stupor and step over to Maze.

  “Come on. Let’s get her inside, in the warmth.”

  His eyes are narrowed as he keeps looking at the retreating car, then he looks down at the bundle in his arms and finally he brings his gaze to me. His nostrils flare a few times before he sucks in a deep breath and nods his head. With my arm on his back I guide him into the building where the girls are already waiting for us and information on what happened.

  “How the hell did this happen?” Dyson demands dropping in a chair and pulling Jamie into his lap.

  “Handsome, if you don’t know how babies are made, then we have been doing something wrong,” she tells him, stroking his short beard.

  I have always wondered what it would feel like to have a man beard rubbing against my skin in the right places, Maze has a stubble, not a beard. Shit where did that last part come from?

  My feelings for him don’t matter anyway, he doesn’t want what I want. He wants to fuck his way through life. I want a man that loves me with his whole heart, I want a family, a few pets maybe. The date I was on tonight looked promising until his sister phoned saying that his ex-girlfriend has turned up a
t her house looking for him, damn I have never seen a man move so fast in my life.

  That’s why I was late, he left me at the restaurant after picking me up, so I had to get a taxi home and get my car before coming here, but I wasn’t ready to let this lot know that my date ran out on me so I lied and said it ran over. I also didn’t miss the way Maze’s body responded to that.

  “I know how babies are made, I’m talking about Maze fucking up and getting a chick pregnant when he doesn’t like kids.”

  “I like kids enough, fuck face.” Maze snaps back at Dyson. “I always glove up for fuck’s sake, but we were drunk off our arses that weekend, so it’s possible that I didn’t a time or two. Fuck, I don’t know.” He sounds panicky all of a sudden.

  “So, you do remember her?” Ace asks and Maze nods.

  He’s standing in the middle of the room, me close to his side but when I go to step away because this doesn’t involve me, he cuts his gaze to me and gives me a pleading look, like he’s begging me to stay close. With a slight nod I step back to his side.

  It sucks that this is happening to him, to a man that never planned on settling down but now he has to step up and be a father. Be a man that this little girl deserves, but I know that he has plenty of good role models as I look around the room at his club brothers, who are watching his every move, trying to figure out what the hell just happened.

  “Umm, Maze. These were in her bag,” Sabrina says breaking my thoughts. She holds two pieces of paper.

  “What are they?” I ask.

  “Her birth certificate and a letter to Maze.”

  “Can you read it out loud, please, sweetheart,” he asks her, his voice taking on a quieter tone. With a nod she reads.

  “Dear Maze. Being with you was such an amazing weekend, one that I will always carry with me, in life and now in death. You see that weekend was my final goodbye to the world before things got worse in my life. I was dying when we met. I wanted one last carefree time for me and only me. No doctors or family members breathing down my neck. So, I thank you for that. I also thank you for our daughter. She’s a true angel. When I found out I was pregnant, I knew that I had to stop any treatment I was receiving, and I needed to give her a chance at a life. Anyway, since she’s with you now, you have gathered that I didn’t make it. But she was worth it, I got to hold her for a short time before I became too weak. The club will support you; I have heard they are great men with even greater women. All I ask is that you give her the best life a little girl can have and find her a perfect mummy to do girly things with her. You need a brilliant woman in your life, Ash, because you deserve it. Take care of our baby girl and live life. Sincerely Carrie-Ann.”


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